blob: 7d255ed3b0fc1fd4ca7c79cc271148ae9c474788 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Internal implementation details of TypedBlock. Not to be included directly.
namespace block_graph {
namespace internal {
// Overloaded function that calls the appropriate block data accessor depending
// on whether or not the block is const.
inline uint8_t* GetBlockData(BlockPtr block) {
DCHECK(block != NULL);
return block->GetMutableData();
inline const uint8_t* GetBlockData(ConstBlockPtr block) {
DCHECK(block != NULL);
return block->data();
// A TypedBlockImpl is a simple wrapper to a BlockGraph::Block that lets its
// data be interpreted directly as a data structure of the given templated type,
// all while observing const correctness.
// Care should be taken *not* to follow pointers in these objects directly, but
// rather to follow them using the 'Dereference' member function. Dereference is
// only meant for following direct references, and will refuse to follow
// indirect references (where base != offset).
// This class is not meant to be used directly, but rather acts as a back-end
// for TypedBlock and ConstTypedBlock, both of which fully specify BlockPtr
// and ChildType.
// @tparam T the type of object that this typed block encapsulates.
// @tparam BlockPtr the type of pointer to BlockGraph::Block that this object
// stores. If this is const, T must also be const for const-correctness.
// @tparam ChildType the type of the derived class that inherits from this
// class. This is necessary so that the API can accept pointers to this
// type.
template <typename T, typename BlockPtr, typename ChildType>
class TypedBlockImpl {
typedef BlockGraph::Block Block;
typedef BlockGraph::Offset Offset;
typedef BlockGraph::Reference Reference;
// A struct that allows us to get the ChildType rebound with another
// encapsulated data type.
// @tparam T2 the new encapsulated type.
template <typename T2> struct ReboundChild {
typedef typename ChildType::template Rebind<typename T2>::Type Type;
// Default constructor.
TypedBlockImpl() : offset_(0), block_(NULL), size_(0) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
debug_object_ = NULL;
// Initializes this typed block with the given @p block and @p offset.
// @param offset the offset in to @p block to interpret as type T.
// @param block the block with data to interpret as type T.
// @returns true if the typed block is valid, false otherwise.
bool Init(Offset offset, BlockPtr block) {
return InitWithSize(offset, sizeof(T), block);
// Initializes this typed block with the given @p offset, @p block and
// @p size. This is useful for interpreting arrays and types that concatenate
// tail arrays.
// @param size the size of the data in block we want to cover.
// @param offset the offset in to @p block to interpret as type T.
// @param block the block with data to interpret as type T.
// @pre @p size >= sizeof(T).
// @returns true if the typed block is valid, false otherwise.
bool InitWithSize(Offset offset, size_t size, BlockPtr block) {
DCHECK_LE(sizeof(T), size);
if (block == NULL || block->data_size() < offset + size)
return false;
offset_ = offset;
block_ = block;
size_ = size;
#ifndef NDEBUG
debug_object_ = GetImpl(0);
return true;
// Accesses the offset into the block used by this typed block.
// @returns the offset of the encapsulated object.
Offset offset() const { return offset_; }
// Accesses the initialized size of the object used by this type block.
// @returns the size of the encapsulated object.
size_t size() const { return size_; }
// Determines if this typed block refers to a valid region of block data.
// @returns true if dereferencing will succeed, false otherwise.
bool IsValid() const {
return IsValidElement(0);
// Determines if element @p elem of typed block refers to a valid
// region of block data.
// @returns true if dereferencing @p elem will succeed, false otherwise.
bool IsValidElement(size_t elem) const {
return InBlock(offset_ + sizeof(T) * elem, sizeof(T));
// Dereferences this object, returning a pointer to it.
// @returns a pointer to the dereferenced object.
// @pre IsValid() == true.
T* Get() const { return GetImpl(0); }
// Operators for dereferencing the object.
// @{
T* operator->() const { return GetImpl(0); }
T& operator*() const { return *GetImpl(0); }
T& operator[](size_t i) const { return *GetImpl(i); }
// @}
// @returns the number of elements that may be successfully dereferenced via
// operator[].
size_t ElementCount() const {
if (block_ == NULL)
return 0;
return (block_->data_size() - offset_) / sizeof(T);
// Determines if a reference exists at the given offset.
// @param offset the offset into the block to search.
// @returns true if a reference exists, false otherwise.
bool HasReferenceAt(Offset offset) const {
return GetReferenceAt(offset, 0, NULL);
// Determines if a reference with the given size exists at the given offset.
// @param offset the offset into the block to search.
// @returns true if a reference exists, false otherwise.
bool HasReferenceAt(Offset offset, size_t reference_size) const {
return GetReferenceAt(offset, reference_size, NULL);
// Determines if a reference exists for the given value. For this to return
// true, the reference must be the same size as the value type TIn.
// @tparam TIn the type of the input @p value.
// @param value a reference to the value in this block whose offset will be
// checked for a reference.
// @returns true if a reference exists, false otherwise.
template <typename TIn>
bool HasReference(const TIn& value) const {
Offset offset = OffsetOf(value);
return GetReferenceAt(offset, sizeof(TIn), NULL);
// Follows a direct reference at a given @p offset in the enclosed structure.
// Will not follow an indirect reference.
// @tparam ReboundChildType another type of ChildType, but with another
// encapsulated object type.
// @param offset the offset into this object. This must be within the object.
// @param typed_block the typed block to receive the dereferenced block. It
// may or may not be valid.
// @returns true if the dereference was successful, false otherwise.
template <typename ReboundChildType>
bool DereferenceAt(Offset offset,
ReboundChildType* typed_block) const {
typedef typename ReboundChildType::ObjectType T2;
return DereferenceImpl<T2>(offset_ + offset, 0, sizeof(T2), typed_block);
// Follows a direct reference at a given @p offset in the enclosed structure
// with a given size. Will not follow an indirect reference.
// @tparam ReboundChildType another type of ChildType, but with another
// encapsulated object type.
// @param offset the offset into this object. This must be within the object.
// @param object_size the size of the object to dereference. This must be
// >= sizeof(ReboundChildType::ObjectType).
// @param typed_block the typed block to receive the dereferenced block. It
// may or may not be valid.
// @returns true if the dereference was successful, false otherwise.
template <typename ReboundChildType>
bool DereferenceAtWithSize(Offset offset,
size_t object_size,
ReboundChildType* typed_block) const {
typedef typename ReboundChildType::ObjectType T2;
if (object_size < sizeof(T2))
return false;
return DereferenceImpl<T2>(offset_ + offset, 0, object_size, typed_block);
// Dereferences a value in the enclosed structure. The dereference will not
// be successful if there is no direct reference at the offset implied by
// @p value.
// @tparam ReboundChildType another type of ChildType, but with another
// encapsulated object type.
// @tparam TIn the type of the input @p value.
// @param value a reference to the value to dereference. This must be within
// the encapsulated block.
// @param typed_block the typed block to receive the dereferenced block. It
// may or may not be valid.
// @returns true if the dereference was successful, false otherwise.
template <typename ReboundChildType, typename TIn>
bool Dereference(TIn& value,
ReboundChildType* typed_block) const {
typedef typename ReboundChildType::ObjectType T2;
Offset offset = OffsetOf(value);
return DereferenceImpl<T2>(offset, sizeof(TIn), sizeof(T2), typed_block);
// Dereferences a value in the enclosed structure. The dereference will not
// be successful if there is no direct reference at the offset implied by
// @p value.
// @tparam ReboundChildType another type of ChildType, but with another
// encapsulated object type.
// @tparam TIn the type of the input @p value.
// @param value a reference to the value to dereference. This must be within
// the object.
// @param object_size the size of the object to dereference. This must be
// >= sizeof(ReboundChildType::ObjectType).
// @param typed_block the typed block to receive the dereferenced block. It
// may or may not be valid.
// @returns true if the dereference was successful, false otherwise.
template <typename ReboundChildType, typename TIn>
bool DereferenceWithSize(TIn& value,
size_t object_size,
ReboundChildType* typed_block) const {
typedef typename ReboundChildType::ObjectType T2;
if (object_size < sizeof(T2))
return false;
Offset offset = OffsetOf(value);
return DereferenceImpl<T2>(offset, sizeof(TIn), object_size, typed_block);
// Compute the offset of a field in the enclosed structure.
// @tparam TIn the type of the input @p value.
// @param value a reference to the value to dereference. This must be within
// the object.
// @returns the offset of value within the referenced block.
template <typename TIn>
Offset OffsetOf(TIn& value) const {
const uint8_t* value_address = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&value);
Offset offs = value_address - block_->data();
DCHECK(InBlock(offs, sizeof(value)));
return offs;
// Determines if there exists a reference at the given @p offset into the
// block. If @p ref is non-null, populates the reference if a valid one is
// found.
// @param offset the offset into the block.
// @param ref the reference to populate. May be NULL.
// @returns true if there exists a valid reference, false otherwise.
bool GetReferenceAt(Offset offset,
Reference* ref) const {
return GetReferenceAt(offset, 0, ref);
// Determines if there exists a reference with the size of @tp TIn at
// the location of @p value.
// @tparam TIn the type of the input @p value.
// @param value The value whose location is to be used for dereferencing.
// This must lie entirely within the block.
// @param ref the reference to populate. May be NULL.
// @returns true if the dereference was successful, false otherwise.
template <typename TIn>
bool GetReference(const TIn& value, Reference* ref) const {
Offset offset = OffsetOf(value);
return GetReferenceAt(offset, sizeof(TIn), ref);
// Determines if there exists a reference of given @p reference_size at the
// given @p offset into the block. If @p ref is non-null, populates the
// reference if a valid one is found.
// @param offset the offset into the block.
// @param reference_size the expected size of the reference. If this is 0, a
// reference of any size is accepted.
// @param ref the reference to populate. May be NULL.
// @returns true if there exists a valid reference, false otherwise.
bool GetReferenceAt(Offset offset,
size_t reference_size,
Reference* ref) const {
Reference reference;
if (!block_->GetReference(offset, &reference))
return false;
if (reference_size != 0 && reference.size() != reference_size)
return false;
if (ref != NULL)
*ref = reference;
return true;
// Determines whether the byte range starting at @p offset and extending for
// @p size bytes is in the data covered by the block.
// @returns true if the block covers the byte range @p offset and @p size,
// false otherwise.
bool InBlock(size_t offset, size_t size) const {
return block_ != NULL && block_->data_size() >= (offset + size);
// Interprets the underlying data as an array of type T, returning a
// pointer to element @p elem of it. If the pointer is mutable and
// the block doesn't own its data, causes it to be copied so that local
// changes are possible.
// It is an error to call this unless the block has data to cover @p elem.
// @param elem the index of the element to dereference
// @pre IsValidElement(elem) returns true.
// @returns a typed pointer to the encapsulated object.
T* GetImpl(size_t elem) const {
// If you get an error referring you to this line, you're likely not
// const correct!
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(
internal::GetBlockData(block_) + offset_) + elem;
// Attempts to follow a reference of given @p size at the given @p offset
// into the block. This only succeeds if their is a reference at the given
// offset, it is direct, it matches the given size, is contained entirely
// within the encapsulated block, and the referenced block is sufficiently
// large to represent an object of type T2.
// @tparam T2 the type encapsulated by @p typed_block.
// @param offset the offset into the block.
// @param reference_size the expected size of the reference. If this is 0, a
// reference of any size is accepted.
// @param object_size the size of the object to dereference. This must be
// >= sizeof(T2).
// @param typed_block the typed block that will represent the dereferenced
// object.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
template <typename T2>
bool DereferenceImpl(
Offset offset,
size_t reference_size,
size_t object_size,
typename ReboundChild<T2>::Type* typed_block) const {
DCHECK(typed_block != NULL);
DCHECK_GE(object_size, sizeof(T2));
// Ensure that there is a valid reference at the pointer offset.
Reference ref;
if (!GetReferenceAt(offset, reference_size, &ref))
return false;
// Bail if the reference is indirect.
if (!ref.IsDirect())
return false;
return typed_block->InitWithSize(ref.offset(), object_size,
Offset offset_;
BlockPtr block_;
size_t size_;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// This is strictly unnecessary, but aids debugging a great deal. Note that
// this pointer is set when Init is called, and will be invalid if the
// underlying block has reallocated its data.
T* debug_object_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace block_graph