blob: 281f1e5be6a7ba70c18ea1c7ff046fbc3eeea926 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/codegen/machine-type.h"
#include "src/codegen/macro-assembler.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/flags/flags.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-flags.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-code-gen-state.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-ir.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace maglev {
class Graph;
class MaglevAssembler;
// Label allowed to be passed to deferred code.
class ZoneLabelRef {
explicit ZoneLabelRef(Zone* zone) : label_(zone->New<Label>()) {}
explicit inline ZoneLabelRef(MaglevAssembler* masm);
static ZoneLabelRef UnsafeFromLabelPointer(Label* label) {
// This is an unsafe operation, {label} must be zone allocated.
return ZoneLabelRef(label);
Label* operator*() { return label_; }
Label* label_;
// Unsafe constructor. {label} must be zone allocated.
explicit ZoneLabelRef(Label* label) : label_(label) {}
// The slot index is the offset from the frame pointer.
struct StackSlot {
int32_t index;
class MaglevAssembler : public MacroAssembler {
class ScratchRegisterScope;
explicit MaglevAssembler(Isolate* isolate, MaglevCodeGenState* code_gen_state)
: MacroAssembler(isolate, CodeObjectRequired::kNo),
code_gen_state_(code_gen_state) {}
inline MemOperand GetStackSlot(const compiler::AllocatedOperand& operand);
inline MemOperand ToMemOperand(const compiler::InstructionOperand& operand);
inline MemOperand ToMemOperand(const ValueLocation& location);
inline int GetFramePointerOffsetForStackSlot(
const compiler::AllocatedOperand& operand) {
int index = operand.index();
if (operand.representation() != MachineRepresentation::kTagged) {
index += code_gen_state()->tagged_slots();
return GetFramePointerOffsetForStackSlot(index);
template <typename Dest, typename Source>
inline void MoveRepr(MachineRepresentation repr, Dest dst, Source src);
void Allocate(RegisterSnapshot register_snapshot, Register result,
int size_in_bytes,
AllocationType alloc_type = AllocationType::kYoung,
AllocationAlignment alignment = kTaggedAligned);
void AllocateHeapNumber(RegisterSnapshot register_snapshot, Register result,
DoubleRegister value);
void AllocateTwoByteString(RegisterSnapshot register_snapshot,
Register result, int length);
void LoadSingleCharacterString(Register result, int char_code);
void LoadSingleCharacterString(Register result, Register char_code,
Register scratch);
void EnsureWritableFastElements(RegisterSnapshot register_snapshot,
Register elements, Register object,
Register scratch);
inline void BindJumpTarget(Label* label);
inline void BindBlock(BasicBlock* block);
inline Condition IsInt64Constant(Register reg, int64_t constant);
inline Condition IsRootConstant(Input input, RootIndex root_index);
inline void Branch(Condition condition, BasicBlock* if_true,
BasicBlock* if_false, BasicBlock* next_block);
inline void Branch(Condition condition, Label* if_true,
Label::Distance true_distance, bool fallthrough_when_true,
Label* if_false, Label::Distance false_distance,
bool fallthrough_when_false);
Register FromAnyToRegister(const Input& input, Register scratch);
inline void LoadTaggedField(Register result, MemOperand operand);
inline void LoadTaggedField(Register result, Register object, int offset);
inline void LoadTaggedFieldWithoutDecompressing(Register result,
Register object, int offset);
inline void LoadTaggedSignedField(Register result, MemOperand operand);
inline void LoadTaggedSignedField(Register result, Register object,
int offset);
inline void LoadTaggedFieldByIndex(Register result, Register object,
Register index, int scale, int offset);
inline void LoadBoundedSizeFromObject(Register result, Register object,
int offset);
inline void LoadExternalPointerField(Register result, MemOperand operand);
inline void LoadFixedArrayElement(Register result, Register array,
Register index);
inline void LoadFixedArrayElementWithoutDecompressing(Register result,
Register array,
Register index);
inline void LoadFixedDoubleArrayElement(DoubleRegister result, Register array,
Register index);
inline void LoadSignedField(Register result, MemOperand operand,
int element_size);
inline void LoadUnsignedField(Register result, MemOperand operand,
int element_size);
template <typename BitField>
inline void LoadBitField(Register result, MemOperand operand) {
// Pick a load with the right size, which makes sure to read the whole
// field.
static constexpr int load_size =
RoundUp<8>(BitField::kSize + BitField::kShift) / 8;
// TODO(leszeks): If the shift is 8 or 16, we could have loaded from a
// shifted address instead.
LoadUnsignedField(result, operand, load_size);
enum ValueIsCompressed { kValueIsDecompressed, kValueIsCompressed };
enum ValueCanBeSmi { kValueCannotBeSmi, kValueCanBeSmi };
// Preserves all registers that are in the register snapshot, but is otherwise
// allowed to clobber both input registers if they are not in the snapshot.
// For maximum efficiency, prefer:
// * Having `object` == WriteBarrierDescriptor::ObjectRegister(),
// * Not having WriteBarrierDescriptor::SlotAddressRegister() in the
// register snapshot,
// * Not having `value` in the register snapshot, allowing it to be
// clobbered.
void StoreTaggedFieldWithWriteBarrier(Register object, int offset,
Register value,
RegisterSnapshot register_snapshot,
ValueIsCompressed value_is_compressed,
ValueCanBeSmi value_can_be_smi);
inline void StoreTaggedSignedField(Register object, int offset,
Register value);
inline void StoreTaggedSignedField(Register object, int offset, Smi value);
inline void StoreField(MemOperand operand, Register value, int element_size);
inline void ReverseByteOrder(Register value, int element_size);
void BuildTypedArrayDataPointer(Register data_pointer, Register object);
// Warning: Input registers {string} and {index} will be scratched.
// {result} is allowed to alias with one the other 3 input registers.
// {result} is an int32.
void StringCharCodeOrCodePointAt(
BuiltinStringPrototypeCharCodeOrCodePointAt::Mode mode,
RegisterSnapshot& register_snapshot, Register result, Register string,
Register index, Register scratch, Label* result_fits_one_byte);
// Warning: Input {char_code} will be scratched.
void StringFromCharCode(RegisterSnapshot register_snapshot,
Label* char_code_fits_one_byte, Register result,
Register char_code, Register scratch);
void ToBoolean(Register value, ZoneLabelRef is_true, ZoneLabelRef is_false,
bool fallthrough_when_true);
void TestTypeOf(Register object,
interpreter::TestTypeOfFlags::LiteralFlag literal,
Label* if_true, Label::Distance true_distance,
bool fallthrough_when_true, Label* if_false,
Label::Distance false_distance, bool fallthrough_when_false);
// Smi-tags {obj} in place.
inline void SmiTagInt32(Register obj, Label* fail);
inline void DoubleToInt64Repr(Register dst, DoubleRegister src);
void TruncateDoubleToInt32(Register dst, DoubleRegister src);
void TryTruncateDoubleToInt32(Register dst, DoubleRegister src, Label* fail);
inline void DefineLazyDeoptPoint(LazyDeoptInfo* info);
inline void DefineExceptionHandlerPoint(NodeBase* node);
inline void DefineExceptionHandlerAndLazyDeoptPoint(NodeBase* node);
template <typename Function, typename... Args>
inline Label* MakeDeferredCode(Function&& deferred_code_gen, Args&&... args);
template <typename Function, typename... Args>
inline void JumpToDeferredIf(Condition cond, Function&& deferred_code_gen,
Args&&... args);
void JumpIfUndetectable(Register object, Register scratch,
CheckType check_type, Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
void JumpIfNotUndetectable(Register object, Register scratch, CheckType,
Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
template <typename NodeT>
inline Label* GetDeoptLabel(NodeT* node, DeoptimizeReason reason);
template <typename NodeT>
inline void EmitEagerDeopt(NodeT* node, DeoptimizeReason reason);
template <typename NodeT>
inline void EmitEagerDeoptIf(Condition cond, DeoptimizeReason reason,
NodeT* node);
template <typename NodeT>
inline void EmitEagerDeoptIfNotEqual(DeoptimizeReason reason, NodeT* node);
inline void MaterialiseValueNode(Register dst, ValueNode* value);
inline void IncrementInt32(Register reg);
inline MemOperand StackSlotOperand(StackSlot slot);
inline void Move(StackSlot dst, Register src);
inline void Move(StackSlot dst, DoubleRegister src);
inline void Move(Register dst, StackSlot src);
inline void Move(DoubleRegister dst, StackSlot src);
inline void Move(MemOperand dst, Register src);
inline void Move(MemOperand dst, DoubleRegister src);
inline void Move(Register dst, MemOperand src);
inline void Move(DoubleRegister dst, MemOperand src);
inline void Move(DoubleRegister dst, DoubleRegister src);
inline void Move(Register dst, Smi src);
inline void Move(Register dst, ExternalReference src);
inline void Move(Register dst, Register src);
inline void Move(Register dst, TaggedIndex i);
inline void Move(Register dst, int32_t i);
inline void Move(DoubleRegister dst, double n);
inline void Move(DoubleRegister dst, Float64 n);
inline void Move(Register dst, Handle<HeapObject> obj);
inline void LoadByte(Register dst, MemOperand src);
inline void SignExtend32To64Bits(Register dst, Register src);
inline void NegateInt32(Register val);
inline void ToUint8Clamped(Register result, DoubleRegister value, Label* min,
Label* max, Label* done);
template <typename NodeT>
inline void DeoptIfBufferDetached(Register array, Register scratch,
NodeT* node);
inline void IsObjectType(Register heap_object, InstanceType type);
inline void CompareObjectType(Register heap_object, InstanceType type);
inline void JumpIfJSAnyIsNotPrimitive(Register heap_object, Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void CompareObjectType(Register heap_object, InstanceType type,
Register scratch);
inline void CompareObjectTypeRange(Register heap_object,
InstanceType lower_limit,
InstanceType higher_limit);
inline void CompareMapWithRoot(Register object, RootIndex index,
Register scratch);
inline void CompareInstanceTypeRange(Register map, InstanceType lower_limit,
InstanceType higher_limit);
inline void CompareInstanceTypeRange(Register map, Register instance_type_out,
InstanceType lower_limit,
InstanceType higher_limit);
inline void CompareTagged(Register reg, Smi smi);
inline void CompareTagged(Register reg, Handle<HeapObject> obj);
inline void CompareTagged(Register src1, Register src2);
inline void CompareInt32(Register reg, int32_t imm);
inline void CompareInt32(Register src1, Register src2);
inline void CompareFloat64(DoubleRegister src1, DoubleRegister src2);
inline void CallSelf();
inline void Jump(Label* target, Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIf(Condition cond, Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfRoot(Register with, RootIndex index, Label* if_equal,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfNotRoot(Register with, RootIndex index, Label* if_not_equal,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfSmi(Register src, Label* on_smi,
Label::Distance near_jump = Label::kFar);
inline void JumpIfByte(Condition cc, Register value, int32_t byte,
Label* target, Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void CompareInt32AndJumpIf(Register r1, Register r2, Condition cond,
Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void CompareInt32AndJumpIf(Register r1, int32_t value, Condition cond,
Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void CompareSmiAndJumpIf(Register r1, Smi value, Condition cond,
Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void TestInt32AndJumpIfAnySet(Register r1, int32_t mask, Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void TestInt32AndJumpIfAllClear(
Register r1, int32_t mask, Label* target,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
inline void Int32ToDouble(DoubleRegister result, Register n);
inline void SmiToDouble(DoubleRegister result, Register smi);
void StringLength(Register result, Register string);
// The registers WriteBarrierDescriptor::ObjectRegister and
// WriteBarrierDescriptor::SlotAddressRegister can be clobbered.
void StoreFixedArrayElementWithWriteBarrier(
Register array, Register index, Register value,
RegisterSnapshot register_snapshot);
void StoreFixedArrayElementNoWriteBarrier(Register array, Register index,
Register value);
// TODO(victorgomes): Import baseline Pop(T...) methods.
inline void Pop(Register dst);
using MacroAssembler::Pop;
template <typename... T>
inline void Push(T... vals);
template <typename... T>
inline void PushReverse(T... vals);
void Prologue(Graph* graph);
inline void FinishCode();
inline void AssertStackSizeCorrect();
inline void LoadHeapNumberValue(DoubleRegister result, Register heap_number);
void LoadDataField(const PolymorphicAccessInfo& access_info, Register result,
Register object, Register scratch);
void MaybeEmitDeoptBuiltinsCall(size_t eager_deopt_count,
Label* eager_deopt_entry,
size_t lazy_deopt_count,
Label* lazy_deopt_entry);
compiler::NativeContextRef native_context() const {
return code_gen_state()->broker()->target_native_context();
MaglevCodeGenState* code_gen_state() const { return code_gen_state_; }
MaglevSafepointTableBuilder* safepoint_table_builder() const {
return code_gen_state()->safepoint_table_builder();
MaglevCompilationInfo* compilation_info() const {
return code_gen_state()->compilation_info();
inline constexpr int GetFramePointerOffsetForStackSlot(int index) {
return StandardFrameConstants::kExpressionsOffset -
index * kSystemPointerSize;
MaglevCodeGenState* const code_gen_state_;
ScratchRegisterScope* scratch_register_scope_ = nullptr;
class SaveRegisterStateForCall {
SaveRegisterStateForCall(MaglevAssembler* masm, RegisterSnapshot snapshot)
: masm(masm), snapshot_(snapshot) {
masm->PushAll(snapshot_.live_double_registers, kDoubleSize);
~SaveRegisterStateForCall() {
masm->PopAll(snapshot_.live_double_registers, kDoubleSize);
MaglevSafepointTableBuilder::Safepoint DefineSafepoint() {
// TODO(leszeks): Avoid emitting safepoints when there are no registers to
// save.
auto safepoint = masm->safepoint_table_builder()->DefineSafepoint(masm);
int pushed_reg_index = 0;
for (Register reg : snapshot_.live_registers) {
if (snapshot_.live_tagged_registers.has(reg)) {
pushed_reg_index = RoundUp<2>(pushed_reg_index);
int num_pushed_double_reg = snapshot_.live_double_registers.Count();
num_pushed_double_reg = RoundUp<2>(num_pushed_double_reg);
safepoint.SetNumPushedRegisters(pushed_reg_index + num_pushed_double_reg);
return safepoint;
MaglevSafepointTableBuilder::Safepoint DefineSafepointWithLazyDeopt(
LazyDeoptInfo* lazy_deopt_info) {
return DefineSafepoint();
MaglevAssembler* masm;
RegisterSnapshot snapshot_;
ZoneLabelRef::ZoneLabelRef(MaglevAssembler* masm)
: ZoneLabelRef(masm->compilation_info()->zone()) {}
// ---
// Deopt
// ---
template <typename NodeT>
inline Label* MaglevAssembler::GetDeoptLabel(NodeT* node,
DeoptimizeReason reason) {
EagerDeoptInfo* deopt_info = node->eager_deopt_info();
if (deopt_info->reason() != DeoptimizeReason::kUnknown) {
DCHECK_EQ(deopt_info->reason(), reason);
if (deopt_info->deopt_entry_label()->is_unused()) {
return node->eager_deopt_info()->deopt_entry_label();
template <typename NodeT>
inline void MaglevAssembler::EmitEagerDeopt(NodeT* node,
DeoptimizeReason reason) {
RecordComment("-- Jump to eager deopt");
Jump(GetDeoptLabel(node, reason));
template <typename NodeT>
inline void MaglevAssembler::EmitEagerDeoptIf(Condition cond,
DeoptimizeReason reason,
NodeT* node) {
RecordComment("-- Jump to eager deopt");
JumpIf(cond, GetDeoptLabel(node, reason));
inline void MaglevAssembler::DefineLazyDeoptPoint(LazyDeoptInfo* info) {
inline void MaglevAssembler::DefineExceptionHandlerPoint(NodeBase* node) {
ExceptionHandlerInfo* info = node->exception_handler_info();
if (!info->HasExceptionHandler()) return;
info->pc_offset = pc_offset_for_safepoint();
inline void MaglevAssembler::DefineExceptionHandlerAndLazyDeoptPoint(
NodeBase* node) {
// Helpers for pushing arguments.
template <typename T>
class RepeatIterator {
// Although we pretend to be a random access iterator, only methods that are
// required for Push() are implemented right now.
typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef T value_type;
typedef int difference_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef T reference;
RepeatIterator(T val, int count) : val_(val), count_(count) {}
reference operator*() const { return val_; }
pointer operator->() { return &val_; }
RepeatIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
RepeatIterator& operator--() {
return *this;
RepeatIterator& operator+=(difference_type diff) {
count_ += diff;
return *this;
bool operator!=(const RepeatIterator<T>& that) const {
return count_ != that.count_;
bool operator==(const RepeatIterator<T>& that) const {
return count_ == that.count_;
difference_type operator-(const RepeatIterator<T>& it) const {
return count_ - it.count_;
T val_;
int count_;
template <typename T>
auto RepeatValue(T val, int count) {
return base::make_iterator_range(RepeatIterator<T>(val, 0),
RepeatIterator<T>(val, count));
namespace detail {
template <class T>
struct is_iterator_range : std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct is_iterator_range<base::iterator_range<T>> : std::true_type {};
} // namespace detail
// General helpers.
inline bool AnyMapIsHeapNumber(const compiler::ZoneRefSet<Map>& maps) {
return std::any_of(maps.begin(), maps.end(), [](compiler::MapRef map) {
return map.IsHeapNumberMap();
inline Condition ToCondition(AssertCondition cond) {
switch (cond) {
#define CASE(Name) \
case AssertCondition::k##Name: \
return k##Name;
#undef CASE
} // namespace maglev
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8