blob: 72e097db5707c06c5f9eea9f5a4cc1c227c66515 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
function doTest(scripts, expectedError) {
var realm = Realm.create();
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length - 1; i++) {
Realm.eval(realm, scripts[i]);
assertThrows(function() {
Realm.eval(realm, scripts[scripts.length - 1]);
}, Realm.eval(realm, expectedError));
var tests = [
// ES#sec-globaldeclarationinstantiation 5.a:
// If envRec.HasVarDeclaration(name) is true, throw a SyntaxError
// exception.
scripts: [
"var a;",
"let a;",
expectedError: "SyntaxError",
// ES#sec-globaldeclarationinstantiation 6.a:
// If envRec.HasLexicalDeclaration(name) is true, throw a SyntaxError
// exception.
scripts: [
"let a;",
"var a;",
expectedError: "SyntaxError",
// ES#sec-globaldeclarationinstantiation 5.b:
// If envRec.HasLexicalDeclaration(name) is true, throw a SyntaxError
// exception.
scripts: [
"let a;",
"let a;",
expectedError: "SyntaxError",
// ES#sec-evaldeclarationinstantiation 5.a.i.1:
// If varEnvRec.HasLexicalDeclaration(name) is true, throw a SyntaxError
// exception.
scripts: [
'let a; eval("var a;");',
expectedError: "SyntaxError",
// ES#sec-evaldeclarationinstantiation 5.a.i.1:
// If varEnvRec.HasLexicalDeclaration(name) is true, throw a SyntaxError
// exception.
scripts: [
'let a; eval("function a() {}");',
expectedError: "SyntaxError",
// ES#sec-evaldeclarationinstantiation 5.d.ii.2.a.i:
// Throw a SyntaxError exception.
scripts: [
'(function() { let a; eval("var a;"); })();',
expectedError: "SyntaxError",
// ES#sec-evaldeclarationinstantiation 5.d.ii.2.a.i:
// Throw a SyntaxError exception.
scripts: [
'(function() { let a; eval("function a() {}"); })();',
expectedError: "SyntaxError",
// ES#sec-globaldeclarationinstantiation 5.d:
// If hasRestrictedGlobal is true, throw a SyntaxError exception.
scripts: [
'let NaN;',
expectedError: "SyntaxError",
// ES#sec-globaldeclarationinstantiation 5.d:
// If hasRestrictedGlobal is true, throw a SyntaxError exception.
scripts: [
'function NaN() {}',
expectedError: "SyntaxError",
// ES#sec-evaldeclarationinstantiation 8.a.iv.1.b:
// If fnDefinable is false, throw a TypeError exception.
scripts: [
'eval("function NaN() {}");',
expectedError: "TypeError",
// ES#sec-evaldeclarationinstantiation 8.a.iv.1.b:
// If fnDefinable is false, throw a TypeError exception.
scripts: [
let a;
try {
eval("function a() {}");
} catch (e) {}
eval("function NaN() {}");
expectedError: "TypeError",
// ES#sec-evaldeclarationinstantiation 8.a.iv.1.b:
// If fnDefinable is false, throw a TypeError exception.
scripts: [
function f() {
function b() {
(0, eval)('function NaN() {}');
`.replace(/"/g, '`'),
expectedError: "TypeError",
tests.forEach(function(test) {
doTest(test.scripts, test.expectedError);