blob: f6136a809515d9baea134c000bef8375a0fb5bde [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// SSE instructions whose AVX version has two operands.
V(sqrtps, 0F, 51) \
V(rsqrtps, 0F, 52) \
V(rcpps, 0F, 53) \
V(cvtps2pd, 0F, 5A) \
V(cvtdq2ps, 0F, 5B)
// SSE instructions whose AVX version has three operands.
V(unpcklps, 0F, 14) \
V(andps, 0F, 54) \
V(andnps, 0F, 55) \
V(orps, 0F, 56) \
V(xorps, 0F, 57) \
V(addps, 0F, 58) \
V(mulps, 0F, 59) \
V(subps, 0F, 5C) \
V(minps, 0F, 5D) \
V(divps, 0F, 5E) \
V(maxps, 0F, 5F)
// Instructions dealing with scalar single-precision values.
V(sqrtss, F3, 0F, 51) \
V(addss, F3, 0F, 58) \
V(mulss, F3, 0F, 59) \
V(cvtss2sd, F3, 0F, 5A) \
V(subss, F3, 0F, 5C) \
V(minss, F3, 0F, 5D) \
V(divss, F3, 0F, 5E) \
V(maxss, F3, 0F, 5F)
// Keep sorted by last code.
// SSE2 Instructions dealing with packed double-precision values.
V(andpd, 66, 0F, 54) \
V(andnpd, 66, 0F, 55) \
V(orpd, 66, 0F, 56) \
V(xorpd, 66, 0F, 57) \
V(addpd, 66, 0F, 58) \
V(mulpd, 66, 0F, 59) \
V(subpd, 66, 0F, 5C) \
V(minpd, 66, 0F, 5D) \
V(divpd, 66, 0F, 5E) \
V(maxpd, 66, 0F, 5F)
// SSE2 Instructions dealing with packed integer values.
V(punpcklbw, 66, 0F, 60) \
V(punpcklwd, 66, 0F, 61) \
V(punpckldq, 66, 0F, 62) \
V(packsswb, 66, 0F, 63) \
V(pcmpgtb, 66, 0F, 64) \
V(pcmpgtw, 66, 0F, 65) \
V(pcmpgtd, 66, 0F, 66) \
V(packuswb, 66, 0F, 67) \
V(punpckhbw, 66, 0F, 68) \
V(punpckhwd, 66, 0F, 69) \
V(punpckhdq, 66, 0F, 6A) \
V(packssdw, 66, 0F, 6B) \
V(punpcklqdq, 66, 0F, 6C) \
V(punpckhqdq, 66, 0F, 6D) \
V(pcmpeqb, 66, 0F, 74) \
V(pcmpeqw, 66, 0F, 75) \
V(pcmpeqd, 66, 0F, 76) \
V(paddq, 66, 0F, D4) \
V(pmullw, 66, 0F, D5) \
V(psubusb, 66, 0F, D8) \
V(psubusw, 66, 0F, D9) \
V(pminub, 66, 0F, DA) \
V(pand, 66, 0F, DB) \
V(paddusb, 66, 0F, DC) \
V(paddusw, 66, 0F, DD) \
V(pmaxub, 66, 0F, DE) \
V(pandn, 66, 0F, DF) \
V(pavgb, 66, 0F, E0) \
V(pavgw, 66, 0F, E3) \
V(pmulhuw, 66, 0F, E4) \
V(pmulhw, 66, 0F, E5) \
V(psubsb, 66, 0F, E8) \
V(psubsw, 66, 0F, E9) \
V(pminsw, 66, 0F, EA) \
V(por, 66, 0F, EB) \
V(paddsb, 66, 0F, EC) \
V(paddsw, 66, 0F, ED) \
V(pmaxsw, 66, 0F, EE) \
V(pxor, 66, 0F, EF) \
V(pmuludq, 66, 0F, F4) \
V(pmaddwd, 66, 0F, F5) \
V(psubb, 66, 0F, F8) \
V(psubw, 66, 0F, F9) \
V(psubd, 66, 0F, FA) \
V(psubq, 66, 0F, FB) \
V(paddb, 66, 0F, FC) \
V(paddw, 66, 0F, FD) \
V(paddd, 66, 0F, FE)
// SSE2 shift instructions with XMM register or m128 operand
V(psrlw, 66, 0F, D1) \
V(psrld, 66, 0F, D2) \
V(psrlq, 66, 0F, D3) \
V(psraw, 66, 0F, E1) \
V(psrad, 66, 0F, E2) \
V(psllw, 66, 0F, F1) \
V(pslld, 66, 0F, F2) \
V(psllq, 66, 0F, F3)
// SSE2 instructions whose AVX version has two operands.
V(ucomisd, 66, 0F, 2E) \
V(sqrtpd, 66, 0F, 51) \
V(cvtpd2ps, 66, 0F, 5A) \
V(cvtps2dq, 66, 0F, 5B) \
V(cvttpd2dq, 66, 0F, E6)
// SSE2 shift instructions with an immediate operand. The last element is the
// extension to the opcode.
V(psrlw, 66, 0F, 71, 2) \
V(psrld, 66, 0F, 72, 2) \
V(psrlq, 66, 0F, 73, 2) \
V(psraw, 66, 0F, 71, 4) \
V(psrad, 66, 0F, 72, 4) \
V(psllw, 66, 0F, 71, 6) \
V(pslld, 66, 0F, 72, 6) \
V(psllq, 66, 0F, 73, 6)
// Instructions dealing with scalar double-precision values.
V(sqrtsd, F2, 0F, 51) \
V(addsd, F2, 0F, 58) \
V(mulsd, F2, 0F, 59) \
V(cvtsd2ss, F2, 0F, 5A) \
V(subsd, F2, 0F, 5C) \
V(minsd, F2, 0F, 5D) \
V(divsd, F2, 0F, 5E) \
V(maxsd, F2, 0F, 5F)
V(pshufb, 66, 0F, 38, 00) \
V(phaddw, 66, 0F, 38, 01) \
V(phaddd, 66, 0F, 38, 02) \
V(pmaddubsw, 66, 0F, 38, 04) \
V(psignb, 66, 0F, 38, 08) \
V(psignw, 66, 0F, 38, 09) \
V(psignd, 66, 0F, 38, 0A) \
V(pmulhrsw, 66, 0F, 38, 0B)
// SSSE3 instructions whose AVX version has two operands.
V(pabsb, 66, 0F, 38, 1C) \
V(pabsw, 66, 0F, 38, 1D) \
V(pabsd, 66, 0F, 38, 1E)
V(pmuldq, 66, 0F, 38, 28) \
V(pcmpeqq, 66, 0F, 38, 29) \
V(packusdw, 66, 0F, 38, 2B) \
V(pminsb, 66, 0F, 38, 38) \
V(pminsd, 66, 0F, 38, 39) \
V(pminuw, 66, 0F, 38, 3A) \
V(pminud, 66, 0F, 38, 3B) \
V(pmaxsb, 66, 0F, 38, 3C) \
V(pmaxsd, 66, 0F, 38, 3D) \
V(pmaxuw, 66, 0F, 38, 3E) \
V(pmaxud, 66, 0F, 38, 3F) \
V(pmulld, 66, 0F, 38, 40)
// SSE instructions whose AVX version has two operands.
V(ptest, 66, 0F, 38, 17) \
V(pmovsxbw, 66, 0F, 38, 20) \
V(pmovsxwd, 66, 0F, 38, 23) \
V(pmovsxdq, 66, 0F, 38, 25) \
V(pmovzxbw, 66, 0F, 38, 30) \
V(pmovzxwd, 66, 0F, 38, 33) \
V(pmovzxdq, 66, 0F, 38, 35)
V(extractps, 66, 0F, 3A, 17) \
V(pextrb, 66, 0F, 3A, 14) \
V(pextrw, 66, 0F, 3A, 15) \
V(pextrd, 66, 0F, 3A, 16)
#define SSE4_2_INSTRUCTION_LIST(V) V(pcmpgtq, 66, 0F, 38, 37)
// These require AVX2.
V(vpbroadcastd, 66, 0F, 38, 58) \
V(vpbroadcastb, 66, 0F, 38, 78) \
V(vpbroadcastw, 66, 0F, 38, 79)
#endif // V8_CODEGEN_X64_SSE_INSTR_H_