blob: e65fc02790d4502673530dbb41236e84558a4ea9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(v8:11421): Remove #if once baseline compiler is ported to other
// architectures.
#include "src/flags/flags.h"
#include "src/codegen/macro-assembler.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-register.h"
#include "src/objects/tagged-index.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace baseline {
class BaselineAssembler {
class ScratchRegisterScope;
explicit BaselineAssembler(MacroAssembler* masm) : masm_(masm) {}
inline static MemOperand RegisterFrameOperand(
interpreter::Register interpreter_register);
inline void RegisterFrameAddress(interpreter::Register interpreter_register,
Register rscratch);
inline MemOperand ContextOperand();
inline MemOperand FunctionOperand();
inline MemOperand FeedbackVectorOperand();
inline void GetCode(Isolate* isolate, CodeDesc* desc);
inline int pc_offset() const;
inline void CodeEntry() const;
inline void ExceptionHandler() const;
V8_INLINE void RecordComment(const char* string);
inline void Trap();
inline void DebugBreak();
template <typename Field>
inline void DecodeField(Register reg);
inline void Bind(Label* label);
// Marks the current position as a valid jump target on CFI enabled
// architectures.
inline void JumpTarget();
inline void Jump(Label* target, Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfRoot(Register value, RootIndex index, Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfNotRoot(Register value, RootIndex index, Label* target,
Label ::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfSmi(Register value, Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfNotSmi(Register value, Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void TestAndBranch(Register value, int mask, Condition cc,
Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIf(Condition cc, Register lhs, const Operand& rhs,
Label* target, Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
// Fast JS_RECEIVER test which assumes to receive either a primitive object or
// a js receiver.
inline void JumpIfJSAnyIsPrimitive(Register heap_object, Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfObjectType(Condition cc, Register object,
InstanceType instance_type, Register map,
Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
// Might not load the map into the scratch register.
inline void JumpIfObjectTypeFast(Condition cc, Register object,
InstanceType instance_type, Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfInstanceType(Condition cc, Register map,
InstanceType instance_type, Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfPointer(Condition cc, Register value, MemOperand operand,
Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline Condition CheckSmi(Register value);
inline void JumpIfSmi(Condition cc, Register value, Smi smi, Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfSmi(Condition cc, Register lhs, Register rhs, Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfImmediate(Condition cc, Register left, int right,
Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfTagged(Condition cc, Register value, MemOperand operand,
Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfTagged(Condition cc, MemOperand operand, Register value,
Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfByte(Condition cc, Register value, int32_t byte,
Label* target, Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void LoadMap(Register output, Register value);
inline void LoadRoot(Register output, RootIndex index);
inline void LoadNativeContextSlot(Register output, uint32_t index);
inline void Move(Register output, Register source);
inline void Move(Register output, MemOperand operand);
inline void Move(Register output, Smi value);
inline void Move(Register output, TaggedIndex value);
inline void Move(Register output, interpreter::Register source);
inline void Move(interpreter::Register output, Register source);
inline void Move(Register output, RootIndex source);
inline void Move(MemOperand output, Register source);
inline void Move(Register output, ExternalReference reference);
inline void Move(Register output, Handle<HeapObject> value);
inline void Move(Register output, int32_t immediate);
inline void MoveMaybeSmi(Register output, Register source);
inline void MoveSmi(Register output, Register source);
// Push the given values, in the given order. If the stack needs alignment
// (looking at you Arm64), the stack is padded from the front (i.e. before the
// first value is pushed).
// This supports pushing a RegisterList as the last value -- the list is
// iterated and each interpreter Register is pushed.
// The total number of values pushed is returned. Note that this might be
// different from sizeof(T...), specifically if there was a RegisterList.
template <typename... T>
inline int Push(T... vals);
// Like Push(vals...), but pushes in reverse order, to support our reversed
// order argument JS calling convention. Doesn't return the number of
// arguments pushed though.
// Note that padding is still inserted before the first pushed value (i.e. the
// last value).
template <typename... T>
inline void PushReverse(T... vals);
// Pop values off the stack into the given registers.
// Note that this inserts into registers in the given order, i.e. in reverse
// order if the registers were pushed. This means that to spill registers,
// push and pop have to be in reverse order, e.g.
// Push(r1, r2, ..., rN);
// ClobberRegisters();
// Pop(rN, ..., r2, r1);
// On stack-alignment architectures, any padding is popped off after the last
// register. This the behaviour of Push, which means that the above code still
// works even if the number of registers doesn't match stack alignment.
template <typename... T>
inline void Pop(T... registers);
inline void CallBuiltin(Builtin builtin);
inline void TailCallBuiltin(Builtin builtin);
inline void CallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId function, int nargs);
inline void LoadTaggedField(Register output, Register source, int offset);
inline void LoadTaggedSignedField(Register output, Register source,
int offset);
inline void LoadTaggedSignedFieldAndUntag(Register output, Register source,
int offset);
inline void LoadWord16FieldZeroExtend(Register output, Register source,
int offset);
inline void LoadWord8Field(Register output, Register source, int offset);
inline void StoreTaggedSignedField(Register target, int offset, Smi value);
inline void StoreTaggedFieldWithWriteBarrier(Register target, int offset,
Register value);
inline void StoreTaggedFieldNoWriteBarrier(Register target, int offset,
Register value);
inline void LoadFixedArrayElement(Register output, Register array,
int32_t index);
inline void LoadPrototype(Register prototype, Register object);
// Loads compressed pointer or loads from compressed pointer. This is because
// X64 supports complex addressing mode, pointer decompression can be done by
// [%compressed_base + %r1 + K].
inline void LoadTaggedField(TaggedRegister output, Register source,
int offset);
inline void LoadTaggedField(TaggedRegister output, TaggedRegister source,
int offset);
inline void LoadTaggedField(Register output, TaggedRegister source,
int offset);
inline void LoadFixedArrayElement(Register output, TaggedRegister array,
int32_t index);
inline void LoadFixedArrayElement(TaggedRegister output, TaggedRegister array,
int32_t index);
// Falls through and sets scratch_and_result to 0 on failure, jumps to
// on_result on success.
inline void TryLoadOptimizedOsrCode(Register scratch_and_result,
Register feedback_vector,
FeedbackSlot slot, Label* on_result,
Label::Distance distance);
// Loads the feedback cell from the function, and sets flags on add so that
// we can compare afterward.
inline void AddToInterruptBudgetAndJumpIfNotExceeded(
int32_t weight, Label* skip_interrupt_label);
inline void AddToInterruptBudgetAndJumpIfNotExceeded(
Register weight, Label* skip_interrupt_label);
inline void LdaContextSlot(Register context, uint32_t index, uint32_t depth);
inline void StaContextSlot(Register context, Register value, uint32_t index,
uint32_t depth);
inline void LdaModuleVariable(Register context, int cell_index,
uint32_t depth);
inline void StaModuleVariable(Register context, Register value,
int cell_index, uint32_t depth);
inline void AddSmi(Register lhs, Smi rhs);
inline void SmiUntag(Register value);
inline void SmiUntag(Register output, Register value);
inline void Word32And(Register output, Register lhs, int rhs);
inline void Switch(Register reg, int case_value_base, Label** labels,
int num_labels);
// Register operands.
inline void LoadRegister(Register output, interpreter::Register source);
inline void StoreRegister(interpreter::Register output, Register value);
// Frame values
inline void LoadFunction(Register output);
inline void LoadContext(Register output);
inline void StoreContext(Register context);
inline static void EmitReturn(MacroAssembler* masm);
MacroAssembler* masm() { return masm_; }
MacroAssembler* masm_;
ScratchRegisterScope* scratch_register_scope_ = nullptr;
class SaveAccumulatorScope final {
inline explicit SaveAccumulatorScope(BaselineAssembler* assembler);
inline ~SaveAccumulatorScope();
BaselineAssembler* assembler_;
class EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope final {
inline explicit EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope(BaselineAssembler* assembler);
inline ~EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope();
inline void AssertEqualToAccumulator(Register reg);
BaselineAssembler* assembler_;
Assembler::CodeComment comment_;
} // namespace baseline
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8