blob: df36f60d016f099affdd2ec58535b88906329774 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include "src/base/bits.h"
#include "src/base/platform/condition-variable.h"
#include "src/cancelable-task.h"
#include "src/heap/concurrent-marking-deque.h"
#include "src/heap/marking.h"
#include "src/heap/sequential-marking-deque.h"
#include "src/heap/spaces.h"
#include "src/heap/store-buffer.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Forward declarations.
class EvacuationJobTraits;
class HeapObjectVisitor;
class LocalWorkStealingMarkingDeque;
class MarkCompactCollector;
class MinorMarkCompactCollector;
class MarkingVisitor;
class MigrationObserver;
template <typename JobTraits>
class PageParallelJob;
class RecordMigratedSlotVisitor;
class ThreadLocalTop;
class WorkStealingMarkingDeque;
class YoungGenerationMarkingVisitor;
using MarkingDeque = ConcurrentMarkingDeque;
using MarkingDeque = SequentialMarkingDeque;
class ObjectMarking : public AllStatic {
V8_INLINE static MarkBit MarkBitFrom(HeapObject* obj,
const MarkingState& state) {
const Address address = obj->address();
const MemoryChunk* p = MemoryChunk::FromAddress(address);
return state.bitmap()->MarkBitFromIndex(p->AddressToMarkbitIndex(address));
static Marking::ObjectColor Color(HeapObject* obj,
const MarkingState& state) {
return Marking::Color(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(obj, state));
template <MarkBit::AccessMode access_mode = MarkBit::NON_ATOMIC>
V8_INLINE static bool IsImpossible(HeapObject* obj,
const MarkingState& state) {
return Marking::IsImpossible<access_mode>(MarkBitFrom(obj, state));
template <MarkBit::AccessMode access_mode = MarkBit::NON_ATOMIC>
V8_INLINE static bool IsBlack(HeapObject* obj, const MarkingState& state) {
return Marking::IsBlack<access_mode>(MarkBitFrom(obj, state));
template <MarkBit::AccessMode access_mode = MarkBit::NON_ATOMIC>
V8_INLINE static bool IsWhite(HeapObject* obj, const MarkingState& state) {
return Marking::IsWhite<access_mode>(MarkBitFrom(obj, state));
template <MarkBit::AccessMode access_mode = MarkBit::NON_ATOMIC>
V8_INLINE static bool IsGrey(HeapObject* obj, const MarkingState& state) {
return Marking::IsGrey<access_mode>(MarkBitFrom(obj, state));
template <MarkBit::AccessMode access_mode = MarkBit::NON_ATOMIC>
V8_INLINE static bool IsBlackOrGrey(HeapObject* obj,
const MarkingState& state) {
return Marking::IsBlackOrGrey<access_mode>(MarkBitFrom(obj, state));
template <MarkBit::AccessMode access_mode = MarkBit::NON_ATOMIC>
V8_INLINE static bool BlackToGrey(HeapObject* obj,
const MarkingState& state) {
MarkBit markbit = MarkBitFrom(obj, state);
if (!Marking::BlackToGrey<access_mode>(markbit)) return false;
return true;
template <MarkBit::AccessMode access_mode = MarkBit::NON_ATOMIC>
V8_INLINE static bool WhiteToGrey(HeapObject* obj,
const MarkingState& state) {
return Marking::WhiteToGrey<access_mode>(MarkBitFrom(obj, state));
template <MarkBit::AccessMode access_mode = MarkBit::NON_ATOMIC>
V8_INLINE static bool WhiteToBlack(HeapObject* obj,
const MarkingState& state) {
return ObjectMarking::WhiteToGrey<access_mode>(obj, state) &&
ObjectMarking::GreyToBlack<access_mode>(obj, state);
template <MarkBit::AccessMode access_mode = MarkBit::NON_ATOMIC>
V8_INLINE static bool GreyToBlack(HeapObject* obj,
const MarkingState& state) {
MarkBit markbit = MarkBitFrom(obj, state);
if (!Marking::GreyToBlack<access_mode>(markbit)) return false;
return true;
class MarkBitCellIterator BASE_EMBEDDED {
MarkBitCellIterator(MemoryChunk* chunk, MarkingState state) : chunk_(chunk) {
last_cell_index_ = Bitmap::IndexToCell(Bitmap::CellAlignIndex(
cell_base_ = chunk_->area_start();
cell_index_ = Bitmap::IndexToCell(
cells_ = state.bitmap()->cells();
inline bool Done() { return cell_index_ == last_cell_index_; }
inline bool HasNext() { return cell_index_ < last_cell_index_ - 1; }
inline MarkBit::CellType* CurrentCell() {
DCHECK(cell_index_ == Bitmap::IndexToCell(Bitmap::CellAlignIndex(
return &cells_[cell_index_];
inline Address CurrentCellBase() {
DCHECK(cell_index_ == Bitmap::IndexToCell(Bitmap::CellAlignIndex(
return cell_base_;
MUST_USE_RESULT inline bool Advance() {
cell_base_ += Bitmap::kBitsPerCell * kPointerSize;
return ++cell_index_ != last_cell_index_;
inline bool Advance(unsigned int new_cell_index) {
if (new_cell_index != cell_index_) {
DCHECK_GT(new_cell_index, cell_index_);
DCHECK_LE(new_cell_index, last_cell_index_);
unsigned int diff = new_cell_index - cell_index_;
cell_index_ = new_cell_index;
cell_base_ += diff * (Bitmap::kBitsPerCell * kPointerSize);
return true;
return false;
// Return the next mark bit cell. If there is no next it returns 0;
inline MarkBit::CellType PeekNext() {
if (HasNext()) {
return cells_[cell_index_ + 1];
return 0;
MemoryChunk* chunk_;
MarkBit::CellType* cells_;
unsigned int last_cell_index_;
unsigned int cell_index_;
Address cell_base_;
// Grey objects can happen on black pages when black objects transition to
// grey e.g. when calling RecordWrites on them.
enum LiveObjectIterationMode {
template <LiveObjectIterationMode T>
class LiveObjectIterator BASE_EMBEDDED {
LiveObjectIterator(MemoryChunk* chunk, MarkingState state)
: chunk_(chunk),
it_(chunk_, state),
current_cell_(*it_.CurrentCell()) {}
HeapObject* Next();
inline Heap* heap() { return chunk_->heap(); }
MemoryChunk* chunk_;
MarkBitCellIterator it_;
Address cell_base_;
MarkBit::CellType current_cell_;
class LiveObjectVisitor BASE_EMBEDDED {
enum IterationMode {
// Visits black objects on a MemoryChunk until the Visitor returns for an
// object. If IterationMode::kClearMarkbits is passed the markbits and slots
// for visited objects are cleared for each successfully visited object.
template <class Visitor>
bool VisitBlackObjects(MemoryChunk* chunk, const MarkingState& state,
Visitor* visitor, IterationMode iteration_mode);
// Visits grey objects on a Memorychunk. Is not allowed to fail visitation
// for an object.
template <class Visitor>
bool VisitGreyObjectsNoFail(MemoryChunk* chunk, const MarkingState& state,
Visitor* visitor, IterationMode iteration_mode);
void RecomputeLiveBytes(MemoryChunk* chunk, const MarkingState& state);
enum PageEvacuationMode { NEW_TO_NEW, NEW_TO_OLD };
enum FreeSpaceTreatmentMode { IGNORE_FREE_SPACE, ZAP_FREE_SPACE };
enum MarkingTreatmentMode { KEEP, CLEAR };
// Base class for minor and full MC collectors.
class MarkCompactCollectorBase {
virtual ~MarkCompactCollectorBase() {}
// Note: Make sure to refer to the instances by their concrete collector
// type to avoid vtable lookups marking state methods when used in hot paths.
virtual MarkingState marking_state(HeapObject* object) const = 0;
virtual MarkingState marking_state(MemoryChunk* chunk) const = 0;
virtual void SetUp() = 0;
virtual void TearDown() = 0;
virtual void CollectGarbage() = 0;
inline Heap* heap() const { return heap_; }
inline Isolate* isolate() { return heap()->isolate(); }
explicit MarkCompactCollectorBase(Heap* heap)
: heap_(heap), old_to_new_slots_(0) {}
// Marking operations for objects reachable from roots.
virtual void MarkLiveObjects() = 0;
// Mark objects reachable (transitively) from objects in the marking
// stack.
virtual void EmptyMarkingDeque() = 0;
virtual void ProcessMarkingDeque() = 0;
// Clear non-live references held in side data structures.
virtual void ClearNonLiveReferences() = 0;
virtual void EvacuatePrologue() = 0;
virtual void EvacuateEpilogue() = 0;
virtual void Evacuate() = 0;
virtual void EvacuatePagesInParallel() = 0;
virtual void UpdatePointersAfterEvacuation() = 0;
template <class Evacuator, class Collector>
void CreateAndExecuteEvacuationTasks(
Collector* collector, PageParallelJob<EvacuationJobTraits>* job,
RecordMigratedSlotVisitor* record_visitor,
MigrationObserver* migration_observer, const intptr_t live_bytes);
// Returns whether this page should be moved according to heuristics.
bool ShouldMovePage(Page* p, intptr_t live_bytes);
template <RememberedSetType type>
void UpdatePointersInParallel(base::Semaphore* semaphore);
void UpdateToSpacePointersInParallel(base::Semaphore* semaphore);
int NumberOfParallelCompactionTasks(int pages);
int NumberOfParallelPointerUpdateTasks(int pages, int slots);
int NumberOfParallelToSpacePointerUpdateTasks(int pages);
Heap* heap_;
// Number of old to new slots. Should be computed during MarkLiveObjects.
// -1 indicates that the value couldn't be computed.
int old_to_new_slots_;
// Collector for young-generation only.
class MinorMarkCompactCollector final : public MarkCompactCollectorBase {
explicit MinorMarkCompactCollector(Heap* heap);
MarkingState marking_state(HeapObject* object) const override {
return MarkingState::External(object);
MarkingState marking_state(MemoryChunk* chunk) const override {
return MarkingState::External(chunk);
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
void CollectGarbage() override;
void MakeIterable(Page* page, MarkingTreatmentMode marking_mode,
FreeSpaceTreatmentMode free_space_mode);
void CleanupSweepToIteratePages();
class RootMarkingVisitorSeedOnly;
class RootMarkingVisitor;
static const int kNumMarkers = 8;
static const int kMainMarker = 0;
inline WorkStealingMarkingDeque* marking_deque() { return marking_deque_; }
inline YoungGenerationMarkingVisitor* main_marking_visitor() {
return main_marking_visitor_;
void MarkLiveObjects() override;
void MarkRootSetInParallel();
void ProcessMarkingDeque() override;
void EmptyMarkingDeque() override;
void ClearNonLiveReferences() override;
void EvacuatePrologue() override;
void EvacuateEpilogue() override;
void Evacuate() override;
void EvacuatePagesInParallel() override;
void UpdatePointersAfterEvacuation() override;
int NumberOfParallelMarkingTasks(int pages);
WorkStealingMarkingDeque* marking_deque_;
YoungGenerationMarkingVisitor* main_marking_visitor_;
base::Semaphore page_parallel_job_semaphore_;
List<Page*> new_space_evacuation_pages_;
std::vector<Page*> sweep_to_iterate_pages_;
friend class MarkYoungGenerationJobTraits;
friend class YoungGenerationMarkingTask;
friend class YoungGenerationMarkingVisitor;
// Collector for young and old generation.
class MarkCompactCollector final : public MarkCompactCollectorBase {
class RootMarkingVisitor;
class Sweeper {
class SweeperTask;
enum FreeListRebuildingMode { REBUILD_FREE_LIST, IGNORE_FREE_LIST };
enum ClearOldToNewSlotsMode {
typedef std::deque<Page*> SweepingList;
typedef List<Page*> SweptList;
static int RawSweep(Page* p, FreeListRebuildingMode free_list_mode,
FreeSpaceTreatmentMode free_space_mode);
explicit Sweeper(Heap* heap)
: heap_(heap),
num_sweeping_tasks_(0) {}
bool sweeping_in_progress() { return sweeping_in_progress_; }
void AddPage(AllocationSpace space, Page* page);
int ParallelSweepSpace(AllocationSpace identity, int required_freed_bytes,
int max_pages = 0);
int ParallelSweepPage(Page* page, AllocationSpace identity);
// After calling this function sweeping is considered to be in progress
// and the main thread can sweep lazily, but the background sweeper tasks
// are not running yet.
void StartSweeping();
void StartSweeperTasks();
void EnsureCompleted();
void EnsureNewSpaceCompleted();
bool AreSweeperTasksRunning();
void SweepOrWaitUntilSweepingCompleted(Page* page);
void AddSweptPageSafe(PagedSpace* space, Page* page);
Page* GetSweptPageSafe(PagedSpace* space);
static const int kAllocationSpaces = LAST_PAGED_SPACE + 1;
static ClearOldToNewSlotsMode GetClearOldToNewSlotsMode(Page* p);
template <typename Callback>
void ForAllSweepingSpaces(Callback callback) {
for (int i = 0; i < kAllocationSpaces; i++) {
Page* GetSweepingPageSafe(AllocationSpace space);
void AddSweepingPageSafe(AllocationSpace space, Page* page);
void PrepareToBeSweptPage(AllocationSpace space, Page* page);
Heap* heap_;
base::Semaphore pending_sweeper_tasks_semaphore_;
// Counter is only used for waiting on the semaphore.
intptr_t semaphore_counter_;
base::Mutex mutex_;
SweptList swept_list_[kAllocationSpaces];
SweepingList sweeping_list_[kAllocationSpaces];
bool sweeping_in_progress_;
// Counter is actively maintained by the concurrent tasks to avoid querying
// the semaphore for maintaining a task counter on the main thread.
base::AtomicNumber<intptr_t> num_sweeping_tasks_;
enum IterationMode {
static void Initialize();
MarkingState marking_state(HeapObject* object) const override {
return MarkingState::Internal(object);
MarkingState marking_state(MemoryChunk* chunk) const override {
return MarkingState::Internal(chunk);
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
// Performs a global garbage collection.
void CollectGarbage() override;
void CollectEvacuationCandidates(PagedSpace* space);
void AddEvacuationCandidate(Page* p);
// Prepares for GC by resetting relocation info in old and map spaces and
// choosing spaces to compact.
void Prepare();
bool StartCompaction();
void AbortCompaction();
INLINE(static bool ShouldSkipEvacuationSlotRecording(Object* host)) {
return Page::FromAddress(reinterpret_cast<Address>(host))
static inline bool IsOnEvacuationCandidate(HeapObject* obj) {
return Page::FromAddress(reinterpret_cast<Address>(obj))
void RecordRelocSlot(Code* host, RelocInfo* rinfo, Object* target);
void RecordCodeEntrySlot(HeapObject* host, Address slot, Code* target);
void RecordCodeTargetPatch(Address pc, Code* target);
INLINE(void RecordSlot(HeapObject* object, Object** slot, Object* target));
INLINE(void ForceRecordSlot(HeapObject* object, Object** slot,
Object* target));
void RecordLiveSlotsOnPage(Page* page);
void UpdateSlots(SlotsBuffer* buffer);
void UpdateSlotsRecordedIn(SlotsBuffer* buffer);
void InvalidateCode(Code* code);
void ClearMarkbits();
bool is_compacting() const { return compacting_; }
// Ensures that sweeping is finished.
// Note: Can only be called safely from main thread.
void EnsureSweepingCompleted();
// Help out in sweeping the corresponding space and refill memory that has
// been regained.
// Note: Thread-safe.
void SweepAndRefill(CompactionSpace* space);
// Checks if sweeping is in progress right now on any space.
bool sweeping_in_progress() { return sweeper().sweeping_in_progress(); }
void set_evacuation(bool evacuation) { evacuation_ = evacuation; }
bool evacuation() const { return evacuation_; }
MarkingDeque* marking_deque() { return &marking_deque_; }
Sweeper& sweeper() { return sweeper_; }
#ifdef DEBUG
// Checks whether performing mark-compact collection.
bool in_use() { return state_ > PREPARE_GC; }
bool are_map_pointers_encoded() { return state_ == UPDATE_POINTERS; }
void VerifyValidStoreAndSlotsBufferEntries();
void VerifyMarkbitsAreClean();
static void VerifyMarkbitsAreClean(PagedSpace* space);
static void VerifyMarkbitsAreClean(NewSpace* space);
void VerifyWeakEmbeddedObjectsInCode();
void VerifyOmittedMapChecks();
explicit MarkCompactCollector(Heap* heap);
bool WillBeDeoptimized(Code* code);
void ComputeEvacuationHeuristics(size_t area_size,
int* target_fragmentation_percent,
size_t* max_evacuated_bytes);
void VisitAllObjects(HeapObjectVisitor* visitor);
void RecordObjectStats();
// Finishes GC, performs heap verification if enabled.
void Finish();
void MarkLiveObjects() override;
// Pushes a black object onto the marking stack and accounts for live bytes.
// Note that this assumes live bytes have not yet been counted.
V8_INLINE void PushBlack(HeapObject* obj);
// Unshifts a black object into the marking stack and accounts for live bytes.
// Note that this assumes lives bytes have already been counted.
V8_INLINE void UnshiftBlack(HeapObject* obj);
// Marks the object black and pushes it on the marking stack.
// This is for non-incremental marking only.
V8_INLINE void MarkObject(HeapObject* obj);
// Mark the heap roots and all objects reachable from them.
void MarkRoots(RootMarkingVisitor* visitor);
// Mark the string table specially. References to internalized strings from
// the string table are weak.
void MarkStringTable(RootMarkingVisitor* visitor);
void ProcessMarkingDeque() override;
// Mark objects reachable (transitively) from objects in the marking stack
// or overflowed in the heap. This respects references only considered in
// the final atomic marking pause including the following:
// - Processing of objects reachable through Harmony WeakMaps.
// - Objects reachable due to host application logic like object groups,
// implicit references' groups, or embedder heap tracing.
void ProcessEphemeralMarking(bool only_process_harmony_weak_collections);
// If the call-site of the top optimized code was not prepared for
// deoptimization, then treat the maps in the code as strong pointers,
// otherwise a map can die and deoptimize the code.
void ProcessTopOptimizedFrame(RootMarkingVisitor* visitor);
// Collects a list of dependent code from maps embedded in optimize code.
DependentCode* DependentCodeListFromNonLiveMaps();
// This function empties the marking stack, but may leave overflowed objects
// in the heap, in which case the marking stack's overflow flag will be set.
void EmptyMarkingDeque() override;
// Refill the marking stack with overflowed objects from the heap. This
// function either leaves the marking stack full or clears the overflow
// flag on the marking stack.
void RefillMarkingDeque();
// Helper methods for refilling the marking stack by discovering grey objects
// on various pages of the heap. Used by {RefillMarkingDeque} only.
template <class T>
void DiscoverGreyObjectsWithIterator(T* it);
void DiscoverGreyObjectsOnPage(MemoryChunk* p);
void DiscoverGreyObjectsInSpace(PagedSpace* space);
void DiscoverGreyObjectsInNewSpace();
// Callback function for telling whether the object *p is an unmarked
// heap object.
static bool IsUnmarkedHeapObject(Object** p);
// Clear non-live references in weak cells, transition and descriptor arrays,
// and deoptimize dependent code of non-live maps.
void ClearNonLiveReferences() override;
void MarkDependentCodeForDeoptimization(DependentCode* list);
// Find non-live targets of simple transitions in the given list. Clear
// transitions to non-live targets and if needed trim descriptors arrays.
void ClearSimpleMapTransitions(Object* non_live_map_list);
void ClearSimpleMapTransition(Map* map, Map* dead_transition);
// Compact every array in the global list of transition arrays and
// trim the corresponding descriptor array if a transition target is non-live.
void ClearFullMapTransitions();
bool CompactTransitionArray(Map* map, TransitionArray* transitions,
DescriptorArray* descriptors);
void TrimDescriptorArray(Map* map, DescriptorArray* descriptors);
void TrimEnumCache(Map* map, DescriptorArray* descriptors);
// Mark all values associated with reachable keys in weak collections
// encountered so far. This might push new object or even new weak maps onto
// the marking stack.
void ProcessWeakCollections();
// After all reachable objects have been marked those weak map entries
// with an unreachable key are removed from all encountered weak maps.
// The linked list of all encountered weak maps is destroyed.
void ClearWeakCollections();
// We have to remove all encountered weak maps from the list of weak
// collections when incremental marking is aborted.
void AbortWeakCollections();
void ClearWeakCells(Object** non_live_map_list,
DependentCode** dependent_code_list);
void AbortWeakCells();
void AbortTransitionArrays();
// Starts sweeping of spaces by contributing on the main thread and setting
// up other pages for sweeping. Does not start sweeper tasks.
void StartSweepSpaces();
void StartSweepSpace(PagedSpace* space);
void EvacuatePrologue() override;
void EvacuateEpilogue() override;
void Evacuate() override;
void EvacuatePagesInParallel() override;
void UpdatePointersAfterEvacuation() override;
void ReleaseEvacuationCandidates();
void PostProcessEvacuationCandidates();
base::Semaphore page_parallel_job_semaphore_;
#ifdef DEBUG
enum CollectorState {
// The current stage of the collector.
CollectorState state_;
bool was_marked_incrementally_;
bool evacuation_;
// True if we are collecting slots to perform evacuation from evacuation
// candidates.
bool compacting_;
bool black_allocation_;
bool have_code_to_deoptimize_;
MarkingDeque marking_deque_;
// Candidates for pages that should be evacuated.
List<Page*> evacuation_candidates_;
// Pages that are actually processed during evacuation.
List<Page*> old_space_evacuation_pages_;
List<Page*> new_space_evacuation_pages_;
Sweeper sweeper_;
friend class CodeMarkingVisitor;
friend class Heap;
friend class IncrementalMarkingMarkingVisitor;
friend class MarkCompactMarkingVisitor;
friend class MarkingVisitor;
friend class RecordMigratedSlotVisitor;
friend class SharedFunctionInfoMarkingVisitor;
friend class StoreBuffer;
class EvacuationScope BASE_EMBEDDED {
explicit EvacuationScope(MarkCompactCollector* collector)
: collector_(collector) {
~EvacuationScope() { collector_->set_evacuation(false); }
MarkCompactCollector* collector_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8