blob: 4747ed5f48394c5f848fd7a24fe0240e3d06ff09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "include/v8-persistent-handle.h"
#include "src/base/atomicops.h"
#include "src/base/lazy-instance.h"
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/base/platform/condition-variable.h"
#include "src/base/platform/mutex.h"
#include "src/base/platform/time.h"
#include "src/tasks/cancelable-task.h"
#include "src/utils/allocation.h"
// Support for emulating futexes, a low-level synchronization primitive. They
// are natively supported by Linux, but must be emulated for other platforms.
// This library emulates them on all platforms using mutexes and condition
// variables for consistency.
// This is used by the Futex API defined in the SharedArrayBuffer draft spec,
// found here:
namespace v8 {
class Promise;
namespace base {
class TimeDelta;
} // namespace base
namespace internal {
class BackingStore;
class FutexWaitList;
template <typename T>
class Handle;
class Isolate;
class JSArrayBuffer;
class AtomicsWaitWakeHandle {
explicit AtomicsWaitWakeHandle(Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate) {}
void Wake();
inline bool has_stopped() const { return stopped_; }
Isolate* isolate_;
bool stopped_ = false;
class FutexWaitListNode {
// Create a sync FutexWaitListNode.
FutexWaitListNode() = default;
// Create an async FutexWaitListNode.
FutexWaitListNode(const std::shared_ptr<BackingStore>& backing_store,
size_t wait_addr, Handle<JSObject> promise_capability,
Isolate* isolate);
FutexWaitListNode(const FutexWaitListNode&) = delete;
FutexWaitListNode& operator=(const FutexWaitListNode&) = delete;
void NotifyWake();
bool IsAsync() const { return isolate_for_async_waiters_ != nullptr; }
// Returns false if the cancelling failed, true otherwise.
bool CancelTimeoutTask();
class V8_NODISCARD ResetWaitingOnScopeExit {
explicit ResetWaitingOnScopeExit(FutexWaitListNode* node) : node_(node) {}
~ResetWaitingOnScopeExit() { node_->waiting_ = false; }
ResetWaitingOnScopeExit(const ResetWaitingOnScopeExit&) = delete;
ResetWaitingOnScopeExit& operator=(const ResetWaitingOnScopeExit&) = delete;
FutexWaitListNode* node_;
friend class FutexEmulation;
friend class FutexWaitList;
// Set only for async FutexWaitListNodes.
Isolate* isolate_for_async_waiters_ = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<TaskRunner> task_runner_;
CancelableTaskManager* cancelable_task_manager_ = nullptr;
base::ConditionVariable cond_;
// prev_ and next_ are protected by FutexEmulation::mutex_.
FutexWaitListNode* prev_ = nullptr;
FutexWaitListNode* next_ = nullptr;
std::weak_ptr<BackingStore> backing_store_;
size_t wait_addr_ = 0;
// The memory location the FutexWaitListNode is waiting on. Equals
// backing_store_->buffer_start() + wait_addr_ at FutexWaitListNode creation
// time. Storing the wait_location_ separately is needed, since we can't
// necessarily reconstruct it, because the BackingStore might get deleted
// while the FutexWaitListNode is still alive. FutexWaitListNode must know its
// wait location, since they are stored in per-location lists, and to remove
// the node, we need to be able to find the list it's on (to be able to
// update the head and tail of the list).
int8_t* wait_location_ = nullptr;
// waiting_ and interrupted_ are protected by FutexEmulation::mutex_
// if this node is currently contained in FutexEmulation::wait_list_
// or an AtomicsWaitWakeHandle has access to it.
bool waiting_ = false;
bool interrupted_ = false;
// Only for async FutexWaitListNodes. Weak Global handle. Must not be
// synchronously resolved by a non-owner Isolate.
v8::Global<v8::Promise> promise_;
// Only for async FutexWaitListNodes. Weak Global handle.
v8::Global<v8::Context> native_context_;
// Only for async FutexWaitListNodes. If async_timeout_time_ is
// base::TimeTicks(), this async waiter doesn't have a timeout or has already
// been notified. Values other than base::TimeTicks() are used for async
// waiters with an active timeout.
base::TimeTicks async_timeout_time_;
CancelableTaskManager::Id timeout_task_id_ =
class FutexEmulation : public AllStatic {
enum WaitMode { kSync = 0, kAsync };
enum class CallType { kIsNotWasm = 0, kIsWasm };
// Pass to Wake() to wake all waiters.
static const uint32_t kWakeAll = UINT32_MAX;
// Check that array_buffer[addr] == value, and return "not-equal" if not. If
// they are equal, block execution on |isolate|'s thread until woken via
// |Wake|, or when the time given in |rel_timeout_ms| elapses. Note that
// |rel_timeout_ms| can be Infinity.
// If woken, return "ok", otherwise return "timed-out". The initial check and
// the decision to wait happen atomically.
static Object WaitJs32(Isolate* isolate, WaitMode mode,
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer, size_t addr,
int32_t value, double rel_timeout_ms);
// An version of WaitJs32 for int64_t values.
static Object WaitJs64(Isolate* isolate, WaitMode mode,
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer, size_t addr,
int64_t value, double rel_timeout_ms);
// Same as WaitJs above except it returns 0 (ok), 1 (not equal) and 2 (timed
// out) as expected by Wasm.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Object WaitWasm32(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer,
size_t addr, int32_t value,
int64_t rel_timeout_ns);
// Same as Wait32 above except it checks for an int64_t value in the
// array_buffer.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Object WaitWasm64(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer,
size_t addr, int64_t value,
int64_t rel_timeout_ns);
// Wake |num_waiters_to_wake| threads that are waiting on the given |addr|.
// |num_waiters_to_wake| can be kWakeAll, in which case all waiters are
// woken. The rest of the waiters will continue to wait. The return value is
// the number of woken waiters.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Object Wake(Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer,
size_t addr,
uint32_t num_waiters_to_wake);
// Called before |isolate| dies. Removes async waiters owned by |isolate|.
static void IsolateDeinit(Isolate* isolate);
// Return the number of threads or async waiters waiting on |addr|. Should
// only be used for testing.
static Object NumWaitersForTesting(Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer,
size_t addr);
// Return the number of async waiters (which belong to |isolate|) waiting.
// Should only be used for testing.
static Object NumAsyncWaitersForTesting(Isolate* isolate);
// Return the number of async waiters which were waiting for |addr| and are
// now waiting for the Promises to be resolved. Should only be used for
// testing.
static Object NumUnresolvedAsyncPromisesForTesting(
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer, size_t addr);
friend class FutexWaitListNode;
friend class AtomicsWaitWakeHandle;
friend class ResolveAsyncWaiterPromisesTask;
friend class AsyncWaiterTimeoutTask;
template <typename T>
static Object Wait(Isolate* isolate, WaitMode mode,
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer, size_t addr, T value,
double rel_timeout_ms);
template <typename T>
static Object Wait(Isolate* isolate, WaitMode mode,
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer, size_t addr, T value,
bool use_timeout, int64_t rel_timeout_ns,
CallType call_type = CallType::kIsNotWasm);
template <typename T>
static Object WaitSync(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer,
size_t addr, T value, bool use_timeout,
int64_t rel_timeout_ns, CallType call_type);
template <typename T>
static Object WaitAsync(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer,
size_t addr, T value, bool use_timeout,
int64_t rel_timeout_ns, CallType call_type);
// Resolve the Promises of the async waiters which belong to |isolate|.
static void ResolveAsyncWaiterPromises(Isolate* isolate);
static void ResolveAsyncWaiterPromise(FutexWaitListNode* node);
static void HandleAsyncWaiterTimeout(FutexWaitListNode* node);
static void NotifyAsyncWaiter(FutexWaitListNode* node);
// Remove the node's Promise from the NativeContext's Promise set.
static void CleanupAsyncWaiterPromise(FutexWaitListNode* node);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8