2013.03.01, Version 0.9.10 (Unstable)

* V8: downgrade 3.14.5

* openssl: update to 1.0.1e

* darwin: Make process.title work properly (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: Support mode/flag options to read/append/writeFile (isaacs)

* stream: _read() no longer takes a callback (isaacs)

* stream: Add stream.unshift(chunk) (isaacs)

* stream: remove lowWaterMark feature (isaacs)

* net: omit superfluous 'connect' event (Ben Noordhuis)

* build, windows: disable SEH (Ben Noordhuis)

* core: remove errno global (Ben Noordhuis)

* core: Remove the nextTick for running the main file (isaacs)

* core: Mark exit() calls with status codes (isaacs)

* core: Fix debug signal handler race condition lock (isaacs)

* crypto: clear error stack (Ben Noordhuis)

* test: optionally set common.PORT via env variable (Timothy J Fontaine)

* path: Throw TypeError on non-string args to path.resolve/join (isaacs, Arianit Uka)

* crypto: fix uninitialized memory access in openssl (Ben Noordhuis)
2013.03.01, Version 0.9.10 (Unstable)

* V8: downgrade 3.14.5

* openssl: update to 1.0.1e

* darwin: Make process.title work properly (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: Support mode/flag options to read/append/writeFile (isaacs)

* stream: _read() no longer takes a callback (isaacs)

* stream: Add stream.unshift(chunk) (isaacs)

* stream: remove lowWaterMark feature (isaacs)

* net: omit superfluous 'connect' event (Ben Noordhuis)

* build, windows: disable SEH (Ben Noordhuis)

* core: remove errno global (Ben Noordhuis)

* core: Remove the nextTick for running the main file (isaacs)

* core: Mark exit() calls with status codes (isaacs)

* core: Fix debug signal handler race condition lock (isaacs)

* crypto: clear error stack (Ben Noordhuis)

* test: optionally set common.PORT via env variable (Timothy J Fontaine)

* path: Throw TypeError on non-string args to path.resolve/join (isaacs, Arianit Uka)

* crypto: fix uninitialized memory access in openssl (Ben Noordhuis)
3 files changed
tree: 1368060e49af7cbba8ce4e8bea68877c42da97ff
  1. benchmark/
  2. deps/
  3. doc/
  4. lib/
  5. src/
  6. test/
  7. tools/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. .mailmap
  11. .travis.yml
  13. BSDmakefile
  14. ChangeLog
  15. common.gypi
  16. configure
  19. Makefile
  20. node.gyp
  21. README.md
  22. vcbuild.bat

Evented I/O for V8 javascript. Build Status

To build:

Prerequisites (Unix only):

* Python 2.6 or 2.7
* GNU Make 3.81 or newer
* libexecinfo (FreeBSD and OpenBSD only)


make install

If your python binary is in a non-standard location or has a non-standard name, run the following instead:

export PYTHON=/path/to/python
$PYTHON ./configure
make install



To run the tests:


make test


vcbuild.bat test

To build the documentation:

make doc

To read the documentation:

man doc/node.1

Resources for Newcomers