blob: 92c8df689c846f4fe1e385a87979ff10d1434632 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Mutator for differential fuzzing.
'use strict';
const babelTemplate = require('@babel/template').default;
const babelTypes = require('@babel/types');
const common = require('./common.js');
const mutator = require('./mutator.js');
const random = require('../random.js');
// Templates for various statements.
const incCaught = babelTemplate('__caught++;');
const printValue = babelTemplate('print(VALUE);');
const printCaught = babelTemplate('print("Caught: " + __caught);');
const printHash = babelTemplate('print("Hash: " + __hash);');
const prettyPrint = babelTemplate('__prettyPrint(ID);');
const prettyPrintExtra = babelTemplate('__prettyPrintExtra(ID);');
// This section prefix is expected by Existing prefixes
// (e.g. from CrashTests) are cleaned up with CLEANED_PREFIX.
const SECTION_PREFIX = 'v8-foozzie source: ';
const CLEANED_PREFIX = 'v***************e: ';
* Babel statement for calling deep printing from the fuzz library.
function prettyPrintStatement(variable) {
return prettyPrint({ ID: babelTypes.cloneDeep(variable) });
* As above, but using the "extra" variant, which will reduce printing
* after too many calls to prevent I/O flooding.
function prettyPrintExtraStatement(variable) {
return prettyPrintExtra({ ID: babelTypes.cloneDeep(variable) });
* Mutator for suppressing known and/or unfixable issues.
class DifferentialFuzzSuppressions extends mutator.Mutator {
get visitor() {
let thisMutator = this;
return {
// Clean up strings containing the magic section prefix. Those can come
// e.g. from CrashTests and would confuse the deduplication in
StringLiteral(path) {
if (path.node.value.startsWith(SECTION_PREFIX)) {
const postfix = path.node.value.substring(SECTION_PREFIX.length);
path.node.value = CLEANED_PREFIX + postfix;
thisMutator.annotate(path.node, 'Replaced magic string');
// Known precision differences:
BinaryExpression(path) {
if (path.node.operator == '**') {
path.node.operator = '+';
thisMutator.annotate(path.node, 'Replaced **');
// Unsupported language feature:
MemberExpression(path) {
if ( == "arguments") {
let replacement = common.randomVariable(path);
if (!replacement) {
replacement = babelTypes.thisExpression();
thisMutator.annotate(replacement, 'Replaced .arguments');
thisMutator.replaceWithSkip(path, replacement);
* Mutator for tracking original input files and for extra printing.
class DifferentialFuzzMutator extends mutator.Mutator {
constructor(settings) {
this.settings = settings;
* Looks for the dummy node that marks the beginning of an input file
* from the corpus.
isSectionStart(path) {
return !!common.getOriginalPath(path.node);
* Create print statements for printing the magic section prefix that's
* expected by to differentiate different source files.
getSectionHeader(path) {
const orig = common.getOriginalPath(path.node);
return printValue({
VALUE: babelTypes.stringLiteral(SECTION_PREFIX + orig),
* Create statements for extra printing at the end of a section. We print
* the number of caught exceptions, a generic hash of all observed values
* and the contents of all variables in scope.
getSectionFooter(path) {
const variables = common.availableVariables(path);
const statements =;
const statement = babelTypes.tryStatement(
this.annotate(statement, 'Print variables and exceptions from section');
return statement;
* Helper for printing the contents of several variables.
printVariables(path, nodes) {
const statements = [];
for (const node of nodes) {
if (!babelTypes.isIdentifier(node) ||
if (statements.length) {
this.annotate(statements[0], 'Extra variable printing');
this.insertAfterSkip(path, statements);
get visitor() {
const thisMutator = this;
const settings = this.settings;
return {
// Replace existing normal print statements with deep printing.
CallExpression(path) {
if (babelTypes.isIdentifier(path.node.callee) && == 'print') {
path.node.callee = babelTypes.identifier('__prettyPrintExtra');
thisMutator.annotate(path.node, 'Pretty printing');
// Either print or track caught exceptions, guarded by a probability.
CatchClause(path) {
const probability = random.random();
if (probability < settings.DIFF_FUZZ_EXTRA_PRINT &&
path.node.param &&
babelTypes.isIdentifier(path.node.param)) {
const statement = prettyPrintExtraStatement(path.node.param);
} else if (probability < settings.DIFF_FUZZ_TRACK_CAUGHT) {
// Insert section headers and footers between the contents of two
// original source files. We detect the dummy no-op nodes that were
// previously tagged with the original path of the file.
Noop(path) {
if (!thisMutator.isSectionStart(path)) {
const header = thisMutator.getSectionHeader(path);
const footer = thisMutator.getSectionFooter(path);
thisMutator.insertBeforeSkip(path, footer);
thisMutator.insertBeforeSkip(path, header);
// Additionally we print one footer in the end.
Program: {
exit(path) {
const footer = thisMutator.getSectionFooter(path);
// Print contents of variables after assignments, guarded by a
// probability.
ExpressionStatement(path) {
if (!babelTypes.isAssignmentExpression(path.node.expression) ||
!random.choose(settings.DIFF_FUZZ_EXTRA_PRINT)) {
const left = path.node.expression.left;
if (babelTypes.isMemberExpression(left)) {
thisMutator.printVariables(path, [left.object]);
} else {
thisMutator.printVariables(path, [left]);
// Print contents of variables after declaration, guarded by a
// probability.
VariableDeclaration(path) {
if (babelTypes.isLoop(path.parent) ||
!random.choose(settings.DIFF_FUZZ_EXTRA_PRINT)) {
const identifiers = =>;
thisMutator.printVariables(path, identifiers);
module.exports = {
DifferentialFuzzMutator: DifferentialFuzzMutator,
DifferentialFuzzSuppressions: DifferentialFuzzSuppressions,