blob: d7247f3b016dc17578f4e79572d4cc726c2872c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <map>
#include <type_traits>
#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/base/optional.h"
#include "src/codegen/source-position-table.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/compiler-dispatcher/optimizing-compile-dispatcher.h"
#include "src/compiler/bytecode-analysis.h"
#include "src/compiler/bytecode-liveness-map.h"
#include "src/compiler/feedback-source.h"
#include "src/compiler/heap-refs.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-heap-broker.h"
#include "src/compiler/processed-feedback.h"
#include "src/deoptimizer/deoptimize-reason.h"
#include "src/flags/flags.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-array-iterator.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-decoder.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-register.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecodes.h"
#include "src/interpreter/interpreter-intrinsics.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-graph-labeller.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-graph-printer.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-graph.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-interpreter-frame-state.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-ir.h"
#include "src/objects/bytecode-array.h"
#include "src/objects/elements-kind.h"
#include "src/objects/string.h"
#include "src/utils/memcopy.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace maglev {
class CallArguments;
class V8_NODISCARD ReduceResult {
enum Kind {
kDoneWithValue = 0, // No need to mask while returning the pointer.
ReduceResult() : payload_(kNone) {}
ReduceResult(ValueNode* value) : payload_(value) { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(value); }
ValueNode* value() const {
return payload_.GetPointerWithKnownPayload(kDoneWithValue);
bool HasValue() const { return kind() == kDoneWithValue; }
static ReduceResult Done(ValueNode* value) { return ReduceResult(value); }
static ReduceResult Done() { return ReduceResult(kDoneWithoutValue); }
static ReduceResult DoneWithAbort() { return ReduceResult(kDoneWithAbort); }
static ReduceResult Fail() { return ReduceResult(kFail); }
ReduceResult(const ReduceResult&) V8_NOEXCEPT = default;
ReduceResult& operator=(const ReduceResult&) V8_NOEXCEPT = default;
// No/undefined result, created by default constructor.
bool IsNone() const { return kind() == kNone; }
// Either DoneWithValue, DoneWithoutValue or DoneWithAbort.
bool IsDone() const { return !IsFail() && !IsNone(); }
// ReduceResult failed.
bool IsFail() const { return kind() == kFail; }
// Done with a ValueNode.
bool IsDoneWithValue() const { return HasValue(); }
// Done without producing a ValueNode.
bool IsDoneWithoutValue() const { return kind() == kDoneWithoutValue; }
// Done with an abort (unconditional deopt, infinite loop in an inlined
// function, etc)
bool IsDoneWithAbort() const { return kind() == kDoneWithAbort; }
Kind kind() const { return payload_.GetPayload(); }
explicit ReduceResult(Kind kind) : payload_(kind) {}
base::PointerWithPayload<ValueNode, Kind, 3> payload_;
struct FastField;
// Encoding of a fast allocation site object's element fixed array.
struct FastFixedArray {
FastFixedArray() : type(kUninitialized) {}
explicit FastFixedArray(compiler::ObjectRef cow_value)
: type(kCoW), cow_value(cow_value) {}
explicit FastFixedArray(int length, Zone* zone)
: type(kTagged),
values(zone->AllocateArray<FastField>(length)) {}
explicit FastFixedArray(int length, Zone* zone, double)
: type(kDouble),
double_values(zone->AllocateArray<Float64>(length)) {}
enum { kUninitialized, kCoW, kTagged, kDouble } type;
union {
char uninitialized_marker;
compiler::ObjectRef cow_value;
struct {
int length;
union {
FastField* values;
Float64* double_values;
// Encoding of a fast allocation site boilerplate object.
struct FastObject {
FastObject(compiler::MapRef map, Zone* zone, FastFixedArray elements)
: map(map),
elements(elements) {
FastObject(compiler::JSFunctionRef constructor, Zone* zone,
compiler::JSHeapBroker* broker);
void ClearFields();
compiler::MapRef map;
int inobject_properties;
int instance_size;
FastField* fields;
FastFixedArray elements;
compiler::OptionalObjectRef js_array_length;
// Encoding of a fast allocation site literal value.
struct FastField {
FastField() : type(kUninitialized) {}
explicit FastField(FastObject object) : type(kObject), object(object) {}
explicit FastField(Float64 mutable_double_value)
: type(kMutableDouble), mutable_double_value(mutable_double_value) {}
explicit FastField(compiler::ObjectRef constant_value)
: type(kConstant), constant_value(constant_value) {}
enum { kUninitialized, kObject, kMutableDouble, kConstant } type;
union {
char uninitialized_marker;
FastObject object;
Float64 mutable_double_value;
compiler::ObjectRef constant_value;
#define RETURN_IF_DONE(result) \
do { \
ReduceResult res = (result); \
if (res.IsDone()) { \
return res; \
} \
} while (false)
#define RETURN_VOID_IF_DONE(result) \
do { \
ReduceResult res = (result); \
if (res.IsDone()) { \
if (res.IsDoneWithAbort()) { \
MarkBytecodeDead(); \
return; \
} \
return; \
} \
} while (false)
#define PROCESS_AND_RETURN_IF_DONE(result, value_processor) \
do { \
ReduceResult res = (result); \
if (res.IsDone()) { \
if (res.IsDoneWithAbort()) { \
MarkBytecodeDead(); \
} else if (res.IsDoneWithValue()) { \
value_processor(res.value()); \
} \
return; \
} \
} while (false)
#define RETURN_IF_ABORT(result) \
do { \
if ((result).IsDoneWithAbort()) { \
return ReduceResult::DoneWithAbort(); \
} \
} while (false)
#define GET_VALUE_OR_ABORT(variable, result) \
do { \
ReduceResult res = (result); \
if (res.IsDoneWithAbort()) { \
return ReduceResult::DoneWithAbort(); \
} \
DCHECK(res.IsDoneWithValue()); \
variable = res.value(); \
} while (false)
#define RETURN_VOID_IF_ABORT(result) \
do { \
if ((result).IsDoneWithAbort()) { \
MarkBytecodeDead(); \
return; \
} \
} while (false)
#define RETURN_VOID_ON_ABORT(result) \
do { \
ReduceResult res = (result); \
USE(res); \
DCHECK(res.IsDoneWithAbort()); \
MarkBytecodeDead(); \
return; \
} while (false)
enum class ToNumberHint {
enum class UseReprHintRecording { kRecord, kDoNotRecord };
NodeType StaticTypeForNode(compiler::JSHeapBroker* broker,
LocalIsolate* isolate, ValueNode* node);
class MaglevGraphBuilder {
explicit MaglevGraphBuilder(
LocalIsolate* local_isolate, MaglevCompilationUnit* compilation_unit,
Graph* graph, float call_frequency = 1.0f,
BytecodeOffset caller_bytecode_offset = BytecodeOffset::None(),
int inlining_id = SourcePosition::kNotInlined,
MaglevGraphBuilder* parent = nullptr);
void Build() {
for (int i = 0; i < parameter_count(); i++) {
// TODO(v8:7700): Consider creating InitialValue nodes lazily.
InitialValue* v = AddNewNode<InitialValue>(
{}, interpreter::Register::FromParameterIndex(i));
DCHECK_EQ(graph()->parameters().size(), static_cast<size_t>(i));
SetArgument(i, v);
// Don't use the AddNewNode helper for the function entry stack check, so
// that we can set a custom deopt frame on it.
FunctionEntryStackCheck* function_entry_stack_check =
NodeBase::New<FunctionEntryStackCheck>(zone(), {});
new (function_entry_stack_check->lazy_deopt_info()) LazyDeoptInfo(
zone(), GetDeoptFrameForEntryStackCheck(),
interpreter::Register::invalid_value(), 0, compiler::FeedbackSource());
in_prologue_ = false;
ReduceResult BuildInlined(ValueNode* context, ValueNode* function,
ValueNode* new_target, const CallArguments& args);
void StartPrologue();
void SetArgument(int i, ValueNode* value);
void InitializeRegister(interpreter::Register reg, ValueNode* value);
ValueNode* GetTaggedArgument(int i);
void BuildRegisterFrameInitialization(ValueNode* context = nullptr,
ValueNode* closure = nullptr,
ValueNode* new_target = nullptr);
void BuildMergeStates();
BasicBlock* EndPrologue();
void PeelLoop();
void BuildBody() {
while (!source_position_iterator_.done() &&
source_position_iterator_.code_offset() < entrypoint_) {
// TODO(olivf) We might want to start collecting known_node_aspects_ for
// the whole bytecode array instead of starting at entrypoint_.
for (iterator_.SetOffset(entrypoint_); !iterator_.done();
iterator_.Advance()) {
loop_headers_to_peel_.Contains(iterator_.current_offset()))) {
SmiConstant* GetSmiConstant(int constant) {
auto it = graph_->smi().find(constant);
if (it == graph_->smi().end()) {
SmiConstant* node =
CreateNewConstantNode<SmiConstant>(0, Smi::FromInt(constant));
if (has_graph_labeller()) graph_labeller()->RegisterNode(node);
graph_->smi().emplace(constant, node);
return node;
return it->second;
TaggedIndexConstant* GetTaggedIndexConstant(int constant) {
auto it = graph_->tagged_index().find(constant);
if (it == graph_->tagged_index().end()) {
TaggedIndexConstant* node = CreateNewConstantNode<TaggedIndexConstant>(
0, TaggedIndex::FromIntptr(constant));
if (has_graph_labeller()) graph_labeller()->RegisterNode(node);
graph_->tagged_index().emplace(constant, node);
return node;
return it->second;
Int32Constant* GetInt32Constant(int32_t constant) {
// The constant must fit in a Smi, since it could be later tagged in a Phi.
auto it = graph_->int32().find(constant);
if (it == graph_->int32().end()) {
Int32Constant* node = CreateNewConstantNode<Int32Constant>(0, constant);
if (has_graph_labeller()) graph_labeller()->RegisterNode(node);
graph_->int32().emplace(constant, node);
return node;
return it->second;
Uint32Constant* GetUint32Constant(int constant) {
// The constant must fit in a Smi, since it could be later tagged in a Phi.
auto it = graph_->uint32().find(constant);
if (it == graph_->uint32().end()) {
Uint32Constant* node = CreateNewConstantNode<Uint32Constant>(0, constant);
if (has_graph_labeller()) graph_labeller()->RegisterNode(node);
graph_->uint32().emplace(constant, node);
return node;
return it->second;
Float64Constant* GetFloat64Constant(double constant) {
return GetFloat64Constant(
Float64Constant* GetFloat64Constant(Float64 constant) {
auto it = graph_->float64().find(constant.get_bits());
if (it == graph_->float64().end()) {
Float64Constant* node =
CreateNewConstantNode<Float64Constant>(0, constant);
if (has_graph_labeller()) graph_labeller()->RegisterNode(node);
graph_->float64().emplace(constant.get_bits(), node);
return node;
return it->second;
static compiler::OptionalHeapObjectRef TryGetConstant(
compiler::JSHeapBroker* broker, LocalIsolate* isolate, ValueNode* node);
Graph* graph() const { return graph_; }
Zone* zone() const { return compilation_unit_->zone(); }
MaglevCompilationUnit* compilation_unit() const { return compilation_unit_; }
const InterpreterFrameState& current_interpreter_frame() const {
return current_interpreter_frame_;
const MaglevGraphBuilder* parent() const { return parent_; }
compiler::JSHeapBroker* broker() const { return broker_; }
LocalIsolate* local_isolate() const { return local_isolate_; }
bool has_graph_labeller() const {
return compilation_unit_->has_graph_labeller();
MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller() const {
return compilation_unit_->graph_labeller();
DeoptFrame GetLatestCheckpointedFrame();
bool need_checkpointed_loop_entry() {
return v8_flags.maglev_speculative_hoist_phi_untagging;
void RecordUseReprHint(Phi* phi, UseRepresentationSet reprs) {
phi->RecordUseReprHint(reprs, iterator_.current_offset());
void RecordUseReprHint(Phi* phi, UseRepresentation repr) {
RecordUseReprHint(phi, UseRepresentationSet{repr});
void RecordUseReprHintIfPhi(ValueNode* node, UseRepresentation repr) {
if (Phi* phi = node->TryCast<Phi>()) {
RecordUseReprHint(phi, repr);
// Helper class for building a subgraph with its own control flow, that is not
// attached to any bytecode.
// It does this by creating a fake dummy compilation unit and frame state, and
// wrapping up all the places where it pretends to be interpreted but isn't.
class MaglevSubGraphBuilder {
class Variable;
class Label;
class LoopLabel;
MaglevSubGraphBuilder(MaglevGraphBuilder* builder, int variable_count);
LoopLabel BeginLoop(std::initializer_list<Variable*> loop_vars);
template <typename ControlNodeT, typename... Args>
void GotoIfTrue(Label* true_target,
std::initializer_list<ValueNode*> control_inputs,
Args&&... args);
template <typename ControlNodeT, typename... Args>
void GotoIfFalse(Label* false_target,
std::initializer_list<ValueNode*> control_inputs,
Args&&... args);
void GotoOrTrim(Label* label);
void Goto(Label* label);
void ReducePredecessorCount(Label* label, unsigned num = 1);
void EndLoop(LoopLabel* loop_label);
void Bind(Label* label);
V8_NODISCARD ReduceResult TrimPredecessorsAndBind(Label* label);
void set(Variable& var, ValueNode* value);
ValueNode* get(const Variable& var) const;
class BorrowParentKnownNodeAspects;
void TakeKnownNodeAspectsFromParent();
void MoveKnownNodeAspectsToParent();
void MergeIntoLabel(Label* label, BasicBlock* predecessor);
MaglevGraphBuilder* builder_;
MaglevCompilationUnit* compilation_unit_;
InterpreterFrameState pseudo_frame_;
// TODO(olivf): Currently identifying dead code relies on the fact that loops
// must be entered through the loop header by at least one of the
// predecessors. We might want to re-evaluate this in case we want to be able
// to OSR into nested loops while compiling the full continuation.
static constexpr bool kLoopsMustBeEnteredThroughHeader = true;
class CallSpeculationScope;
class SaveCallSpeculationScope;
class DeoptFrameScope;
bool CheckStaticType(ValueNode* node, NodeType type, NodeType* old = nullptr);
bool CheckType(ValueNode* node, NodeType type, NodeType* old = nullptr);
bool EnsureType(ValueNode* node, NodeType type, NodeType* old = nullptr);
template <typename Function>
bool EnsureType(ValueNode* node, NodeType type, Function ensure_new_type);
void SetKnownValue(ValueNode* node, compiler::ObjectRef constant);
bool ShouldEmitInterruptBudgetChecks() {
if (is_inline()) return false;
return v8_flags.force_emit_interrupt_budget_checks || v8_flags.turbofan;
bool ShouldEmitOsrInterruptBudgetChecks() {
if (!v8_flags.turbofan || !v8_flags.use_osr || !v8_flags.osr_from_maglev)
return false;
if (!graph_->is_osr() && !v8_flags.always_osr_from_maglev) return false;
// TODO(olivf) OSR from maglev requires lazy recompilation (see
// CompileOptimizedOSRFromMaglev for details). Without this we end up in
// deopt loops, e.g., in chromium content_unittests.
if (!OptimizingCompileDispatcher::Enabled()) {
return false;
// TODO(olivf) OSR'ing from inlined loops is something we might want, but
// can't with our current osr-from-maglev implementation. The reason is that
// we OSR up by first going down to the interpreter. For inlined loops this
// means we would deoptimize to the caller and then probably end up in the
// same maglev osr code again, before reaching the turbofan OSR code in the
// callee. The solution is to support osr from maglev without
// deoptimization.
return !(graph_->is_osr() && is_inline());
bool MaglevIsTopTier() const { return !v8_flags.turbofan && v8_flags.maglev; }
BasicBlock* CreateEdgeSplitBlock(BasicBlockRef& jump_targets,
BasicBlock* predecessor) {
if (v8_flags.trace_maglev_graph_building) {
std::cout << "== New empty block ==" << std::endl;
current_block_ = zone()->New<BasicBlock>(nullptr, zone());
BasicBlock* result = FinishBlock<Jump>({}, &jump_targets);
#ifdef DEBUG
return result;
void ProcessMergePointAtExceptionHandlerStart(int offset) {
MergePointInterpreterFrameState& merge_state = *merge_states_[offset];
DCHECK_EQ(merge_state.predecessor_count(), 0);
// Copy state.
current_interpreter_frame_.CopyFrom(*compilation_unit_, merge_state);
// Merges aren't simple fallthroughs, so we should reset the checkpoint
// validity.
// Register exception phis.
if (has_graph_labeller()) {
for (Phi* phi : *merge_states_[offset]->phis()) {
graph_labeller()->RegisterNode(phi, compilation_unit_,
if (v8_flags.trace_maglev_graph_building) {
std::cout << " " << phi << " "
<< PrintNodeLabel(graph_labeller(), phi) << ": "
<< PrintNode(graph_labeller(), phi) << std::endl;
void ProcessMergePoint(int offset) {
// First copy the merge state to be the current state.
MergePointInterpreterFrameState& merge_state = *merge_states_[offset];
current_interpreter_frame_.CopyFrom(*compilation_unit_, merge_state);
ProcessMergePointPredecessors(merge_state, jump_targets_[offset]);
// Splits incoming critical edges and labels predecessors.
void ProcessMergePointPredecessors(
MergePointInterpreterFrameState& merge_state,
BasicBlockRef& jump_targets) {
// Merges aren't simple fallthroughs, so we should reset state which is
// cached directly on the builder instead of on the merge states.
if (merge_state.predecessor_count() == 1) return;
// Set up edge-split.
int predecessor_index = merge_state.predecessor_count() - 1;
if (merge_state.is_loop()) {
// For loops, the JumpLoop block hasn't been generated yet, and so isn't
// in the list of jump targets. IT's the last predecessor, so drop the
// index by one.
BasicBlockRef* old_jump_targets = jump_targets.Reset();
while (old_jump_targets != nullptr) {
BasicBlock* predecessor = merge_state.predecessor_at(predecessor_index);
ControlNode* control = predecessor->control_node();
if (control->Is<ConditionalControlNode>()) {
// CreateEmptyBlock automatically registers itself with the offset.
predecessor = CreateEdgeSplitBlock(jump_targets, predecessor);
// Set the old predecessor's (the conditional block) reference to
// point to the new empty predecessor block.
old_jump_targets =
} else {
// Re-register the block in the offset's ref list.
old_jump_targets = old_jump_targets->MoveToRefList(&jump_targets);
// We only set the predecessor id after splitting critical edges, to make
// sure the edge split blocks pick up the correct predecessor index.
DCHECK_EQ(predecessor_index, -1);
void RegisterPhisWithGraphLabeller(
MergePointInterpreterFrameState& merge_state) {
if (!has_graph_labeller()) return;
for (Phi* phi : *merge_state.phis()) {
if (v8_flags.trace_maglev_graph_building) {
std::cout << " " << phi << " "
<< PrintNodeLabel(graph_labeller(), phi) << ": "
<< PrintNode(graph_labeller(), phi) << std::endl;
// Return true if the given offset is a merge point, i.e. there are jumps
// targetting it.
bool IsOffsetAMergePoint(int offset) {
return merge_states_[offset] != nullptr;
// Called when a block is killed by an unconditional eager deopt.
ReduceResult EmitUnconditionalDeopt(DeoptimizeReason reason) {
// Create a block rather than calling finish, since we don't yet know the
// next block's offset before the loop skipping the rest of the bytecodes.
FinishBlock<Deopt>({}, reason);
return ReduceResult::DoneWithAbort();
void MarkBytecodeDead() {
if (v8_flags.trace_maglev_graph_building) {
std::cout << "== Dead ==\n"
<< std::setw(4) << iterator_.current_offset() << " : ";
std::cout << std::endl;
// If the current bytecode is a jump to elsewhere, then this jump is
// also dead and we should make sure to merge it as a dead predecessor.
interpreter::Bytecode bytecode = iterator_.current_bytecode();
if (interpreter::Bytecodes::IsForwardJump(bytecode)) {
// Jumps merge into their target, and conditional jumps also merge into
// the fallthrough.
if (interpreter::Bytecodes::IsConditionalJump(bytecode)) {
} else if (bytecode == interpreter::Bytecode::kJumpLoop) {
// JumpLoop merges into its loop header, which has to be treated
// specially by the merge.
if (!in_peeled_iteration_) {
} else if (interpreter::Bytecodes::IsSwitch(bytecode)) {
// Switches merge into their targets, and into the fallthrough.
for (auto offset : iterator_.GetJumpTableTargetOffsets()) {
} else if (!interpreter::Bytecodes::Returns(bytecode) &&
!interpreter::Bytecodes::UnconditionallyThrows(bytecode)) {
// Any other bytecode that doesn't return or throw will merge into the
// fallthrough.
} else if (interpreter::Bytecodes::Returns(bytecode) && is_inline()) {
// TODO(leszeks): We could now continue iterating the bytecode
void UpdateSourceAndBytecodePosition(int offset) {
if (source_position_iterator_.done()) return;
if (source_position_iterator_.code_offset() == offset) {
current_source_position_ = SourcePosition(
} else {
DCHECK_GT(source_position_iterator_.code_offset(), offset);
void VisitSingleBytecode() {
if (v8_flags.trace_maglev_graph_building) {
std::cout << std::setw(4) << iterator_.current_offset() << " : ";
std::cout << std::endl;
int offset = iterator_.current_offset();
MergePointInterpreterFrameState* merge_state = merge_states_[offset];
if (V8_UNLIKELY(merge_state != nullptr)) {
if (current_block_ != nullptr) {
// TODO(leszeks): Re-evaluate this DCHECK, we might hit it if the only
// bytecodes in this basic block were only register juggling.
// DCHECK(!current_block_->nodes().is_empty());
BasicBlock* predecessor;
if (merge_state->is_loop() && !merge_state->is_resumable_loop() &&
need_checkpointed_loop_entry()) {
predecessor =
FinishBlock<CheckpointedJump>({}, &jump_targets_[offset]);
} else {
predecessor = FinishBlock<Jump>({}, &jump_targets_[offset]);
merge_state->Merge(this, current_interpreter_frame_, predecessor);
if (v8_flags.trace_maglev_graph_building) {
auto detail = merge_state->is_exception_handler() ? "exception handler"
: merge_state->is_loop() ? "loop header"
: "merge";
std::cout << "== New block (" << detail << ") at "
<< compilation_unit()->shared_function_info().object()
<< "==" << std::endl;
if (merge_state->is_exception_handler()) {
DCHECK_EQ(predecessors_[offset], 0);
// If we have no reference to this block, then the exception handler is
// dead.
if (!jump_targets_[offset].has_ref()) {
} else if (merge_state->is_loop() && !merge_state->is_resumable_loop() &&
merge_state->is_unreachable_loop()) {
// We encoutered a loop header that is only reachable by the JumpLoop
// back-edge, but the bytecode_analysis didn't notice upfront. This can
// e.g. be a loop that is entered on a dead fall-through.
} else {
// We pass nullptr for the `predecessor` argument of StartNewBlock because
// this block is guaranteed to have a merge_state_, and hence to not have
// a `predecessor_` field.
StartNewBlock(offset, /*predecessor*/ nullptr);
} else if (V8_UNLIKELY(current_block_ == nullptr)) {
// If we don't have a current block, the bytecode must be dead (because of
// some earlier deopt). Mark this bytecode dead too and return.
// TODO(leszeks): Merge these two conditions by marking dead states with
// a sentinel value.
#ifdef DEBUG
if (predecessors_[offset] == 1) {
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(predecessors_[offset], 0);
// Handle exceptions if we have a table.
if (bytecode().handler_table_size() > 0) {
if (catch_block_stack_.size() > 0) {
// Pop all entries where offset >= end.
while (catch_block_stack_.size() > 0) {
HandlerTableEntry& entry =;
if (offset < entry.end) break;
// Push new entries from interpreter handler table where offset >= start
// && offset < end.
HandlerTable table(*bytecode().object());
while (next_handler_table_index_ < table.NumberOfRangeEntries()) {
int start = table.GetRangeStart(next_handler_table_index_);
if (offset < start) break;
int end = table.GetRangeEnd(next_handler_table_index_);
if (offset >= end) {
int handler = table.GetRangeHandler(next_handler_table_index_);
catch_block_stack_.push({end, handler});
#ifdef DEBUG
// Clear new nodes for the next VisitFoo
if (iterator_.current_bytecode() == interpreter::Bytecode::kJumpLoop &&
iterator_.GetJumpTargetOffset() < entrypoint_) {
switch (iterator_.current_bytecode()) {
#define BYTECODE_CASE(name, ...) \
case interpreter::Bytecode::k##name: \
Visit##name(); \
#define BYTECODE_VISITOR(name, ...) void Visit##name();
#define DECLARE_VISITOR(name, ...) \
void VisitIntrinsic##name(interpreter::RegisterList args);
void AddInitializedNodeToGraph(Node* node) {
if (has_graph_labeller())
graph_labeller()->RegisterNode(node, compilation_unit_,
if (v8_flags.trace_maglev_graph_building) {
std::cout << " " << node << " "
<< PrintNodeLabel(graph_labeller(), node) << ": "
<< PrintNode(graph_labeller(), node) << std::endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Add a new node with a dynamic set of inputs which are initialized by the
// `post_create_input_initializer` function before the node is added to the
// graph.
template <typename NodeT, typename Function, typename... Args>
NodeT* AddNewNode(size_t input_count,
Function&& post_create_input_initializer, Args&&... args) {
NodeT* node =
NodeBase::New<NodeT>(zone(), input_count, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return AttachExtraInfoAndAddToGraph(node);
// Add a new node with a static set of inputs.
template <typename NodeT, typename... Args>
NodeT* AddNewNode(std::initializer_list<ValueNode*> inputs, Args&&... args) {
NodeT* node =
NodeBase::New<NodeT>(zone(), inputs, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return AttachExtraInfoAndAddToGraph(node);
template <typename NodeT, typename... Args>
NodeT* CreateNewConstantNode(Args&&... args) {
NodeT* node = NodeBase::New<NodeT>(zone(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return node;
template <typename NodeT>
NodeT* AttachExtraInfoAndAddToGraph(NodeT* node) {
static_assert(NodeT::kProperties.is_deopt_checkpoint() +
NodeT::kProperties.can_eager_deopt() +
NodeT::kProperties.can_lazy_deopt() <=
return node;
template <typename NodeT>
void AttachDeoptCheckpoint(NodeT* node) {
if constexpr (NodeT::kProperties.is_deopt_checkpoint()) {
node->SetEagerDeoptInfo(zone(), GetLatestCheckpointedFrame());
template <typename NodeT>
void AttachEagerDeoptInfo(NodeT* node) {
if constexpr (NodeT::kProperties.can_eager_deopt()) {
node->SetEagerDeoptInfo(zone(), GetLatestCheckpointedFrame(),
template <typename NodeT>
void AttachLazyDeoptInfo(NodeT* node) {
if constexpr (NodeT::kProperties.can_lazy_deopt()) {
auto [register_result, register_count] = GetResultLocationAndSize();
new (node->lazy_deopt_info()) LazyDeoptInfo(
zone(), GetDeoptFrameForLazyDeopt(register_result, register_count),
register_result, register_count, current_speculation_feedback_);
template <typename NodeT>
void AttachExceptionHandlerInfo(NodeT* node) {
if constexpr (NodeT::kProperties.can_throw()) {
CatchBlockDetails catch_block = GetCurrentTryCatchBlock();
if (catch_block.ref) {
new (node->exception_handler_info())
// Merge the current state into the handler state.
catch_block.state->MergeThrow(this, catch_block.unit,
} else {
// Patch no exception handler marker.
// TODO(victorgomes): Avoid allocating exception handler data in this
// case.
new (node->exception_handler_info()) ExceptionHandlerInfo();
struct CatchBlockDetails {
BasicBlockRef* ref = nullptr;
MergePointInterpreterFrameState* state = nullptr;
const MaglevCompilationUnit* unit = nullptr;
CatchBlockDetails GetCurrentTryCatchBlock() {
if (catch_block_stack_.size() > 0) {
// Inside a try-block.
int offset =;
return {&jump_targets_[offset], merge_states_[offset], compilation_unit_};
DCHECK_IMPLIES(parent_catch_.ref != nullptr, is_inline());
return parent_catch_;
enum ContextSlotMutability { kImmutable, kMutable };
bool TrySpecializeLoadContextSlotToFunctionContext(
ValueNode** context, size_t* depth, int slot_index,
ContextSlotMutability slot_mutability);
ValueNode* LoadAndCacheContextSlot(ValueNode* context, int offset,
ContextSlotMutability slot_mutability);
void StoreAndCacheContextSlot(ValueNode* context, int offset,
ValueNode* value);
void BuildLoadContextSlot(ValueNode* context, size_t depth, int slot_index,
ContextSlotMutability slot_mutability);
void BuildStoreContextSlot(ValueNode* context, size_t depth, int slot_index,
ValueNode* value);
void BuildStoreReceiverMap(ValueNode* receiver, compiler::MapRef map);
template <Builtin kBuiltin>
CallBuiltin* BuildCallBuiltin(std::initializer_list<ValueNode*> inputs) {
using Descriptor = typename CallInterfaceDescriptorFor<kBuiltin>::type;
if constexpr (Descriptor::HasContextParameter()) {
return AddNewNode<CallBuiltin>(
inputs.size() + 1,
[&](CallBuiltin* call_builtin) {
int arg_index = 0;
for (auto* input : inputs) {
call_builtin->set_arg(arg_index++, input);
kBuiltin, GetContext());
} else {
return AddNewNode<CallBuiltin>(inputs, kBuiltin);
template <Builtin kBuiltin>
CallBuiltin* BuildCallBuiltin(
std::initializer_list<ValueNode*> inputs,
compiler::FeedbackSource const& feedback,
CallBuiltin::FeedbackSlotType slot_type = CallBuiltin::kTaggedIndex) {
CallBuiltin* call_builtin = BuildCallBuiltin<kBuiltin>(inputs);
call_builtin->set_feedback(feedback, slot_type);
#ifdef DEBUG
// Check that the last parameters are kSlot and kVector.
using Descriptor = typename CallInterfaceDescriptorFor<kBuiltin>::type;
int slot_index = call_builtin->InputCountWithoutContext();
int vector_index = slot_index + 1;
DCHECK_EQ(slot_index, Descriptor::kSlot);
// TODO(victorgomes): Rename all kFeedbackVector parameters in the builtins
// to kVector.
DCHECK_EQ(vector_index, Descriptor::kVector);
#endif // DEBUG
return call_builtin;
CallCPPBuiltin* BuildCallCPPBuiltin(
Builtin builtin, ValueNode* target, ValueNode* new_target,
std::initializer_list<ValueNode*> inputs) {
const size_t input_count = inputs.size() + CallCPPBuiltin::kFixedInputCount;
return AddNewNode<CallCPPBuiltin>(
[&](CallCPPBuiltin* call_builtin) {
int arg_index = 0;
for (auto* input : inputs) {
call_builtin->set_arg(arg_index++, input);
builtin, target, new_target, GetContext());
void BuildLoadGlobal(compiler::NameRef name,
compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source,
TypeofMode typeof_mode);
ValueNode* BuildToString(ValueNode* value, ToString::ConversionMode mode);
CallRuntime* BuildCallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
std::initializer_list<ValueNode*> inputs) {
return AddNewNode<CallRuntime>(
inputs.size() + CallRuntime::kFixedInputCount,
[&](CallRuntime* call_runtime) {
int arg_index = 0;
for (auto* input : inputs) {
call_runtime->set_arg(arg_index++, input);
function_id, GetContext());
void BuildAbort(AbortReason reason) {
// Create a block rather than calling finish, since we don't yet know the
// next block's offset before the loop skipping the rest of the bytecodes.
FinishBlock<Abort>({}, reason);
void Print(const char* str) {
Handle<String> string_handle =
str, AllocationType::kOld);
ValueNode* string_node = GetConstant(MakeRefAssumeMemoryFence(
broker(), broker()->CanonicalPersistentHandle(string_handle)));
BuildCallRuntime(Runtime::kGlobalPrint, {string_node});
void Print(ValueNode* value) {
BuildCallRuntime(Runtime::kDebugPrint, {value});
void Print(const char* str, ValueNode* value) {
ValueNode* GetClosure() const {
return current_interpreter_frame_.get(
ValueNode* GetContext() const {
return current_interpreter_frame_.get(
void SetContext(ValueNode* context) {
FeedbackSlot GetSlotOperand(int operand_index) const {
return iterator_.GetSlotOperand(operand_index);
uint32_t GetFlag8Operand(int operand_index) const {
return iterator_.GetFlag8Operand(operand_index);
uint32_t GetFlag16Operand(int operand_index) const {
return iterator_.GetFlag16Operand(operand_index);
template <class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_taggable_v<T>>>
typename compiler::ref_traits<T>::ref_type GetRefOperand(int operand_index) {
// The BytecodeArray itself was fetched by using a barrier so all reads
// from the constant pool are safe.
return MakeRefAssumeMemoryFence(
broker(), broker()->CanonicalPersistentHandle(
operand_index, local_isolate()))));
ExternalConstant* GetExternalConstant(ExternalReference reference) {
auto it = graph_->external_references().find(reference.address());
if (it == graph_->external_references().end()) {
ExternalConstant* node =
CreateNewConstantNode<ExternalConstant>(0, reference);
if (has_graph_labeller()) graph_labeller()->RegisterNode(node);
graph_->external_references().emplace(reference.address(), node);
return node;
return it->second;
RootConstant* GetRootConstant(RootIndex index) {
auto it = graph_->root().find(index);
if (it == graph_->root().end()) {
RootConstant* node = CreateNewConstantNode<RootConstant>(0, index);
if (has_graph_labeller()) graph_labeller()->RegisterNode(node);
graph_->root().emplace(index, node);
return node;
return it->second;
RootConstant* GetBooleanConstant(bool value) {
return GetRootConstant(value ? RootIndex::kTrueValue
: RootIndex::kFalseValue);
ValueNode* GetConstant(compiler::ObjectRef ref);
ValueNode* GetRegisterInput(Register reg) {
return AddNewNode<RegisterInput>({}, reg);
#define DEFINE_IS_ROOT_OBJECT(type, name, CamelName) \
bool Is##CamelName(ValueNode* value) const { \
if (RootConstant* constant = value->TryCast<RootConstant>()) { \
return constant->index() == RootIndex::k##CamelName; \
} \
return false; \
// Move an existing ValueNode between two registers. You can pass
// virtual_accumulator as the src or dst to move in or out of the accumulator.
void MoveNodeBetweenRegisters(interpreter::Register src,
interpreter::Register dst) {
// We shouldn't be moving newly created nodes between registers.
current_interpreter_frame_.set(dst, current_interpreter_frame_.get(src));
ValueNode* GetTaggedValue(ValueNode* value,
UseReprHintRecording record_use_repr_hint =
ReduceResult GetSmiValue(ValueNode* value,
UseReprHintRecording record_use_repr_hint =
ReduceResult GetSmiValue(interpreter::Register reg,
UseReprHintRecording record_use_repr_hint =
UseReprHintRecording::kRecord) {
ValueNode* value = current_interpreter_frame_.get(reg);
return GetSmiValue(value, record_use_repr_hint);
ValueNode* GetTaggedValue(interpreter::Register reg,
UseReprHintRecording record_use_repr_hint =
UseReprHintRecording::kRecord) {
ValueNode* value = current_interpreter_frame_.get(reg);
return GetTaggedValue(value, record_use_repr_hint);
ValueNode* GetInternalizedString(interpreter::Register reg);
// Get an Int32 representation node whose value is equivalent to the ToInt32
// truncation of the given node (including a ToNumber call). Only trivial
// ToNumber is allowed -- values that are already numeric, and optionally
// oddballs.
// Deopts if the ToNumber is non-trivial.
ValueNode* GetTruncatedInt32ForToNumber(ValueNode* value, ToNumberHint hint);
ValueNode* GetTruncatedInt32ForToNumber(interpreter::Register reg,
ToNumberHint hint) {
return GetTruncatedInt32ForToNumber(current_interpreter_frame_.get(reg),
// Get an Int32 representation node whose value is equivalent to the ToUint8
// truncation of the given node (including a ToNumber call). Only trivial
// ToNumber is allowed -- values that are already numeric, and optionally
// oddballs.
// Deopts if the ToNumber is non-trivial.
ValueNode* GetUint8ClampedForToNumber(ValueNode* value, ToNumberHint hint);
ValueNode* GetUint8ClampedForToNumber(interpreter::Register reg,
ToNumberHint hint) {
return GetUint8ClampedForToNumber(current_interpreter_frame_.get(reg),
// Get an Int32 representation node whose value is equivalent to the given
// node.
// Deopts if the value is not exactly representable as an Int32.
ValueNode* GetInt32(ValueNode* value);
ValueNode* GetInt32(interpreter::Register reg) {
ValueNode* value = current_interpreter_frame_.get(reg);
return GetInt32(value);
// Get a Float64 representation node whose value is equivalent to the given
// node.
// Deopts if the value is not exactly representable as a Float64.
ValueNode* GetFloat64(ValueNode* value);
ValueNode* GetFloat64(interpreter::Register reg) {
return GetFloat64(current_interpreter_frame_.get(reg));
// Get a Float64 representation node whose value is the result of ToNumber on
// the given node. Only trivial ToNumber is allowed -- values that are already
// numeric, and optionally oddballs.
// Deopts if the ToNumber value is not exactly representable as a Float64, or
// the ToNumber is non-trivial.
ValueNode* GetFloat64ForToNumber(ValueNode* value, ToNumberHint hint);
ValueNode* GetFloat64ForToNumber(interpreter::Register reg,
ToNumberHint hint) {
return GetFloat64ForToNumber(current_interpreter_frame_.get(reg), hint);
ValueNode* GetHoleyFloat64ForToNumber(ValueNode* value, ToNumberHint hint);
ValueNode* GetHoleyFloat64ForToNumber(interpreter::Register reg,
ToNumberHint hint) {
return GetHoleyFloat64ForToNumber(current_interpreter_frame_.get(reg),
ValueNode* GetRawAccumulator() {
return current_interpreter_frame_.get(
ValueNode* GetAccumulatorTagged(UseReprHintRecording record_use_repr_hint =
UseReprHintRecording::kRecord) {
return GetTaggedValue(interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator(),
ReduceResult GetAccumulatorSmi(UseReprHintRecording record_use_repr_hint =
UseReprHintRecording::kRecord) {
return GetSmiValue(interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator(),
ValueNode* GetAccumulatorInt32() {
return GetInt32(interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator());
ValueNode* GetAccumulatorTruncatedInt32ForToNumber(ToNumberHint hint) {
return GetTruncatedInt32ForToNumber(
interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator(), hint);
ValueNode* GetAccumulatorUint8ClampedForToNumber(ToNumberHint hint) {
return GetUint8ClampedForToNumber(
interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator(), hint);
ValueNode* GetAccumulatorFloat64() {
return GetFloat64(interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator());
ValueNode* GetAccumulatorFloat64ForToNumber(ToNumberHint hint) {
return GetFloat64ForToNumber(interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator(),
ValueNode* GetAccumulatorHoleyFloat64ForToNumber(ToNumberHint hint) {
return GetHoleyFloat64ForToNumber(
interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator(), hint);
ValueNode* GetSilencedNaN(ValueNode* value) {
// We only need to check for silenced NaN in non-conversion nodes or
// conversion from tagged, since they can't be signalling NaNs.
if (value->properties().is_conversion()) {
// A conversion node should have at least one input.
DCHECK_GE(value->input_count(), 1);
// If the conversion node is tagged, we could be reading a fabricated sNaN
// value (built using a BufferArray for example).
if (!value->input(0).node()->properties().is_tagged()) {
return value;
// Special case constants, since we know what they are.
Float64Constant* constant = value->TryCast<Float64Constant>();
if (constant) {
constexpr double quiet_NaN = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
if (!constant->value().is_nan()) return constant;
return GetFloat64Constant(quiet_NaN);
// Silence all other values.
return AddNewNode<HoleyFloat64ToMaybeNanFloat64>({value});
bool IsRegisterEqualToAccumulator(int operand_index) {
interpreter::Register source = iterator_.GetRegisterOperand(operand_index);
return current_interpreter_frame_.get(source) ==
ValueNode* LoadRegisterRaw(int operand_index) {
return current_interpreter_frame_.get(
ValueNode* LoadRegisterTagged(int operand_index) {
return GetTaggedValue(iterator_.GetRegisterOperand(operand_index));
ValueNode* LoadRegisterInt32(int operand_index) {
return GetInt32(iterator_.GetRegisterOperand(operand_index));
ValueNode* LoadRegisterFloat64(int operand_index) {
return GetFloat64(iterator_.GetRegisterOperand(operand_index));
ValueNode* LoadRegisterFloat64ForToNumber(int operand_index,
ToNumberHint hint) {
return GetFloat64ForToNumber(iterator_.GetRegisterOperand(operand_index),
ValueNode* LoadRegisterHoleyFloat64ForToNumber(int operand_index,
ToNumberHint hint) {
return GetHoleyFloat64ForToNumber(
iterator_.GetRegisterOperand(operand_index), hint);
ValueNode* BuildLoadFixedArrayElement(ValueNode* node, int index) {
return AddNewNode<LoadTaggedField>({node},
template <typename NodeT>
void SetAccumulator(NodeT* node) {
// Accumulator stores are equivalent to stores to the virtual accumulator
// register.
StoreRegister(interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator(), node);
ValueNode* GetSecondValue(ValueNode* result) {
// GetSecondReturnedValue must be added just after a node that calls a
// builtin that expects 2 returned values. It simply binds kReturnRegister1
// to a value node. Since the previous node must have been a builtin
// call, the register is available in the register allocator. No gap moves
// would be emitted between these two nodes.
if (result->opcode() == Opcode::kCallRuntime) {
DCHECK_EQ(result->Cast<CallRuntime>()->ReturnCount(), 2);
} else if (result->opcode() == Opcode::kCallBuiltin) {
DCHECK_EQ(result->Cast<CallBuiltin>()->ReturnCount(), 2);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(result->opcode(), Opcode::kForInPrepare);
// {result} must be the last node in the current block.
DCHECK_EQ(result->NextNode(), nullptr);
return AddNewNode<GetSecondReturnedValue>({});
template <typename NodeT>
void StoreRegister(interpreter::Register target, NodeT* value) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<ValueNode, NodeT>);
current_interpreter_frame_.set(target, value);
// Make sure the lazy deopt info of this value, if any, is registered as
// mutating this register.
DCHECK_IMPLIES(value->properties().can_lazy_deopt() &&
void SetAccumulatorInBranch(ValueNode* value) {
template <typename NodeT>
void StoreRegisterPair(
std::pair<interpreter::Register, interpreter::Register> target,
NodeT* value) {
const interpreter::Register target0 = target.first;
const interpreter::Register target1 = target.second;
DCHECK_EQ(interpreter::Register(target0.index() + 1), target1);
DCHECK_EQ(value->ReturnCount(), 2);
DCHECK_NE(0, new_nodes_.count(value));
current_interpreter_frame_.set(target0, value);
ValueNode* second_value = GetSecondValue(value);
DCHECK_NE(0, new_nodes_.count(second_value));
current_interpreter_frame_.set(target1, second_value);
// Make sure the lazy deopt info of this value, if any, is registered as
// mutating these registers.
DCHECK_IMPLIES(value->properties().can_lazy_deopt() &&
DCHECK_IMPLIES(value->properties().can_lazy_deopt() &&
std::pair<interpreter::Register, int> GetResultLocationAndSize() const;
#ifdef DEBUG
bool HasOutputRegister(interpreter::Register reg) const;
DeoptFrame* GetParentDeoptFrame();
DeoptFrame GetDeoptFrameForLazyDeopt(interpreter::Register result_location,
int result_size);
DeoptFrame GetDeoptFrameForLazyDeoptHelper(
interpreter::Register result_location, int result_size,
DeoptFrameScope* scope, bool mark_accumulator_dead);
InterpretedDeoptFrame GetDeoptFrameForEntryStackCheck();
template <typename NodeT>
void MarkPossibleSideEffect(NodeT* node) {
// Don't do anything for nodes without side effects.
if constexpr (!NodeT::kProperties.can_write()) return;
// Simple field stores are stores which do nothing but change a field value
// (i.e. no map transitions or calls into user code).
static constexpr bool is_simple_field_store =
std::is_same_v<NodeT, StoreTaggedFieldWithWriteBarrier> ||
std::is_same_v<NodeT, StoreTaggedFieldNoWriteBarrier> ||
std::is_same_v<NodeT, StoreDoubleField> ||
std::is_same_v<NodeT, UpdateJSArrayLength> ||
std::is_same_v<NodeT, StoreFixedArrayElementWithWriteBarrier> ||
std::is_same_v<NodeT, StoreFixedArrayElementNoWriteBarrier> ||
std::is_same_v<NodeT, StoreFixedDoubleArrayElement>;
// Don't change known node aspects for:
// * Simple field stores -- the only relevant side effect on these is
// writes to objects which invalidate loaded properties and context
// slots, and we invalidate these already as part of emitting the store.
// * CheckMapsWithMigration -- this only migrates representations of
// values, not the values themselves, so cached values are still valid.
static constexpr bool should_clear_unstable_node_aspects =
!is_simple_field_store &&
!std::is_same_v<NodeT, CheckMapsWithMigration>;
// Simple field stores can't possibly change or migrate the map.
static constexpr bool is_possible_map_change = !is_simple_field_store;
// We only need to clear unstable node aspects on the current builder, not
// the parent, since we'll anyway copy the known_node_aspects to the parent
// once we finish the inlined function.
if constexpr (should_clear_unstable_node_aspects) {
if (v8_flags.trace_maglev_graph_building) {
std::cout << " ! Clearing unstable node aspects" << std::endl;
// Side-effects can change object contents, so we have to clear
// our known loaded properties -- however, constant properties are known
// to not change (and we added a dependency on this), so we don't have to
// clear those.
// All user-observable side effects need to clear state that is cached on
// the builder. This reset has to be propagated up through the parents.
// TODO(leszeks): What side effects aren't observable? Maybe migrations?
for (MaglevGraphBuilder* builder = this; builder != nullptr;
builder = builder->parent_) {
template <bool is_possible_map_change = true>
void ResetBuilderCachedState() {
// If a map might have changed, then we need to re-check it for for-in.
// TODO(leszeks): Track this on merge states / known node aspects, rather
// than on the graph, so that it can survive control flow.
if constexpr (is_possible_map_change) {
current_for_in_state.receiver_needs_map_check = true;
int next_offset() const {
return iterator_.current_offset() + iterator_.current_bytecode_size();
const compiler::BytecodeLivenessState* GetInLiveness() const {
return GetInLivenessFor(iterator_.current_offset());
const compiler::BytecodeLivenessState* GetInLivenessFor(int offset) const {
return bytecode_analysis().GetInLivenessFor(offset);
const compiler::BytecodeLivenessState* GetOutLiveness() const {
return GetOutLivenessFor(iterator_.current_offset());
const compiler::BytecodeLivenessState* GetOutLivenessFor(int offset) const {
return bytecode_analysis().GetOutLivenessFor(offset);
void StartNewBlock(int offset, BasicBlock* predecessor) {
StartNewBlock(predecessor, merge_states_[offset], jump_targets_[offset]);
void StartNewBlock(BasicBlock* predecessor,
MergePointInterpreterFrameState* merge_state,
BasicBlockRef& refs_to_block) {
current_block_ = zone()->New<BasicBlock>(merge_state, zone());
if (merge_state == nullptr) {
template <typename ControlNodeT, typename... Args>
BasicBlock* FinishBlock(std::initializer_list<ValueNode*> control_inputs,
Args&&... args) {
ControlNodeT* control_node = NodeBase::New<ControlNodeT>(
zone(), control_inputs, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
BasicBlock* block = current_block_;
current_block_ = nullptr;
if (has_graph_labeller()) {
graph_labeller()->RegisterNode(control_node, compilation_unit_,
if (v8_flags.trace_maglev_graph_building) {
bool kSkipTargets = true;
std::cout << " " << control_node << " "
<< PrintNodeLabel(graph_labeller(), control_node) << ": "
<< PrintNode(graph_labeller(), control_node, kSkipTargets)
<< std::endl;
return block;
void StartFallthroughBlock(int next_block_offset, BasicBlock* predecessor) {
// Start a new block for the fallthrough path, unless it's a merge point, in
// which case we merge our state into it. That merge-point could also be a
// loop header, in which case the merge state might not exist yet (if the
// only predecessors are this path and the JumpLoop).
if (NumPredecessors(next_block_offset) == 1) {
if (v8_flags.trace_maglev_graph_building) {
std::cout << "== New block (single fallthrough) at "
<< *compilation_unit_->shared_function_info().object()
<< "==" << std::endl;
StartNewBlock(next_block_offset, predecessor);
} else {
MergeIntoFrameState(predecessor, next_block_offset);
ValueNode* GetTaggedOrUndefined(ValueNode* maybe_value) {
if (maybe_value == nullptr) {
return GetRootConstant(RootIndex::kUndefinedValue);
return GetTaggedValue(maybe_value);
ValueNode* GetRawConvertReceiver(compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared,
const CallArguments& args);
ValueNode* GetConvertReceiver(compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared,
const CallArguments& args);
compiler::OptionalHeapObjectRef TryGetConstant(
ValueNode* node, ValueNode** constant_node = nullptr);
template <typename LoadNode>
ReduceResult TryBuildLoadDataView(const CallArguments& args,
ExternalArrayType type);
template <typename StoreNode, typename Function>
ReduceResult TryBuildStoreDataView(const CallArguments& args,
ExternalArrayType type,
Function&& getValue);
V(MathAcos) \
V(MathAcosh) \
V(MathAsin) \
V(MathAsinh) \
V(MathAtan) \
V(MathAtanh) \
V(MathCbrt) \
V(MathCos) \
V(MathCosh) \
V(MathExp) \
V(MathExpm1) \
V(MathLog) \
V(MathLog1p) \
V(MathLog10) \
V(MathLog2) \
V(MathSin) \
V(MathSinh) \
V(MathTan) \
V(ArrayForEach) \
V(DataViewPrototypeGetInt8) \
V(DataViewPrototypeSetInt8) \
V(DataViewPrototypeGetInt16) \
V(DataViewPrototypeSetInt16) \
V(DataViewPrototypeGetInt32) \
V(DataViewPrototypeSetInt32) \
V(DataViewPrototypeGetFloat64) \
V(DataViewPrototypeSetFloat64) \
V(FunctionPrototypeCall) \
V(FunctionPrototypeHasInstance) \
V(ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty) \
V(MathCeil) \
V(MathFloor) \
V(MathPow) \
V(ArrayPrototypePush) \
V(ArrayPrototypePop) \
V(MathRound) \
V(StringConstructor) \
V(StringFromCharCode) \
V(StringPrototypeCharCodeAt) \
V(StringPrototypeCodePointAt) \
V(StringPrototypeLocaleCompare) \
ReduceResult TryReduce##Name(compiler::JSFunctionRef target, \
CallArguments& args);
template <typename MapKindsT, typename IndexToElementsKindFunc,
typename BuildKindSpecificFunc>
ReduceResult BuildJSArrayBuiltinMapSwitchOnElementsKind(
ValueNode* receiver, const MapKindsT& map_kinds,
MaglevSubGraphBuilder& sub_graph,
base::Optional<MaglevSubGraphBuilder::Label>& do_return,
int unique_kind_count, IndexToElementsKindFunc&& index_to_elements_kind,
BuildKindSpecificFunc&& build_kind_specific);
ReduceResult DoTryReduceMathRound(CallArguments& args,
Float64Round::Kind kind);
template <typename CallNode, typename... Args>
CallNode* AddNewCallNode(const CallArguments& args, Args&&... extra_args);
ValueNode* BuildCallSelf(ValueNode* context, ValueNode* function,
ValueNode* new_target,
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared,
CallArguments& args);
ReduceResult TryReduceBuiltin(compiler::JSFunctionRef target,
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared,
CallArguments& args,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source,
SpeculationMode speculation_mode);
bool TargetIsCurrentCompilingUnit(compiler::JSFunctionRef target);
ReduceResult TryBuildCallKnownJSFunction(
compiler::JSFunctionRef function, ValueNode* new_target,
CallArguments& args, const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source);
ReduceResult TryBuildCallKnownJSFunction(
ValueNode* context, ValueNode* function, ValueNode* new_target,
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared,
compiler::OptionalFeedbackVectorRef feedback_vector, CallArguments& args,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source);
bool ShouldInlineCall(compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared,
compiler::OptionalFeedbackVectorRef feedback_vector,
float call_frequency);
ReduceResult TryBuildInlinedCall(
ValueNode* context, ValueNode* function, ValueNode* new_target,
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared,
compiler::OptionalFeedbackVectorRef feedback_vector, CallArguments& args,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source);
ValueNode* BuildGenericCall(ValueNode* target, Call::TargetType target_type,
const CallArguments& args);
ReduceResult ReduceCallForConstant(
compiler::JSFunctionRef target, CallArguments& args,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source =
SpeculationMode speculation_mode = SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation);
ReduceResult ReduceCallForTarget(
ValueNode* target_node, compiler::JSFunctionRef target,
CallArguments& args, const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source,
SpeculationMode speculation_mode);
ReduceResult ReduceCallForNewClosure(
ValueNode* target_node, ValueNode* target_context,
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared,
compiler::OptionalFeedbackVectorRef feedback_vector, CallArguments& args,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source,
SpeculationMode speculation_mode);
ReduceResult TryBuildCallKnownApiFunction(
compiler::JSFunctionRef function, compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared,
CallArguments& args);
compiler::HolderLookupResult TryInferApiHolderValue(
compiler::FunctionTemplateInfoRef function_template_info,
ValueNode* receiver);
ReduceResult ReduceCallForApiFunction(
compiler::FunctionTemplateInfoRef api_callback,
compiler::OptionalSharedFunctionInfoRef maybe_shared,
compiler::OptionalJSObjectRef api_holder, CallArguments& args);
ReduceResult ReduceFunctionPrototypeApplyCallWithReceiver(
ValueNode* target_node, compiler::JSFunctionRef receiver,
CallArguments& args, const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source,
SpeculationMode speculation_mode);
ReduceResult ReduceCall(
ValueNode* target_node, CallArguments& args,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source =
SpeculationMode speculation_mode = SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation);
void BuildCallWithFeedback(ValueNode* target_node, CallArguments& args,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source);
void BuildCallFromRegisterList(ConvertReceiverMode receiver_mode);
void BuildCallFromRegisters(int argc_count,
ConvertReceiverMode receiver_mode);
ValueNode* BuildGenericConstruct(
ValueNode* target, ValueNode* new_target, ValueNode* context,
const CallArguments& args,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source =
ReduceResult ReduceConstruct(compiler::HeapObjectRef feedback_target,
ValueNode* target, ValueNode* new_target,
CallArguments& args,
compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source);
void BuildConstruct(ValueNode* target, ValueNode* new_target,
CallArguments& args,
compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_source);
ReduceResult TryBuildScriptContextStore(
const compiler::GlobalAccessFeedback& global_access_feedback);
ReduceResult TryBuildPropertyCellStore(
const compiler::GlobalAccessFeedback& global_access_feedback);
ReduceResult TryBuildGlobalStore(
const compiler::GlobalAccessFeedback& global_access_feedback);
ReduceResult TryBuildScriptContextConstantLoad(
const compiler::GlobalAccessFeedback& global_access_feedback);
ReduceResult TryBuildScriptContextLoad(
const compiler::GlobalAccessFeedback& global_access_feedback);
ReduceResult TryBuildPropertyCellLoad(
const compiler::GlobalAccessFeedback& global_access_feedback);
ReduceResult TryBuildGlobalLoad(
const compiler::GlobalAccessFeedback& global_access_feedback);
bool TryBuildFindNonDefaultConstructorOrConstruct(
ValueNode* this_function, ValueNode* new_target,
std::pair<interpreter::Register, interpreter::Register> result);
ValueNode* BuildSmiUntag(ValueNode* node);
ValueNode* BuildNumberOrOddballToFloat64(
ValueNode* node, TaggedToFloat64ConversionType conversion_type);
ReduceResult BuildCheckSmi(ValueNode* object, bool elidable = true);
void BuildCheckNumber(ValueNode* object);
void BuildCheckHeapObject(ValueNode* object);
void BuildCheckJSReceiver(ValueNode* object);
void BuildCheckString(ValueNode* object);
void BuildCheckSymbol(ValueNode* object);
ReduceResult BuildCheckMaps(ValueNode* object,
base::Vector<const compiler::MapRef> maps);
ReduceResult BuildTransitionElementsKindOrCheckMap(
ValueNode* object, const ZoneVector<compiler::MapRef>& transition_sources,
compiler::MapRef transition_target);
ReduceResult BuildCompareMaps(
ValueNode* object, base::Vector<const compiler::MapRef> maps,
MaglevSubGraphBuilder* sub_graph,
base::Optional<MaglevSubGraphBuilder::Label>& if_not_matched);
ReduceResult BuildTransitionElementsKindAndCompareMaps(
ValueNode* object, const ZoneVector<compiler::MapRef>& transition_sources,
compiler::MapRef transition_target, MaglevSubGraphBuilder* sub_graph,
base::Optional<MaglevSubGraphBuilder::Label>& if_not_matched);
// Emits an unconditional deopt and returns false if the node is a constant
// that doesn't match the ref.
ReduceResult BuildCheckValue(ValueNode* node, compiler::ObjectRef ref);
ReduceResult BuildCheckValue(ValueNode* node, compiler::HeapObjectRef ref);
bool CanElideWriteBarrier(ValueNode* object, ValueNode* value);
void BuildStoreTaggedField(ValueNode* object, ValueNode* value, int offset);
void BuildStoreTaggedFieldNoWriteBarrier(ValueNode* object, ValueNode* value,
int offset);
void BuildStoreFixedArrayElement(ValueNode* elements, ValueNode* index,
ValueNode* value);
ValueNode* GetInt32ElementIndex(interpreter::Register reg) {
ValueNode* index_object = current_interpreter_frame_.get(reg);
return GetInt32ElementIndex(index_object);
ValueNode* GetInt32ElementIndex(ValueNode* index_object);
ReduceResult GetUint32ElementIndex(interpreter::Register reg) {
ValueNode* index_object = current_interpreter_frame_.get(reg);
return GetUint32ElementIndex(index_object);
ReduceResult GetUint32ElementIndex(ValueNode* index_object);
bool CanTreatHoleAsUndefined(
base::Vector<const compiler::MapRef> const& receiver_maps);
compiler::OptionalObjectRef TryFoldLoadDictPrototypeConstant(
compiler::PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info);
compiler::OptionalJSObjectRef TryGetConstantDataFieldHolder(
compiler::PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info,
ValueNode* lookup_start_object);
compiler::OptionalObjectRef TryFoldLoadConstantDataField(
compiler::JSObjectRef holder,
compiler::PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info);
base::Optional<double> TryFoldLoadConstantDoubleField(
compiler::JSObjectRef holder,
compiler::PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info);
// Returns the loaded value node but doesn't update the accumulator yet.
ValueNode* BuildLoadField(compiler::PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info,
ValueNode* lookup_start_object);
ReduceResult TryBuildStoreField(
compiler::PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info, ValueNode* receiver,
compiler::AccessMode access_mode);
ReduceResult TryBuildPropertyGetterCall(
compiler::PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info, ValueNode* receiver,
ValueNode* lookup_start_object);
ReduceResult TryBuildPropertySetterCall(
compiler::PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info, ValueNode* receiver,
ValueNode* value);
ReduceResult BuildLoadJSArrayLength(ValueNode* js_array);
ReduceResult TryBuildPropertyLoad(
ValueNode* receiver, ValueNode* lookup_start_object,
compiler::NameRef name, compiler::PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info);
ReduceResult TryBuildPropertyStore(
ValueNode* receiver, compiler::NameRef name,
compiler::PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info,
compiler::AccessMode access_mode);
ReduceResult TryBuildPropertyAccess(
ValueNode* receiver, ValueNode* lookup_start_object,
compiler::NameRef name, compiler::PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info,
compiler::AccessMode access_mode);
ReduceResult TryBuildNamedAccess(
ValueNode* receiver, ValueNode* lookup_start_object,
compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const& feedback,
compiler::FeedbackSource const& feedback_source,
compiler::AccessMode access_mode);
ReduceResult BuildLoadTypedArrayLength(ValueNode* object,
ElementsKind elements_kind);
ValueNode* BuildLoadTypedArrayElement(ValueNode* object, ValueNode* index,
ElementsKind elements_kind);
void BuildStoreTypedArrayElement(ValueNode* object, ValueNode* index,
ElementsKind elements_kind);
ReduceResult TryBuildElementAccessOnString(
ValueNode* object, ValueNode* index,
compiler::KeyedAccessMode const& keyed_mode);
ReduceResult TryBuildElementAccessOnTypedArray(
ValueNode* object, ValueNode* index,
const compiler::ElementAccessInfo& access_info,
compiler::KeyedAccessMode const& keyed_mode);
ReduceResult TryBuildElementLoadOnJSArrayOrJSObject(
ValueNode* object, ValueNode* index,
const compiler::ElementAccessInfo& access_info,
KeyedAccessLoadMode load_mode);
ReduceResult TryBuildElementStoreOnJSArrayOrJSObject(
ValueNode* object, ValueNode* index_object, ValueNode* value,
base::Vector<const compiler::MapRef> maps, ElementsKind kind,
const compiler::KeyedAccessMode& keyed_mode);
ReduceResult TryBuildElementAccessOnJSArrayOrJSObject(
ValueNode* object, ValueNode* index,
const compiler::ElementAccessInfo& access_info,
compiler::KeyedAccessMode const& keyed_mode);
template <typename GenericAccessFunc>
ReduceResult TryBuildElementAccess(
ValueNode* object, ValueNode* index,
compiler::ElementAccessFeedback const& feedback,
compiler::FeedbackSource const& feedback_source,
GenericAccessFunc&& build_generic_access);
template <typename GenericAccessFunc>
ReduceResult TryBuildPolymorphicElementAccess(
ValueNode* object, ValueNode* index,
const compiler::KeyedAccessMode& keyed_mode,
const ZoneVector<compiler::ElementAccessInfo>& access_infos,
GenericAccessFunc&& build_generic_access);
// Load elimination -- when loading or storing a simple property without
// side effects, record its value, and allow that value to be re-used on
// subsequent loads.
void RecordKnownProperty(ValueNode* lookup_start_object,
KnownNodeAspects::LoadedPropertyMapKey key,
ValueNode* value, bool is_const,
compiler::AccessMode access_mode);
ReduceResult TryReuseKnownPropertyLoad(ValueNode* lookup_start_object,
compiler::NameRef name);
// Converts the input node to a representation that's valid to store into an
// array with elements kind |kind|.
ReduceResult ConvertForStoring(ValueNode* node, ElementsKind kind);
enum InferHasInPrototypeChainResult {
InferHasInPrototypeChainResult InferHasInPrototypeChain(
ValueNode* receiver, compiler::HeapObjectRef prototype);
ReduceResult TryBuildFastHasInPrototypeChain(
ValueNode* object, compiler::HeapObjectRef prototype);
ReduceResult BuildHasInPrototypeChain(ValueNode* object,
compiler::HeapObjectRef prototype);
ReduceResult TryBuildFastOrdinaryHasInstance(ValueNode* object,
compiler::JSObjectRef callable,
ValueNode* callable_node);
ReduceResult BuildOrdinaryHasInstance(ValueNode* object,
compiler::JSObjectRef callable,
ValueNode* callable_node);
ReduceResult TryBuildFastInstanceOf(ValueNode* object,
compiler::JSObjectRef callable_ref,
ValueNode* callable_node);
ReduceResult TryBuildFastInstanceOfWithFeedback(
ValueNode* object, ValueNode* callable,
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_source);
ValueNode* ExtendOrReallocateCurrentRawAllocation(
int size, AllocationType allocation_type);
void ClearCurrentRawAllocation();
ReduceResult TryBuildFastCreateObjectOrArrayLiteral(
const compiler::LiteralFeedback& feedback);
base::Optional<FastObject> TryReadBoilerplateForFastLiteral(
compiler::JSObjectRef boilerplate, AllocationType allocation,
int max_depth, int* max_properties);
ValueNode* BuildAllocateFastObject(FastObject object,
AllocationType allocation);
ValueNode* BuildAllocateFastObject(FastField value,
AllocationType allocation);
ValueNode* BuildAllocateFastObject(FastFixedArray array,
AllocationType allocation);
template <Operation kOperation>
void BuildGenericUnaryOperationNode();
template <Operation kOperation>
void BuildGenericBinaryOperationNode();
template <Operation kOperation>
void BuildGenericBinarySmiOperationNode();
template <Operation kOperation>
bool TryReduceCompareEqualAgainstConstant();
template <Operation kOperation>
ValueNode* TryFoldInt32BinaryOperation(ValueNode* left, ValueNode* right);
template <Operation kOperation>
ValueNode* TryFoldInt32BinaryOperation(ValueNode* left, int right);
template <Operation kOperation>
void BuildInt32UnaryOperationNode();
void BuildTruncatingInt32BitwiseNotForToNumber(ToNumberHint hint);
template <Operation kOperation>
void BuildInt32BinaryOperationNode();
template <Operation kOperation>
void BuildInt32BinarySmiOperationNode();
template <Operation kOperation>
void BuildTruncatingInt32BinaryOperationNodeForToNumber(ToNumberHint hint);
template <Operation kOperation>
void BuildTruncatingInt32BinarySmiOperationNodeForToNumber(ToNumberHint hint);
template <Operation kOperation>
void BuildFloat64UnaryOperationNodeForToNumber(ToNumberHint hint);
template <Operation kOperation>
void BuildFloat64BinaryOperationNodeForToNumber(ToNumberHint hint);
template <Operation kOperation>
void BuildFloat64BinarySmiOperationNodeForToNumber(ToNumberHint hint);
template <Operation kOperation>
void VisitUnaryOperation();
template <Operation kOperation>
void VisitBinaryOperation();
template <Operation kOperation>
void VisitBinarySmiOperation();
template <Operation kOperation>
void VisitCompareOperation();
void MergeIntoFrameState(BasicBlock* block, int target);
void MergeDeadIntoFrameState(int target);
void MergeDeadLoopIntoFrameState(int target);
void MergeIntoInlinedReturnFrameState(BasicBlock* block);
bool HasValidInitialMap(compiler::JSFunctionRef new_target,
compiler::JSFunctionRef constructor);
BasicBlock* BuildBranchIfReferenceEqual(ValueNode* lhs, ValueNode* rhs,
BasicBlockRef* true_target,
BasicBlockRef* false_target);
enum JumpType { kJumpIfTrue, kJumpIfFalse };
enum class BranchSpecializationMode { kDefault, kAlwaysBoolean };
JumpType NegateJumpType(JumpType jump_type);
void BuildBranchIfRootConstant(
ValueNode* node, JumpType jump_type, RootIndex root_index,
BranchSpecializationMode mode = BranchSpecializationMode::kDefault);
void BuildBranchIfTrue(ValueNode* node, JumpType jump_type);
void BuildBranchIfNull(ValueNode* node, JumpType jump_type);
void BuildBranchIfUndefined(ValueNode* node, JumpType jump_type);
void BuildBranchIfToBooleanTrue(ValueNode* node, JumpType jump_type);
template <bool flip = false>
ValueNode* BuildToBoolean(ValueNode* node);
BasicBlock* BuildSpecializedBranchIfCompareNode(ValueNode* node,
BasicBlockRef* true_target,
BasicBlockRef* false_target);
void BuildToNumberOrToNumeric(Object::Conversion mode);
void CalculatePredecessorCounts() {
// Add 1 after the end of the bytecode so we can always write to the offset
// after the last bytecode.
size_t array_length = bytecode().length() + 1;
predecessors_ = zone()->AllocateArray<uint32_t>(array_length);
MemsetUint32(predecessors_, 0, entrypoint_);
MemsetUint32(predecessors_ + entrypoint_, 1, array_length - entrypoint_);
// We count jumps from peeled loops to outside of the loop twice.
bool is_loop_peeling_iteration = false;
base::Optional<int> peeled_loop_end;
interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator iterator(bytecode().object());
for (iterator.SetOffset(entrypoint_); !iterator.done();
iterator.Advance()) {
interpreter::Bytecode bytecode = iterator.current_bytecode();
if (allow_loop_peeling_ &&
bytecode_analysis().IsLoopHeader(iterator.current_offset())) {
const compiler::LoopInfo& loop_info =
// Generators use irreducible control flow, which makes loop peeling too
// complicated.
if (loop_info.innermost() && !loop_info.resumable() &&
(loop_info.loop_end() - loop_info.loop_start()) <
v8_flags.maglev_loop_peeling_max_size &&
(!v8_flags.maglev_loop_peeling_only_trivial ||
loop_info.trivial())) {
is_loop_peeling_iteration = true;
peeled_loop_end = bytecode_analysis().GetLoopEndOffsetForInnermost(
if (interpreter::Bytecodes::IsJump(bytecode)) {
if (is_loop_peeling_iteration &&
bytecode == interpreter::Bytecode::kJumpLoop) {
DCHECK_EQ(iterator.next_offset(), peeled_loop_end);
is_loop_peeling_iteration = false;
peeled_loop_end = {};
if (iterator.GetJumpTargetOffset() < entrypoint_) {
if (predecessors_[iterator.GetJumpTargetOffset()] == 1) {
// We encoutered a JumpLoop whose loop header is not reachable
// otherwise. This loop is either dead or the JumpLoop will bail
// with DeoptimizeReason::kOSREarlyExit.
predecessors_[iterator.GetJumpTargetOffset()] = 0;
} else {
if (is_loop_peeling_iteration &&
iterator.GetJumpTargetOffset() >= *peeled_loop_end) {
// Jumps from within the peeled loop to outside need to be counted
// twice, once for the peeled and once for the regular loop body.
if (!interpreter::Bytecodes::IsConditionalJump(bytecode)) {
} else if (interpreter::Bytecodes::IsSwitch(bytecode)) {
for (auto offset : iterator.GetJumpTableTargetOffsets()) {
} else if (interpreter::Bytecodes::Returns(bytecode) ||
interpreter::Bytecodes::UnconditionallyThrows(bytecode)) {
// Collect inline return jumps in the slot after the last bytecode.
if (is_inline() && interpreter::Bytecodes::Returns(bytecode)) {
predecessors_[array_length - 1]++;
if (is_loop_peeling_iteration) {
predecessors_[array_length - 1]++;
// TODO(leszeks): Also consider handler entries (the bytecode analysis)
// will do this automatically I guess if we merge this into that.
if (!is_inline()) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, predecessors_[bytecode().length()]);
int NumPredecessors(int offset) { return predecessors_[offset]; }
compiler::FeedbackVectorRef feedback() const {
return compilation_unit_->feedback();
const FeedbackNexus FeedbackNexusForOperand(int slot_operand_index) const {
return FeedbackNexus(feedback().object(),
const FeedbackNexus FeedbackNexusForSlot(FeedbackSlot slot) const {
return FeedbackNexus(feedback().object(), slot,
compiler::BytecodeArrayRef bytecode() const {
return compilation_unit_->bytecode();
const compiler::BytecodeAnalysis& bytecode_analysis() const {
return bytecode_analysis_;
int parameter_count() const { return compilation_unit_->parameter_count(); }
int parameter_count_without_receiver() { return parameter_count() - 1; }
int register_count() const { return compilation_unit_->register_count(); }
KnownNodeAspects& known_node_aspects() {
return *current_interpreter_frame_.known_node_aspects();
// True when this graph builder is building the subgraph of an inlined
// function.
bool is_inline() const { return parent_ != nullptr; }
int inlining_depth() const { return compilation_unit_->inlining_depth(); }
// The fake offset used as a target for all exits of an inlined function.
int inline_exit_offset() const {
return bytecode().length();
LocalIsolate* const local_isolate_;
MaglevCompilationUnit* const compilation_unit_;
MaglevGraphBuilder* const parent_;
DeoptFrame* parent_deopt_frame_ = nullptr;
CatchBlockDetails parent_catch_;
// Cache the heap broker since we access it a bunch.
compiler::JSHeapBroker* broker_ = compilation_unit_->broker();
Graph* const graph_;
compiler::BytecodeAnalysis bytecode_analysis_;
interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator iterator_;
SourcePositionTableIterator source_position_iterator_;
uint32_t* predecessors_;
bool in_peeled_iteration_ = false;
bool any_peeled_loop_ = false;
bool allow_loop_peeling_;
// When processing the peeled iteration of a loop, we need to reset the
// decremented predecessor counts inside of the loop before processing the
// body again. For this, we record offsets where we decremented the
// predecessor count.
ZoneVector<int> decremented_predecessor_offsets_;
// The set of loop headers for which we decided to do loop peeling.
BitVector loop_headers_to_peel_;
// Current block information.
bool in_prologue_ = true;
BasicBlock* current_block_ = nullptr;
base::Optional<InterpretedDeoptFrame> entry_stack_check_frame_;
base::Optional<DeoptFrame> latest_checkpointed_frame_;
SourcePosition current_source_position_;
struct ForInState {
ValueNode* receiver = nullptr;
ValueNode* cache_type = nullptr;
ValueNode* enum_cache = nullptr;
ValueNode* key = nullptr;
ValueNode* index = nullptr;
bool receiver_needs_map_check = false;
// TODO(leszeks): Allow having a stack of these.
ForInState current_for_in_state = ForInState();
AllocateRaw* current_raw_allocation_ = nullptr;
float call_frequency_;
BasicBlockRef* jump_targets_;
MergePointInterpreterFrameState** merge_states_;
InterpreterFrameState current_interpreter_frame_;
compiler::FeedbackSource current_speculation_feedback_;
// TODO(victorgomes): Refactor all inlined data to a
// base::Optional<InlinedGraphBuilderData>.
// base::Vector<ValueNode*>* inlined_arguments_ = nullptr;
base::Optional<base::Vector<ValueNode*>> inlined_arguments_;
BytecodeOffset caller_bytecode_offset_;
ValueNode* inlined_new_target_ = nullptr;
// Bytecode offset at which compilation should start.
int entrypoint_;
int bailout_for_entrypoint() {
if (!graph_->is_osr()) return kFunctionEntryBytecodeOffset;
return bytecode_analysis_.osr_bailout_id().ToInt();
int inlining_id_;
DeoptFrameScope* current_deopt_scope_ = nullptr;
struct HandlerTableEntry {
int end;
int handler;
ZoneStack<HandlerTableEntry> catch_block_stack_;
int next_handler_table_index_ = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
bool IsNodeCreatedForThisBytecode(ValueNode* node) const {
return new_nodes_.find(node) != new_nodes_.end();
std::unordered_set<Node*> new_nodes_;
} // namespace maglev
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8