blob: 017758f659be5fdbd918a569d5dc41874f1386ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/codegen/reglist.h"
#include "src/compiler/backend/instruction.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-compilation-info.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-graph.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-ir.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-regalloc-data.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace maglev {
class MaglevCompilationInfo;
class MaglevPrintingVisitor;
class MergePointRegisterState;
// Represents the state of the register frame during register allocation,
// including current register values, and the state of each register.
// Register state encodes two orthogonal concepts:
// 1. Used/free registers: Which registers currently hold a valid value,
// 2. Blocked/unblocked registers: Which registers can be modified during the
// current allocation.
// The combination of these encodes values in different states:
// Free + unblocked: Completely unused registers which can be used for
// anything.
// Used + unblocked: Live values that can be spilled if there is register
// pressure.
// Used + blocked: Values that are in a register and are used as an input in
// the current allocation.
// Free + blocked: Unused registers that are reserved as temporaries, or
// inputs that will get clobbered during the execution of the
// node being allocated.
template <typename RegisterT>
class RegisterFrameState {
static constexpr bool kIsGeneralRegister =
std::is_same<Register, RegisterT>();
static constexpr bool kIsDoubleRegister =
std::is_same<DoubleRegister, RegisterT>();
static_assert(kIsGeneralRegister || kIsDoubleRegister,
"RegisterFrameState should be used only for Register and "
using RegTList = RegListBase<RegisterT>;
static constexpr RegTList kAllocatableRegisters =
static constexpr RegTList kEmptyRegList = {};
RegTList empty() const { return kEmptyRegList; }
RegTList free() const { return free_; }
RegTList unblocked_free() const { return free_ - blocked_; }
RegTList used() const {
// Only allocatable registers should be free.
DCHECK_EQ(free_, free_ & kAllocatableRegisters);
return kAllocatableRegisters ^ free_;
bool UnblockedFreeIsEmpty() const { return unblocked_free().is_empty(); }
template <typename Function>
void ForEachUsedRegister(Function&& f) const {
for (RegisterT reg : used()) {
f(reg, GetValue(reg));
void RemoveFromFree(RegisterT reg) { free_.clear(reg); }
void AddToFree(RegisterT reg) { free_.set(reg); }
void AddToFree(RegTList list) { free_ |= list; }
void FreeRegistersUsedBy(ValueNode* node) {
RegTList list = node->ClearRegisters<RegisterT>();
DCHECK_EQ(free_ & list, kEmptyRegList);
free_ |= list;
void SetValue(RegisterT reg, ValueNode* node) {
values_[reg.code()] = node;
void SetValueWithoutBlocking(RegisterT reg, ValueNode* node) {
values_[reg.code()] = node;
ValueNode* GetValue(RegisterT reg) const {
ValueNode* node = values_[reg.code()];
return node;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Like GetValue, but allow reading freed registers as long as they were also
// blocked. This allows us to DCHECK expected register state against node
// state, even if that node is dead or clobbered by the end of the current
// allocation.
ValueNode* GetValueMaybeFreeButBlocked(RegisterT reg) const {
DCHECK(!free_.has(reg) || blocked_.has(reg));
ValueNode* node = values_[reg.code()];
return node;
RegTList blocked() const { return blocked_; }
void block(RegisterT reg) { blocked_.set(reg); }
void unblock(RegisterT reg) { blocked_.clear(reg); }
bool is_blocked(RegisterT reg) { return blocked_.has(reg); }
void clear_blocked() { blocked_ = kEmptyRegList; }
compiler::InstructionOperand TryChooseInputRegister(
ValueNode* node, const compiler::InstructionOperand& hint =
compiler::InstructionOperand TryChooseUnblockedInputRegister(ValueNode* node);
compiler::AllocatedOperand AllocateRegister(
ValueNode* node, const compiler::InstructionOperand& hint =
ValueNode* values_[RegisterT::kNumRegisters];
RegTList free_ = kAllocatableRegisters;
RegTList blocked_ = kEmptyRegList;
class StraightForwardRegisterAllocator {
StraightForwardRegisterAllocator(MaglevCompilationInfo* compilation_info,
Graph* graph);
RegisterFrameState<Register> general_registers_;
RegisterFrameState<DoubleRegister> double_registers_;
struct SpillSlotInfo {
SpillSlotInfo(uint32_t slot_index, NodeIdT freed_at_position,
bool double_slot)
: slot_index(slot_index),
double_slot(double_slot) {}
uint32_t slot_index;
NodeIdT freed_at_position;
bool double_slot;
struct SpillSlots {
int top = 0;
// Sorted from earliest freed_at_position to latest freed_at_position.
std::vector<SpillSlotInfo> free_slots;
SpillSlots untagged_;
SpillSlots tagged_;
void ComputePostDominatingHoles();
void AllocateRegisters();
void PrintLiveRegs() const;
void UpdateUse(Input* input) { return UpdateUse(input->node(), input); }
void UpdateUse(ValueNode* node, InputLocation* input_location);
void MarkAsClobbered(ValueNode* node,
const compiler::AllocatedOperand& location);
void AllocateControlNode(ControlNode* node, BasicBlock* block);
void AllocateNode(Node* node);
void AllocateNodeResult(ValueNode* node);
void AllocateEagerDeopt(const EagerDeoptInfo& deopt_info);
void AllocateLazyDeopt(const LazyDeoptInfo& deopt_info);
void AssignFixedInput(Input& input);
void AssignArbitraryRegisterInput(NodeBase* result_node, Input& input);
void AssignAnyInput(Input& input);
void AssignInputs(NodeBase* node);
template <typename RegisterT>
void AssignFixedTemporaries(RegisterFrameState<RegisterT>& registers,
NodeBase* node);
void AssignFixedTemporaries(NodeBase* node);
template <typename RegisterT>
void AssignArbitraryTemporaries(RegisterFrameState<RegisterT>& registers,
NodeBase* node);
void AssignArbitraryTemporaries(NodeBase* node);
template <typename RegisterT>
void SetLoopPhiRegisterHint(Phi* phi, RegisterT reg);
void TryAllocateToInput(Phi* phi);
void VerifyInputs(NodeBase* node);
void VerifyRegisterState();
void AddMoveBeforeCurrentNode(ValueNode* node,
compiler::InstructionOperand source,
compiler::AllocatedOperand target);
void AllocateSpillSlot(ValueNode* node);
void Spill(ValueNode* node);
void SpillRegisters();
template <typename RegisterT>
void SpillAndClearRegisters(RegisterFrameState<RegisterT>& registers);
void SpillAndClearRegisters();
void SaveRegisterSnapshot(NodeBase* node);
void FreeRegistersUsedBy(ValueNode* node);
template <typename RegisterT>
RegisterT FreeUnblockedRegister(
RegListBase<RegisterT> reserved = RegListBase<RegisterT>());
template <typename RegisterT>
RegisterT PickRegisterToFree(RegListBase<RegisterT> reserved);
template <typename RegisterT>
RegisterFrameState<RegisterT>& GetRegisterFrameState() {
if constexpr (std::is_same<RegisterT, Register>::value) {
return general_registers_;
} else {
return double_registers_;
template <typename RegisterT>
void DropRegisterValueAtEnd(RegisterT reg, bool force_spill = false);
bool IsCurrentNodeLastUseOf(ValueNode* node);
template <typename RegisterT>
void EnsureFreeRegisterAtEnd(const compiler::InstructionOperand& hint =
compiler::AllocatedOperand AllocateRegisterAtEnd(ValueNode* node);
template <typename RegisterT>
void DropRegisterValue(RegisterFrameState<RegisterT>& registers,
RegisterT reg, bool force_spill = false);
void DropRegisterValue(Register reg);
void DropRegisterValue(DoubleRegister reg);
compiler::AllocatedOperand AllocateRegister(
ValueNode* node, const compiler::InstructionOperand& hint =
template <typename RegisterT>
compiler::AllocatedOperand ForceAllocate(
RegisterFrameState<RegisterT>& registers, RegisterT reg, ValueNode* node);
compiler::AllocatedOperand ForceAllocate(Register reg, ValueNode* node);
compiler::AllocatedOperand ForceAllocate(DoubleRegister reg, ValueNode* node);
compiler::AllocatedOperand ForceAllocate(const Input& input, ValueNode* node);
template <typename Function>
void ForEachMergePointRegisterState(
MergePointRegisterState& merge_point_state, Function&& f);
void ClearRegisterValues();
void InitializeRegisterValues(MergePointRegisterState& target_state);
#ifdef DEBUG
bool IsInRegister(MergePointRegisterState& target_state, ValueNode* incoming);
bool IsForwardReachable(BasicBlock* start_block, NodeIdT first_id,
NodeIdT last_id);
template <typename RegisterT>
void HoistLoopReloads(BasicBlock* target,
RegisterFrameState<RegisterT>& registers);
void HoistLoopSpills(BasicBlock* target);
void InitializeBranchTargetRegisterValues(ControlNode* source,
BasicBlock* target);
void InitializeEmptyBlockRegisterValues(ControlNode* source,
BasicBlock* target);
void InitializeBranchTargetPhis(int predecessor_id, BasicBlock* target);
void InitializeConditionalBranchTarget(ConditionalControlNode* source,
BasicBlock* target);
void MergeRegisterValues(ControlNode* control, BasicBlock* target,
int predecessor_id);
MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller() const {
return compilation_info_->graph_labeller();
MaglevCompilationInfo* compilation_info_;
std::unique_ptr<MaglevPrintingVisitor> printing_visitor_;
Graph* graph_;
BlockConstIterator block_it_;
NodeIterator node_it_;
// The current node, whether a Node in the body or the ControlNode.
NodeBase* current_node_;
} // namespace maglev
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8