blob: 377727c633b7afbb9592daef76bb64d110d691d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Defines the master crash data protobuf format. This is effectively a binary
// equivalent to JSON, with a few strongly typed message types where special
// back-end handling (symbolization) is desired.
// This is intended to be used for transmitting additional information about
// Asan crashes. Specifically, something like the following will be emitted
// (this mirrors the AsanErrorInfo struct in agent/asan/error_info.h):
// In JSON-ish representation:
// {
// "location": Address(0xBAADF00D),
// "allocation-stack-trace": StackTrace([0xCAFEBABE, ...]),
// "free-stack-trace": StackTrace([0x900DF00D, ...]),
// "allocation-thread-id": 42,
// ...
// "corrupt-ranges": [
// {
// "range": Blob(address = 0xAABBCCDD, size = 1024),
// "corrupt-block-count": 10,
// "blocks": [
// ... a dictionary of properties about the block ...
// ]
// }
// ]
// }
// The full protobuf value:
// Value(
// type = DICTIONARY,
// dictionary = Dictionary(
// values = [
// KeyValue(
// key = String("location"),
// value = Value(type = ADDRESS, address = Address(0xBAADF00D))
// ),
// KeyValue(
// key = String("allocation-stack-trace"),
// value = Value(type = STACK_TRACE,
// stack_trace=StackTrace(frames = [0xCAFEBABE, ...]))
// ),
// KeyValue(
// key = String("free-stack-trace"),
// value = Value(type = STACK_TRACE,
// stack_trace=StackTrace(frames = [0x900DF00D, ...]))
// ),
// KeyValue(
// key = String("allocation-thread-id"),
// value = Value(type = UNSIGNED_INTEGER, unsigned_integer = 42)
// ),
// ...
// KeyValue(
// key = String("corrupt-ranges"),
// value = Value(type = LIST, value = List(values = [
// Dictionary(values = [
// KeyValue(
// key = String("range"),
// value = Value(type = BLOB, value=Blob(
// address = 0xAABBCCDD, size = 1024
// ))
// ),
// KeyValue(
// key = String("corrupt-block-count"),
// value = Value(type = UNSIGNED_INTEGER, value=10)
// ),
// KeyValue(
// key = String("blocks"),
// value = Value(type = LIST, value = List(values=[
// ... a Dictionary of properties about the block ...
// ])
// )
// ])
// ]))
// )
// ]
// )
// )
syntax = "proto2";
package crashdata;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// A 32-bit or 64-bit address. This is a special type so that symbolization can
// be applied on the backend.
message Address {
// A uint64 is used as more often than not this will benefit from variable
// length encoding.
optional uint64 address = 1; // Required.
// A stack trace with 32-bit or 64-bit frames. This is a special type so that
// symbolization can be applied on the backend.
message StackTrace {
// Repeated numeric values pack more efficiently if 'packed=true' is
// specified, and that is only permitted for primitive types. The fact
// that this is a list of addresses is implicit in the 'StackTrace' type.
repeated uint64 frames = 1 [packed=true];
// A binary blob of data. This is a separate type so that it may be
// appropriately displayed on the backend (as hexdecimal binary data).
// The blob may simply be a reference to a range of memory, or it may
// contain explicit contents. Intended to be used in one of 3 modes:
// - implicit: address and size are specified, data is empty.
// - explicit: address, size and data are specified. The length of data
// must agree with the size.
// - explicit data not tied to a memory address: data is specified, but
// address and size are not.
message Blob {
optional Address address = 1;
optional uint32 size = 2;
optional bytes data = 3;
// A leaf is an abstract container encapsulating a single concrete type.
message Leaf {
enum Type {
REAL = 3;
BLOB = 7;
// These fields should be implemented on the crash processing server.
// The goal of these fields is to allow the crash processor to provide an
// augmented (symbolized) version of a given leaf.
// The type of value stored in this union.
optional Type type = 1; // Required.
// Exactly one of the following should be present.
optional int64 integer = 2;
optional uint64 unsigned_integer = 3;
optional double real = 4;
optional string string = 5;
optional Address address = 6;
optional StackTrace stack_trace = 7;
optional Blob blob = 8;
// A list of any number of values. If ordering is important, it is up to the
// user to maintain this.
message ValueList {
repeated Value values = 1;
// A key-value is an element of a dictionary, associating a name to an
// element.
message KeyValue {
optional string key = 1; // Required.
optional Value value = 2; // Required.
// A dictionary is a list of KeyValue elements.
message Dictionary {
repeated KeyValue values = 1;
// A value is a leaf or a container. All messages are fundamentally a single
// 'Value' object.
message Value {
enum Type {
LEAF = 1;
// The type of value stored in this union.
optional Type type = 1; // Required.
// An optional comment for this value. This is additional context which can
// be displayed in the form of a tooltip, for example.
optional string comment = 2;
// Concrete types.
optional Leaf leaf = 3;
// Recursive container types.
optional ValueList list = 4;
optional Dictionary dictionary = 5;