blob: 175a88a66eaa6906400d4b7d1c15e7026fb2e239 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/codegen/assembler.h"
#include "src/codegen/label.h"
#include "src/codegen/machine-type.h"
#include "src/codegen/maglev-safepoint-table.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/compiler/backend/instruction.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-heap-broker.h"
#include "src/execution/frame-constants.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-compilation-info.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-ir.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace maglev {
class InterpreterFrameState;
class MaglevAssembler;
class DeferredCodeInfo {
virtual void Generate(MaglevAssembler* masm) = 0;
Label deferred_code_label;
class MaglevCodeGenState {
MaglevCodeGenState(MaglevCompilationInfo* compilation_info,
MaglevSafepointTableBuilder* safepoint_table_builder)
: compilation_info_(compilation_info),
safepoint_table_builder_(safepoint_table_builder) {}
void set_tagged_slots(int slots) { tagged_slots_ = slots; }
void set_untagged_slots(int slots) { untagged_slots_ = slots; }
void PushDeferredCode(DeferredCodeInfo* deferred_code) {
const std::vector<DeferredCodeInfo*>& deferred_code() const {
return deferred_code_;
std::vector<DeferredCodeInfo*> TakeDeferredCode() {
return std::exchange(deferred_code_, std::vector<DeferredCodeInfo*>());
void PushEagerDeopt(EagerDeoptInfo* info) { eager_deopts_.push_back(info); }
void PushLazyDeopt(LazyDeoptInfo* info) { lazy_deopts_.push_back(info); }
const std::vector<EagerDeoptInfo*>& eager_deopts() const {
return eager_deopts_;
const std::vector<LazyDeoptInfo*>& lazy_deopts() const {
return lazy_deopts_;
void PushHandlerInfo(NodeBase* node) { handlers_.push_back(node); }
const std::vector<NodeBase*>& handlers() const { return handlers_; }
compiler::NativeContextRef native_context() const {
return broker()->target_native_context();
compiler::JSHeapBroker* broker() const { return compilation_info_->broker(); }
MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller() const {
return compilation_info_->graph_labeller();
int stack_slots() const { return untagged_slots_ + tagged_slots_; }
int tagged_slots() const { return tagged_slots_; }
MaglevSafepointTableBuilder* safepoint_table_builder() const {
return safepoint_table_builder_;
MaglevCompilationInfo* compilation_info() const { return compilation_info_; }
Label* entry_label() { return &entry_label_; }
void set_max_deopted_stack_size(uint32_t max_deopted_stack_size) {
max_deopted_stack_size_ = max_deopted_stack_size;
void set_max_call_stack_args_(uint32_t max_call_stack_args) {
max_call_stack_args_ = max_call_stack_args;
uint32_t stack_check_offset() {
int32_t parameter_slots =
uint32_t stack_slots = tagged_slots_ + untagged_slots_;
int32_t optimized_frame_height = parameter_slots * kSystemPointerSize +
StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSize +
stack_slots * kSystemPointerSize;
int32_t signed_max_unoptimized_frame_height =
// The offset is either the delta between the optimized frames and the
// interpreted frame, or the maximal number of bytes pushed to the stack
// while preparing for function calls, whichever is bigger.
uint32_t frame_height_delta = static_cast<uint32_t>(std::max(
signed_max_unoptimized_frame_height - optimized_frame_height, 0));
uint32_t max_pushed_argument_bytes =
static_cast<uint32_t>(max_call_stack_args_ * kSystemPointerSize);
if (v8_flags.deopt_to_baseline) {
// If we deopt to baseline, we need to be sure that we have enough space
// to recreate the unoptimize frame plus arguments to the largest call.
return frame_height_delta + max_pushed_argument_bytes;
return std::max(frame_height_delta, max_pushed_argument_bytes);
Label* osr_entry() { return &osr_entry_; }
MaglevCompilationInfo* const compilation_info_;
MaglevSafepointTableBuilder* const safepoint_table_builder_;
std::vector<DeferredCodeInfo*> deferred_code_;
std::vector<EagerDeoptInfo*> eager_deopts_;
std::vector<LazyDeoptInfo*> lazy_deopts_;
std::vector<NodeBase*> handlers_;
int untagged_slots_ = 0;
int tagged_slots_ = 0;
uint32_t max_deopted_stack_size_ = kMaxUInt32;
uint32_t max_call_stack_args_ = kMaxUInt32;
// Entry point label for recursive calls.
Label entry_label_;
Label osr_entry_;
// Some helpers for codegen.
// TODO(leszeks): consider moving this to a separate header.
inline int GetSafepointIndexForStackSlot(int i) {
// Safepoint tables also contain slots for all fixed frame slots (both
// above and below the fp).
return StandardFrameConstants::kFixedSlotCount + i;
inline Register ToRegister(const compiler::InstructionOperand& operand) {
return compiler::AllocatedOperand::cast(operand).GetRegister();
inline DoubleRegister ToDoubleRegister(
const compiler::InstructionOperand& operand) {
return compiler::AllocatedOperand::cast(operand).GetDoubleRegister();
template <typename RegisterT>
inline auto ToRegisterT(const compiler::InstructionOperand& operand) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<RegisterT, Register>) {
return ToRegister(operand);
} else {
return ToDoubleRegister(operand);
inline Register ToRegister(const ValueLocation& location) {
return ToRegister(location.operand());
inline DoubleRegister ToDoubleRegister(const ValueLocation& location) {
return ToDoubleRegister(location.operand());
} // namespace maglev
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8