blob: 4cc858bb22c4eb1a8091daa8229e9a14967cc348 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/simplified-lowering.h"
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include "include/v8-fast-api-calls.h"
#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/base/platform/platform.h"
#include "src/base/small-vector.h"
#include "src/codegen/callable.h"
#include "src/codegen/machine-type.h"
#include "src/codegen/tick-counter.h"
#include "src/compiler/access-builder.h"
#include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/compiler-source-position-table.h"
#include "src/compiler/diamond.h"
#include "src/compiler/feedback-source.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-heap-broker.h"
#include "src/compiler/linkage.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-matchers.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-observer.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-origin-table.h"
#include "src/compiler/opcodes.h"
#include "src/compiler/operation-typer.h"
#include "src/compiler/operator-properties.h"
#include "src/compiler/representation-change.h"
#include "src/compiler/simplified-lowering-verifier.h"
#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/turbofan-graph-visualizer.h"
#include "src/compiler/type-cache.h"
#include "src/flags/flags.h"
#include "src/numbers/conversions-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/objects.h"
#include "src/wasm/value-type.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// Macro for outputting trace information from representation inference.
#define TRACE(...) \
do { \
if (v8_flags.trace_representation) PrintF(__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (false)
const char* kSimplifiedLoweringReducerName = "SimplifiedLowering";
// Representation selection and lowering of {Simplified} operators to machine
// operators are interwined. We use a fixpoint calculation to compute both the
// output representation and the best possible lowering for {Simplified} nodes.
// Representation change insertion ensures that all values are in the correct
// machine representation after this phase, as dictated by the machine
// operators themselves.
enum Phase {
// 1.) PROPAGATE: Traverse the graph from the end, pushing usage information
// backwards from uses to definitions, around cycles in phis, according
// to local rules for each operator.
// During this phase, the usage information for a node determines the best
// possible lowering for each operator so far, and that in turn determines
// the output representation.
// Therefore, to be correct, this phase must iterate to a fixpoint before
// the next phase can begin.
// 2.) RETYPE: Propagate types from type feedback forwards.
// 3.) LOWER: perform lowering for all {Simplified} nodes by replacing some
// operators for some nodes, expanding some nodes to multiple nodes, or
// removing some (redundant) nodes.
// During this phase, use the {RepresentationChanger} to insert
// representation changes between uses that demand a particular
// representation and nodes that produce a different representation.
namespace {
MachineRepresentation MachineRepresentationFromArrayType(
ExternalArrayType array_type) {
switch (array_type) {
case kExternalUint8Array:
case kExternalUint8ClampedArray:
case kExternalInt8Array:
return MachineRepresentation::kWord8;
case kExternalUint16Array:
case kExternalInt16Array:
return MachineRepresentation::kWord16;
case kExternalUint32Array:
case kExternalInt32Array:
return MachineRepresentation::kWord32;
case kExternalFloat16Array:
return MachineRepresentation::kFloat16RawBits;
case kExternalFloat32Array:
return MachineRepresentation::kFloat32;
case kExternalFloat64Array:
return MachineRepresentation::kFloat64;
case kExternalBigInt64Array:
case kExternalBigUint64Array:
return MachineRepresentation::kWord64;
UseInfo CheckedUseInfoAsWord32FromHint(
NumberOperationHint hint, IdentifyZeros identify_zeros = kDistinguishZeros,
const FeedbackSource& feedback = FeedbackSource()) {
switch (hint) {
case NumberOperationHint::kSignedSmall:
case NumberOperationHint::kSignedSmallInputs:
return UseInfo::CheckedSignedSmallAsWord32(identify_zeros, feedback);
case NumberOperationHint::kAdditiveSafeInteger:
case NumberOperationHint::kNumber:
DCHECK_EQ(identify_zeros, kIdentifyZeros);
return UseInfo::CheckedNumberAsWord32(feedback);
case NumberOperationHint::kNumberOrBoolean:
// Not used currently.
case NumberOperationHint::kNumberOrOddball:
DCHECK_EQ(identify_zeros, kIdentifyZeros);
return UseInfo::CheckedNumberOrOddballAsWord32(feedback);
UseInfo CheckedUseInfoAsFloat64FromHint(
NumberOperationHint hint, const FeedbackSource& feedback,
IdentifyZeros identify_zeros = kDistinguishZeros) {
switch (hint) {
case NumberOperationHint::kSignedSmall:
case NumberOperationHint::kSignedSmallInputs:
// Not used currently.
case NumberOperationHint::kAdditiveSafeInteger:
case NumberOperationHint::kNumber:
return UseInfo::CheckedNumberAsFloat64(identify_zeros, feedback);
case NumberOperationHint::kNumberOrBoolean:
return UseInfo::CheckedNumberOrBooleanAsFloat64(identify_zeros, feedback);
case NumberOperationHint::kNumberOrOddball:
return UseInfo::CheckedNumberOrOddballAsFloat64(identify_zeros, feedback);
UseInfo TruncatingUseInfoFromRepresentation(MachineRepresentation rep) {
switch (rep) {
case MachineRepresentation::kTaggedSigned:
return UseInfo::TaggedSigned();
case MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer:
case MachineRepresentation::kTagged:
case MachineRepresentation::kIndirectPointer:
case MachineRepresentation::kMapWord:
return UseInfo::AnyTagged();
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat64:
return UseInfo::TruncatingFloat64();
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat32:
return UseInfo::Float32();
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat16RawBits:
return UseInfo::Float16RawBits();
case MachineRepresentation::kWord8:
case MachineRepresentation::kWord16:
case MachineRepresentation::kWord32:
return UseInfo::TruncatingWord32();
case MachineRepresentation::kWord64:
return UseInfo::TruncatingWord64();
case MachineRepresentation::kBit:
return UseInfo::Bool();
case MachineRepresentation::kCompressedPointer:
case MachineRepresentation::kCompressed:
case MachineRepresentation::kProtectedPointer:
case MachineRepresentation::kSandboxedPointer:
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat16:
case MachineRepresentation::kSimd128:
case MachineRepresentation::kSimd256:
case MachineRepresentation::kNone:
UseInfo UseInfoForBasePointer(const FieldAccess& access) {
return access.tag() != 0 ? UseInfo::AnyTagged() : UseInfo::Word();
UseInfo UseInfoForBasePointer(const ElementAccess& access) {
return access.tag() != 0 ? UseInfo::AnyTagged() : UseInfo::Word();
void ReplaceEffectControlUses(Node* node, Node* effect, Node* control) {
for (Edge edge : node->use_edges()) {
if (NodeProperties::IsControlEdge(edge)) {
} else if (NodeProperties::IsEffectEdge(edge)) {
} else {
DCHECK(NodeProperties::IsValueEdge(edge) ||
bool CanOverflowSigned32(const Operator* op, Type left, Type right,
TypeCache const* type_cache, Zone* type_zone) {
// We assume the inputs are checked Signed32 (or known statically to be
// Signed32). Technically, the inputs could also be minus zero, which we treat
// as 0 for the purpose of this function.
if (left.Maybe(Type::MinusZero())) {
left = Type::Union(left, type_cache->kSingletonZero, type_zone);
if (right.Maybe(Type::MinusZero())) {
right = Type::Union(right, type_cache->kSingletonZero, type_zone);
left = Type::Intersect(left, Type::Signed32(), type_zone);
right = Type::Intersect(right, Type::Signed32(), type_zone);
if (left.IsNone() || right.IsNone()) return false;
switch (op->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kSpeculativeSmallIntegerAdd:
return (left.Max() + right.Max() > kMaxInt) ||
(left.Min() + right.Min() < kMinInt);
case IrOpcode::kSpeculativeSmallIntegerSubtract:
return (left.Max() - right.Min() > kMaxInt) ||
(left.Min() - right.Max() < kMinInt);
bool IsSomePositiveOrderedNumber(Type type) {
return type.Is(Type::OrderedNumber()) && (type.IsNone() || type.Min() > 0);
inline bool IsLargeBigInt(Type type) {
return type.Is(Type::BigInt()) && !type.Is(Type::SignedBigInt64()) &&
class JSONGraphWriterWithVerifierTypes : public JSONGraphWriter {
JSONGraphWriterWithVerifierTypes(std::ostream& os, const Graph* graph,
const SourcePositionTable* positions,
const NodeOriginTable* origins,
SimplifiedLoweringVerifier* verifier)
: JSONGraphWriter(os, graph, positions, origins), verifier_(verifier) {}
std::optional<Type> GetType(Node* node) override {
return verifier_->GetType(node);
SimplifiedLoweringVerifier* verifier_;
bool IsLoadFloat16ArrayElement(Node* node) {
Operator::Opcode opcode = node->op()->opcode();
return (opcode == IrOpcode::kLoadTypedElement ||
opcode == IrOpcode::kLoadDataViewElement) &&
ExternalArrayTypeOf(node->op()) == kExternalFloat16Array;
} // namespace
#ifdef DEBUG
// Helpers for monotonicity checking.
class InputUseInfos {
explicit InputUseInfos(Zone* zone) : input_use_infos_(zone) {}
void SetAndCheckInput(Node* node, int index, UseInfo use_info) {
if (input_use_infos_.empty()) {
input_use_infos_.resize(node->InputCount(), UseInfo::None());
// Check that the new use informatin is a super-type of the old
// one.
DCHECK(IsUseLessGeneral(input_use_infos_[index], use_info));
input_use_infos_[index] = use_info;
ZoneVector<UseInfo> input_use_infos_;
static bool IsUseLessGeneral(UseInfo use1, UseInfo use2) {
return use1.truncation().IsLessGeneralThan(use2.truncation());
#endif // DEBUG
class RepresentationSelector {
// The purpose of this nested class is to hide method
// v8::internal::compiler::NodeProperties::ChangeOp which should not be
// directly used by code in RepresentationSelector and SimplifiedLowering.
// RepresentationSelector code should call RepresentationSelector::ChangeOp in
// place of NodeProperties::ChangeOp, in order to notify the changes to a
// registered ObserveNodeManager and support the %ObserveNode intrinsic.
class NodeProperties : public compiler::NodeProperties {
static void ChangeOp(Node* node, const Operator* new_op) { UNREACHABLE(); }
// Information for each node tracked during the fixpoint.
class NodeInfo final {
// Adds new use to the node. Returns true if something has changed
// and the node has to be requeued.
bool AddUse(UseInfo info) {
Truncation old_truncation = truncation_;
truncation_ = Truncation::Generalize(truncation_, info.truncation());
return truncation_ != old_truncation;
void set_queued() { state_ = kQueued; }
void set_visited() { state_ = kVisited; }
void set_pushed() { state_ = kPushed; }
void reset_state() { state_ = kUnvisited; }
bool visited() const { return state_ == kVisited; }
bool queued() const { return state_ == kQueued; }
bool pushed() const { return state_ == kPushed; }
bool unvisited() const { return state_ == kUnvisited; }
Truncation truncation() const { return truncation_; }
void set_output(MachineRepresentation output) { representation_ = output; }
MachineRepresentation representation() const { return representation_; }
// Helpers for feedback typing.
void set_feedback_type(Type type) { feedback_type_ = type; }
Type feedback_type() const { return feedback_type_; }
void set_weakened() { weakened_ = true; }
bool weakened() const { return weakened_; }
void set_restriction_type(Type type) { restriction_type_ = type; }
Type restriction_type() const { return restriction_type_; }
// Fields are ordered to avoid mixing byte and word size fields to minimize
// padding.
enum State : uint8_t { kUnvisited, kPushed, kVisited, kQueued };
State state_ = kUnvisited;
MachineRepresentation representation_ =
MachineRepresentation::kNone; // Output representation.
Truncation truncation_ = Truncation::None(); // Information about uses.
bool weakened_ = false;
Type restriction_type_ = Type::Any();
Type feedback_type_;
RepresentationSelector(JSGraph* jsgraph, JSHeapBroker* broker, Zone* zone,
RepresentationChanger* changer,
SourcePositionTable* source_positions,
NodeOriginTable* node_origins,
TickCounter* tick_counter, Linkage* linkage,
ObserveNodeManager* observe_node_manager,
SimplifiedLoweringVerifier* verifier)
: jsgraph_(jsgraph),
info_(count_, zone),
#ifdef DEBUG
node_input_use_infos_(count_, InputUseInfos(zone), zone),
op_typer_(broker, graph_zone()),
verifier_(verifier) {
singleton_true_ =
Type::Constant(broker, broker->true_value(), graph_zone());
singleton_false_ =
Type::Constant(broker, broker->false_value(), graph_zone());
bool verification_enabled() const { return verifier_ != nullptr; }
void ResetNodeInfoState() {
// Clean up for the next phase.
for (NodeInfo& info : info_) {
Type TypeOf(Node* node) {
Type type = GetInfo(node)->feedback_type();
return type.IsInvalid() ? NodeProperties::GetType(node) : type;
Type FeedbackTypeOf(Node* node) {
Type type = GetInfo(node)->feedback_type();
return type.IsInvalid() ? Type::None() : type;
Type TypePhi(Node* node) {
int arity = node->op()->ValueInputCount();
Type type = FeedbackTypeOf(node->InputAt(0));
for (int i = 1; i < arity; ++i) {
type = op_typer_.Merge(type, FeedbackTypeOf(node->InputAt(i)));
return type;
Type TypeSelect(Node* node) {
return op_typer_.Merge(FeedbackTypeOf(node->InputAt(1)),
bool UpdateFeedbackType(Node* node) {
if (node->op()->ValueOutputCount() == 0) return false;
if ((IrOpcode::IsMachineOpcode(node->opcode()) ||
IrOpcode::IsMachineConstantOpcode(node->opcode())) &&
node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kLoadFramePointer) {
// For any non-phi node just wait until we get all inputs typed. We only
// allow untyped inputs for phi nodes because phis are the only places
// where cycles need to be broken.
if (node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kPhi) {
for (int i = 0; i < node->op()->ValueInputCount(); i++) {
if (GetInfo(node->InputAt(i))->feedback_type().IsInvalid()) {
return false;
NodeInfo* info = GetInfo(node);
Type type = info->feedback_type();
Type new_type = NodeProperties::GetType(node);
// We preload these values here to avoid increasing the binary size too
// much, which happens if we inline the calls into the macros below.
Type input0_type;
if (node->InputCount() > 0) input0_type = FeedbackTypeOf(node->InputAt(0));
Type input1_type;
if (node->InputCount() > 1) input1_type = FeedbackTypeOf(node->InputAt(1));
switch (node->opcode()) {
#define DECLARE_CASE(Name) \
case IrOpcode::k##Name: { \
new_type = op_typer_.Name(input0_type, input1_type); \
break; \
#define DECLARE_CASE(Name) \
case IrOpcode::k##Name: { \
new_type = Type::Intersect(op_typer_.Name(input0_type, input1_type), \
info->restriction_type(), graph_zone()); \
break; \
#define DECLARE_CASE(Name) \
case IrOpcode::k##Name: { \
new_type = op_typer_.Name(input0_type); \
break; \
#define DECLARE_CASE(Name) \
case IrOpcode::k##Name: { \
new_type = Type::Intersect(op_typer_.Name(input0_type), \
info->restriction_type(), graph_zone()); \
break; \
case IrOpcode::kConvertReceiver:
new_type = op_typer_.ConvertReceiver(input0_type);
case IrOpcode::kPlainPrimitiveToNumber:
new_type = op_typer_.ToNumber(input0_type);
case IrOpcode::kCheckBounds:
new_type =
Type::Intersect(op_typer_.CheckBounds(input0_type, input1_type),
info->restriction_type(), graph_zone());
case IrOpcode::kCheckFloat64Hole:
new_type = Type::Intersect(op_typer_.CheckFloat64Hole(input0_type),
info->restriction_type(), graph_zone());
case IrOpcode::kCheckNumber:
new_type = Type::Intersect(op_typer_.CheckNumber(input0_type),
info->restriction_type(), graph_zone());
case IrOpcode::kCheckNumberFitsInt32:
new_type = Type::Intersect(op_typer_.CheckNumberFitsInt32(input0_type),
info->restriction_type(), graph_zone());
case IrOpcode::kPhi: {
new_type = TypePhi(node);
if (!type.IsInvalid()) {
new_type = Weaken(node, type, new_type);
case IrOpcode::kConvertTaggedHoleToUndefined:
new_type = op_typer_.ConvertTaggedHoleToUndefined(
case IrOpcode::kTypeGuard: {
new_type = op_typer_.TypeTypeGuard(node->op(),
case IrOpcode::kSelect: {
const auto& p = SelectParametersOf(node->op());
if (p.semantics() == BranchSemantics::kMachine) {
if (type.IsInvalid()) {
return true;
return false;
new_type = TypeSelect(node);
// Shortcut for operations that we do not handle.
if (type.IsInvalid()) {
return true;
return false;
// We need to guarantee that the feedback type is a subtype of the upper
// bound. Naively that should hold, but weakening can actually produce
// a bigger type if we are unlucky with ordering of phi typing. To be
// really sure, just intersect the upper bound with the feedback type.
new_type = Type::Intersect(GetUpperBound(node), new_type, graph_zone());
if (!type.IsInvalid() && new_type.Is(type)) return false;
if (v8_flags.trace_representation) {
return true;
void PrintNodeFeedbackType(Node* n) {
StdoutStream os;
os << "#" << n->id() << ":" << *n->op() << "(";
int j = 0;
for (Node* const i : n->inputs()) {
if (j++ > 0) os << ", ";
os << "#" << i->id() << ":" << i->op()->mnemonic();
os << ")";
if (NodeProperties::IsTyped(n)) {
Type static_type = NodeProperties::GetType(n);
os << " [Static type: " << static_type;
Type feedback_type = GetInfo(n)->feedback_type();
if (!feedback_type.IsInvalid() && feedback_type != static_type) {
os << ", Feedback type: " << feedback_type;
os << "]";
os << std::endl;
Type Weaken(Node* node, Type previous_type, Type current_type) {
// If the types have nothing to do with integers, return the types.
Type const integer = type_cache_->kInteger;
if (!previous_type.Maybe(integer)) {
return current_type;
Type current_integer = Type::Intersect(current_type, integer, graph_zone());
Type previous_integer =
Type::Intersect(previous_type, integer, graph_zone());
// Once we start weakening a node, we should always weaken.
if (!GetInfo(node)->weakened()) {
// Only weaken if there is range involved; we should converge quickly
// for all other types (the exception is a union of many constants,
// but we currently do not increase the number of constants in unions).
Type previous = previous_integer.GetRange();
Type current = current_integer.GetRange();
if (current.IsInvalid() || previous.IsInvalid()) {
return current_type;
// Range is involved => we are weakening.
return Type::Union(current_type,
op_typer_.WeakenRange(previous_integer, current_integer),
// Generates a pre-order traversal of the nodes, starting with End.
void GenerateTraversal() {
// Reset previous state.
count_ = graph()->NodeCount();
ZoneStack<NodeState> stack(zone_);
stack.push({graph()->end(), 0});
while (!stack.empty()) {
NodeState& current =;
Node* node = current.node;
// If there is an unvisited input, push it and continue with that node.
bool pushed_unvisited = false;
while (current.input_index < node->InputCount()) {
Node* input = node->InputAt(current.input_index);
NodeInfo* input_info = GetInfo(input);
if (input_info->unvisited()) {
stack.push({input, 0});
pushed_unvisited = true;
} else if (input_info->pushed()) {
// Optimization for the Retype phase.
// If we had already pushed (and not visited) an input, it means that
// the current node will be visited in the Retype phase before one of
// its inputs. If this happens, the current node might need to be
// revisited.
MarkAsPossibleRevisit(node, input);
if (pushed_unvisited) continue;
NodeInfo* info = GetInfo(node);
// Generate the traversal
void PushNodeToRevisitIfVisited(Node* node) {
NodeInfo* info = GetInfo(node);
if (info->visited()) {
TRACE(" QUEUEING #%d: %s\n", node->id(), node->op()->mnemonic());
// Tries to update the feedback type of the node, as well as setting its
// machine representation (in VisitNode). Returns true iff updating the
// feedback type is successful.
bool RetypeNode(Node* node) {
NodeInfo* info = GetInfo(node);
bool updated = UpdateFeedbackType(node);
TRACE(" visit #%d: %s\n", node->id(), node->op()->mnemonic());
VisitNode<RETYPE>(node, info->truncation(), nullptr);
TRACE(" ==> output %s\n", MachineReprToString(info->representation()));
return updated;
// Visits the node and marks it as visited. Inside of VisitNode, we might
// change the truncation of one of our inputs (see EnqueueInput<PROPAGATE> for
// this). If we change the truncation of an already visited node, we will add
// it to the revisit queue.
void PropagateTruncation(Node* node) {
NodeInfo* info = GetInfo(node);
TRACE(" visit #%d: %s (trunc: %s)\n", node->id(), node->op()->mnemonic(),
VisitNode<PROPAGATE>(node, info->truncation(), nullptr);
// Backward propagation of truncations to a fixpoint.
void RunPropagatePhase() {
TRACE("--{Propagate phase}--\n");
// Process nodes in reverse post order, with End as the root.
for (auto it = traversal_nodes_.crbegin(); it != traversal_nodes_.crend();
++it) {
while (!revisit_queue_.empty()) {
Node* node = revisit_queue_.front();
// Forward propagation of types from type feedback to a fixpoint.
void RunRetypePhase() {
TRACE("--{Retype phase}--\n");
for (auto it = traversal_nodes_.cbegin(); it != traversal_nodes_.cend();
++it) {
Node* node = *it;
if (!RetypeNode(node)) continue;
auto revisit_it = might_need_revisit_.find(node);
if (revisit_it == might_need_revisit_.end()) continue;
for (Node* const user : revisit_it->second) {
// Process the revisit queue.
while (!revisit_queue_.empty()) {
Node* revisit_node = revisit_queue_.front();
if (!RetypeNode(revisit_node)) continue;
// Here we need to check all uses since we can't easily know which
// nodes will need to be revisited due to having an input which was
// a revisited node.
for (Node* const user : revisit_node->uses()) {
// Lowering and change insertion phase.
void RunLowerPhase(SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
TRACE("--{Lower phase}--\n");
for (auto it = traversal_nodes_.cbegin(); it != traversal_nodes_.cend();
++it) {
Node* node = *it;
NodeInfo* info = GetInfo(node);
TRACE(" visit #%d: %s\n", node->id(), node->op()->mnemonic());
// Reuse {VisitNode()} so the representation rules are in one place.
SourcePositionTable::Scope scope(
source_positions_, source_positions_->GetSourcePosition(node));
NodeOriginTable::Scope origin_scope(node_origins_, "simplified lowering",
VisitNode<LOWER>(node, info->truncation(), lowering);
// Perform the final replacements.
for (NodeVector::iterator i = replacements_.begin();
i != replacements_.end(); ++i) {
Node* node = *i;
Node* replacement = *(++i);
// We also need to replace the node in the rest of the vector.
for (NodeVector::iterator j = i + 1; j != replacements_.end(); ++j) {
if (*j == node) *j = replacement;
void RunVerifyPhase(OptimizedCompilationInfo* compilation_info) {
TRACE("--{Verify Phase}--\n");
// Patch pending type overrides.
for (const auto& [constant, uses] :
verifier_->machine_uses_of_constants()) {
Node* typed_constant =
InsertTypeOverrideForVerifier(Type::Machine(), constant);
for (auto use : uses) {
for (int i = 0; i < use->InputCount(); ++i) {
if (use->InputAt(i) == constant) {
use->ReplaceInput(i, typed_constant);
// Generate a new traversal containing all the new nodes created during
// lowering.
// Set node types to the refined types computed during retyping.
for (Node* node : traversal_nodes_) {
NodeInfo* info = GetInfo(node);
if (!info->feedback_type().IsInvalid()) {
NodeProperties::SetType(node, info->feedback_type());
// Print graph.
if (compilation_info != nullptr && compilation_info->trace_turbo_json()) {
UnparkedScopeIfNeeded scope(broker_);
AllowHandleDereference allow_deref;
TurboJsonFile json_of(compilation_info, std::ios_base::app);
JSONGraphWriter writer(json_of, graph(), source_positions_,
writer.PrintPhase("V8.TFSimplifiedLowering [after lower]");
// Verify all nodes.
for (Node* node : traversal_nodes_) {
verifier_->VisitNode(node, op_typer_);
// Print graph.
if (compilation_info != nullptr && compilation_info->trace_turbo_json()) {
UnparkedScopeIfNeeded scope(broker_);
AllowHandleDereference allow_deref;
TurboJsonFile json_of(compilation_info, std::ios_base::app);
JSONGraphWriterWithVerifierTypes writer(
json_of, graph(), source_positions_, node_origins_, verifier_);
writer.PrintPhase("V8.TFSimplifiedLowering [after verify]");
// Eliminate all introduced hints.
for (Node* node : verifier_->inserted_hints()) {
Node* input = node->InputAt(0);
void Run(SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
if (verification_enabled()) {
// Just assert for Retype and Lower. Propagate specialized below.
template <Phase T>
void EnqueueInput(Node* use_node, int index,
UseInfo use_info = UseInfo::None()) {
static_assert(retype<T>() || lower<T>(),
"This version of EnqueueInput has to be called in "
"the Retype or Lower phase.");
template <Phase T>
static constexpr bool propagate() {
return T == PROPAGATE;
template <Phase T>
static constexpr bool retype() {
return T == RETYPE;
template <Phase T>
static constexpr bool lower() {
return T == LOWER;
template <Phase T>
void SetOutput(Node* node, MachineRepresentation representation,
Type restriction_type = Type::Any());
Type GetUpperBound(Node* node) { return NodeProperties::GetType(node); }
bool InputCannotBe(Node* node, Type type) {
DCHECK_EQ(1, node->op()->ValueInputCount());
return !GetUpperBound(node->InputAt(0)).Maybe(type);
bool InputIs(Node* node, Type type) {
DCHECK_EQ(1, node->op()->ValueInputCount());
return GetUpperBound(node->InputAt(0)).Is(type);
bool BothInputsAreSigned32(Node* node) {
return BothInputsAre(node, Type::Signed32());
bool BothInputsAreUnsigned32(Node* node) {
return BothInputsAre(node, Type::Unsigned32());
bool BothInputsAre(Node* node, Type type) {
DCHECK_EQ(2, node->op()->ValueInputCount());
return GetUpperBound(node->InputAt(0)).Is(type) &&
bool IsNodeRepresentationTagged(Node* node) {
MachineRepresentation representation = GetInfo(node)->representation();
return IsAnyTagged(representation);
bool OneInputCannotBe(Node* node, Type type) {
DCHECK_EQ(2, node->op()->ValueInputCount());
return !GetUpperBound(node->InputAt(0)).Maybe(type) ||
void ChangeToDeadValue(Node* node, Node* effect, Node* control) {
// If the node is unreachable, insert an Unreachable node and mark the
// value dead.
// TODO(jarin,turbofan) Find a way to unify/merge this insertion with
// InsertUnreachableIfNecessary.
Node* unreachable = effect =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Unreachable(), effect, control);
const Operator* dead_value =
node->ReplaceInput(0, unreachable);
ReplaceEffectControlUses(node, effect, control);
ChangeOp(node, dead_value);
// This function is a generalization of ChangeToPureOp. It can be used to
// replace a node that is part of the effect and control chain by a pure node.
void ReplaceWithPureNode(Node* node, Node* pure_node) {
if (node->op()->EffectInputCount() > 0) {
DCHECK_LT(0, node->op()->ControlInputCount());
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
if (TypeOf(node).IsNone()) {
ChangeToDeadValue(node, effect, control);
// Rewire the effect and control chains.
ReplaceEffectControlUses(node, effect, control);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(0, node->op()->ControlInputCount());
DeferReplacement(node, pure_node);
void ChangeToPureOp(Node* node, const Operator* new_op) {
DCHECK_EQ(new_op->ValueInputCount(), node->op()->ValueInputCount());
if (node->op()->EffectInputCount() > 0) {
DCHECK_LT(0, node->op()->ControlInputCount());
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
if (TypeOf(node).IsNone()) {
ChangeToDeadValue(node, effect, control);
// Rewire the effect and control chains.
ReplaceEffectControlUses(node, effect, control);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(0, node->op()->ControlInputCount());
ChangeOp(node, new_op);
void ChangeUnaryToPureBinaryOp(Node* node, const Operator* new_op,
int new_input_index, Node* new_input) {
DCHECK_EQ(new_op->ValueInputCount(), 2);
DCHECK_EQ(node->op()->ValueInputCount(), 1);
DCHECK_LE(0, new_input_index);
DCHECK_LE(new_input_index, 1);
if (node->op()->EffectInputCount() > 0) {
DCHECK_LT(0, node->op()->ControlInputCount());
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
if (TypeOf(node).IsNone()) {
ChangeToDeadValue(node, effect, control);
ReplaceEffectControlUses(node, effect, control);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(0, node->op()->ControlInputCount());
if (new_input_index == 0) {
node->InsertInput(jsgraph_->zone(), 0, new_input);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(new_input_index, 1);
DCHECK_EQ(node->InputCount(), 1);
node->AppendInput(jsgraph_->zone(), new_input);
ChangeOp(node, new_op);
// Converts input {index} of {node} according to given UseInfo {use},
// assuming the type of the input is {input_type}. If {input_type} is null,
// it takes the input from the input node {TypeOf(node->InputAt(index))}.
void ConvertInput(Node* node, int index, UseInfo use,
Type input_type = Type::Invalid()) {
// In the change phase, insert a change before the use if necessary.
if (use.representation() == MachineRepresentation::kNone)
return; // No input requirement on the use.
Node* input = node->InputAt(index);
NodeInfo* input_info = GetInfo(input);
MachineRepresentation input_rep = input_info->representation();
if (input_rep != use.representation() ||
use.type_check() != TypeCheckKind::kNone) {
// Output representation doesn't match usage.
TRACE(" change: #%d:%s(@%d #%d:%s) ", node->id(), node->op()->mnemonic(),
index, input->id(), input->op()->mnemonic());
TRACE("from %s to %s:%s\n",
if (input_type.IsInvalid()) {
input_type = TypeOf(input);
} else {
// This case is reached when ConvertInput is called for TypeGuard nodes
// which explicitly set the {input_type} for their input. In order to
// correctly verify the resulting graph, we have to preserve this
// forced type for the verifier.
DCHECK_EQ(node->opcode(), IrOpcode::kTypeGuard);
input = InsertTypeOverrideForVerifier(input_type, input);
Node* n = changer_->GetRepresentationFor(input, input_rep, input_type,
node, use);
node->ReplaceInput(index, n);
template <Phase T>
void ProcessInput(Node* node, int index, UseInfo use);
// Just assert for Retype and Lower. Propagate specialized below.
template <Phase T>
void ProcessRemainingInputs(Node* node, int index) {
static_assert(retype<T>() || lower<T>(),
"This version of ProcessRemainingInputs has to be called in "
"the Retype or Lower phase.");
DCHECK_GE(index, NodeProperties::PastValueIndex(node));
DCHECK_GE(index, NodeProperties::PastContextIndex(node));
// Marks node as a possible revisit since it is a use of input that will be
// visited before input is visited.
void MarkAsPossibleRevisit(Node* node, Node* input) {
auto it = might_need_revisit_.find(input);
if (it == might_need_revisit_.end()) {
it = might_need_revisit_.insert({input, ZoneVector<Node*>(zone())}).first;
TRACE(" Marking #%d: %s as needing revisit due to #%d: %s\n", node->id(),
node->op()->mnemonic(), input->id(), input->op()->mnemonic());
// Just assert for Retype. Propagate and Lower specialized below.
template <Phase T>
void VisitInputs(Node* node) {
"This version of VisitInputs has to be called in the Retype phase.");
template <Phase T>
void VisitReturn(Node* node) {
int first_effect_index = NodeProperties::FirstEffectIndex(node);
// Visit integer slot count to pop
ProcessInput<T>(node, 0, UseInfo::TruncatingWord32());
// Visit value, context and frame state inputs as tagged.
for (int i = 1; i < first_effect_index; i++) {
ProcessInput<T>(node, i, UseInfo::AnyTagged());
// Only enqueue other inputs (effects, control).
for (int i = first_effect_index; i < node->InputCount(); i++) {
EnqueueInput<T>(node, i);
// Helper for an unused node.
template <Phase T>
void VisitUnused(Node* node) {
int first_effect_index = NodeProperties::FirstEffectIndex(node);
for (int i = 0; i < first_effect_index; i++) {
ProcessInput<T>(node, i, UseInfo::None());
ProcessRemainingInputs<T>(node, first_effect_index);
if (lower<T>()) {
TRACE("disconnecting unused #%d:%s\n", node->id(),
node->NullAllInputs(); // Node is now dead.
DeferReplacement(node, graph()->NewNode(common()->Plug()));
// Helper for no-op node.
template <Phase T>
void VisitNoop(Node* node, Truncation truncation) {
if (truncation.IsUnused()) return VisitUnused<T>(node);
MachineRepresentation representation =
GetOutputInfoForPhi(TypeOf(node), truncation);
VisitUnop<T>(node, UseInfo(representation, truncation), representation);
if (lower<T>()) DeferReplacement(node, node->InputAt(0));
// Helper for binops of the R x L -> O variety.
template <Phase T>
void VisitBinop(Node* node, UseInfo left_use, UseInfo right_use,
MachineRepresentation output,
Type restriction_type = Type::Any()) {
DCHECK_EQ(2, node->op()->ValueInputCount());
ProcessInput<T>(node, 0, left_use);
ProcessInput<T>(node, 1, right_use);
for (int i = 2; i < node->InputCount(); i++) {
EnqueueInput<T>(node, i);
SetOutput<T>(node, output, restriction_type);
// Helper for binops of the I x I -> O variety.
template <Phase T>
void VisitBinop(Node* node, UseInfo input_use, MachineRepresentation output,
Type restriction_type = Type::Any()) {
VisitBinop<T>(node, input_use, input_use, output, restriction_type);
template <Phase T>
void VisitSpeculativeInt32Binop(Node* node) {
DCHECK_EQ(2, node->op()->ValueInputCount());
if (BothInputsAre(node, Type::NumberOrOddball())) {
return VisitBinop<T>(node, UseInfo::TruncatingWord32(),
NumberOperationHint hint = NumberOperationHintOf(node->op());
return VisitBinop<T>(node,
CheckedUseInfoAsWord32FromHint(hint, kIdentifyZeros),
// Helper for unops of the I -> O variety.
template <Phase T>
void VisitUnop(Node* node, UseInfo input_use, MachineRepresentation output,
Type restriction_type = Type::Any()) {
DCHECK_EQ(1, node->op()->ValueInputCount());
ProcessInput<T>(node, 0, input_use);
ProcessRemainingInputs<T>(node, 1);
SetOutput<T>(node, output, restriction_type);
// Helper for leaf nodes.
template <Phase T>
void VisitLeaf(Node* node, MachineRepresentation output) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, node->InputCount());
SetOutput<T>(node, output);
// Helpers for specific types of binops.
template <Phase T>
void VisitFloat64Binop(Node* node) {
VisitBinop<T>(node, UseInfo::TruncatingFloat64(),
template <Phase T>
void VisitInt64Binop(Node* node) {
VisitBinop<T>(node, UseInfo::Word64(), MachineRepresentation::kWord64);
template <Phase T>
void VisitWord32TruncatingBinop(Node* node) {
VisitBinop<T>(node, UseInfo::TruncatingWord32(),
// Infer representation for phi-like nodes.
MachineRepresentation GetOutputInfoForPhi(Type type, Truncation use) {
// Compute the representation.
if (type.Is(Type::None())) {
return MachineRepresentation::kNone;
} else if (type.Is(Type::Signed32()) || type.Is(Type::Unsigned32())) {
return MachineRepresentation::kWord32;
} else if (type.Is(Type::NumberOrOddball()) && use.IsUsedAsWord32()) {
return MachineRepresentation::kWord32;
} else if (type.Is(Type::Boolean())) {
return MachineRepresentation::kBit;
} else if (type.Is(Type::NumberOrOddball()) &&
use.TruncatesOddballAndBigIntToNumber()) {
return MachineRepresentation::kFloat64;
} else if (type.Is(Type::Union(Type::SignedSmall(), Type::NaN(), zone()))) {
// TODO(turbofan): For Phis that return either NaN or some Smi, it's
// beneficial to not go all the way to double, unless the uses are
// double uses. For tagging that just means some potentially expensive
// allocation code; we might want to do the same for -0 as well?
return MachineRepresentation::kTagged;
} else if (type.Is(Type::Number())) {
return MachineRepresentation::kFloat64;
} else if (type.Is(Type::BigInt()) && Is64() && use.IsUsedAsWord64()) {
return MachineRepresentation::kWord64;
} else if (type.Is(Type::ExternalPointer()) ||
type.Is(Type::SandboxedPointer())) {
return MachineType::PointerRepresentation();
return MachineRepresentation::kTagged;
// Helper for handling selects.
template <Phase T>
void VisitSelect(Node* node, Truncation truncation,
SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
ProcessInput<T>(node, 0, UseInfo::Bool());
MachineRepresentation output =
GetOutputInfoForPhi(TypeOf(node), truncation);
SetOutput<T>(node, output);
if (lower<T>()) {
// Update the select operator.
SelectParameters p = SelectParametersOf(node->op());
if (output != p.representation()) {
ChangeOp(node, lowering->common()->Select(output, p.hint()));
// Convert inputs to the output representation of this phi, pass the
// truncation truncation along.
UseInfo input_use(output, truncation);
ProcessInput<T>(node, 1, input_use);
ProcessInput<T>(node, 2, input_use);
// Helper for handling phis.
template <Phase T>
void VisitPhi(Node* node, Truncation truncation,
SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
// If we already have a non-tagged representation set in the Phi node, it
// does come from subgraphs using machine operators we introduced early in
// the pipeline. In this case, we just keep the representation.
MachineRepresentation output = PhiRepresentationOf(node->op());
if (output == MachineRepresentation::kTagged) {
output = GetOutputInfoForPhi(TypeOf(node), truncation);
// Only set the output representation if not running with type
// feedback. (Feedback typing will set the representation.)
SetOutput<T>(node, output);
int values = node->op()->ValueInputCount();
if (lower<T>()) {
// Update the phi operator.
if (output != PhiRepresentationOf(node->op())) {
ChangeOp(node, lowering->common()->Phi(output, values));
// Convert inputs to the output representation of this phi, pass the
// truncation along.
UseInfo input_use(output, truncation);
for (int i = 0; i < node->InputCount(); i++) {
ProcessInput<T>(node, i, i < values ? input_use : UseInfo::None());
template <Phase T>
void VisitObjectIs(Node* node, Type type, SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
Type const input_type = TypeOf(node->InputAt(0));
if (input_type.Is(type)) {
VisitUnop<T>(node, UseInfo::None(), MachineRepresentation::kBit);
if (lower<T>()) {
node, InsertTypeOverrideForVerifier(
true_type(), lowering->jsgraph()->Int32Constant(1)));
} else {
VisitUnop<T>(node, UseInfo::AnyTagged(), MachineRepresentation::kBit);
if (lower<T>() && !input_type.Maybe(type)) {
node, InsertTypeOverrideForVerifier(
false_type(), lowering->jsgraph()->Int32Constant(0)));
template <Phase T>
void VisitCheck(Node* node, Type type, SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
if (InputIs(node, type)) {
VisitUnop<T>(node, UseInfo::AnyTagged(),
if (lower<T>()) DeferReplacement(node, node->InputAt(0));
} else {
template <Phase T>
void VisitCall(Node* node, SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
auto call_descriptor = CallDescriptorOf(node->op());
int params = static_cast<int>(call_descriptor->ParameterCount());
int value_input_count = node->op()->ValueInputCount();
DCHECK_GT(value_input_count, 0);
DCHECK_GE(value_input_count, params);
// The target of the call.
ProcessInput<T>(node, 0, UseInfo::Any());
// For the parameters (indexes [1, ..., params]), propagate representation
// information from call descriptor.
for (int i = 1; i <= params; i++) {
ProcessInput<T>(node, i,
// Rest of the value inputs.
for (int i = params + 1; i < value_input_count; i++) {
ProcessInput<T>(node, i, UseInfo::AnyTagged());
// Effect and Control.
ProcessRemainingInputs<T>(node, value_input_count);
if (call_descriptor->ReturnCount() > 0) {
SetOutput<T>(node, call_descriptor->GetReturnType(0).representation());
} else {
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
void MaskShiftOperand(Node* node, Type rhs_type) {
if (!rhs_type.Is(type_cache_->kZeroToThirtyOne)) {
Node* const rhs = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
graph()->NewNode(jsgraph_->machine()->Word32And(), rhs,
static MachineSemantic DeoptValueSemanticOf(Type type) {
// We only need signedness to do deopt correctly.
if (type.Is(Type::Signed32())) {
return MachineSemantic::kInt32;
} else if (type.Is(Type::Unsigned32())) {
return MachineSemantic::kUint32;
} else {
return MachineSemantic::kAny;
static MachineType DeoptMachineTypeOf(MachineRepresentation rep, Type type) {
if (type.IsNone()) {
return MachineType::None();
// Do not distinguish between various Tagged variations.
if (IsAnyTagged(rep)) {
return MachineType::AnyTagged();
if (rep == MachineRepresentation::kWord64) {
if (type.Is(Type::SignedBigInt64())) {
return MachineType::SignedBigInt64();
if (type.Is(Type::UnsignedBigInt64())) {
return MachineType::UnsignedBigInt64();
if (type.Is(Type::BigInt())) {
return MachineType::AnyTagged();
return MachineType(rep, MachineSemantic::kInt64);
MachineType machine_type(rep, DeoptValueSemanticOf(type));
machine_type.representation() == MachineRepresentation::kWord32,
machine_type.semantic() == MachineSemantic::kInt32 ||
machine_type.semantic() == MachineSemantic::kUint32);
DCHECK_IMPLIES(machine_type.representation() == MachineRepresentation::kBit,
return machine_type;
template <Phase T>
void VisitStateValues(Node* node) {
if (propagate<T>()) {
for (int i = 0; i < node->InputCount(); i++) {
if (IsLargeBigInt(TypeOf(node->InputAt(i)))) {
// BigInt64s are rematerialized in deoptimization. The other BigInts
// must be rematerialized before deoptimization. By propagating an
// AnyTagged use, the RepresentationChanger is going to insert the
// necessary conversions.
EnqueueInput<T>(node, i, UseInfo::AnyTagged());
} else if (IsLoadFloat16ArrayElement(node->InputAt(i))) {
// Loads from Float16Arrays are raw bits as word16s but have the
// Number type, since not all archs have native float16
// representation. Rematerialize them as float64s in deoptimization.
EnqueueInput<T>(node, i, UseInfo::Float64());
} else {
EnqueueInput<T>(node, i, UseInfo::Any());
} else if (lower<T>()) {
Zone* zone = jsgraph_->zone();
ZoneVector<MachineType>* types =
zone->New<ZoneVector<MachineType>>(node->InputCount(), zone);
for (int i = 0; i < node->InputCount(); i++) {
Node* input = node->InputAt(i);
MachineRepresentation input_rep = GetInfo(input)->representation();
if (IsLargeBigInt(TypeOf(input))) {
ConvertInput(node, i, UseInfo::AnyTagged());
} else if (IsLoadFloat16ArrayElement(input)) {
ConvertInput(node, i, UseInfo::Float64());
input_rep = MachineRepresentation::kFloat64;
(*types)[i] = DeoptMachineTypeOf(input_rep, TypeOf(input));
SparseInputMask mask = SparseInputMaskOf(node->op());
ChangeOp(node, common()->TypedStateValues(types, mask));
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
template <Phase T>
void VisitFrameState(FrameState node) {
DCHECK_EQ(5, node->op()->ValueInputCount());
DCHECK_EQ(1, OperatorProperties::GetFrameStateInputCount(node->op()));
DCHECK_EQ(FrameState::kFrameStateInputCount, node->InputCount());
ProcessInput<T>(node, FrameState::kFrameStateParametersInput,
ProcessInput<T>(node, FrameState::kFrameStateLocalsInput,
// Accumulator is a special flower - we need to remember its type in
// a singleton typed-state-values node (as if it was a singleton
// state-values node).
Node* accumulator = node.stack();
if (propagate<T>()) {
if (IsLargeBigInt(TypeOf(accumulator))) {
EnqueueInput<T>(node, FrameState::kFrameStateStackInput,
} else if (IsLoadFloat16ArrayElement(accumulator)) {
EnqueueInput<T>(node, FrameState::kFrameStateStackInput,
} else {
EnqueueInput<T>(node, FrameState::kFrameStateStackInput,
} else if (lower<T>()) {
MachineRepresentation accumulator_rep =
Type accumulator_type = TypeOf(accumulator);
if (IsLargeBigInt(accumulator_type)) {
ConvertInput(node, FrameState::kFrameStateStackInput,
accumulator = node.stack();
} else if (IsLoadFloat16ArrayElement(accumulator)) {
ConvertInput(node, FrameState::kFrameStateStackInput,
accumulator = node.stack();
accumulator_rep = MachineRepresentation::kFloat64;
Zone* zone = jsgraph_->zone();
if (accumulator == jsgraph_->OptimizedOutConstant()) {
} else {
ZoneVector<MachineType>* types =
zone->New<ZoneVector<MachineType>>(1, zone);
(*types)[0] = DeoptMachineTypeOf(accumulator_rep, accumulator_type);
common()->TypedStateValues(types, SparseInputMask::Dense()),
ProcessInput<T>(node, FrameState::kFrameStateContextInput,
ProcessInput<T>(node, FrameState::kFrameStateFunctionInput,
ProcessInput<T>(node, FrameState::kFrameStateOuterStateInput,
return SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
template <Phase T>
void VisitObjectState(Node* node) {
if (propagate<T>()) {
for (int i = 0; i < node->InputCount(); i++) {
if (IsLargeBigInt(TypeOf(node->InputAt(i)))) {
EnqueueInput<T>(node, i, UseInfo::AnyTagged());
} else if (IsLoadFloat16ArrayElement(node->InputAt(i))) {
EnqueueInput<T>(node, i, UseInfo::Float64());
} else {
EnqueueInput<T>(node, i, UseInfo::Any());
} else if (lower<T>()) {
Zone* zone = jsgraph_->zone();
ZoneVector<MachineType>* types =
zone->New<ZoneVector<MachineType>>(node->InputCount(), zone);
for (int i = 0; i < node->InputCount(); i++) {
Node* input = node->InputAt(i);
MachineRepresentation input_rep = GetInfo(input)->representation();
if (IsLargeBigInt(TypeOf(input))) {
ConvertInput(node, i, UseInfo::AnyTagged());
} else if (IsLoadFloat16ArrayElement(input)) {
ConvertInput(node, i, UseInfo::Float64());
input_rep = MachineRepresentation::kFloat64;
(*types)[i] = DeoptMachineTypeOf(input_rep, TypeOf(input));
ChangeOp(node, common()->TypedObjectState(ObjectIdOf(node->op()), types));
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
const Operator* Int32Op(Node* node) {
return changer_->Int32OperatorFor(node->opcode());
const Operator* Int32OverflowOp(Node* node) {
return changer_->Int32OverflowOperatorFor(node->opcode());
const Operator* AdditiveSafeIntegerOverflowOp(Node* node) {
return changer_->AdditiveSafeIntegerOverflowOperatorFor(node->opcode());
const Operator* Int64Op(Node* node) {
return changer_->Int64OperatorFor(node->opcode());
const Operator* Int64OverflowOp(Node* node) {
return changer_->Int64OverflowOperatorFor(node->opcode());
const Operator* BigIntOp(Node* node) {
return changer_->BigIntOperatorFor(node->opcode());
const Operator* Uint32Op(Node* node) {
return changer_->Uint32OperatorFor(node->opcode());
const Operator* Uint32OverflowOp(Node* node) {
return changer_->Uint32OverflowOperatorFor(node->opcode());
const Operator* Float64Op(Node* node) {
return changer_->Float64OperatorFor(node->opcode());
WriteBarrierKind WriteBarrierKindFor(
BaseTaggedness base_taggedness,
MachineRepresentation field_representation, Type field_type,
MachineRepresentation value_representation, Node* value) {
if (base_taggedness == kTaggedBase &&
CanBeTaggedPointer(field_representation)) {
Type value_type = NodeProperties::GetType(value);
if (value_representation == MachineRepresentation::kTaggedSigned) {
// Write barriers are only for stores of heap objects.
return kNoWriteBarrier;
if (field_type.Is(Type::BooleanOrNullOrUndefined()) ||
value_type.Is(Type::BooleanOrNullOrUndefined())) {
// Write barriers are not necessary when storing true, false, null or
// undefined, because these special oddballs are always in the root set.
return kNoWriteBarrier;
if (value_type.IsHeapConstant()) {
RootIndex root_index;
const RootsTable& roots_table = jsgraph_->isolate()->roots_table();
if (roots_table.IsRootHandle(value_type.AsHeapConstant()->Value(),
&root_index)) {
if (RootsTable::IsImmortalImmovable(root_index)) {
// Write barriers are unnecessary for immortal immovable roots.
return kNoWriteBarrier;
if (field_representation == MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer ||
value_representation == MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer) {
// Write barriers for heap objects are cheaper.
return kPointerWriteBarrier;
NumberMatcher m(value);
if (m.HasResolvedValue()) {
if (IsSmiDouble(m.ResolvedValue())) {
// Storing a smi doesn't need a write barrier.
return kNoWriteBarrier;
// The NumberConstant will be represented as HeapNumber.
return kPointerWriteBarrier;
return kFullWriteBarrier;
return kNoWriteBarrier;
WriteBarrierKind WriteBarrierKindFor(
BaseTaggedness base_taggedness,
MachineRepresentation field_representation, int field_offset,
Type field_type, MachineRepresentation value_representation,
Node* value) {
WriteBarrierKind write_barrier_kind =
WriteBarrierKindFor(base_taggedness, field_representation, field_type,
value_representation, value);
if (write_barrier_kind != kNoWriteBarrier) {
if (base_taggedness == kTaggedBase &&
field_offset == HeapObject::kMapOffset) {
write_barrier_kind = kMapWriteBarrier;
return write_barrier_kind;
Graph* graph() const { return jsgraph_->graph(); }
CommonOperatorBuilder* common() const { return jsgraph_->common(); }
SimplifiedOperatorBuilder* simplified() const {
return jsgraph_->simplified();
template <Phase T>
void VisitForCheckedInt32Mul(Node* node, Truncation truncation,
Type input0_type, Type input1_type,
UseInfo input_use) {
DCHECK_EQ(node->opcode(), IrOpcode::kSpeculativeNumberMultiply);
// A -0 input is impossible or will cause a deopt.
DCHECK(BothInputsAre(node, Type::Signed32()) ||
CheckForMinusZeroMode mz_mode;
Type restriction;
if (IsSomePositiveOrderedNumber(input0_type) ||
IsSomePositiveOrderedNumber(input1_type)) {
mz_mode = CheckForMinusZeroMode::kDontCheckForMinusZero;
restriction = Type::Signed32();
} else if (truncation.IdentifiesZeroAndMinusZero()) {
mz_mode = CheckForMinusZeroMode::kDontCheckForMinusZero;
restriction = Type::Signed32OrMinusZero();
} else {
mz_mode = CheckForMinusZeroMode::kCheckForMinusZero;
restriction = Type::Signed32();
VisitBinop<T>(node, input_use, MachineRepresentation::kWord32, restriction);
if (lower<T>()) ChangeOp(node, simplified()->CheckedInt32Mul(mz_mode));
void ChangeToInt32OverflowOp(Node* node) {
ChangeOp(node, Int32OverflowOp(node));
void ChangeToUint32OverflowOp(Node* node) {
ChangeOp(node, Uint32OverflowOp(node));
template <Phase T>
void VisitSpeculativeSmallIntegerAdditiveOp(Node* node, Truncation truncation,
SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
Type left_upper = GetUpperBound(node->InputAt(0));
Type right_upper = GetUpperBound(node->InputAt(1));
if (left_upper.Is(type_cache_->kAdditiveSafeIntegerOrMinusZero) &&
right_upper.Is(type_cache_->kAdditiveSafeIntegerOrMinusZero)) {
// Only eliminate the node if its typing rule can be satisfied, namely
// that a safe integer is produced.
if (truncation.IsUnused()) return VisitUnused<T>(node);
// If we know how to interpret the result or if the users only care
// about the low 32-bits, we can truncate to Word32 do a wrapping
// addition.
if (GetUpperBound(node).Is(Type::Signed32()) ||
GetUpperBound(node).Is(Type::Unsigned32()) ||
truncation.IsUsedAsWord32()) {
// => Int32Add/Sub
if (lower<T>()) ChangeToPureOp(node, Int32Op(node));
// Try to use type feedback.
NumberOperationHint const hint = NumberOperationHint::kSignedSmall;
DCHECK_EQ(hint, NumberOperationHintOf(node->op()));
Type left_feedback_type = TypeOf(node->InputAt(0));
Type right_feedback_type = TypeOf(node->InputAt(1));
// Using Signed32 as restriction type amounts to promising there won't be
// signed overflow. This is incompatible with relying on a Word32 truncation
// in order to skip the overflow check. Similarly, we must not drop -0 from
// the result type unless we deopt for -0 inputs.
Type const restriction =
? Type::Any()
: (truncation.identify_zeros() == kIdentifyZeros)
? Type::Signed32OrMinusZero()
: Type::Signed32();
// Handle the case when no int32 checks on inputs are necessary (but
// an overflow check is needed on the output). Note that we do not
// have to do any check if at most one side can be minus zero. For
// subtraction we need to handle the case of -0 - 0 properly, since
// that can produce -0.
Type left_constraint_type =
node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kSpeculativeSmallIntegerAdd
? Type::Signed32OrMinusZero()
: Type::Signed32();
if (left_upper.Is(left_constraint_type) &&
right_upper.Is(Type::Signed32OrMinusZero()) &&
(left_upper.Is(Type::Signed32()) || right_upper.Is(Type::Signed32()))) {
VisitBinop<T>(node, UseInfo::TruncatingWord32(),
MachineRepresentation::kWord32, restriction);
} else {
// If the output's truncation is identify-zeros, we can pass it
// along. Moreover, if the operation is addition and we know the
// right-hand side is not minus zero, we do not have to distinguish
// between 0 and -0.
IdentifyZeros left_identify_zeros = truncation.identify_zeros();
if (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kSpeculativeSmallIntegerAdd &&
!right_feedback_type.Maybe(Type::MinusZero())) {
left_identify_zeros = kIdentifyZeros;
UseInfo left_use =
CheckedUseInfoAsWord32FromHint(hint, left_identify_zeros);
// For CheckedInt32Add and CheckedInt32Sub, we don't need to do
// a minus zero check for the right hand side, since we already
// know that the left hand side is a proper Signed32 value,
// potentially guarded by a check.
UseInfo right_use = CheckedUseInfoAsWord32FromHint(hint, kIdentifyZeros);
VisitBinop<T>(node, left_use, right_use, MachineRepresentation::kWord32,
if (lower<T>()) {
if (truncation.IsUsedAsWord32() ||
!CanOverflowSigned32(node->op(), left_feedback_type,
right_feedback_type, type_cache_,
graph_zone())) {
ChangeToPureOp(node, Int32Op(node));
} else {
bool CanSpeculateAdditiveSafeInteger(Node* node) {
if (!v8_flags.additive_safe_int_feedback) return false;
if (NumberOperationHintOf(node->op()) !=
NumberOperationHint::kAdditiveSafeInteger) {
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(2, node->op()->ValueInputCount());
Node* lhs = node->InputAt(0);
auto lhs_restriction_type = GetInfo(lhs)->restriction_type();
Node* rhs = node->InputAt(1);
auto rhs_restriction_type = GetInfo(rhs)->restriction_type();
// Only speculate AdditiveSafeInteger if one of the sides are already known
// to be in the AdditiveSafeInteger range, since the check is relatively
// expensive.
return GetUpperBound(lhs).Is(type_cache_->kAdditiveSafeInteger) ||
GetUpperBound(rhs).Is(type_cache_->kAdditiveSafeInteger) ||
lhs_restriction_type.Is(type_cache_->kAdditiveSafeInteger) ||
template <Phase T>
void VisitSpeculativeAdditiveOp(Node* node, Truncation truncation,
SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
if (GetUpperBound(node).Is(Type::Signed32()) ||
GetUpperBound(node).Is(Type::Unsigned32()) ||
truncation.IsUsedAsWord32()) {
if (BothInputsAre(node, type_cache_->kAdditiveSafeIntegerOrMinusZero)) {
// => Int32Add/Sub
VisitBinop<T>(node, UseInfo::TruncatingWord32(),
if (lower<T>()) ChangeToPureOp(node, Int32Op(node));
if (CanSpeculateAdditiveSafeInteger(node)) {
// This case handles addition where the result might be truncated to
// word32. Even if the inputs might be larger than 2^32, we can safely
// perform 32-bit addition *here* if the inputs are in the additive safe
// range. We *must* propagate the CheckedSafeIntTruncatingWord32
// information. This is because we need to ensure that we deoptimize if
// either input is not an integer, or not in the range.
// => Int32Add/Sub
MachineRepresentation::kWord32, type_cache_->kInt32);
if (lower<T>()) ChangeToPureOp(node, Int32Op(node));
} else if (CanSpeculateAdditiveSafeInteger(node)) {
// => AdditiveSafeIntegerAdd/Sub
VisitBinop<T>(node, UseInfo::CheckedSafeIntAsWord64(FeedbackSource{}),
if (lower<T>()) ChangeOp(node, AdditiveSafeIntegerOverflowOp(node));
// Default case => Float64Add/Sub
MachineRepresentation::kFloat64, Type::Number());
if (lower<T>()) {
ChangeToPureOp(node, Float64Op(node));
template <Phase T>
void VisitSpeculativeNumberModulus(Node* node, Truncation truncation,
SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
if (BothInputsAre(node, Type::Unsigned32OrMinusZeroOrNaN()) &&
(truncation.IsUsedAsWord32() ||
NodeProperties::GetType(node).Is(Type::Unsigned32()))) {
// => unsigned Uint32Mod
if (lower<T>()) DeferReplacement(node, lowering->Uint32Mod(node));
if (BothInputsAre(node, Type::Signed32OrMinusZeroOrNaN()) &&
(truncation.IsUsedAsWord32() ||
NodeProperties::GetType(node).Is(Type::Signed32()))) {
// => signed Int32Mod
if (lower<T>()) DeferReplacement(node, lowering->Int32Mod(node));
// Try to use type feedback.
NumberOperationHint hint = NumberOperationHintOf(node->op());
// Handle the case when no uint32 checks on inputs are necessary
// (but an overflow check is needed on the output).
if (BothInputsAreUnsigned32(node)) {
if (hint == NumberOperationHint::kSignedSmall) {
VisitBinop<T>(node, UseInfo::TruncatingWord32(),
MachineRepresentation::kWord32, Type::Unsigned32());
if (lower<T>()) ChangeToUint32OverflowOp(node);
// Handle the case when no int32 checks on inputs are necessary
// (but an overflow check is needed on the output).
if (BothInputsAre(node, Type::Signed32())) {
// If both the inputs the feedback are int32, use the overflow op.
if (hint == NumberOperationHint::kSignedSmall) {
VisitBinop<T>(node, UseInfo::TruncatingWord32(),
MachineRepresentation::kWord32, Type::Signed32());
if (lower<T>()) ChangeToInt32OverflowOp(node);
if (hint == NumberOperationHint::kSignedSmall) {
// If the result is truncated, we only need to check the inputs.
// For the left hand side we just propagate the identify zeros
// mode of the {truncation}; and for modulus the sign of the
// right hand side doesn't matter anyways, so in particular there's
// no observable difference between a 0 and a -0 then.
UseInfo const lhs_use =
CheckedUseInfoAsWord32FromHint(hint, truncation.identify_zeros());
UseInfo const rhs_use =
CheckedUseInfoAsWord32FromHint(hint, kIdentifyZeros);
if (truncation.IsUsedAsWord32()) {
VisitBinop<T>(node, lhs_use, rhs_use, MachineRepresentation::kWord32);
if (lower<T>()) DeferReplacement(node, lowering->Int32Mod(node));
} else if (BothInputsAre(node, Type::Unsigned32OrMinusZeroOrNaN())) {
Type const restriction =
truncation.IdentifiesZeroAndMinusZero() &&
? Type::Unsigned32OrMinusZero()
: Type::Unsigned32();
VisitBinop<T>(node, lhs_use, rhs_use, MachineRepresentation::kWord32,
if (lower<T>()) ChangeToUint32OverflowOp(node);
} else {
Type const restriction =
truncation.IdentifiesZeroAndMinusZero() &&
? Type::Signed32OrMinusZero()
: Type::Signed32();
VisitBinop<T>(node, lhs_use, rhs_use, MachineRepresentation::kWord32,
if (lower<T>()) ChangeToInt32OverflowOp(node);
if (TypeOf(node->InputAt(0)).Is(Type::Unsigned32()) &&
TypeOf(node->InputAt(1)).Is(Type::Unsigned32()) &&
(truncation.IsUsedAsWord32() ||
NodeProperties::GetType(node).Is(Type::Unsigned32()))) {
VisitBinop<T>(node, UseInfo::TruncatingWord32(),
MachineRepresentation::kWord32, Type::Number());
if (lower<T>()) DeferReplacement(node, lowering->Uint32Mod(node));
if (TypeOf(node->InputAt(0)).Is(Type::Signed32()) &&
TypeOf(node->InputAt(1)).Is(Type::Signed32()) &&
(truncation.IsUsedAsWord32() ||
NodeProperties::GetType(node).Is(Type::Signed32()))) {
VisitBinop<T>(node, UseInfo::TruncatingWord32(),
MachineRepresentation::kWord32, Type::Number());
if (lower<T>()) DeferReplacement(node, lowering->Int32Mod(node));
// default case => Float64Mod
// For the left hand side we just propagate the identify zeros
// mode of the {truncation}; and for modulus the sign of the
// right hand side doesn't matter anyways, so in particular there's
// no observable difference between a 0 and a -0 then.
UseInfo const lhs_use = UseInfo::CheckedNumberOrOddballAsFloat64(
truncation.identify_zeros(), FeedbackSource());
UseInfo const rhs_use = UseInfo::CheckedNumberOrOddballAsFloat64(
kIdentifyZeros, FeedbackSource());
VisitBinop<T>(node, lhs_use, rhs_use, MachineRepresentation::kFloat64,
if (lower<T>()) ChangeToPureOp(node, Float64Op(node));
// Just assert for Propagate and Retype. Lower specialized below.
template <Phase T>
void InsertUnreachableIfNecessary(Node* node) {
static_assert(propagate<T>() || retype<T>(),
"This version of InsertUnreachableIfNecessary has to be "
"called in the Propagate or Retype phase.");
template <Phase T>
void VisitCheckBounds(Node* node, SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
CheckBoundsParameters const& p = CheckBoundsParametersOf(node->op());
FeedbackSource const& feedback = p.check_parameters().feedback();
Type const index_type = TypeOf(node->InputAt(0));
Type const length_type = TypeOf(node->InputAt(1));
// Conversions, if requested and needed, will be handled by the
// representation changer, not by the lower-level Checked*Bounds operators.
CheckBoundsFlags new_flags =
if (length_type.Is(Type::Unsigned31())) {
if (index_type.Is(Type::Integral32()) ||
(index_type.Is(Type::Integral32OrMinusZero()) &&
p.flags() & CheckBoundsFlag::kConvertStringAndMinusZero)) {
// Map the values in the [-2^31,-1] range to the [2^31,2^32-1] range,
// which will be considered out-of-bounds because the {length_type} is
// limited to Unsigned31. This also converts -0 to 0.
VisitBinop<T>(node, UseInfo::TruncatingWord32(),
if (lower<T>()) {
if (index_type.IsNone() || length_type.IsNone() ||
(index_type.Min() >= 0.0 &&
index_type.Max() < length_type.Min())) {
// The bounds check is redundant if we already know that
// the index is within the bounds of [0.0, length[.
// TODO(neis): Move this into TypedOptimization?
if (v8_flags.turbo_typer_hardening) {
new_flags |= CheckBoundsFlag::kAbortOnOutOfBounds;
} else {
DeferReplacement(node, NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 0));
simplified()->CheckedUint32Bounds(feedback, new_flags));
} else if (p.flags() & CheckBoundsFlag::kConvertStringAndMinusZero) {
VisitBinop<T>(node, UseInfo::CheckedTaggedAsArrayIndex(feedback),
UseInfo::Word(), MachineType::PointerRepresentation());
if (lower<T>()) {
if (jsgraph_->machine()->Is64()) {
simplified()->CheckedUint64Bounds(feedback, new_flags));
} else {
simplified()->CheckedUint32Bounds(feedback, new_flags));
} else {
node, UseInfo::CheckedSigned32AsWord32(kDistinguishZeros, feedback),
UseInfo::TruncatingWord32(), MachineRepresentation::kWord32);
if (lower<T>()) {
simplified()->CheckedUint32Bounds(feedback, new_flags));
} else {
IdentifyZeros zero_handling =
(p.flags() & CheckBoundsFlag::kConvertStringAndMinusZero)
? kIdentifyZeros
: kDistinguishZeros;
UseInfo::CheckedSigned64AsWord64(zero_handling, feedback),
UseInfo::Word64(), MachineRepresentation::kWord64);
if (lower<T>()) {
ChangeOp(node, simplified()->CheckedUint64Bounds(feedback, new_flags));
UseInfo UseInfoForFastApiCallArgument(CTypeInfo type,
CFunctionInfo::Int64Representation repr,
FeedbackSource const& feedback) {
switch (type.GetSequenceType()) {
case CTypeInfo::SequenceType::kScalar: {
uint8_t flags = uint8_t(type.GetFlags());
if (flags & uint8_t(CTypeInfo::Flags::kEnforceRangeBit) ||
flags & uint8_t(CTypeInfo::Flags::kClampBit)) {
DCHECK(repr != CFunctionInfo::Int64Representation::kBigInt);
// If the parameter is marked as `kEnforceRange` or `kClampBit`, then
// special type conversion gets added explicitly to the generated
// code. Therefore it is sufficient here to only require here that the
// value is a Float64, even though the C++ signature actually asks for
// an `int32_t`.
return UseInfo::CheckedNumberAsFloat64(kIdentifyZeros, feedback);
switch (type.GetType()) {
case CTypeInfo::Type::kVoid:
case CTypeInfo::Type::kUint8:
case CTypeInfo::Type::kBool:
return UseInfo::Bool();
case CTypeInfo::Type::kInt32:
case CTypeInfo::Type::kUint32:
return UseInfo::CheckedNumberAsWord32(feedback);
// TODO(mslekova): We deopt for unsafe integers, but ultimately we
// want to make this less restrictive in order to stay on the fast
// path.
case CTypeInfo::Type::kInt64:
case CTypeInfo::Type::kUint64:
if (repr == CFunctionInfo::Int64Representation::kBigInt) {
return UseInfo::CheckedBigIntTruncatingWord64(feedback);
} else if (repr == CFunctionInfo::Int64Representation::kNumber) {
return UseInfo::CheckedSigned64AsWord64(kIdentifyZeros, feedback);
} else {
case CTypeInfo::Type::kAny:
return UseInfo::CheckedSigned64AsWord64(kIdentifyZeros, feedback);
case CTypeInfo::Type::kFloat32:
case CTypeInfo::Type::kFloat64:
return UseInfo::CheckedNumberAsFloat64(kDistinguishZeros, feedback);
case CTypeInfo::Type::kPointer:
case CTypeInfo::Type::kV8Value:
case CTypeInfo::Type::kSeqOneByteString:
case CTypeInfo::Type::kApiObject:
return UseInfo::AnyTagged();
case CTypeInfo::SequenceType::kIsSequence: {
CHECK_EQ(type.GetType(), CTypeInfo::Type::kVoid);
return UseInfo::AnyTagged();
default: {
UNREACHABLE(); // TODO(mslekova): Implement array buffers.
static constexpr int kInitialArgumentsCount = 10;
template <Phase T>
void VisitFastApiCall(Node* node, SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
FastApiCallParameters const& op_params =
// We only consider the first function signature here. In case of function
// overloads, we only support the case of two functions that differ for one
// argument, which must be a JSArray in one function and a TypedArray in the
// other function, and both JSArrays and TypedArrays have the same UseInfo
// UseInfo::AnyTagged(). All the other argument types must match.
const CFunctionInfo* c_signature = op_params.c_function().signature;
const int c_arg_count = c_signature->ArgumentCount();
CallDescriptor* call_descriptor = op_params.descriptor();
// Arguments for CallApiCallbackOptimizedXXX builtin (including context)
// plus JS arguments (including receiver).
int slow_arg_count = static_cast<int>(call_descriptor->ParameterCount());
const int value_input_count = node->op()->ValueInputCount();
CHECK_EQ(FastApiCallNode::ArityForArgc(c_arg_count, slow_arg_count),
FastApiCallNode n(node);
base::SmallVector<UseInfo, kInitialArgumentsCount> arg_use_info(
// Propagate representation information from TypeInfo.
int cursor = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < c_arg_count; i++) {
arg_use_info[i] = UseInfoForFastApiCallArgument(
c_signature->ArgumentInfo(i), c_signature->GetInt64Representation(),;
ProcessInput<T>(node, cursor++, arg_use_info[i]);
// Callback data for fast call.
DCHECK_EQ(n.CallbackDataIndex(), cursor);
ProcessInput<T>(node, cursor++, UseInfo::AnyTagged());
// The call code for the slow call.
ProcessInput<T>(node, cursor++, UseInfo::AnyTagged());
// For the slow builtin parameters (indexes [1, ..., params]), propagate
// representation information from call descriptor.
for (int i = 1; i <= slow_arg_count; i++) {
ProcessInput<T>(node, cursor++,
// Visit frame state input as tagged.
DCHECK_EQ(n.FrameStateIndex(), cursor);
ProcessInput<T>(node, cursor++, UseInfo::AnyTagged());
DCHECK_EQ(cursor, value_input_count);
// Effect and Control.
ProcessRemainingInputs<T>(node, value_input_count);
CTypeInfo return_type = op_params.c_function().signature->ReturnInfo();
switch (return_type.GetType()) {
case CTypeInfo::Type::kBool:
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kBit);
case CTypeInfo::Type::kFloat32:
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kFloat32);
case CTypeInfo::Type::kFloat64:
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kFloat64);
case CTypeInfo::Type::kInt32:
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kWord32);
case CTypeInfo::Type::kInt64:
case CTypeInfo::Type::kUint64:
if (c_signature->GetInt64Representation() ==
CFunctionInfo::Int64Representation::kBigInt) {
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kWord64);
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kFloat64);
case CTypeInfo::Type::kSeqOneByteString:
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
case CTypeInfo::Type::kUint32:
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kWord32);
case CTypeInfo::Type::kUint8:
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kWord8);
case CTypeInfo::Type::kAny:
// This type is only supposed to be used for parameters, not returns.
case CTypeInfo::Type::kPointer:
case CTypeInfo::Type::kApiObject:
case CTypeInfo::Type::kV8Value:
case CTypeInfo::Type::kVoid:
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
template <Phase T>
bool TryOptimizeBigInt64Shift(Node* node, const Truncation& truncation,
SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
if (!truncation.IsUsedAsWord64()) return false;
Type input_type = GetUpperBound(node->InputAt(0));
Type shift_amount_type = GetUpperBound(node->InputAt(1));
if (!shift_amount_type.IsHeapConstant()) return false;
HeapObjectRef ref = shift_amount_type.AsHeapConstant()->Ref();
if (!ref.IsBigInt()) return false;
BigIntRef bigint = ref.AsBigInt();
bool lossless = false;
int64_t shift_amount = bigint.AsInt64(&lossless);
// We bail out if we cannot represent the shift amount correctly.
if (!lossless) return false;
// Canonicalize {shift_amount}.
bool is_shift_left =
node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kSpeculativeBigIntShiftLeft;
if (shift_amount < 0) {
// A shift amount of abs(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()) is not
// representable.
if (shift_amount == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()) return false;
is_shift_left = !is_shift_left;
shift_amount = -shift_amount;
DCHECK_GT(shift_amount, 0);
DCHECK_GE(shift_amount, 0);
// If the operation is a *real* left shift, propagate truncation.
// If it is a *real* right shift, the output representation is
// word64 only if we know the input type is BigInt64.
// Otherwise, fall through to using BigIntOperationHint.
if (is_shift_left) {
UseInfo::Any(), MachineRepresentation::kWord64);
if (lower<T>()) {
if (shift_amount > 63) {
DeferReplacement(node, jsgraph_->Int64Constant(0));
} else if (shift_amount == 0) {
DeferReplacement(node, node->InputAt(0));
} else {
DCHECK_GE(shift_amount, 1);
DCHECK_LE(shift_amount, 63);
node, graph()->NewNode(lowering->machine()->Word64Shl(),
return true;
} else if (input_type.Is(Type::SignedBigInt64())) {
UseInfo::Any(), MachineRepresentation::kWord64);
if (lower<T>()) {
if (shift_amount > 63) {
node->InputAt(0), jsgraph_->Int64Constant(63)));
} else if (shift_amount == 0) {
DeferReplacement(node, node->InputAt(0));
} else {
DCHECK_GE(shift_amount, 1);
DCHECK_LE(shift_amount, 63);
node, graph()->NewNode(lowering->machine()->Word64Sar(),
return true;
} else if (input_type.Is(Type::UnsignedBigInt64())) {
UseInfo::Any(), MachineRepresentation::kWord64);
if (lower<T>()) {
if (shift_amount > 63) {
DeferReplacement(node, jsgraph_->Int64Constant(0));
} else if (shift_amount == 0) {
DeferReplacement(node, node->InputAt(0));
} else {
DCHECK_GE(shift_amount, 1);
DCHECK_LE(shift_amount, 63);
node, graph()->NewNode(lowering->machine()->Word64Shr(),
return true;
// None of the cases we can optimize here.
return false;
static MachineType MachineTypeForWasmReturnType(
wasm::CanonicalValueType type) {
switch (type.kind()) {
case wasm::kI32:
return MachineType::Int32();
case wasm::kI64:
return MachineType::Int64();
case wasm::kF32:
return MachineType::Float32();
case wasm::kF64:
return MachineType::Float64();
case wasm::kRef:
case wasm::kRefNull:
return MachineType::AnyTagged();
UseInfo UseInfoForJSWasmCallArgument(Node* input,
wasm::CanonicalValueType type,
FeedbackSource const& feedback) {
// If the input type is a Number or Oddball, we can directly convert the
// input into the Wasm native type of the argument. If not, we return
// UseInfo::AnyTagged to signal that WasmWrapperGraphBuilder will need to
// add Nodes to perform the conversion (in WasmWrapperGraphBuilder::FromJS).
switch (type.kind()) {
case wasm::kI32:
return UseInfo::CheckedNumberOrOddballAsWord32(feedback);
case wasm::kI64:
return UseInfo::CheckedBigIntTruncatingWord64(feedback);
case wasm::kF32:
case wasm::kF64:
// For Float32, TruncateFloat64ToFloat32 will be inserted later in
// WasmWrapperGraphBuilder::BuildJSToWasmWrapper.
return UseInfo::CheckedNumberOrOddballAsFloat64(kDistinguishZeros,
case wasm::kRef:
case wasm::kRefNull:
return UseInfo::AnyTagged();
template <Phase T>
void VisitJSWasmCall(Node* node, SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
DCHECK_EQ(JSWasmCallNode::TargetIndex(), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(JSWasmCallNode::ReceiverIndex(), 1);
DCHECK_EQ(JSWasmCallNode::FirstArgumentIndex(), 2);
JSWasmCallNode n(node);
JSWasmCallParameters const& params = n.Parameters();
const wasm::CanonicalSig* wasm_signature = params.signature();
int wasm_arg_count = static_cast<int>(wasm_signature->parameter_count());
DCHECK_EQ(wasm_arg_count, n.ArgumentCount());
base::SmallVector<UseInfo, kInitialArgumentsCount> arg_use_info(
// Visit JSFunction and Receiver nodes.
ProcessInput<T>(node, JSWasmCallNode::TargetIndex(), UseInfo::Any());
ProcessInput<T>(node, JSWasmCallNode::ReceiverIndex(), UseInfo::Any());
// Propagate representation information from TypeInfo.
for (int i = 0; i < wasm_arg_count; i++) {
TNode<Object> input = n.Argument(i);
arg_use_info[i] = UseInfoForJSWasmCallArgument(
input, wasm_signature->GetParam(i),;
ProcessInput<T>(node, JSWasmCallNode::ArgumentIndex(i), arg_use_info[i]);
// Visit value, context and frame state inputs as tagged.
int first_effect_index = NodeProperties::FirstEffectIndex(node);
DCHECK(first_effect_index >
JSWasmCallNode::FirstArgumentIndex() + wasm_arg_count);
for (int i = JSWasmCallNode::FirstArgumentIndex() + wasm_arg_count;
i < first_effect_index; i++) {
ProcessInput<T>(node, i, UseInfo::AnyTagged());
// Effect and Control.
ProcessRemainingInputs<T>(node, NodeProperties::FirstEffectIndex(node));
if (wasm_signature->return_count() == 1) {
MachineType return_type =
node, return_type.representation(),
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(wasm_signature->return_count(), 0);
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
// The actual lowering of JSWasmCall nodes happens later, in the subsequent
// "wasm-inlining" phase.
// Dispatching routine for visiting the node {node} with the usage {use}.
// Depending on the operator, propagate new usage info to the inputs.
template <Phase T>
void VisitNode(Node* node, Truncation truncation,
SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
if (lower<T>()) {
// Kill non-effectful operations that have a None-type input and are thus
// dead code. Otherwise we might end up lowering the operation in a way,
// e.g. by replacing it with a constant, that cuts the dependency on a
// deopting operation (the producer of the None type), possibly resulting
// in a nonsense schedule.
if (node->op()->EffectOutputCount() == 0 &&
node->op()->ControlOutputCount() == 0 &&
node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kDeadValue &&
node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kStateValues &&
node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kFrameState &&
node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kPhi) {
for (int i = 0; i < node->op()->ValueInputCount(); i++) {
Node* input = node->InputAt(i);
if (TypeOf(input).IsNone()) {
node->ReplaceInput(0, input);
} else {
// Unconditionally eliminate unused pure nodes (only relevant if there's
// a pure operation in between two effectful ones, where the last one
// is unused).
// Note: We must not do this for constants, as they are cached and we
// would thus kill the cached {node} during lowering (i.e. replace all
// uses with Dead), but at that point some node lowering might have
// already taken the constant {node} from the cache (while it was not
// yet killed) and we would afterwards replace that use with Dead as well.
if (node->op()->ValueInputCount() > 0 &&
node->op()->HasProperty(Operator::kPure) && truncation.IsUnused()) {
return VisitUnused<T>(node);
switch (node->opcode()) {
// Common operators.
case IrOpcode::kStart:
// We use Start as a terminator for the frame state chain, so even
// tho Start doesn't really produce a value, we have to say Tagged
// here, otherwise the input conversion will fail.
return VisitLeaf<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
case IrOpcode::kParameter:
return VisitUnop<T>(node, UseInfo::None(),
case IrOpcode::kInt32Constant:
DCHECK_EQ(0, node->InputCount());
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kWord32);
if (V8_UNLIKELY(verification_enabled())) {
// During lowering, SimplifiedLowering generates Int32Constants which
// need to be treated differently by the verifier than the
// Int32Constants introduced explicitly in machine graphs. To be able
// to distinguish them, we record those that are being visited here
// because they were generated before SimplifiedLowering.
if (propagate<T>()) {
verifier_->RecordMachineUsesOfConstant(node, node->uses());
case IrOpcode::kInt64Constant:
return VisitLeaf<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kWord64);
case IrOpcode::kExternalConstant:
return VisitLeaf<T>(node, MachineType::PointerRepresentation());
case IrOpcode::kNumberConstant: {
double const value = OpParameter<double>(node->op());
int value_as_int;
if (DoubleToSmiInteger(value, &value_as_int)) {
VisitLeaf<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTaggedSigned);
if (lower<T>()) {
intptr_t smi = base::bit_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(value_as_int));
Node* constant = InsertTypeOverrideForVerifier(
DeferReplacement(node, constant);
VisitLeaf<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
case IrOpcode::kHeapConstant:
return VisitLeaf<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer);
case IrOpcode::kTrustedHeapConstant:
return VisitLeaf<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer);
case IrOpcode::kPointerConstant: {
VisitLeaf<T>(node, MachineType::PointerRepresentation());
if (lower<T>()) {
intptr_t const value = OpParameter<intptr_t>(node->op());
DeferReplacement(node, lowering->jsgraph()->IntPtrConstant(value));
case IrOpcode::kBranch: {
const auto& p = BranchParametersOf(node->op());
if (p.semantics() == BranchSemantics::kMachine) {
// If this is a machine branch, the condition is a machine operator,
// so we enter machine branch here.
ProcessInput<T>(node, 0, UseInfo::Any());
} else {
ProcessInput<T>(node, 0, UseInfo::Bool());
if (lower<T>()) {
common()->Branch(p.hint(), BranchSemantics::kMachine));
EnqueueInput<T>(node, NodeProperties::FirstControlIndex(node));
case IrOpcode::kSwitch:
ProcessInput<T>(node, 0, UseInfo::TruncatingWord32());
EnqueueInput<T>(node, NodeProperties::FirstControlIndex(node));
case IrOpcode::kSelect: {
const auto& p = SelectParametersOf(node->op());
if (p.semantics() == BranchSemantics::kMachine) {
// If this is a machine select, all inputs are machine operators.
ProcessInput<T>(node, 0, UseInfo::Any());
ProcessInput<T>(node, 1, UseInfo::Any());
ProcessInput<T>(node, 2, UseInfo::Any());
SetOutput<T>(node, p.representation());
} else {
VisitSelect<T>(node, truncation, lowering);
case IrOpcode::kPhi:
return VisitPhi<T>(node, truncation, lowering);
case IrOpcode::kCall:
return VisitCall<T>(node, lowering);
case IrOpcode::kAssert: {
const auto& p = AssertParametersOf(node->op());
if (p.semantics() == BranchSemantics::kMachine) {
// If this is a machine condition already, we don't need to do
// anything.
ProcessInput<T>(node, 0, UseInfo::Any());
} else {
ProcessInput<T>(node, 0, UseInfo::Bool());
if (lower<T>()) {
ChangeOp(node, common()->Assert(BranchSemantics::kMachine,
p.condition_string(), p.file(),
EnqueueInput<T>(node, NodeProperties::FirstControlIndex(node));
// JavaScript operators.
case IrOpcode::kJSToNumber:
case IrOpcode::kJSToNumberConvertBigInt:
case IrOpcode::kJSToNumeric: {
Type::BigInt(), Type::NumberOrOddball(), graph()->zone())));
// TODO(bmeurer): Optimize somewhat based on input type?
if (truncation.IsUsedAsWord32()) {
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kWord32);
if (lower<T>())
lowering->DoJSToNumberOrNumericTruncatesToWord32(node, this);
} else if (truncation.TruncatesOddballAndBigIntToNumber()) {
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kFloat64);
if (lower<T>())
lowering->DoJSToNumberOrNumericTruncatesToFloat64(node, this);
} else {
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
case IrOpcode::kJSToBigInt:
case IrOpcode::kJSToBigIntConvertNumber: {
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer);
// Simplified operators.
case IrOpcode::kToBoolean: {
if (truncation.IsUsedAsBool()) {
ProcessInput<T>(node, 0, UseInfo::Bool());
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kBit);
if (lower<T>()) DeferReplacement(node, node->InputAt(0));
} else {
SetOutput<T>(node, MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer);
case IrOpcode::kBooleanNot: {
if (lower<T>()) {
NodeInfo* input_info = GetInfo(node->InputAt(0));
if (input_info->representation() == MachineRepresentation::kBit) {
// BooleanNot(x: kRepBit) => Word32Equal(x, #0)
node->AppendInput(jsgraph_->zone(), jsgraph_->Int32Constant(0));
ChangeOp(node, lowering->machine()->Word32Equal());
} else if (CanBeTaggedPointer(input_info->representation())) {
// BooleanNot(x: kRepTagged) => TaggedEqual(x, #false)
node->AppendInput(jsgraph_->zone(), jsgraph_->FalseConstant());
ChangeOp(node, lowering->machine()->TaggedEqual());
} else {
DeferReplacement(node, lowering->jsgraph()->Int32Constant(0));