blob: 60c9f5c61e455053aa3f0844f36a7331d0e9a4a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/base/threaded-list.h"
#include "src/compiler/bytecode-analysis.h"
#include "src/compiler/bytecode-liveness-map.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-register.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-compilation-unit.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-ir.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-regalloc-data.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-register-frame-array.h"
#include "src/zone/zone.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace maglev {
class BasicBlock;
class Graph;
class MaglevGraphBuilder;
class MergePointInterpreterFrameState;
// Destructively intersects the right map into the left map, such that the
// left map is mutated to become the result of the intersection. Values that
// are in both maps are passed to the merging function to be merged with each
// other -- again, the LHS here is expected to be mutated.
template <typename Key, typename Value,
typename MergeFunc = std::equal_to<Value>>
void DestructivelyIntersect(ZoneMap<Key, Value>& lhs_map,
const ZoneMap<Key, Value>& rhs_map,
MergeFunc&& func = MergeFunc()) {
// Walk the two maps in lock step. This relies on the fact that ZoneMaps are
// sorted.
typename ZoneMap<Key, Value>::iterator lhs_it = lhs_map.begin();
typename ZoneMap<Key, Value>::const_iterator rhs_it = rhs_map.begin();
while (lhs_it != lhs_map.end() && rhs_it != rhs_map.end()) {
if (lhs_it->first < rhs_it->first) {
// Remove from LHS elements that are not in RHS.
lhs_it = lhs_map.erase(lhs_it);
} else if (rhs_it->first < lhs_it->first) {
// Skip over elements that are only in RHS.
} else {
// Apply the merge function to the values of the two iterators. If the
// function returns false, remove the value.
bool keep_value = func(lhs_it->second, rhs_it->second);
if (keep_value) {
} else {
lhs_it = lhs_map.erase(lhs_it);
// If we haven't reached the end of LHS by now, then we have reached the end
// of RHS, and the remaining items are therefore not in RHS. Remove them.
if (lhs_it != lhs_map.end()) {
lhs_map.erase(lhs_it, lhs_map.end());
using PossibleMaps = compiler::ZoneRefSet<Map>;
class NodeInfo {
NodeInfo() = default;
struct ClearUnstableMapsOnCopy {
const NodeInfo& val;
explicit NodeInfo(ClearUnstableMapsOnCopy other) V8_NOEXCEPT {
type_ = other.val.type_;
alternative_ = other.val.alternative_;
if (other.val.possible_maps_are_known_ && !other.val.any_map_is_unstable_) {
possible_maps_ = other.val.possible_maps_;
possible_maps_are_known_ = true;
NodeType type() const { return type_; }
NodeType CombineType(NodeType other) {
return type_ = maglev::CombineType(type_, other);
NodeType IntersectType(NodeType other) {
return type_ = maglev::IntersectType(type_, other);
// Optional alternative nodes with the equivalent value but a different
// representation.
class AlternativeNodes {
AlternativeNodes() { store_.fill(nullptr); }
V(tagged, Tagged) \
V(int32, Int32) \
V(truncated_int32_to_number, TruncatedInt32ToNumber) \
V(float64, Float64) \
V(constant, Constant)
enum Kind {
#define KIND(name, Name) k##Name,
#undef KIND
#define API(name, Name) \
ValueNode* name() const { return store_[Kind::k##Name]; } \
ValueNode* set_##name(ValueNode* val) { \
return store_[Kind::k##Name] = val; \
} \
template <typename Function> \
ValueNode* get_or_set_##name(Function create) { \
if (store_[Kind::k##Name]) return store_[Kind::k##Name]; \
return store_[Kind::k##Name] = create(); \
#undef API
bool has_none() const { return store_ == AlternativeNodes().store_; }
void MergeWith(const AlternativeNodes& other) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < Kind::kNumberOfAlternatives; ++i) {
if (store_[i] && store_[i] != other.store_[i]) {
store_[i] = nullptr;
// TODO(leszeks): At least one of these is redundant for every node,
// consider a more compressed form or even linked list.
std::array<ValueNode*, Kind::kNumberOfAlternatives> store_;
// Prevent callers from copying these when they try to update the
// alternatives by making these private.
AlternativeNodes(const AlternativeNodes&) V8_NOEXCEPT = default;
AlternativeNodes& operator=(const AlternativeNodes&) V8_NOEXCEPT = default;
friend class NodeInfo;
const AlternativeNodes& alternative() const { return alternative_; }
AlternativeNodes& alternative() { return alternative_; }
bool no_info_available() const {
return type_ == NodeType::kUnknown && alternative_.has_none() &&
bool is_smi() const { return NodeTypeIsSmi(type_); }
bool is_any_heap_object() const { return NodeTypeIsAnyHeapObject(type_); }
bool is_string() const { return NodeTypeIsString(type_); }
bool is_internalized_string() const {
return NodeTypeIsInternalizedString(type_);
bool is_symbol() const { return NodeTypeIsSymbol(type_); }
// Mutate this node info by merging in another node info, with the result
// being a node info that is the subset of information valid in both inputs.
void MergeWith(const NodeInfo& other, Zone* zone,
bool& any_merged_map_is_unstable) {
if (possible_maps_are_known_) {
if (other.possible_maps_are_known_) {
// Map sets are the set of _possible_ maps, so on a merge we need to
// _union_ them together (i.e. intersect the set of impossible maps).
// Remember whether _any_ of these merges observed unstable maps.
possible_maps_.Union(other.possible_maps_, zone);
} else {
possible_maps_are_known_ = false;
any_map_is_unstable_ = possible_maps_are_known_ &&
(any_map_is_unstable_ || other.any_map_is_unstable_);
any_merged_map_is_unstable =
any_merged_map_is_unstable || any_map_is_unstable_;
bool possible_maps_are_unstable() const { return any_map_is_unstable_; }
void ClearUnstableMaps() {
if (!any_map_is_unstable_) return;
possible_maps_are_known_ = false;
any_map_is_unstable_ = false;
bool possible_maps_are_known() const { return possible_maps_are_known_; }
const PossibleMaps& possible_maps() const {
// If !possible_maps_are_known_ then every map is possible and using the
// (probably empty) possible_maps_ set is definetly wrong.
return possible_maps_;
void SetPossibleMaps(const PossibleMaps& possible_maps,
bool any_map_is_unstable, NodeType possible_type) {
possible_maps_ = possible_maps;
possible_maps_are_known_ = true;
any_map_is_unstable_ = any_map_is_unstable;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (possible_maps.size()) {
NodeType expected = StaticTypeForMap(*possible_maps.begin());
for (auto map : possible_maps) {
expected = maglev::IntersectType(StaticTypeForMap(map), expected);
// Ensure the claimed type is not narrower than what can be learned from
// the map checks.
DCHECK(NodeTypeIs(expected, possible_type));
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(possible_type, NodeType::kUnknown);
bool any_map_is_unstable() const { return any_map_is_unstable_; }
NodeType type_ = NodeType::kUnknown;
bool any_map_is_unstable_ = false;
// Maps for a node. Sets of maps that only contain stable maps are valid
// across side-effecting calls, as long as we install a dependency, otherwise
// they are cleared on side-effects.
// TODO(v8:7700): Investigate a better data structure to use than ZoneMap.
bool possible_maps_are_known_ = false;
PossibleMaps possible_maps_;
AlternativeNodes alternative_;
struct KnownNodeAspects {
// Permanently valid if checked in a dominator.
using NodeInfos = ZoneMap<ValueNode*, NodeInfo>;
explicit KnownNodeAspects(Zone* zone)
: any_map_for_any_node_is_unstable(false),
node_infos(zone) {}
// Copy constructor is defaulted but private so that we explicitly call the
// Clone method.
KnownNodeAspects& operator=(const KnownNodeAspects& other) = delete;
KnownNodeAspects(KnownNodeAspects&& other) = delete;
KnownNodeAspects& operator=(KnownNodeAspects&& other) = delete;
KnownNodeAspects* Clone(Zone* zone) const {
return zone->New<KnownNodeAspects>(*this);
// Loop headers can safely clone the node types, since those won't be
// invalidated in the loop body, and similarly stable maps will have
// dependencies installed. Unstable maps however might be invalidated by
// calls, and we don't know about these until it's too late.
KnownNodeAspects* CloneForLoopHeader(Zone* zone) const {
KnownNodeAspects* clone = zone->New<KnownNodeAspects>(zone);
if (!any_map_for_any_node_is_unstable) {
clone->node_infos = node_infos;
#ifdef DEBUG
for (const auto& it : node_infos) {
} else {
for (const auto& it : node_infos) {
clone->loaded_constant_properties = loaded_constant_properties;
clone->loaded_context_constants = loaded_context_constants;
return clone;
void ClearUnstableMaps() {
// A side effect could change existing objects' maps. For stable maps we
// know this hasn't happened (because we added a dependency on the maps
// staying stable and therefore not possible to transition away from), but
// we can no longer assume that objects with unstable maps still have the
// same map. Unstable maps can also transition to stable ones, so we have to
// clear _all_ maps for a node if it had _any_ unstable map.
if (!any_map_for_any_node_is_unstable) return;
for (auto& it : node_infos) {
any_map_for_any_node_is_unstable = false;
NodeInfos::iterator FindInfo(ValueNode* node) {
return node_infos.find(node);
NodeInfos::const_iterator FindInfo(ValueNode* node) const {
return node_infos.find(node);
bool IsValid(NodeInfos::iterator& it) { return it != node_infos.end(); }
bool IsValid(NodeInfos::const_iterator& it) const {
return it != node_infos.end();
const NodeInfo* TryGetInfoFor(ValueNode* node) const {
return const_cast<KnownNodeAspects*>(this)->TryGetInfoFor(node);
NodeInfo* TryGetInfoFor(ValueNode* node) {
auto info_it = FindInfo(node);
if (!IsValid(info_it)) return nullptr;
return &info_it->second;
NodeInfo* GetOrCreateInfoFor(ValueNode* node) {
auto info_it = FindInfo(node);
if (IsValid(info_it)) return &info_it->second;
return &node_infos.emplace(node, NodeInfo()).first->second;
NodeType NodeTypeFor(ValueNode* node) const {
if (auto info = TryGetInfoFor(node)) {
return info->type();
return NodeType::kUnknown;
void Merge(const KnownNodeAspects& other, Zone* zone);
// TODO(leszeks): Store these more efficiently than with std::map -- in
// particular, clear out entries that are no longer reachable, perhaps also
// allow lookup by interpreter register rather than by node pointer.
bool any_map_for_any_node_is_unstable;
// Cached property loads.
// Represents a key into the cache. This is either a NameRef, or an enum
// value.
class LoadedPropertyMapKey {
enum Type {
// kName must be zero so that pointers are unaffected.
kName = 0,
static constexpr int kTypeMask = 0x3;
static_assert((kName & ~kTypeMask) == 0);
static_assert((kTypedArrayLength & ~kTypeMask) == 0);
static LoadedPropertyMapKey TypedArrayLength() {
return LoadedPropertyMapKey(kTypedArrayLength);
// Allow implicit conversion from NameRef to key, so that callers in the
// common path can use a NameRef directly.
LoadedPropertyMapKey(compiler::NameRef ref)
: data_(reinterpret_cast<Address>( {
DCHECK_EQ(data_ & kTypeMask, kName);
bool operator==(const LoadedPropertyMapKey& other) const {
return data_ == other.data_;
bool operator<(const LoadedPropertyMapKey& other) const {
return data_ < other.data_;
compiler::NameRef name() {
DCHECK_EQ(type(), kName);
return compiler::NameRef(reinterpret_cast<compiler::ObjectData*>(data_),
Type type() { return static_cast<Type>(data_ & kTypeMask); }
explicit LoadedPropertyMapKey(Type type) : data_(type) {
DCHECK_NE(type, kName);
Address data_;
// Maps key->object->value, so that stores to a key can invalidate all loads
// of that key (in case the objects are aliasing).
using LoadedPropertyMap =
ZoneMap<LoadedPropertyMapKey, ZoneMap<ValueNode*, ValueNode*>>;
// Valid across side-effecting calls, as long as we install a dependency.
LoadedPropertyMap loaded_constant_properties;
// Flushed after side-effecting calls.
LoadedPropertyMap loaded_properties;
// Unconditionally valid across side-effecting calls.
ZoneMap<std::tuple<ValueNode*, int>, ValueNode*> loaded_context_constants;
// Flushed after side-effecting calls.
ZoneMap<std::tuple<ValueNode*, int>, ValueNode*> loaded_context_slots;
NodeInfos node_infos;
friend KnownNodeAspects* Zone::New<KnownNodeAspects, const KnownNodeAspects&>(
const KnownNodeAspects&);
KnownNodeAspects(const KnownNodeAspects& other) V8_NOEXCEPT = default;
class InterpreterFrameState {
InterpreterFrameState(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info,
KnownNodeAspects* known_node_aspects)
: frame_(info), known_node_aspects_(known_node_aspects) {}
explicit InterpreterFrameState(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info)
: InterpreterFrameState(
info,>New<KnownNodeAspects>( {}
inline void CopyFrom(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info,
MergePointInterpreterFrameState& state);
void set_accumulator(ValueNode* value) {
// Conversions should be stored in known_node_aspects/NodeInfo.
frame_[interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator()] = value;
ValueNode* accumulator() const {
return frame_[interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator()];
void set(interpreter::Register reg, ValueNode* value) {
reg == interpreter::Register::current_context() ||
reg == interpreter::Register::function_closure() ||
reg == interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator() ||
reg.ToParameterIndex() >= 0);
// Conversions should be stored in known_node_aspects/NodeInfo.
frame_[reg] = value;
ValueNode* get(interpreter::Register reg) const {
reg == interpreter::Register::current_context() ||
reg == interpreter::Register::function_closure() ||
reg == interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator() ||
reg.ToParameterIndex() >= 0);
return frame_[reg];
const RegisterFrameArray<ValueNode*>& frame() const { return frame_; }
KnownNodeAspects* known_node_aspects() { return known_node_aspects_; }
const KnownNodeAspects* known_node_aspects() const {
return known_node_aspects_;
void set_known_node_aspects(KnownNodeAspects* known_node_aspects) {
known_node_aspects_ = known_node_aspects;
void clear_known_node_aspects() { known_node_aspects_ = nullptr; }
RegisterFrameArray<ValueNode*> frame_;
KnownNodeAspects* known_node_aspects_;
class CompactInterpreterFrameState {
CompactInterpreterFrameState(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info,
const compiler::BytecodeLivenessState* liveness)
: live_registers_and_accumulator_(>AllocateArray<ValueNode*>(SizeFor(info, liveness))),
liveness_(liveness) {}
CompactInterpreterFrameState(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info,
const compiler::BytecodeLivenessState* liveness,
const InterpreterFrameState& state)
: CompactInterpreterFrameState(info, liveness) {
ForEachValue(info, [&](ValueNode*& entry, interpreter::Register reg) {
entry = state.get(reg);
CompactInterpreterFrameState(const CompactInterpreterFrameState&) = delete;
CompactInterpreterFrameState(CompactInterpreterFrameState&&) = delete;
CompactInterpreterFrameState& operator=(const CompactInterpreterFrameState&) =
CompactInterpreterFrameState& operator=(CompactInterpreterFrameState&&) =
template <typename Function>
void ForEachParameter(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info, Function&& f) const {
for (int i = 0; i < info.parameter_count(); i++) {
interpreter::Register reg = interpreter::Register::FromParameterIndex(i);
f(live_registers_and_accumulator_[i], reg);
template <typename Function>
void ForEachParameter(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info, Function&& f) {
for (int i = 0; i < info.parameter_count(); i++) {
interpreter::Register reg = interpreter::Register::FromParameterIndex(i);
f(live_registers_and_accumulator_[i], reg);
template <typename Function>
void ForEachLocal(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info, Function&& f) const {
int live_reg = 0;
for (int register_index : *liveness_) {
interpreter::Register reg = interpreter::Register(register_index);
f(live_registers_and_accumulator_[info.parameter_count() +
context_register_count_ + live_reg++],
template <typename Function>
void ForEachLocal(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info, Function&& f) {
int live_reg = 0;
for (int register_index : *liveness_) {
interpreter::Register reg = interpreter::Register(register_index);
f(live_registers_and_accumulator_[info.parameter_count() +
context_register_count_ + live_reg++],
template <typename Function>
void ForEachRegister(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info, Function&& f) {
ForEachParameter(info, f);
f(context(info), interpreter::Register::current_context());
ForEachLocal(info, f);
template <typename Function>
void ForEachRegister(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info, Function&& f) const {
ForEachParameter(info, f);
f(context(info), interpreter::Register::current_context());
ForEachLocal(info, f);
template <typename Function>
void ForEachValue(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info, Function&& f) {
ForEachRegister(info, f);
if (liveness_->AccumulatorIsLive()) {
f(accumulator(info), interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator());
template <typename Function>
void ForEachValue(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info, Function&& f) const {
ForEachRegister(info, f);
if (liveness_->AccumulatorIsLive()) {
f(accumulator(info), interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator());
const compiler::BytecodeLivenessState* liveness() const { return liveness_; }
ValueNode*& accumulator(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info) {
return live_registers_and_accumulator_[size(info) - 1];
ValueNode*& accumulator(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info) const {
return live_registers_and_accumulator_[size(info) - 1];
ValueNode*& context(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info) {
return live_registers_and_accumulator_[info.parameter_count()];
ValueNode*& context(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info) const {
return live_registers_and_accumulator_[info.parameter_count()];
ValueNode* GetValueOf(interpreter::Register reg,
const MaglevCompilationUnit& info) const {
if (reg == interpreter::Register::current_context()) {
return context(info);
if (reg == interpreter::Register::virtual_accumulator()) {
return accumulator(info);
if (reg.is_parameter()) {
DCHECK_LT(reg.ToParameterIndex(), info.parameter_count());
return live_registers_and_accumulator_[reg.ToParameterIndex()];
int live_reg = 0;
// TODO(victorgomes): See if we can do better than a linear search here.
for (int register_index : *liveness_) {
if (reg == interpreter::Register(register_index)) {
return live_registers_and_accumulator_[info.parameter_count() +
context_register_count_ +
// No value in this frame state.
return nullptr;
size_t size(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info) const {
return SizeFor(info, liveness_);
static size_t SizeFor(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info,
const compiler::BytecodeLivenessState* liveness) {
return info.parameter_count() + context_register_count_ +
// TODO(leszeks): Only include the context register if there are any
// Push/PopContext calls.
static const int context_register_count_ = 1;
ValueNode** const live_registers_and_accumulator_;
const compiler::BytecodeLivenessState* const liveness_;
class MergePointRegisterState {
bool is_initialized() const { return values_[0].GetPayload().is_initialized; }
template <typename Function>
void ForEachGeneralRegister(Function&& f) {
RegisterState* current_value = &values_[0];
for (Register reg : MaglevAssembler::GetAllocatableRegisters()) {
f(reg, *current_value);
template <typename Function>
void ForEachDoubleRegister(Function&& f) {
RegisterState* current_value = &double_values_[0];
for (DoubleRegister reg :
MaglevAssembler::GetAllocatableDoubleRegisters()) {
f(reg, *current_value);
RegisterState values_[kAllocatableGeneralRegisterCount] = {{}};
RegisterState double_values_[kAllocatableDoubleRegisterCount] = {{}};
class MergePointInterpreterFrameState {
enum class BasicBlockType {
static MergePointInterpreterFrameState* New(
const MaglevCompilationUnit& info, const InterpreterFrameState& state,
int merge_offset, int predecessor_count, BasicBlock* predecessor,
const compiler::BytecodeLivenessState* liveness);
static MergePointInterpreterFrameState* NewForLoop(
const InterpreterFrameState& start_state,
const MaglevCompilationUnit& info, int merge_offset,
int predecessor_count, const compiler::BytecodeLivenessState* liveness,
const compiler::LoopInfo* loop_info, bool has_been_peeled = false);
static MergePointInterpreterFrameState* NewForCatchBlock(
const MaglevCompilationUnit& unit,
const compiler::BytecodeLivenessState* liveness, int handler_offset,
interpreter::Register context_register, Graph* graph);
// Merges an unmerged framestate with a possibly merged framestate into |this|
// framestate.
void Merge(MaglevGraphBuilder* graph_builder, InterpreterFrameState& unmerged,
BasicBlock* predecessor);
void Merge(MaglevGraphBuilder* graph_builder,
MaglevCompilationUnit& compilation_unit,
InterpreterFrameState& unmerged, BasicBlock* predecessor);
// Merges an unmerged framestate with a possibly merged framestate into |this|
// framestate.
void MergeLoop(MaglevGraphBuilder* graph_builder,
InterpreterFrameState& loop_end_state,
BasicBlock* loop_end_block);
void MergeLoop(MaglevGraphBuilder* graph_builder,
MaglevCompilationUnit& compilation_unit,
InterpreterFrameState& loop_end_state,
BasicBlock* loop_end_block);
// Merges an unmerged framestate with a possibly merged framestate into |this|
// framestate.
void MergeThrow(MaglevGraphBuilder* builder,
const MaglevCompilationUnit* handler_unit,
InterpreterFrameState& unmerged);
// Merges a dead framestate (e.g. one which has been early terminated with a
// deopt).
void MergeDead(const MaglevCompilationUnit& compilation_unit,
unsigned num = 1) {
DCHECK_GE(predecessor_count_, num);
DCHECK_LT(predecessors_so_far_, predecessor_count_);
predecessor_count_ -= num;
DCHECK_LE(predecessors_so_far_, predecessor_count_);
[&](ValueNode* value, interpreter::Register reg) {
ReducePhiPredecessorCount(reg, value, num);
// Merges a dead loop framestate (e.g. one where the block containing the
// JumpLoop has been early terminated with a deopt).
void MergeDeadLoop(const MaglevCompilationUnit& compilation_unit) {
// This should be the last predecessor we try to merge.
DCHECK_EQ(predecessors_so_far_, predecessor_count_ - 1);
// This means that this is no longer a loop.
bitfield_ =
kBasicBlockTypeBits::update(bitfield_, BasicBlockType::kDefault);
// Returns and clears the known node aspects on this state. Expects to only
// ever be called once, when starting a basic block with this state.
KnownNodeAspects* TakeKnownNodeAspects() {
return std::exchange(known_node_aspects_, nullptr);
const CompactInterpreterFrameState& frame_state() const {
return frame_state_;
MergePointRegisterState& register_state() { return register_state_; }
bool has_phi() const { return !phis_.is_empty(); }
Phi::List* phis() { return &phis_; }
void SetPhis(Phi::List&& phis) {
// Move the collected phis to the live interpreter frame.
phis_.MoveTail(&phis, phis.begin());
int predecessor_count() const { return predecessor_count_; }
int predecessors_so_far() const { return predecessors_so_far_; }
BasicBlock* predecessor_at(int i) const {
// DCHECK_EQ(predecessors_so_far_, predecessor_count_);
DCHECK_LT(i, predecessor_count_);
return predecessors_[i];
bool is_loop() const {
return basic_block_type() == BasicBlockType::kLoopHeader;
bool is_exception_handler() const {
return basic_block_type() == BasicBlockType::kExceptionHandlerStart;
bool is_unmerged_loop() const {
// If this is a loop and not all predecessors are set, then the loop isn't
// merged yet.
DCHECK_IMPLIES(is_loop(), predecessor_count_ > 0);
return is_loop() && predecessors_so_far_ < predecessor_count_;
bool is_unreachable_loop() const {
// If there is only one predecessor, and it's not set, then this is a loop
// merge with no forward control flow entering it.
return is_loop() && !is_resumable_loop() && predecessor_count_ == 1 &&
predecessors_so_far_ == 0;
BasicBlockType basic_block_type() const {
return kBasicBlockTypeBits::decode(bitfield_);
bool is_resumable_loop() const {
return kIsResumableLoopBit::decode(bitfield_);
bool is_loop_with_peeled_iteration() const {
return kIsLoopWithPeeledIterationBit::decode(bitfield_);
int merge_offset() const { return merge_offset_; }
DeoptFrame* backedge_deopt_frame() const { return backedge_deopt_frame_; }
const compiler::LoopInfo* loop_info() const {
return loop_info_.value();
interpreter::Register catch_block_context_register() const {
return catch_block_context_register_;
using kBasicBlockTypeBits = base::BitField<BasicBlockType, 0, 2>;
using kIsResumableLoopBit = kBasicBlockTypeBits::Next<bool, 1>;
using kIsLoopWithPeeledIterationBit = kIsResumableLoopBit::Next<bool, 1>;
// For each non-Phi value in the frame state, store its alternative
// representations to avoid re-converting on Phi creation.
class Alternatives {
using List = base::ThreadedList<Alternatives>;
explicit Alternatives(const NodeInfo* node_info)
: node_type_(node_info ? node_info->type() : NodeType::kUnknown),
tagged_alternative_(node_info ? node_info->alternative().tagged()
: nullptr) {}
NodeType node_type() const { return node_type_; }
ValueNode* tagged_alternative() const { return tagged_alternative_; }
Alternatives** next() { return &next_; }
// For now, Phis are tagged, so only store the tagged alternative.
NodeType node_type_;
ValueNode* tagged_alternative_;
Alternatives* next_ = nullptr;
friend base::ThreadedListTraits<Alternatives>;
NodeType AlternativeType(const Alternatives* alt);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
friend T* Zone::New(Args&&... args);
const MaglevCompilationUnit& info, int merge_offset,
int predecessor_count, int predecessors_so_far, BasicBlock** predecessors,
BasicBlockType type, const compiler::BytecodeLivenessState* liveness);
ValueNode* MergeValue(MaglevGraphBuilder* graph_builder,
interpreter::Register owner,
const KnownNodeAspects& unmerged_aspects,
ValueNode* merged, ValueNode* unmerged,
Alternatives::List* per_predecessor_alternatives);
void ReducePhiPredecessorCount(interpreter::Register owner, ValueNode* merged,
unsigned num = 1);
void MergeLoopValue(MaglevGraphBuilder* graph_builder,
interpreter::Register owner,
KnownNodeAspects& unmerged_aspects, ValueNode* merged,
ValueNode* unmerged);
ValueNode* NewLoopPhi(Zone* zone, interpreter::Register reg);
ValueNode* NewExceptionPhi(Zone* zone, interpreter::Register reg) {
DCHECK_EQ(predecessor_count_, 0);
Phi* result = Node::New<Phi>(zone, 0, this, reg);
return result;
int merge_offset_;
int predecessor_count_;
int predecessors_so_far_;
uint32_t bitfield_;
BasicBlock** predecessors_;
Phi::List phis_;
CompactInterpreterFrameState frame_state_;
MergePointRegisterState register_state_;
KnownNodeAspects* known_node_aspects_ = nullptr;
union {
// {pre_predecessor_alternatives_} is used to keep track of the alternatives
// of Phi inputs. Once the block has been merged, it's not used anymore.
Alternatives::List* per_predecessor_alternatives_;
// {backedge_deopt_frame_} is used to record the deopt frame for the
// backedge, in case we want to insert a deopting conversion during phi
// untagging. It is set when visiting the JumpLoop (and will only be set for
// loop headers), when the header has already been merged and
// {per_predecessor_alternatives_} is thus not used anymore.
DeoptFrame* backedge_deopt_frame_;
// For catch blocks, store the interpreter register holding the context.
// This will be the same value for all incoming merges.
interpreter::Register catch_block_context_register_;
base::Optional<const compiler::LoopInfo*> loop_info_ = base::nullopt;
void InterpreterFrameState::CopyFrom(const MaglevCompilationUnit& info,
MergePointInterpreterFrameState& state) {
info, [&](ValueNode* value, interpreter::Register reg) {
frame_[reg] = value;
// Move "what we know" across without copying -- we can safely mutate it
// now, as we won't be entering this merge point again.
known_node_aspects_ = state.TakeKnownNodeAspects();
} // namespace maglev
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8