blob: 64df2e466a4ced92d01722321795510794957a70 [file] [log] [blame]
If you want to contribute code to the Syzygy repository, there are a few things
you can do to make your life easier.
You've made a good start by opening this file! The most up to date resources for
setting up the development environment are online in the project wiki. Syzygy is
part of the Chromium eco-system, and uses the same tools. Familiarize yourself
with gclient (checkout management), gyp (build/project file generation), Ninja
(build system), Rietveld (code review) and git (revision control). These are all
installed as part of the Chromium depot_tools package, a prerequisite for
developing with Syzygy.
Contact the team at and let them know you want to make
a contribution. They can give you feedback regarding new features, or guide you
in choosing a bug to fix.
1. Your code must conform to the Chromium style guidelines, and more generally
to the Google C++ and Python style guides:
When in doubt follow the convention in use in a particular file or elsewhere
in the repository.
2. Your code should be tested by unit tests, and integration tests when
appropriate. The Syzygy codebase is rigorously tested and observes strict
coverage and testing standards. The continuous builder and integration tester
is visible here:
3. As an individual, you must complete the individual contributer license
agreement. If you are contributing as a corporation, you must complete the
corporate contribute license agreement.
Filling this out should only take a few moments.
4. If you are contributing for the first time please take a moment to add your
name to the AUTHORS.txt file in the root of the repository.
Before being accepted into the codebase your contribution must be uploaded to
the Rietveld code review website at, and reviewed by a
member of the Syzygy team. Try to find an appropriate reviewer by looking at the
most recent activity in that part of the repository. If in doubt contact the
team mailing list at
Uploads to the review site are performed using "git cl upload" from the branch
containing your patch.
When your patch is accepted it will receive a "Looks good to me" (LGTM) from one
or more of your reviewers. At this point it is ready to commit.
If this a one-off contribution it is easiest for a full-time team member to land
the CL for you. You will receive attribution in the commit message and the
AUTHORS.txt file.
If you have made or plan to make multiple contributions you will be added as a
contributor and provided with access to the repository. In this case you will
land your CL using "git cl land".
As a Syzygy committer it is your responsibility to ensure that your CL passes
through the continuous build, unit and integration tests on the Syzyg waterfall.
If your code introduces any regressions please notify the mailing list and put
together a fix as soon as possible. You can find the waterfall here: