blob: d3a07e69ec76defab3a6ab88405652d3d92db8ca [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/base/platform/mutex.h"
#include "src/base/small-vector.h"
#include "src/base/template-utils.h"
#include "src/base/vector.h"
#include "src/codegen/external-reference.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/fast-api-calls.h"
#include "src/compiler/globals.h"
#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/deopt-data.h"
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/fast-hash.h"
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/index.h"
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/representations.h"
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/snapshot-table.h"
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/types.h"
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/utils.h"
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/zone-with-name.h"
#include "src/compiler/write-barrier-kind.h"
#include "src/flags/flags.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-module.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-objects.h"
namespace v8::internal {
class HeapObject;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
AbortReason reason);
} // namespace v8::internal
namespace v8::internal::compiler {
class CallDescriptor;
class JSWasmCallParameters;
class DeoptimizeParameters;
class FrameStateInfo;
class Node;
enum class TrapId : int32_t;
} // namespace v8::internal::compiler
namespace v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft {
inline constexpr char kCompilationZoneName[] = "compilation-zone";
class Block;
struct FrameStateData;
class Graph;
struct FrameStateOp;
enum class HashingStrategy {
// This strategy requires that hashing a graph during builtin construction
// (mksnapshot) produces the same hash for repeated runs of mksnapshot. This
// requires that no pointers and external constants are used in hashes.
// This belongs to `VariableReducer` in `variable-reducer.h`. It is defined here
// because of cyclic header dependencies.
struct VariableData {
MaybeRegisterRepresentation rep;
bool loop_invariant;
IntrusiveSetIndex active_loop_variables_index = {};
using Variable = SnapshotTable<OpIndex, VariableData>::Key;
// =======================
// For each operation `Foo`, we define:
// - An entry V(Foo) in one of the TURBOSHAFT*OPERATION list (eg,
// `Opcode::kFoo` and whether the operation is a block terminator.
// - A `struct FooOp`, which derives from either `OperationT<FooOp>` or
// `FixedArityOperationT<k, FooOp>` if the op always has excactly `k` inputs.
// Furthermore, the struct has to contain:
// - A bunch of options directly as public fields.
// - A getter `options()` returning a tuple of all these options. This is used
// for default printing and hashing. Alternatively, `void
// PrintOptions(std::ostream& os) const` and `size_t hash_value() const` can
// also be defined manually.
// - Getters for named inputs.
// - A constructor that first takes all the inputs and then all the options. For
// a variable arity operation where the constructor doesn't take the inputs as
// a single base::Vector<OpIndex> argument, it's also necessary to overwrite
// the static `New` function, see `CallOp` for an example.
// - An `Explode` method that unpacks an operation and invokes the passed
// callback. If the operation inherits from FixedArityOperationT, the base
// class already provides the required implementation.
// - `OpEffects` as either a static constexpr member `effects` or a
// non-static method `Effects()` if the effects depend on the particular
// operation and not just the opcode.
// - outputs_rep/inputs_rep methods, which should return a vector describing the
// representation of the outputs and inputs of this operations.
// After defining the struct here, you'll also need to integrate it in
// Turboshaft:
// - If Foo is not lowered before reaching the instruction selector, handle
// Opcode::kFoo in the Turboshaft VisitNode of
#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
// These operations should be lowered to Machine operations during
// WasmLoweringPhase.
V(WasmStackCheck) \
V(GlobalGet) \
V(GlobalSet) \
V(Null) \
V(IsNull) \
V(AssertNotNull) \
V(RttCanon) \
V(WasmTypeCheck) \
V(WasmTypeCast) \
V(AnyConvertExtern) \
V(ExternConvertAny) \
V(WasmTypeAnnotation) \
V(StructGet) \
V(StructSet) \
V(ArrayGet) \
V(ArraySet) \
V(ArrayLength) \
V(WasmAllocateArray) \
V(WasmAllocateStruct) \
V(WasmRefFunc) \
V(StringAsWtf16) \
V(Simd256Constant) \
V(Simd256Extract128Lane) \
V(Simd256LoadTransform) \
V(Simd256Unary) \
V(Simd256Binop) \
V(Simd256Shift) \
V(Simd256Ternary) \
V(Simd256Splat) \
V(Simd256Shufd) \
V(Simd256Shufps) \
#endif // V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64
V(Simd128Constant) \
V(Simd128Binop) \
V(Simd128Unary) \
V(Simd128Reduce) \
V(Simd128Shift) \
V(Simd128Test) \
V(Simd128Splat) \
V(Simd128Ternary) \
V(Simd128ExtractLane) \
V(Simd128ReplaceLane) \
V(Simd128LaneMemory) \
V(Simd128LoadTransform) \
V(Simd128Shuffle) \
V(CheckException) \
V(Goto) \
V(TailCall) \
V(Unreachable) \
V(Return) \
V(Branch) \
V(Switch) \
V(GetContinuationPreservedEmbedderData) \
// These operations should be lowered to Machine operations during
// MachineLoweringPhase.
V(ArgumentsLength) \
V(BigIntBinop) \
V(BigIntComparison) \
V(BigIntUnary) \
V(CheckedClosure) \
V(WordBinopDeoptOnOverflow) \
V(CheckEqualsInternalizedString) \
V(CheckMaps) \
V(CompareMaps) \
V(Float64Is) \
V(ObjectIs) \
V(ObjectIsNumericValue) \
V(Float64SameValue) \
V(SameValue) \
V(ChangeOrDeopt) \
V(Convert) \
V(ConvertJSPrimitiveToObject) \
V(ConvertJSPrimitiveToUntagged) \
V(ConvertJSPrimitiveToUntaggedOrDeopt) \
V(ConvertUntaggedToJSPrimitive) \
V(ConvertUntaggedToJSPrimitiveOrDeopt) \
V(TruncateJSPrimitiveToUntagged) \
V(TruncateJSPrimitiveToUntaggedOrDeopt) \
V(DoubleArrayMinMax) \
V(EnsureWritableFastElements) \
V(FastApiCall) \
V(FindOrderedHashEntry) \
V(LoadDataViewElement) \
V(LoadFieldByIndex) \
V(LoadMessage) \
V(LoadStackArgument) \
V(LoadTypedElement) \
V(StoreDataViewElement) \
V(StoreMessage) \
V(StoreTypedElement) \
V(MaybeGrowFastElements) \
V(NewArgumentsElements) \
V(NewArray) \
V(RuntimeAbort) \
V(StaticAssert) \
V(StringAt) \
V(StringComparison) \
V(StringConcat) \
V(StringFromCodePointAt) \
V(StringIndexOf) \
V(StringLength) \
V(TypedArrayLength) \
V(StringSubstring) \
V(NewConsString) \
V(TransitionAndStoreArrayElement) \
V(TransitionElementsKind) \
V(TransitionElementsKindOrCheckMap) \
V(DebugPrint) \
V(CheckTurboshaftTypeOf) \
// These Operations are the lowest level handled by Turboshaft, and are
// supported by the InstructionSelector.
V(WordBinop) \
V(FloatBinop) \
V(Word32PairBinop) \
V(OverflowCheckedBinop) \
V(WordUnary) \
V(OverflowCheckedUnary) \
V(FloatUnary) \
V(Shift) \
V(Comparison) \
V(Change) \
V(TryChange) \
V(BitcastWord32PairToFloat64) \
V(TaggedBitcast) \
V(Select) \
V(PendingLoopPhi) \
V(Constant) \
V(LoadRootRegister) \
V(Load) \
V(Store) \
V(Retain) \
V(Parameter) \
V(OsrValue) \
V(StackPointerGreaterThan) \
V(StackSlot) \
V(FrameConstant) \
V(DeoptimizeIf) \
IF_WASM(V, TrapIf) \
IF_WASM(V, LoadStackPointer) \
IF_WASM(V, SetStackPointer) \
V(Phi) \
V(FrameState) \
V(Call) \
V(CatchBlockBegin) \
V(DidntThrow) \
V(Tuple) \
V(Projection) \
V(DebugBreak) \
V(AssumeMap) \
V(AtomicRMW) \
V(AtomicWord32Pair) \
V(MemoryBarrier) \
V(Comment) \
V(Dead) \
V(GenericBinop) \
V(GenericUnop) \
// These are operations that are not Machine operations and need to be lowered
// before Instruction Selection, but they are not lowered during the
// MachineLoweringPhase.
V(Allocate) \
V(DecodeExternalPointer) \
enum class Opcode : uint8_t {
#define ENUM_CONSTANT(Name) k##Name,
const char* OpcodeName(Opcode opcode);
constexpr std::underlying_type_t<Opcode> OpcodeIndex(Opcode x) {
return static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Opcode>>(x);
#define FORWARD_DECLARE(Name) struct Name##Op;
namespace detail {
template <class Op>
struct operation_to_opcode_map {};
template <> \
struct operation_to_opcode_map<Name##Op> \
: std::integral_constant<Opcode, Opcode::k##Name> {};
} // namespace detail
template <typename Op>
struct operation_to_opcode
: detail::operation_to_opcode_map<std::remove_cvref_t<Op>> {};
template <typename Op>
constexpr Opcode operation_to_opcode_v = operation_to_opcode<Op>::value;
template <typename Op, uint64_t Mask, uint64_t Value>
struct OpMaskT {
using operation = Op;
static constexpr uint64_t mask = Mask;
static constexpr uint64_t value = Value;
#define COUNT_OPCODES(Name) +1
constexpr uint16_t kNumberOfBlockTerminatorOpcodes =
#define COUNT_OPCODES(Name) +1
constexpr uint16_t kNumberOfOpcodes =
inline constexpr bool IsBlockTerminator(Opcode opcode) {
return OpcodeIndex(opcode) < kNumberOfBlockTerminatorOpcodes;
// Operations that can throw and that have static output representations.
// This list repeats the operations that may throw and need to be followed by
// `DidntThrow`.
V(Call) \
// Operations that need to be followed by `DidntThrowOp`.
inline constexpr bool MayThrow(Opcode opcode) {
#define CASE(Name) case Opcode::k##Name:
switch (opcode) {
return true;
return false;
#undef CASE
// For Throwing operations, outputs_rep() are empty, because the values are
// produced by the subsequent DidntThrow. Nevertheless, the operation has to
// define its output representations in an array that DidntThrow can then reuse
// to know what its outputs are. Additionally, when using Maglev as a frontend,
// catch handlers that have never been reach so far are not emitted, and instead
// the throwing operations lazy deopt instead of throwing.
// That's where the THROWING_OP_BOILERPLATE macro comes in: it creates an array
// of representations that DidntThrow can use, and will define outputs_rep() to
// be empty, and takes care of creating a LazyDeoptOnThrow member. For instance:
// THROWING_OP_BOILERPLATE(RegisterRepresentation::Tagged(),
// RegisterRepresentation::Word32())
// Warning: don't forget to add `lazy_deopt_on_throw` to the `options` of your
// Operation (you'll get a compile-time error if you forget it).
static constexpr RegisterRepresentation kOutputRepsStorage[]{__VA_ARGS__}; \
static constexpr base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> kOutReps = \
base::VectorOf(kOutputRepsStorage, arraysize(kOutputRepsStorage)); \
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const { \
return {}; \
} \
LazyDeoptOnThrow lazy_deopt_on_throw;
template <typename T>
inline base::Vector<T> InitVectorOf(
ZoneVector<T>& storage,
std::initializer_list<RegisterRepresentation> values) {
size_t i = 0;
for (auto&& value : values) {
storage[i++] = value;
return base::VectorOf(storage);
class InputsRepFactory {
constexpr static base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> SingleRep(
RegisterRepresentation rep) {
return base::VectorOf(ToMaybeRepPointer(rep), 1);
constexpr static base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> PairOf(
RegisterRepresentation rep) {
return base::VectorOf(ToMaybeRepPointer(rep), 2);
constexpr static const MaybeRegisterRepresentation* ToMaybeRepPointer(
RegisterRepresentation rep) {
size_t index = static_cast<size_t>(rep.value()) * 2;
DCHECK_LT(index, arraysize(rep_map));
return &rep_map[index];
constexpr static MaybeRegisterRepresentation rep_map[] = {
struct EffectDimensions {
// Produced by loads, consumed by operations that should not move before loads
// because they change memory.
bool load_heap_memory : 1;
bool load_off_heap_memory : 1;
// Produced by stores, consumed by operations that should not move before
// stores because they load or store memory.
bool store_heap_memory : 1;
bool store_off_heap_memory : 1;
// Operations that perform raw heap access (like initialization) consume
// `before_raw_heap_access` and produce `after_raw_heap_access`.
// Operations that need the heap to be in a consistent state produce
// `before_raw_heap_access` and consume `after_raw_heap_access`.
bool before_raw_heap_access : 1;
// Produced by operations that access raw/untagged pointers into the
// heap or keep such a pointer alive, consumed by operations that can GC to
// ensure they don't move before the raw access.
bool after_raw_heap_access : 1;
// Produced by any operation that can affect whether subsequent operations are
// executed, for example by branching, deopting, throwing or aborting.
// Consumed by all operations that should not be hoisted before a check
// because they rely on it. For example, loads usually rely on the shape of
// the heap object or the index being in bounds.
bool control_flow : 1;
// We need to ensure that the padding bits have a specified value, as they are
// observable in bitwise operations.
uint8_t unused_padding : 1;
using Bits = uint8_t;
constexpr EffectDimensions()
: load_heap_memory(false),
unused_padding(0) {}
Bits bits() const { return base::bit_cast<Bits>(*this); }
static EffectDimensions FromBits(Bits bits) {
return base::bit_cast<EffectDimensions>(bits);
bool operator==(EffectDimensions other) const {
return bits() == other.bits();
bool operator!=(EffectDimensions other) const {
return bits() != other.bits();
static_assert(sizeof(EffectDimensions) == sizeof(EffectDimensions::Bits));
// Possible reorderings are restricted using two bit vectors: `produces` and
// `consumes`. Two operations cannot be reordered if the first operation
// produces an effect dimension that the second operation consumes. This is not
// necessarily symmetric. For example, it is possible to reorder
// Load(x)
// CheckMaps(y)
// to become
// CheckMaps(x)
// Load(y)
// because the load cannot affect the map check. But the other direction could
// be unsound, if the load depends on the map check having been executed. The
// former reordering is useful to push a load across a check into a branch if
// it is only needed there. The effect system expresses this by having the map
// check produce `EffectDimensions::control_flow` and the load consuming
// `EffectDimensions::control_flow`. If the producing operation comes before the
// consuming operation, then this order has to be preserved. But if the
// consuming operation comes first, then we are free to reorder them. Operations
// that produce and consume the same effect dimension always have a fixed order
// among themselves. For example, stores produce and consume the store
// dimensions. It is possible for operations to be reorderable unless certain
// other operations appear in-between. This way, the IR can be generous with
// reorderings as long as all operations are high-level, but become more
// restrictive as soon as low-level operations appear. For example, allocations
// can be freely reordered. Tagged bitcasts can be reordered with other tagged
// bitcasts. But a tagged bitcast cannot be reordered with allocations, as this
// would mean that an untagged pointer can be alive while a GC is happening. The
// way this works is that allocations produce the `before_raw_heap_access`
// dimension and consume the `after_raw_heap_access` dimension to stay either
// before or after a raw heap access. This means that there are no ordering
// constraints between allocations themselves. Bitcasts should not
// be moved accross an allocation. We treat them as raw heap access by letting
// them consume `before_raw_heap_access` and produce `after_raw_heap_access`.
// This way, allocations cannot be moved across bitcasts. Similarily,
// initializing stores and uninitialized allocations are classified as raw heap
// access, to prevent any operation that relies on a consistent heap state to be
// scheduled in the middle of an inline allocation. As long as we didn't lower
// to raw heap accesses yet, pure allocating operations or operations reading
// immutable memory can float freely. As soon as there are raw heap accesses,
// they become more restricted in their movement. Note that calls are not the
// most side-effectful operations, as they do not leave the heap in an
// inconsistent state, so they do not need to be marked as raw heap access.
struct OpEffects {
EffectDimensions produces;
EffectDimensions consumes;
// Operations that cannot be merged because they produce identity. That is,
// every repetition can produce a different result, but the order in which
// they are executed does not matter. All we care about is that they are
// different. Producing a random number or allocating an object with
// observable pointer equality are examples. Producing identity doesn't
// restrict reordering in straight-line code, but we must prevent using GVN or
// moving identity-producing operations in- or out of loops.
bool can_create_identity : 1;
// If the operation can allocate and therefore can trigger GC.
bool can_allocate : 1;
// Instructions that have no uses but are `required_when_unused` should not be
// removed.
bool required_when_unused : 1;
// We need to ensure that the padding bits have a specified value, as they are
// observable in bitwise operations. This is split into two fields so that
// also MSVC creates the correct object layout.
uint8_t unused_padding_1 : 5;
uint8_t unused_padding_2;
constexpr OpEffects()
: can_create_identity(false),
unused_padding_2(0) {}
using Bits = uint32_t;
Bits bits() const { return base::bit_cast<Bits>(*this); }
static OpEffects FromBits(Bits bits) {
return base::bit_cast<OpEffects>(bits);
bool operator==(OpEffects other) const { return bits() == other.bits(); }
bool operator!=(OpEffects other) const { return bits() != other.bits(); }
OpEffects operator|(OpEffects other) const {
return FromBits(bits() | other.bits());
OpEffects operator&(OpEffects other) const {
return FromBits(bits() & other.bits());
bool IsSubsetOf(OpEffects other) const {
return (bits() & ~other.bits()) == 0;
constexpr OpEffects AssumesConsistentHeap() const {
OpEffects result = *this;
// Do not move the operation into a region with raw heap access.
result.produces.before_raw_heap_access = true;
result.consumes.after_raw_heap_access = true;
return result;
// Like `CanAllocate()`, but allocated values must be immutable and not have
// identity (for example `HeapNumber`).
// Note that if we first allocate something as mutable and later make it
// immutable, we have to allocate it with identity.
constexpr OpEffects CanAllocateWithoutIdentity() const {
OpEffects result = AssumesConsistentHeap();
result.can_allocate = true;
return result;
// Allocations change the GC state and can trigger GC, as well as produce a
// fresh identity.
constexpr OpEffects CanAllocate() const {
return CanAllocateWithoutIdentity().CanCreateIdentity();
// The operation can leave the heap in an incosistent state or have untagged
// pointers into the heap as input or output.
constexpr OpEffects CanDoRawHeapAccess() const {
OpEffects result = *this;
// Do not move any operation that relies on a consistent heap state accross.
result.produces.after_raw_heap_access = true;
result.consumes.before_raw_heap_access = true;
return result;
// Reading mutable heap memory. Reading immutable memory doesn't count.
constexpr OpEffects CanReadHeapMemory() const {
OpEffects result = *this;
result.produces.load_heap_memory = true;
// Do not reorder before stores.
result.consumes.store_heap_memory = true;
return result;
// Reading mutable off-heap memory or other input. Reading immutable memory
// doesn't count.
constexpr OpEffects CanReadOffHeapMemory() const {
OpEffects result = *this;
result.produces.load_off_heap_memory = true;
// Do not reorder before stores.
result.consumes.store_off_heap_memory = true;
return result;
// Writing any off-memory or other output.
constexpr OpEffects CanWriteOffHeapMemory() const {
OpEffects result = *this;
result.required_when_unused = true;
result.produces.store_off_heap_memory = true;
// Do not reorder before stores.
result.consumes.store_off_heap_memory = true;
// Do not reorder before loads.
result.consumes.load_off_heap_memory = true;
// Do not move before deopting or aborting operations.
result.consumes.control_flow = true;
return result;
// Writing heap memory that existed before the operation started. Initializing
// newly allocated memory doesn't count.
constexpr OpEffects CanWriteHeapMemory() const {
OpEffects result = *this;
result.required_when_unused = true;
result.produces.store_heap_memory = true;
// Do not reorder before stores.
result.consumes.store_heap_memory = true;
// Do not reorder before loads.
result.consumes.load_heap_memory = true;
// Do not move before deopting or aborting operations.
result.consumes.control_flow = true;
return result;
// Writing any memory or other output, on- or off-heap.
constexpr OpEffects CanWriteMemory() const {
return CanWriteHeapMemory().CanWriteOffHeapMemory();
// Reading any memory or other input, on- or off-heap.
constexpr OpEffects CanReadMemory() const {
return CanReadHeapMemory().CanReadOffHeapMemory();
// The operation might read immutable data from the heap, so it can be freely
// reordered with operations that keep the heap in a consistent state. But we
// must prevent the operation from observing an incompletely initialized
// object.
constexpr OpEffects CanReadImmutableMemory() const {
OpEffects result = AssumesConsistentHeap();
return result;
// Partial operations that are only safe to execute after we performed certain
// checks, for example loads may only be safe after a corresponding bound or
// map checks.
constexpr OpEffects CanDependOnChecks() const {
OpEffects result = *this;
result.consumes.control_flow = true;
return result;
// The operation can affect control flow (like branch, deopt, throw or crash).
constexpr OpEffects CanChangeControlFlow() const {
OpEffects result = *this;
result.required_when_unused = true;
// Signal that this changes control flow. Prevents stores or operations
// relying on checks from flowing before this operation.
result.produces.control_flow = true;
// Stores must not flow past something that affects control flow.
result.consumes.store_heap_memory = true;
result.consumes.store_off_heap_memory = true;
return result;
// Execution of the current function may end with this operation, for example
// because of return, deopt, exception throw or abort/trap.
constexpr OpEffects CanLeaveCurrentFunction() const {
// All memory becomes observable.
return CanChangeControlFlow().CanReadMemory().RequiredWhenUnused();
// The operation can deopt.
constexpr OpEffects CanDeopt() const {
return CanLeaveCurrentFunction()
// We might depend on previous checks to avoid deopting.
// Producing identity doesn't prevent reorderings, but it prevents GVN from
// de-duplicating identical operations.
constexpr OpEffects CanCreateIdentity() const {
OpEffects result = *this;
result.can_create_identity = true;
return result;
// The set of all possible effects.
constexpr OpEffects CanCallAnything() const {
return CanReadMemory()
constexpr OpEffects RequiredWhenUnused() const {
OpEffects result = *this;
result.required_when_unused = true;
return result;
// Operations that can be removed if their result is not used. Unused
// allocations can be removed.
constexpr bool is_required_when_unused() const {
return required_when_unused;
// Operations that can be moved before a preceding branch or check.
bool hoistable_before_a_branch() const {
// Since this excludes `CanDependOnChecks()`, most loads actually cannot be
// hoisted.
return IsSubsetOf(OpEffects().CanReadMemory());
// Operations that can be eliminated via value numbering, which means that if
// there are two identical operations where one dominates the other, then the
// second can be replaced with the first one. This is safe for deopting or
// throwing operations, because the absence of read effects guarantees
// deterministic behavior.
bool repetition_is_eliminatable() const {
return IsSubsetOf(OpEffects()
bool can_read_mutable_memory() const {
return produces.load_heap_memory | produces.load_off_heap_memory;
bool requires_consistent_heap() const {
return produces.before_raw_heap_access | consumes.after_raw_heap_access;
bool can_write() const {
return produces.store_heap_memory | produces.store_off_heap_memory;
bool can_be_constant_folded() const {
// Operations that CanDependOnChecks can still be constant-folded. If they
// did indeed depend on a check, then their result will only be used after
// said check has been executed anyways.
return IsSubsetOf(OpEffects().CanDependOnChecks());
static_assert(sizeof(OpEffects) == sizeof(OpEffects::Bits));
V8_INLINE size_t hash_value(OpEffects effects) {
return static_cast<size_t>(effects.bits());
inline bool CannotSwapOperations(OpEffects first, OpEffects second) {
return first.produces.bits() & (second.consumes.bits());
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
OpEffects op_effects);
// SaturatedUint8 is a wrapper around a uint8_t, which can be incremented and
// decremented with the `Incr` and `Decr` methods. These methods prevent over-
// and underflow, and saturate once the uint8_t reaches the maximum (255):
// future increment and decrement will not change the value then.
// We purposefuly do not expose the uint8_t directly, so that users go through
// Incr/Decr/SetToZero/SetToOne to manipulate it, so that the saturation and
// lack of over/underflow is always respected.
class SaturatedUint8 {
SaturatedUint8() = default;
void Incr() {
if (V8_LIKELY(val != kMax)) {
void Decr() {
if (V8_LIKELY(val != 0 && val != kMax)) {
void SetToZero() { val = 0; }
void SetToOne() { val = 1; }
bool IsZero() const { return val == 0; }
bool IsOne() const { return val == 1; }
bool IsSaturated() const { return val == kMax; }
uint8_t Get() const { return val; }
SaturatedUint8& operator+=(const SaturatedUint8& other) {
uint32_t sum = val;
sum += other.val;
val = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::min<uint32_t>(sum, kMax));
return *this;
static SaturatedUint8 FromSize(size_t value) {
uint8_t val = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::min<size_t>(value, kMax));
return SaturatedUint8{val};
explicit SaturatedUint8(uint8_t val) : val(val) {}
uint8_t val = 0;
static constexpr uint8_t kMax = std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max();
// underlying_operation<> is used to extract the operation type from OpMaskT
// classes used in Operation::Is<> and Operation::TryCast<>.
template <typename T>
struct underlying_operation {
using type = T;
template <typename T, uint64_t M, uint64_t V>
struct underlying_operation<OpMaskT<T, M, V>> {
using type = T;
template <typename T>
using underlying_operation_t = typename underlying_operation<T>::type;
// Baseclass for all Turboshaft operations.
// The `alignas(OpIndex)` is necessary because it is followed by an array of
// `OpIndex` inputs.
struct alignas(OpIndex) Operation {
struct IdentityMapper {
OpIndex Map(OpIndex index) { return index; }
OptionalOpIndex Map(OptionalOpIndex index) { return index; }
template <size_t N>
base::SmallVector<OpIndex, N> Map(base::Vector<const OpIndex> indices) {
return base::SmallVector<OpIndex, N>{indices};
const Opcode opcode;
// The number of uses of this operation in the current graph.
// Instead of overflowing, we saturate the value if it reaches the maximum. In
// this case, the true number of uses is unknown.
// We use such a small type to save memory and because nodes with a high
// number of uses are rare. Additionally, we usually only care if the number
// of uses is 0, 1 or bigger than 1.
SaturatedUint8 saturated_use_count;
const uint16_t input_count;
// The inputs are stored adjacent in memory, right behind the `Operation`
// object.
base::Vector<const OpIndex> inputs() const;
V8_INLINE OpIndex input(size_t i) const { return inputs()[i]; }
static size_t StorageSlotCount(Opcode opcode, size_t input_count);
size_t StorageSlotCount() const {
return StorageSlotCount(opcode, input_count);
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const;
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const;
template <class Op>
bool Is() const {
if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<Operation, Op>) {
return opcode == Op::opcode;
} else {
// Otherwise this must be OpMaskT.
return IsOpmask<Op>();
template <class Op>
underlying_operation_t<Op>& Cast() {
return *static_cast<underlying_operation_t<Op>*>(this);
template <class Op>
const underlying_operation_t<Op>& Cast() const {
return *static_cast<const underlying_operation_t<Op>*>(this);
template <class Op>
const underlying_operation_t<Op>* TryCast() const {
if (!Is<Op>()) return nullptr;
return static_cast<const underlying_operation_t<Op>*>(this);
template <class Op>
underlying_operation_t<Op>* TryCast() {
if (!Is<Op>()) return nullptr;
return static_cast<underlying_operation_t<Op>*>(this);
OpEffects Effects() const;
bool IsBlockTerminator() const {
return turboshaft::IsBlockTerminator(opcode);
bool IsRequiredWhenUnused() const {
DCHECK_IMPLIES(IsBlockTerminator(), Effects().is_required_when_unused());
return Effects().is_required_when_unused();
std::string ToString() const;
void PrintInputs(std::ostream& os, const std::string& op_index_prefix) const;
void PrintOptions(std::ostream& os) const;
// Returns true if {this} is the only operation using {value}.
bool IsOnlyUserOf(const Operation& value, const Graph& graph) const;
void Print() const;
// Operation objects store their inputs behind the object. Therefore, they can
// only be constructed as part of a Graph.
explicit Operation(Opcode opcode, size_t input_count)
: opcode(opcode), input_count(input_count) {
template <class OpmaskT>
// A Turboshaft operation can be as small as 4 Bytes while Opmasks can span up
// to 8 Bytes. Any mask larger than the operation it is compared with will
// always have a mismatch in the initialized memory. Still, there can be some
// uninitialized memory being compared as part of the 8 Byte comparison that
// this function performs.
V8_CLANG_NO_SANITIZE("memory") bool IsOpmask() const {
typename OpMaskT<typename OpmaskT::operation, OpmaskT::mask,
// We check with the given mask.
uint64_t b;
memcpy(&b, this, sizeof(uint64_t));
b &= OpmaskT::mask;
return b == OpmaskT::value;
Operation(const Operation&) = delete;
Operation& operator=(const Operation&) = delete;
struct OperationPrintStyle {
const Operation& op;
const char* op_index_prefix = "#";
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
OperationPrintStyle op);
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Operation& op) {
return os << OperationPrintStyle{op};
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Zone* get_zone(Graph* graph);
OperationStorageSlot* AllocateOpStorage(Graph* graph, size_t slot_count);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE const Operation& Get(const Graph& graph, OpIndex index);
// Determine if an operation declares `effects`, which means that its
// effects are static and don't depend on inputs or options.
template <class Op, class = void>
struct HasStaticEffects : std::bool_constant<false> {};
template <class Op>
struct HasStaticEffects<Op, std::void_t<decltype(Op::effects)>>
: std::bool_constant<true> {};
// This template knows the complete type of the operation and is plugged into
// the inheritance hierarchy. It removes boilerplate from the concrete
// `Operation` subclasses, defining everything that can be expressed
// generically. It overshadows many methods from `Operation` with ones that
// exploit additional static information.
template <class Derived>
struct OperationT : Operation {
// Enable concise base-constructor call in derived struct.
using Base = OperationT;
static const Opcode opcode;
static constexpr OpEffects Effects() { return Derived::effects; }
static constexpr bool IsBlockTerminator() {
return turboshaft::IsBlockTerminator(opcode);
bool IsRequiredWhenUnused() const {
return IsBlockTerminator() ||
static constexpr std::optional<OpEffects> EffectsIfStatic() {
if constexpr (HasStaticEffects<Derived>::value) {
return Derived::Effects();
return std::nullopt;
Derived& derived_this() { return *static_cast<Derived*>(this); }
const Derived& derived_this() const {
return *static_cast<const Derived*>(this);
// Shadow Operation::inputs to exploit static knowledge about object size.
base::Vector<OpIndex> inputs() {
return {reinterpret_cast<OpIndex*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) +
base::Vector<const OpIndex> inputs() const {
return {reinterpret_cast<const OpIndex*>(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(this) + sizeof(Derived)),
V8_INLINE OpIndex& input(size_t i) { return derived_this().inputs()[i]; }
// TODO(chromium:331100916): remove this V<Any> overload once all users use
// the more specific V<T> overload.
V8_INLINE V<Any> input(size_t i) const { return derived_this().inputs()[i]; }
template <typename T>
V8_INLINE V<T> input(size_t i) const {
return V<T>::Cast(derived_this().inputs()[i]);
static size_t StorageSlotCount(size_t input_count) {
// The operation size in bytes is:
// `sizeof(Derived) + input_count*sizeof(OpIndex)`.
// This is an optimized computation of:
// round_up(size_in_bytes / sizeof(StorageSlot))
constexpr size_t r = sizeof(OperationStorageSlot) / sizeof(OpIndex);
static_assert(sizeof(OperationStorageSlot) % sizeof(OpIndex) == 0);
static_assert(sizeof(Derived) % sizeof(OpIndex) == 0);
size_t result = std::max<size_t>(
2, (r - 1 + sizeof(Derived) / sizeof(OpIndex) + input_count) / r);
DCHECK_EQ(result, Operation::StorageSlotCount(opcode, input_count));
return result;
size_t StorageSlotCount() const { return StorageSlotCount(input_count); }
template <class... Args>
static Derived& New(Graph* graph, size_t input_count, Args... args) {
OperationStorageSlot* ptr =
AllocateOpStorage(graph, StorageSlotCount(input_count));
Derived* result = new (ptr) Derived(args...);
#ifdef DEBUG
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation> storage(get_zone(graph));
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> expected =
// TODO(mliedtke): DCHECK that expected and inputs are of the same size
// and adapt inputs_rep() to always emit a representation for all inputs.
size_t end = std::min<size_t>(expected.size(), result->input_count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
if (expected[i] == MaybeRegisterRepresentation::None()) continue;
ValidateOpInputRep(*graph, result->inputs()[i],
RegisterRepresentation(expected[i]), result);
// If this DCHECK fails, then the number of inputs specified in the
// operation constructor and in the static New function disagree.
DCHECK_EQ(input_count, result->Operation::input_count);
return *result;
template <class... Args>
static Derived& New(Graph* graph, ShadowyOpIndexVectorWrapper inputs,
Args... args) {
return New(graph, inputs.size(), inputs, args...);
explicit OperationT(size_t input_count) : Operation(opcode, input_count) {
static_assert((std::is_base_of<OperationT, Derived>::value));
#if !V8_CC_MSVC
#endif // !V8_CC_MSVC
explicit OperationT(ShadowyOpIndexVectorWrapper inputs)
: OperationT(inputs.size()) {
static_cast<base::Vector<const OpIndex>>(inputs));
bool EqualsForGVN(const Base& other) const {
// By default, GVN only removed identical Operations. However, some
// Operations (like DeoptimizeIf) can be GVNed when a dominating
// similar-but-not-identical one exists. In that case, the Operation should
// redefine EqualsForGVN, so that GVN knows which inputs or options of the
// Operation to ignore (you should also probably redefine hash_value,
// otherwise GVN won't even try to call EqualsForGVN).
return derived_this() == other.derived_this();
bool operator==(const Base& other) const {
return derived_this().inputs() == other.derived_this().inputs() &&
derived_this().options() == other.derived_this().options();
template <typename... Args>
size_t HashWithOptions(const Args&... args) const {
return fast_hash_combine(opcode, derived_this().inputs(), args...);
size_t hash_value(
HashingStrategy strategy = HashingStrategy::kDefault) const {
return HashWithOptions(derived_this().options());
void PrintInputs(std::ostream& os, const std::string& op_index_prefix) const {
os << "(";
bool first = true;
for (OpIndex input : inputs()) {
if (!first) os << ", ";
first = false;
os << op_index_prefix <<;
os << ")";
void PrintOptions(std::ostream& os) const {
const auto& options = derived_this().options();
constexpr size_t options_count =
if (options_count == 0) {
PrintOptionsHelper(os, options, std::make_index_sequence<options_count>());
// Check graph invariants for this operation. Will be invoked in debug mode
// immediately upon construction.
// Concrete Operator classes are expected to re-define it.
void Validate(const Graph& graph) const {}
template <class... T, size_t... I>
static void PrintOptionsHelper(std::ostream& os,
const std::tuple<T...>& options,
std::index_sequence<I...>) {
os << "[";
bool first = true;
((first ? (first = false, os << std::get<I>(options))
: os << ", " << std::get<I>(options)),
os << "]";
// All Operations have to define the outputs_rep function, to which
// Operation::outputs_rep() will forward, based on their opcode. If you forget
// to define it, then Operation::outputs_rep() would forward to itself,
// resulting in an infinite loop. To avoid this, we define here in OperationT
// a private version outputs_rep (with no implementation): if an operation
// forgets to define outputs_rep, then Operation::outputs_rep() tries to call
// this private version, which fails at compile time.
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const;
// Returns a vector of the input representations.
// The passed in {storage} can be used to store the underlying data.
// The returned vector might be smaller than the input_count in which case the
// additional inputs are assumed to have no register representation.
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const;
template <size_t InputCount, class Derived>
struct FixedArityOperationT : OperationT<Derived> {
// Enable concise base access in derived struct.
using Base = FixedArityOperationT;
// Shadow Operation::input_count to exploit static knowledge.
static constexpr uint16_t input_count = InputCount;
template <class... Args>
explicit FixedArityOperationT(Args... args)
: OperationT<Derived>(InputCount) {
static_assert(sizeof...(Args) == InputCount, "wrong number of inputs");
size_t i = 0;
OpIndex* inputs = this->inputs().begin();
((inputs[i++] = args), ...);
// Redefine the input initialization to tell C++ about the static input size.
template <class... Args>
static Derived& New(Graph* graph, Args... args) {
Derived& result =
OperationT<Derived>::New(graph, InputCount, std::move(args)...);
return result;
template <typename Fn, typename Mapper, size_t... InputI, size_t... OptionI>
V8_INLINE auto ExplodeImpl(Fn fn, Mapper& mapper,
std::index_sequence<OptionI...>) const {
auto options = this->derived_this().options();
return fn(mapper.Map(this->input(InputI))...,
template <typename Fn, typename Mapper>
V8_INLINE auto Explode(Fn fn, Mapper& mapper) const {
return ExplodeImpl(
fn, mapper, std::make_index_sequence<input_count>(),
V(float32_round_down, Float32RoundDown) \
V(float64_round_down, Float64RoundDown) \
V(float32_round_up, Float32RoundUp) \
V(float64_round_up, Float64RoundUp) \
V(float32_round_to_zero, Float32RoundTruncate) \
V(float64_round_to_zero, Float64RoundTruncate) \
V(float32_round_ties_even, Float32RoundTiesEven) \
V(float64_round_ties_even, Float64RoundTiesEven) \
V(float64_round_ties_away, Float64RoundTiesAway) \
V(int32_div_is_safe, Int32DivIsSafe) \
V(uint32_div_is_safe, Uint32DivIsSafe) \
V(word32_shift_is_safe, Word32ShiftIsSafe) \
V(word32_ctz, Word32Ctz) \
V(word64_ctz, Word64Ctz) \
V(word64_ctz_lowerable, Word64CtzLowerable) \
V(word32_popcnt, Word32Popcnt) \
V(word64_popcnt, Word64Popcnt) \
V(word32_reverse_bits, Word32ReverseBits) \
V(word64_reverse_bits, Word64ReverseBits) \
V(float32_select, Float32Select) \
V(float64_select, Float64Select) \
V(int32_abs_with_overflow, Int32AbsWithOverflow) \
V(int64_abs_with_overflow, Int64AbsWithOverflow) \
V(word32_rol, Word32Rol) \
V(word64_rol, Word64Rol) \
V(word64_rol_lowerable, Word64RolLowerable) \
V(sat_conversion_is_safe, SatConversionIsSafe) \
V(word32_select, Word32Select) \
V(word64_select, Word64Select) \
V(float64_to_float16_raw_bits, Float16RawBitsConversion) \
V(float16_raw_bits_to_float64, Float16RawBitsConversion) \
V(float16, Float16)
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE SupportedOperations {
#define DECLARE_FIELD(name, machine_name) bool name##_;
#define DECLARE_GETTER(name, machine_name) \
static bool name() { \
if constexpr (DEBUG_BOOL) { \
base::MutexGuard lock(mutex_.Pointer()); \
DCHECK(initialized_); \
} \
return; \
static void Initialize();
static bool IsUnalignedLoadSupported(MemoryRepresentation repr);
static bool IsUnalignedStoreSupported(MemoryRepresentation repr);
static bool initialized_;
static base::LazyMutex mutex_;
static SupportedOperations instance_;
template <RegisterRepresentation::Enum... reps>
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> RepVector() {
static constexpr std::array<RegisterRepresentation, sizeof...(reps)>
return base::VectorOf(rep_array);
template <MaybeRegisterRepresentation::Enum... reps>
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> MaybeRepVector() {
static constexpr std::array<MaybeRegisterRepresentation, sizeof...(reps)>
return base::VectorOf(rep_array);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void ValidateOpInputRep(
const Graph& graph, OpIndex input,
std::initializer_list<RegisterRepresentation> expected_rep,
const Operation* checked_op = nullptr,
std::optional<size_t> projection_index = {});
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void ValidateOpInputRep(
const Graph& graph, OpIndex input, RegisterRepresentation expected_rep,
const Operation* checked_op = nullptr,
std::optional<size_t> projection_index = {});
#endif // DEBUG
// DeadOp is a special operation that can be used by analyzers to mark
// operations as being dead (typically, it should be used by calling the Graph's
// KillOperation method, which will Replace the old operation by a DeadOp).
// CopyingPhase and Analyzers should ignore Dead operations. A Dead operation
// should never be the input of a non-dead operation.
struct DeadOp : FixedArityOperationT<0, DeadOp> {
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const { return {}; }
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return {};
auto options() const { return std::tuple{}; }
struct AbortCSADcheckOp : FixedArityOperationT<1, AbortCSADcheckOp> {
static constexpr OpEffects effects =
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const { return {}; }
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return MaybeRepVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation::Tagged()>();
V<String> message() const { return Base::input<String>(0); }
explicit AbortCSADcheckOp(V<String> message) : Base(message) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{}; }
struct GenericBinopOp : FixedArityOperationT<4, GenericBinopOp> {
V(Add) \
V(Multiply) \
V(Subtract) \
V(Divide) \
V(Modulus) \
V(Exponentiate) \
V(BitwiseAnd) \
V(BitwiseOr) \
V(BitwiseXor) \
V(ShiftLeft) \
V(ShiftRight) \
V(ShiftRightLogical) \
V(Equal) \
V(StrictEqual) \
V(LessThan) \
V(LessThanOrEqual) \
V(GreaterThan) \
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
#define DEFINE_KIND(Name) k##Name,
Kind kind;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects().CanCallAnything();
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return MaybeRepVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation::Tagged(),
V<Object> left() const { return input<Object>(0); }
V<Object> right() const { return input<Object>(1); }
V<FrameState> frame_state() const { return input<FrameState>(2); }
V<Context> context() const { return input<Context>(3); }
GenericBinopOp(V<Object> left, V<Object> right, V<FrameState> frame_state,
V<Context> context, Kind kind,
LazyDeoptOnThrow lazy_deopt_on_throw)
: Base(left, right, frame_state, context),
lazy_deopt_on_throw(lazy_deopt_on_throw) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, lazy_deopt_on_throw}; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
GenericBinopOp::Kind kind);
struct GenericUnopOp : FixedArityOperationT<3, GenericUnopOp> {
V(BitwiseNot) \
V(Negate) \
V(Increment) \
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
#define DEFINE_KIND(Name) k##Name,
Kind kind;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects().CanCallAnything();
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return MaybeRepVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation::Tagged()>();
V<Object> input() const { return Base::input<Object>(0); }
V<FrameState> frame_state() const { return Base::input<FrameState>(1); }
V<Context> context() const { return Base::input<Context>(2); }
GenericUnopOp(V<Object> input, V<FrameState> frame_state, V<Context> context,
Kind kind, LazyDeoptOnThrow lazy_deopt_on_throw)
: Base(input, frame_state, context),
lazy_deopt_on_throw(lazy_deopt_on_throw) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, lazy_deopt_on_throw}; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
GenericUnopOp::Kind kind);
struct ToNumberOrNumericOp : FixedArityOperationT<3, ToNumberOrNumericOp> {
Object::Conversion kind;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects().CanCallAnything();
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return MaybeRepVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation::Tagged()>();
V<Object> input() const { return Base::input<Object>(0); }
V<FrameState> frame_state() const { return Base::input<FrameState>(1); }
V<Context> context() const { return Base::input<Context>(2); }
ToNumberOrNumericOp(V<Object> input, V<FrameState> frame_state,
V<Context> context, Object::Conversion kind,
LazyDeoptOnThrow lazy_deopt_on_throw)
: Base(input, frame_state, context),
lazy_deopt_on_throw(lazy_deopt_on_throw) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, lazy_deopt_on_throw}; }
// Word32SignHint is a type-hint used during Maglev->Turboshaft
// translation to avoid having multiple values being used as both Int32 and
// Uint32: for such cases, Maglev has explicit conversions, and it's helpful to
// also have them in Turboshaft. Eventually, Word32SignHint is just a
// nop in Turboshaft, since as far as Machine level graph is concerned, both
// Int32 and Uint32 are just Word32 registers.
struct Word32SignHintOp : FixedArityOperationT<1, Word32SignHintOp> {
enum class Sign : bool { kSigned, kUnsigned };
Sign sign;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return RepVector<RegisterRepresentation::Word32()>();
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return MaybeRepVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation::Word32()>();
V<Word32> input() const { return Base::input<Word32>(0); }
Word32SignHintOp(V<Word32> input, Sign sign) : Base(input), sign(sign) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{sign}; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
Word32SignHintOp::Sign sign);
struct WordBinopOp : FixedArityOperationT<2, WordBinopOp> {
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
Kind kind;
WordRepresentation rep;
// We must avoid division by 0.
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects().CanDependOnChecks();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return base::VectorOf(static_cast<const RegisterRepresentation*>(&rep), 1);
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InputsRepFactory::PairOf(rep);
template <class WordType = Word>
V<WordType> left() const
return input<WordType>(0);
template <class WordType = Word>
V<WordType> right() const
return input<WordType>(1);
bool IsCommutative() const { return IsCommutative(kind); }
static bool IsCommutative(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kAdd:
case Kind::kMul:
case Kind::kSignedMulOverflownBits:
case Kind::kUnsignedMulOverflownBits:
case Kind::kBitwiseAnd:
case Kind::kBitwiseOr:
case Kind::kBitwiseXor:
return true;
case Kind::kSub:
case Kind::kSignedDiv:
case Kind::kUnsignedDiv:
case Kind::kSignedMod:
case Kind::kUnsignedMod:
return false;
static bool IsAssociative(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kAdd:
case Kind::kMul:
case Kind::kBitwiseAnd:
case Kind::kBitwiseOr:
case Kind::kBitwiseXor:
return true;
case Kind::kSignedMulOverflownBits:
case Kind::kUnsignedMulOverflownBits:
case Kind::kSub:
case Kind::kSignedDiv:
case Kind::kUnsignedDiv:
case Kind::kSignedMod:
case Kind::kUnsignedMod:
return false;
// The Word32 and Word64 versions of the operator compute the same result when
// truncated to 32 bit.
static bool AllowsWord64ToWord32Truncation(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kAdd:
case Kind::kMul:
case Kind::kBitwiseAnd:
case Kind::kBitwiseOr:
case Kind::kBitwiseXor:
case Kind::kSub:
return true;
case Kind::kSignedMulOverflownBits:
case Kind::kUnsignedMulOverflownBits:
case Kind::kSignedDiv:
case Kind::kUnsignedDiv:
case Kind::kSignedMod:
case Kind::kUnsignedMod:
return false;
WordBinopOp(V<Word> left, V<Word> right, Kind kind, WordRepresentation rep)
: Base(left, right), kind(kind), rep(rep) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, rep}; }
void PrintOptions(std::ostream& os) const;
struct FloatBinopOp : FixedArityOperationT<2, FloatBinopOp> {
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
Kind kind;
FloatRepresentation rep;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return base::VectorOf(static_cast<const RegisterRepresentation*>(&rep), 1);
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InputsRepFactory::PairOf(rep);
V<Float> left() const { return input<Float>(0); }
V<Float> right() const { return input<Float>(1); }
static bool IsCommutative(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kAdd:
case Kind::kMul:
case Kind::kMin:
case Kind::kMax:
return true;
case Kind::kSub:
case Kind::kDiv:
case Kind::kMod:
case Kind::kPower:
case Kind::kAtan2:
return false;
FloatBinopOp(V<Float> left, V<Float> right, Kind kind,
FloatRepresentation rep)
: Base(left, right), kind(kind), rep(rep) {}
void Validate(const Graph& graph) const {
DCHECK_IMPLIES(kind == any_of(Kind::kPower, Kind::kAtan2, Kind::kMod),
rep == FloatRepresentation::Float64());
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, rep}; }
void PrintOptions(std::ostream& os) const;
struct Word32PairBinopOp : FixedArityOperationT<4, Word32PairBinopOp> {
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
Kind kind;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return RepVector<RegisterRepresentation::Word32(),
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
const ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return MaybeRepVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation::Word32(),
V<Word32> left_low() const { return input<Word32>(0); }
V<Word32> left_high() const { return input<Word32>(1); }
V<Word32> right_low() const { return input<Word32>(2); }
V<Word32> right_high() const { return input<Word32>(3); }
Word32PairBinopOp(V<Word32> left_low, V<Word32> left_high,
V<Word32> right_low, V<Word32> right_high, Kind kind)
: Base(left_low, left_high, right_low, right_high), kind(kind) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind}; }
void PrintOptions(std::ostream& os) const;
struct WordBinopDeoptOnOverflowOp
: FixedArityOperationT<3, WordBinopDeoptOnOverflowOp> {
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
Kind kind;
WordRepresentation rep;
FeedbackSource feedback;
CheckForMinusZeroMode mode;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects().CanDeopt();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return base::VectorOf(static_cast<const RegisterRepresentation*>(&rep), 1);
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InputsRepFactory::PairOf(rep);
V<Word> left() const { return input<Word>(0); }
V<Word> right() const { return input<Word>(1); }
V<FrameState> frame_state() const { return input<FrameState>(2); }
WordBinopDeoptOnOverflowOp(V<Word> left, V<Word> right,
V<FrameState> frame_state, Kind kind,
WordRepresentation rep, FeedbackSource feedback,
CheckForMinusZeroMode mode)
: Base(left, right, frame_state),
mode(mode) {}
void Validate(const Graph& graph) const {
DCHECK_IMPLIES(kind == Kind::kUnsignedDiv || kind == Kind::kUnsignedMod,
rep == WordRepresentation::Word32());
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, rep, feedback, mode}; }
void PrintOptions(std::ostream& os) const;
struct OverflowCheckedBinopOp
: FixedArityOperationT<2, OverflowCheckedBinopOp> {
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kOverflowIndex = 1;
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
Kind kind;
WordRepresentation rep;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
switch (rep.value()) {
case WordRepresentation::Word32():
return RepVector<RegisterRepresentation::Word32(),
case WordRepresentation::Word64():
return RepVector<RegisterRepresentation::Word64(),
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InputsRepFactory::PairOf(rep);
V<Word> left() const { return input<Word>(0); }
V<Word> right() const { return input<Word>(1); }
static bool IsCommutative(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kSignedAdd:
case Kind::kSignedMul:
return true;
case Kind::kSignedSub:
return false;
OverflowCheckedBinopOp(V<Word> left, V<Word> right, Kind kind,
WordRepresentation rep)
: Base(left, right), kind(kind), rep(rep) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, rep}; }
void PrintOptions(std::ostream& os) const;
struct WordUnaryOp : FixedArityOperationT<1, WordUnaryOp> {
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
Kind kind;
WordRepresentation rep;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return base::VectorOf(static_cast<const RegisterRepresentation*>(&rep), 1);
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InputsRepFactory::SingleRep(rep);
V<Word> input() const { return Base::input<Word>(0); }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool IsSupported(Kind kind, WordRepresentation rep);
explicit WordUnaryOp(V<Word> input, Kind kind, WordRepresentation rep)
: Base(input), kind(kind), rep(rep) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, rep}; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
WordUnaryOp::Kind kind);
struct OverflowCheckedUnaryOp
: FixedArityOperationT<1, OverflowCheckedUnaryOp> {
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kOverflowIndex = 1;
enum class Kind : uint8_t { kAbs };
Kind kind;
WordRepresentation rep;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
switch (rep.value()) {
case WordRepresentation::Word32():
return RepVector<RegisterRepresentation::Word32(),
case WordRepresentation::Word64():
return RepVector<RegisterRepresentation::Word64(),
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InputsRepFactory::SingleRep(rep);
V<Word> input() const { return Base::input<Word>(0); }
explicit OverflowCheckedUnaryOp(V<Word> input, Kind kind,
WordRepresentation rep)
: Base(input), kind(kind), rep(rep) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, rep}; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
OverflowCheckedUnaryOp::Kind kind);
struct FloatUnaryOp : FixedArityOperationT<1, FloatUnaryOp> {
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
kRoundDown, // round towards -infinity
kRoundUp, // round towards +infinity
kRoundToZero, // round towards 0
kRoundTiesEven, // break ties by rounding towards the next even number
Kind kind;
FloatRepresentation rep;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return base::VectorOf(static_cast<const RegisterRepresentation*>(&rep), 1);
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InputsRepFactory::SingleRep(rep);
V<Float> input() const { return Base::input<Float>(0); }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool IsSupported(Kind kind, FloatRepresentation rep);
explicit FloatUnaryOp(V<Float> input, Kind kind, FloatRepresentation rep)
: Base(input), kind(kind), rep(rep) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, rep}; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
FloatUnaryOp::Kind kind);
struct ShiftOp : FixedArityOperationT<2, ShiftOp> {
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
Kind kind;
WordRepresentation rep;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return base::VectorOf(static_cast<const RegisterRepresentation*>(&rep), 1);
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InitVectorOf(storage,
{static_cast<const RegisterRepresentation&>(rep),
template <typename WordT = Word>
V<WordT> left() const {
return input<WordT>(0);
V<Word32> right() const { return input<Word32>(1); }
bool IsRightShift() const { return IsRightShift(kind); }
static bool IsRightShift(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kShiftRightArithmeticShiftOutZeros:
case Kind::kShiftRightArithmetic:
case Kind::kShiftRightLogical:
return true;
case Kind::kShiftLeft:
case Kind::kRotateRight:
case Kind::kRotateLeft:
return false;
// The Word32 and Word64 versions of the operator compute the same result when
// truncated to 32 bit.
static bool AllowsWord64ToWord32Truncation(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kShiftLeft:
return true;
case Kind::kShiftRightArithmeticShiftOutZeros:
case Kind::kShiftRightArithmetic:
case Kind::kShiftRightLogical:
case Kind::kRotateRight:
case Kind::kRotateLeft:
return false;
ShiftOp(V<Word> left, V<Word32> right, Kind kind, WordRepresentation rep)
: Base(left, right), kind(kind), rep(rep) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, rep}; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
ShiftOp::Kind kind);
struct ComparisonOp : FixedArityOperationT<2, ComparisonOp> {
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
Kind kind;
RegisterRepresentation rep;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return RepVector<RegisterRepresentation::Word32()>();
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InputsRepFactory::PairOf(rep);
static bool IsCommutative(Kind kind) { return kind == Kind::kEqual; }
template <typename T = Any>
V<T> left() const {
return input<T>(0);
template <typename T = Any>
V<T> right() const {
return input<T>(1);
ComparisonOp(V<Any> left, V<Any> right, Kind kind, RegisterRepresentation rep)
: Base(left, right), kind(kind), rep(rep) {}
void Validate(const Graph& graph) const {
if (kind == Kind::kEqual) {
DCHECK(rep == any_of(RegisterRepresentation::Word32(),
RegisterRepresentation input_rep = rep;
// In the presence of pointer compression, we only compare the lower
// 32bit.
if (input_rep == RegisterRepresentation::Tagged()) {
input_rep = RegisterRepresentation::Compressed();
#ifdef DEBUG
ValidateOpInputRep(graph, left(), input_rep);
ValidateOpInputRep(graph, right(), input_rep);
#endif // DEBUG
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(rep, any_of(RegisterRepresentation::Word32(),
rep == any_of(RegisterRepresentation::Float32(),
kind == any_of(Kind::kSignedLessThan, Kind::kSignedLessThanOrEqual));
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, rep}; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
ComparisonOp::Kind kind);
struct ChangeOp : FixedArityOperationT<1, ChangeOp> {
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
// convert between different floating-point types. Note that the
// Float64->Float32 conversion is truncating.
// overflow guaranteed to result in the minimal integer
// JS semantics float64 to word32 truncation
// convert float64 to float16, then bitcast word32. Used for storing into
// Float16Array and Math.fround16.
// bitcast word32 to float16 and convert to float64. Used for loading from
// Float16Array and Math.fround16.
// convert (un)signed integer to floating-point value
// extract half of a float64 value
// increase bit-width for unsigned integer values
// increase bid-width for signed integer values
// truncate word64 to word32
// preserve bits, change meaning
// Violated assumptions result in undefined behavior.
enum class Assumption : uint8_t {
// Used for conversions from floating-point to integer, assumes that the
// value doesn't exceed the integer range.
// Assume that the original value can be recovered by a corresponding
// reverse transformation.
Kind kind;
// Reversible means undefined behavior if value cannot be represented
// precisely.
Assumption assumption;
RegisterRepresentation from;
RegisterRepresentation to;
// Returns true if change<kind>(change<reverse_kind>(a)) == a for all a.
// This assumes that change<reverse_kind> uses the inverted {from} and {to}
// representations, i.e. the input to the inner change op has the same
// representation as the result of the outer change op.
static bool IsReversible(Kind kind, Assumption assumption,
RegisterRepresentation from,
RegisterRepresentation to, Kind reverse_kind,
bool signalling_nan_possible) {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kFloatConversion:
return from == RegisterRepresentation::Float32() &&
to == RegisterRepresentation::Float64() &&
reverse_kind == Kind::kFloatConversion &&
case Kind::kSignedFloatTruncateOverflowToMin:
return assumption == Assumption::kReversible &&
reverse_kind == Kind::kSignedToFloat;
case Kind::kUnsignedFloatTruncateOverflowToMin:
return assumption == Assumption::kReversible &&
reverse_kind == Kind::kUnsignedToFloat;
case Kind::kJSFloatTruncate:
return false;
case Kind::kJSFloat16TruncateWithBitcast:
case Kind::kJSFloat16ChangeWithBitcast:
return false;
case Kind::kSignedToFloat:
if (from == RegisterRepresentation::Word32() &&
to == RegisterRepresentation::Float64()) {
return reverse_kind == any_of(Kind::kSignedFloatTruncateOverflowToMin,
} else {
return assumption == Assumption::kReversible &&
reverse_kind ==
case Kind::kUnsignedToFloat:
if (from == RegisterRepresentation::Word32() &&
to == RegisterRepresentation::Float64()) {
return reverse_kind ==
} else {
return assumption == Assumption::kReversible &&
reverse_kind == Kind::kUnsignedFloatTruncateOverflowToMin;
case Kind::kExtractHighHalf:
case Kind::kExtractLowHalf:
return false;
case Kind::kZeroExtend:
case Kind::kSignExtend:
DCHECK_EQ(from, RegisterRepresentation::Word32());
DCHECK_EQ(to, RegisterRepresentation::Word64());
return reverse_kind == Kind::kTruncate;
case Kind::kTruncate:
DCHECK_EQ(from, RegisterRepresentation::Word64());
DCHECK_EQ(to, RegisterRepresentation::Word32());
return reverse_kind == Kind::kBitcast;
case Kind::kBitcast:
return reverse_kind == Kind::kBitcast;
bool IsReversibleBy(Kind reverse_kind, bool signalling_nan_possible) const {
return IsReversible(kind, assumption, from, to, reverse_kind,
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return base::VectorOf(&to, 1);
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InputsRepFactory::SingleRep(from);
template <typename Type = Untagged>
requires IsUntagged<Type>
V<Type> input() const {
return Base::input<Type>(0);
ChangeOp(V<Untagged> input, Kind kind, Assumption assumption,
RegisterRepresentation from, RegisterRepresentation to)
: Base(input), kind(kind), assumption(assumption), from(from), to(to) {}
void Validate(const Graph& graph) const {
DCHECK_NE(from, RegisterRepresentation::Tagged());
DCHECK_NE(to, RegisterRepresentation::Tagged());
// Bitcasts from and to Tagged should use a TaggedBitcast instead (which has
// different effects, since it's unsafe to reorder such bitcasts accross
// GCs).
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, assumption, from, to}; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
ChangeOp::Kind kind);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
ChangeOp::Assumption assumption);
struct ChangeOrDeoptOp : FixedArityOperationT<2, ChangeOrDeoptOp> {
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
Kind kind;
CheckForMinusZeroMode minus_zero_mode;
FeedbackSource feedback;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects().CanDeopt();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kUint32ToInt32:
case Kind::kInt64ToInt32:
case Kind::kUint64ToInt32:
case Kind::kFloat64ToInt32:
case Kind::kFloat64ToUint32:
return RepVector<RegisterRepresentation::Word32()>();
case Kind::kUint64ToInt64:
case Kind::kFloat64ToAdditiveSafeInteger:
case Kind::kFloat64ToInt64:
return RepVector<RegisterRepresentation::Word64()>();
case Kind::kFloat64NotHole:
return RepVector<RegisterRepresentation::Float64()>();
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kUint32ToInt32:
return MaybeRepVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation::Word32()>();
case Kind::kInt64ToInt32:
case Kind::kUint64ToInt32:
case Kind::kUint64ToInt64:
return MaybeRepVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation::Word64()>();
case Kind::kFloat64ToInt32:
case Kind::kFloat64ToUint32:
case Kind::kFloat64ToAdditiveSafeInteger:
case Kind::kFloat64ToInt64:
case Kind::kFloat64NotHole:
return MaybeRepVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation::Float64()>();
V<Untagged> input() const { return Base::input<Untagged>(0); }
V<FrameState> frame_state() const { return Base::input<FrameState>(1); }
ChangeOrDeoptOp(V<Untagged> input, V<FrameState> frame_state, Kind kind,
CheckForMinusZeroMode minus_zero_mode,
const FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(input, frame_state),
feedback(feedback) {}
void Validate(const Graph& graph) const {
DCHECK(Get(graph, frame_state()).Is<FrameStateOp>());
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, minus_zero_mode, feedback}; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
ChangeOrDeoptOp::Kind kind);
// Perform a conversion and return a pair of the result and a bit if it was
// successful.
struct TryChangeOp : FixedArityOperationT<1, TryChangeOp> {
static constexpr uint32_t kSuccessValue = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t kFailureValue = 0;
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
// The result of the truncation is undefined if the result is out of range.
Kind kind;
FloatRepresentation from;
WordRepresentation to;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
switch (to.value()) {
case WordRepresentation::Word32():
return RepVector<RegisterRepresentation::Word32(),
case WordRepresentation::Word64():
return RepVector<RegisterRepresentation::Word64(),
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InputsRepFactory::SingleRep(from);
OpIndex input() const { return Base::input(0); }
TryChangeOp(OpIndex input, Kind kind, FloatRepresentation from,
WordRepresentation to)
: Base(input), kind(kind), from(from), to(to) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, from, to}; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
TryChangeOp::Kind kind);
struct BitcastWord32PairToFloat64Op
: FixedArityOperationT<2, BitcastWord32PairToFloat64Op> {
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return RepVector<RegisterRepresentation::Float64()>();
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return MaybeRepVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation::Word32(),
V<Word32> high_word32() const { return input<Word32>(0); }
V<Word32> low_word32() const { return input<Word32>(1); }
BitcastWord32PairToFloat64Op(V<Word32> high_word32, V<Word32> low_word32)
: Base(high_word32, low_word32) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{}; }
struct TaggedBitcastOp : FixedArityOperationT<1, TaggedBitcastOp> {
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
kSmi, // This is a bitcast from a Word to a Smi or from a Smi to a Word
kHeapObject, // This is a bitcast from or to a Heap Object
kTagAndSmiBits, // This is a bitcast where only access to the tag and the
// smi bits (if it's a smi) are valid
Kind kind;
RegisterRepresentation from;
RegisterRepresentation to;
OpEffects Effects() const {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kSmi:
case Kind::kTagAndSmiBits:
return OpEffects();
case Kind::kHeapObject:
case Kind::kAny:
// Due to moving GC, converting from or to pointers doesn't commute with
// GC.
return OpEffects().CanDoRawHeapAccess();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return base::VectorOf(&to, 1);
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InputsRepFactory::SingleRep(from);
OpIndex input() const { return Base::input(0); }
TaggedBitcastOp(OpIndex input, RegisterRepresentation from,
RegisterRepresentation to, Kind kind)
: Base(input), kind(kind), from(from), to(to) {}
void Validate(const Graph& graph) const {
if (kind == Kind::kSmi) {
DCHECK((from.IsWord() && to.IsTaggedOrCompressed()) ||
(from.IsTaggedOrCompressed() && to.IsWord()));
DCHECK_IMPLIES(from == RegisterRepresentation::Word64() ||
to == RegisterRepresentation::Word64(),
} else {
// TODO(nicohartmann@): Without implicit truncation, the first case might
// not be correct anymore.
DCHECK((from.IsWord() && to == RegisterRepresentation::Tagged()) ||
(from == RegisterRepresentation::Tagged() &&
to == RegisterRepresentation::WordPtr()) ||
(from == RegisterRepresentation::Compressed() &&
to == RegisterRepresentation::Word32()));
auto options() const { return std::tuple{from, to, kind}; }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, TaggedBitcastOp::Kind assumption);
struct SelectOp : FixedArityOperationT<3, SelectOp> {
enum class Implementation : uint8_t { kBranch, kCMove };
RegisterRepresentation rep;
BranchHint hint;
Implementation implem;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return base::VectorOf(&rep, 1);
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InitVectorOf(storage, {RegisterRepresentation::Word32(), rep, rep});
SelectOp(V<Word32> cond, V<Any> vtrue, V<Any> vfalse,
RegisterRepresentation rep, BranchHint hint, Implementation implem)
: Base(cond, vtrue, vfalse), rep(rep), hint(hint), implem(implem) {}
void Validate(const Graph& graph) const {
DCHECK_IMPLIES(implem == Implementation::kCMove,
(rep == RegisterRepresentation::Word32() &&
SupportedOperations::word32_select()) ||
(rep == RegisterRepresentation::Word64() &&
SupportedOperations::word64_select()) ||
(rep == RegisterRepresentation::Float32() &&
SupportedOperations::float32_select()) ||
(rep == RegisterRepresentation::Float64() &&
V<Word32> cond() const { return input<Word32>(0); }
V<Any> vtrue() const { return input<Any>(1); }
V<Any> vfalse() const { return input<Any>(2); }
auto options() const { return std::tuple{rep, hint, implem}; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
SelectOp::Implementation kind);
struct PhiOp : OperationT<PhiOp> {
RegisterRepresentation rep;
// Phis have to remain at the beginning of the current block. As effects
// cannot express this completely, we just mark them as having no effects but
// treat them specially when scheduling operations.
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return base::VectorOf(&rep, 1);
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_count; ++i) {
storage[i] = rep;
return base::VectorOf(storage);
static constexpr size_t kLoopPhiBackEdgeIndex = 1;
explicit PhiOp(base::Vector<const OpIndex> inputs, RegisterRepresentation rep)
: Base(inputs), rep(rep) {}
template <typename Fn, typename Mapper>
V8_INLINE auto Explode(Fn fn, Mapper& mapper) const {
auto mapped_inputs = mapper.template Map<64>(inputs());
return fn(base::VectorOf(mapped_inputs), rep);
void Validate(const Graph& graph) const { DCHECK_GT(input_count, 0); }
auto options() const { return std::tuple{rep}; }
// Used as a placeholder for a loop-phi while building the graph, replaced with
// a normal `PhiOp` before graph building is over, so it should never appear in
// a complete graph.
struct PendingLoopPhiOp : FixedArityOperationT<1, PendingLoopPhiOp> {
RegisterRepresentation rep;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return base::VectorOf(&rep, 1);
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>& storage) const {
return InputsRepFactory::SingleRep(rep);
OpIndex first() const { return input(0); }
PendingLoopPhiOp(OpIndex first, RegisterRepresentation rep)
: Base(first), rep(rep) {}
auto options() const { return std::tuple{rep}; }
struct ConstantOp : FixedArityOperationT<0, ConstantOp> {
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
kNumber, // TODO(tebbi): See if we can avoid number constants.
Kind kind;
RegisterRepresentation rep = Representation(kind);
union Storage {
uint64_t integral;
i::Float32 float32;
i::Float64 float64;
ExternalReference external;
IndirectHandle<HeapObject> handle;
Storage(uint64_t integral = 0) : integral(integral) {}
Storage(i::Tagged<Smi> smi) : integral(smi.ptr()) {}
Storage(i::Float64 constant) : float64(constant) {}
Storage(i::Float32 constant) : float32(constant) {}
Storage(ExternalReference constant) : external(constant) {}
Storage(IndirectHandle<HeapObject> constant) : handle(constant) {}
inline bool operator==(const ConstantOp::Storage&) const {
// It is tricky to implement this properly. We currently need to define
// this for the matchers, but this should never be called.
} storage;
static constexpr OpEffects effects = OpEffects();
base::Vector<const RegisterRepresentation> outputs_rep() const {
return base::VectorOf(&rep, 1);
base::Vector<const MaybeRegisterRepresentation> inputs_rep(
ZoneVector<MaybeRegisterRepresentation>&) const {
return {};
static RegisterRepresentation Representation(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kRelocatableWasmCanonicalSignatureId:
case Kind::kWord32:
return RegisterRepresentation::Word32();
case Kind::kWord64:
return RegisterRepresentation::Word64();
case Kind::kFloat32:
return RegisterRepresentation::Float32();
case Kind::kFloat64:
return RegisterRepresentation::Float64();
case Kind::kExternal:
case Kind::kTaggedIndex:
case Kind::kTrustedHeapObject:
case Kind::kRelocatableWasmCall:
case Kind::kRelocatableWasmStubCall:
return RegisterRepresentation::WordPtr();
case Kind::kRelocatableWasmIndirectCallTarget:
return RegisterRepresentation::Word32();
case Kind::kSmi:
case Kind::kHeapObject:
case Kind::kNumber:
return RegisterRepresentation::Tagged();
case Kind::kCompressedHeapObject:
return RegisterRepresentation::Compressed();
ConstantOp(Kind kind, Storage storage)
: Base(), kind(kind), storage(storage) {}
void Validate(const Graph& graph) const {
kind == Kind::kWord32,
storage.integral <= WordRepresentation::Word32().MaxUnsignedValue());
kind == Kind::kRelocatableWasmCanonicalSignatureId,
storage.integral <= WordRepresentation::Word32().MaxSignedValue());
uint64_t integral() const {
return storage.integral;
int64_t signed_integral() const {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kWord32:
case Kind::kRelocatableWasmCanonicalSignatureId:
return static_cast<int32_t>(storage.integral);
case Kind::kWord64:
return static_cast<int64_t>(storage.integral);
uint32_t word32() const {
DCHECK(kind == Kind::kWord32 || kind == Kind::kWord64);
return static_cast<uint32_t>(storage.integral);
uint64_t word64() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kind, Kind::kWord64);
return static_cast<uint64_t>(storage.integral);
i::Tagged<Smi> smi() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kind, Kind::kSmi);
return i::Tagged<Smi>(storage.integral);
i::Float64 number() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kind, Kind::kNumber);
return storage.float64;
i::Float32 float32() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kind, Kind::kFloat32);
return storage.float32;
i::Float64 float64() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kind, Kind::kFloat64);
return storage.float64;
int32_t tagged_index() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kind, Kind::kTaggedIndex);
return static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(storage.integral));
ExternalReference external_reference() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kind, Kind::kExternal);
return storage.external;
IndirectHandle<i::HeapObject> handle() const {
DCHECK(kind == Kind::kHeapObject || kind == Kind::kCompressedHeapObject ||
kind == Kind::kTrustedHeapObject);
return storage.handle;
bool IsWord(uint64_t value) const {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kWord32:
return static_cast<uint32_t>(value) == word32();
case Kind::kWord64:
return value == word64();
bool IsIntegral() const {
return kind == Kind::kWord32 || kind == Kind::kWord64 ||
kind == Kind::kRelocatableWasmCall ||
kind == Kind::kRelocatableWasmStubCall ||
kind == Kind::kRelocatableWasmCanonicalSignatureId ||
kind == Kind::kRelocatableWasmIndirectCallTarget;
auto options() const { return std::tuple{kind, storage}; }
void PrintOptions(std::ostream& os) const;
size_t hash_value(
HashingStrategy strategy = HashingStrategy::kDefault) const {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kWord32:
case Kind::kWord64:
case Kind::kSmi:
case Kind::kTaggedIndex:
case Kind::kRelocatableWasmCall:
case Kind::kRelocatableWasmStubCall:
case Kind::kRelocatableWasmIndirectCallTarget:
case Kind::kRelocatableWasmCanonicalSignatureId:
return HashWithOptions(storage.integral);
case Kind::kFloat32:
return HashWithOptions(storage.float32.get_bits());
case Kind::kFloat64:
case Kind::kNumber:
return HashWithOptions(storage.float64.get_bits());