| // Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include "src/base/logging.h" |
| |
| namespace v8 { |
| namespace internal { |
| |
| #define MESSAGE_TEMPLATES(T) \ |
| /* Error */ \ |
| T(None, "") \ |
| T(CyclicProto, "Cyclic __proto__ value") \ |
| T(Debugger, "Debugger: %") \ |
| T(DebuggerLoading, "Error loading debugger") \ |
| T(DefaultOptionsMissing, "Internal % error. Default options are missing.") \ |
| T(DeletePrivateField, "Private fields can not be deleted") \ |
| T(PlaceholderOnly, "%") \ |
| T(UncaughtException, "Uncaught %") \ |
| T(Unsupported, "Not supported") \ |
| T(WrongServiceType, "Internal error, wrong service type: %") \ |
| T(WrongValueType, "Internal error. Wrong value type.") \ |
| T(IcuError, "Internal error. Icu error.") \ |
| /* TypeError */ \ |
| T(ApplyNonFunction, \ |
| "Function.prototype.apply was called on %, which is a % and not a " \ |
| "function") \ |
| T(ArgumentsDisallowedInInitializerAndStaticBlock, \ |
| "'arguments' is not allowed in class field initializer or static " \ |
| "initialization block") \ |
| T(ArrayBufferTooShort, \ |
| "Derived ArrayBuffer constructor created a buffer which was too small") \ |
| T(ArrayBufferSpeciesThis, \ |
| "ArrayBuffer subclass returned this from species constructor") \ |
| T(AwaitNotInAsyncContext, \ |
| "await is only valid in async functions and the top level bodies of " \ |
| "modules") \ |
| T(AwaitNotInDebugEvaluate, \ |
| "await can not be used when evaluating code " \ |
| "while paused in the debugger") \ |
| T(AtomicsWaitNotAllowed, "Atomics.wait cannot be called in this context") \ |
| T(BadSortComparisonFunction, \ |
| "The comparison function must be either a function or undefined") \ |
| T(BigIntFromNumber, \ |
| "The number % cannot be converted to a BigInt because it is not an " \ |
| "integer") \ |
| T(BigIntFromObject, "Cannot convert % to a BigInt") \ |
| T(BigIntMixedTypes, \ |
| "Cannot mix BigInt and other types, use explicit conversions") \ |
| T(BigIntSerializeJSON, "Do not know how to serialize a BigInt") \ |
| T(BigIntShr, "BigInts have no unsigned right shift, use >> instead") \ |
| T(BigIntToNumber, "Cannot convert a BigInt value to a number") \ |
| T(CalledNonCallable, "% is not a function") \ |
| T(CalledOnNonObject, "% called on non-object") \ |
| T(CalledOnNullOrUndefined, "% called on null or undefined") \ |
| T(CallShadowRealmFunctionThrown, "Called throwing ShadowRealm function") \ |
| T(CallSiteExpectsFunction, \ |
| "CallSite expects wasm object as first or function as second argument, " \ |
| "got <%, %>") \ |
| T(CallSiteMethod, "CallSite method % expects CallSite as receiver") \ |
| T(CannotBeShared, "% cannot be shared") \ |
| T(CannotConvertToPrimitive, "Cannot convert object to primitive value") \ |
| T(CannotPreventExt, "Cannot prevent extensions") \ |
| T(CannotFreeze, "Cannot freeze") \ |
| T(CannotFreezeArrayBufferView, \ |
| "Cannot freeze array buffer views with elements") \ |
| T(CannotSeal, "Cannot seal") \ |
| T(CircularStructure, "Converting circular structure to JSON%") \ |
| T(ConstructAbstractClass, "Abstract class % not directly constructable") \ |
| T(ConstAssign, "Assignment to constant variable.") \ |
| T(ConstructorClassField, "Classes may not have a field named 'constructor'") \ |
| T(ConstructorNonCallable, \ |
| "Class constructor % cannot be invoked without 'new'") \ |
| T(AnonymousConstructorNonCallable, \ |
| "Class constructors cannot be invoked without 'new'") \ |
| T(ConstructorNotFunction, "Constructor % requires 'new'") \ |
| T(ConstructorNotReceiver, "The .constructor property is not an object") \ |
| T(CurrencyCode, "Currency code is required with currency style.") \ |
| T(CyclicModuleDependency, "Detected cycle while resolving name '%' in '%'") \ |
| T(DataViewNotArrayBuffer, \ |
| "First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer") \ |
| T(DateType, "this is not a Date object.") \ |
| T(DebuggerFrame, "Debugger: Invalid frame index.") \ |
| T(DebuggerType, "Debugger: Parameters have wrong types.") \ |
| T(DeclarationMissingInitializer, "Missing initializer in % declaration") \ |
| T(DefineDisallowed, "Cannot define property %, object is not extensible") \ |
| T(DetachedOperation, "Cannot perform % on a detached ArrayBuffer") \ |
| T(DoNotUse, "Do not use %; %") \ |
| T(DuplicateTemplateProperty, "Object template has duplicate property '%'") \ |
| T(ExtendsValueNotConstructor, \ |
| "Class extends value % is not a constructor or null") \ |
| T(FirstArgumentNotRegExp, \ |
| "First argument to % must not be a regular expression") \ |
| T(FunctionBind, "Bind must be called on a function") \ |
| T(GeneratorRunning, "Generator is already running") \ |
| T(IllegalInvocation, "Illegal invocation") \ |
| T(ImmutablePrototypeSet, \ |
| "Immutable prototype object '%' cannot have their prototype set") \ |
| T(ImportAssertionDuplicateKey, "Import assertion has duplicate key '%'") \ |
| T(ImportCallNotNewExpression, "Cannot use new with import") \ |
| T(ImportOutsideModule, "Cannot use import statement outside a module") \ |
| T(ImportMetaOutsideModule, "Cannot use 'import.meta' outside a module") \ |
| T(ImportMissingSpecifier, "import() requires a specifier") \ |
| T(IncompatibleMethodReceiver, "Method % called on incompatible receiver %") \ |
| T(InstanceofNonobjectProto, \ |
| "Function has non-object prototype '%' in instanceof check") \ |
| T(InvalidArgument, "invalid_argument") \ |
| T(InvalidArgumentForTemporal, "Invalid argument for Temporal %") \ |
| T(InvalidInOperatorUse, "Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '%' in %") \ |
| T(InvalidRegExpExecResult, \ |
| "RegExp exec method returned something other than an Object or null") \ |
| T(InvalidUnit, "Invalid unit argument for %() '%'") \ |
| T(IterableYieldedNonString, "Iterable yielded % which is not a string") \ |
| T(IteratorResultNotAnObject, "Iterator result % is not an object") \ |
| T(IteratorSymbolNonCallable, "Found non-callable @@iterator") \ |
| T(IteratorValueNotAnObject, "Iterator value % is not an entry object") \ |
| T(LanguageID, "Language ID should be string or object.") \ |
| T(LocaleNotEmpty, \ |
| "First argument to Intl.Locale constructor can't be empty or missing") \ |
| T(LocaleBadParameters, "Incorrect locale information provided") \ |
| T(ListFormatBadParameters, "Incorrect ListFormat information provided") \ |
| T(MapperFunctionNonCallable, "flatMap mapper function is not callable") \ |
| T(MethodCalledOnWrongObject, \ |
| "Method % called on a non-object or on a wrong type of object.") \ |
| T(MethodInvokedOnWrongType, "Method invoked on an object that is not %.") \ |
| T(NoAccess, "no access") \ |
| T(NonCallableInInstanceOfCheck, \ |
| "Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not callable") \ |
| T(NonCoercible, "Cannot destructure '%' as it is %.") \ |
| T(NonCoercibleWithProperty, \ |
| "Cannot destructure property '%' of '%' as it is %.") \ |
| T(NonExtensibleProto, "% is not extensible") \ |
| T(NonObjectAssertOption, "The 'assert' option must be an object") \ |
| T(NonObjectInInstanceOfCheck, \ |
| "Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object") \ |
| T(NonObjectPropertyLoad, "Cannot read properties of %") \ |
| T(NonObjectPropertyLoadWithProperty, \ |
| "Cannot read properties of % (reading '%')") \ |
| T(NonObjectPropertyStore, "Cannot set properties of %") \ |
| T(NonObjectPropertyStoreWithProperty, \ |
| "Cannot set properties of % (setting '%')") \ |
| T(NonObjectImportArgument, \ |
| "The second argument to import() must be an object") \ |
| T(NonStringImportAssertionValue, "Import assertion value must be a string") \ |
| T(NoSetterInCallback, "Cannot set property % of % which has only a getter") \ |
| T(NotAnIterator, "% is not an iterator") \ |
| T(NotAPromise, "% is not a promise") \ |
| T(NotConstructor, "% is not a constructor") \ |
| T(NotDateObject, "this is not a Date object.") \ |
| T(NotGeneric, "% requires that 'this' be a %") \ |
| T(NotCallable, "% is not a function") \ |
| T(NotCallableOrIterable, \ |
| "% is not a function or its return value is not iterable") \ |
| T(NotCallableOrAsyncIterable, \ |
| "% is not a function or its return value is not async iterable") \ |
| T(NotFiniteNumber, "Value need to be finite number for %()") \ |
| T(NotIterable, "% is not iterable") \ |
| T(NotIterableNoSymbolLoad, "% is not iterable (cannot read property %)") \ |
| T(NotAsyncIterable, "% is not async iterable") \ |
| T(NotPropertyName, "% is not a valid property name") \ |
| T(NotTypedArray, "this is not a typed array.") \ |
| T(NotSuperConstructor, "Super constructor % of % is not a constructor") \ |
| T(NotSuperConstructorAnonymousClass, \ |
| "Super constructor % of anonymous class is not a constructor") \ |
| T(NotIntegerTypedArray, "% is not an integer typed array.") \ |
| T(NotInt32OrBigInt64TypedArray, \ |
| "% is not an int32 or BigInt64 typed array.") \ |
| T(NotSharedTypedArray, "% is not a shared typed array.") \ |
| T(ObjectGetterExpectingFunction, \ |
| "Object.prototype.__defineGetter__: Expecting function") \ |
| T(ObjectGetterCallable, "Getter must be a function: %") \ |
| T(ObjectNotExtensible, "Cannot add property %, object is not extensible") \ |
| T(ObjectSetterExpectingFunction, \ |
| "Object.prototype.__defineSetter__: Expecting function") \ |
| T(ObjectSetterCallable, "Setter must be a function: %") \ |
| T(OrdinaryFunctionCalledAsConstructor, \ |
| "Function object that's not a constructor was created with new") \ |
| T(PromiseCyclic, "Chaining cycle detected for promise %") \ |
| T(PromiseExecutorAlreadyInvoked, \ |
| "Promise executor has already been invoked with non-undefined arguments") \ |
| T(PromiseNonCallable, "Promise resolve or reject function is not callable") \ |
| T(PropertyDescObject, "Property description must be an object: %") \ |
| T(PropertyNotFunction, \ |
| "'%' returned for property '%' of object '%' is not a function") \ |
| T(ProtoObjectOrNull, "Object prototype may only be an Object or null: %") \ |
| T(PrototypeParentNotAnObject, \ |
| "Class extends value does not have valid prototype property %") \ |
| T(ProxyConstructNonObject, \ |
| "'construct' on proxy: trap returned non-object ('%')") \ |
| T(ProxyDefinePropertyNonConfigurable, \ |
| "'defineProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for defining " \ |
| "non-configurable property '%' which is either non-existent or " \ |
| "configurable in the proxy target") \ |
| T(ProxyDefinePropertyNonConfigurableWritable, \ |
| "'defineProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for defining " \ |
| "non-configurable property '%' which cannot be non-writable, unless " \ |
| "there exists a corresponding non-configurable, non-writable own " \ |
| "property of the target object.") \ |
| T(ProxyDefinePropertyNonExtensible, \ |
| "'defineProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for adding property '%' " \ |
| " to the non-extensible proxy target") \ |
| T(ProxyDefinePropertyIncompatible, \ |
| "'defineProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for adding property '%' " \ |
| " that is incompatible with the existing property in the proxy target") \ |
| T(ProxyDeletePropertyNonConfigurable, \ |
| "'deleteProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for property '%' which " \ |
| "is non-configurable in the proxy target") \ |
| T(ProxyDeletePropertyNonExtensible, \ |
| "'deleteProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for property '%' but " \ |
| "the proxy target is non-extensible") \ |
| T(ProxyGetNonConfigurableData, \ |
| "'get' on proxy: property '%' is a read-only and " \ |
| "non-configurable data property on the proxy target but the proxy " \ |
| "did not return its actual value (expected '%' but got '%')") \ |
| T(ProxyGetNonConfigurableAccessor, \ |
| "'get' on proxy: property '%' is a non-configurable accessor " \ |
| "property on the proxy target and does not have a getter function, but " \ |
| "the trap did not return 'undefined' (got '%')") \ |
| T(ProxyGetOwnPropertyDescriptorIncompatible, \ |
| "'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned descriptor for " \ |
| "property '%' that is incompatible with the existing property in the " \ |
| "proxy target") \ |
| T(ProxyGetOwnPropertyDescriptorInvalid, \ |
| "'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned neither object nor " \ |
| "undefined for property '%'") \ |
| T(ProxyGetOwnPropertyDescriptorNonConfigurable, \ |
| "'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap reported non-configurability " \ |
| "for property '%' which is either non-existent or configurable in the " \ |
| "proxy target") \ |
| T(ProxyGetOwnPropertyDescriptorNonConfigurableWritable, \ |
| "'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap reported non-configurable " \ |
| "and writable for property '%' which is non-configurable, non-writable " \ |
| "in the proxy target") \ |
| T(ProxyGetOwnPropertyDescriptorNonExtensible, \ |
| "'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned undefined for " \ |
| "property '%' which exists in the non-extensible proxy target") \ |
| T(ProxyGetOwnPropertyDescriptorUndefined, \ |
| "'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned undefined for " \ |
| "property '%' which is non-configurable in the proxy target") \ |
| T(ProxyGetPrototypeOfInvalid, \ |
| "'getPrototypeOf' on proxy: trap returned neither object nor null") \ |
| T(ProxyGetPrototypeOfNonExtensible, \ |
| "'getPrototypeOf' on proxy: proxy target is non-extensible but the " \ |
| "trap did not return its actual prototype") \ |
| T(ProxyHasNonConfigurable, \ |
| "'has' on proxy: trap returned falsish for property '%' which exists in " \ |
| "the proxy target as non-configurable") \ |
| T(ProxyHasNonExtensible, \ |
| "'has' on proxy: trap returned falsish for property '%' but the proxy " \ |
| "target is not extensible") \ |
| T(ProxyIsExtensibleInconsistent, \ |
| "'isExtensible' on proxy: trap result does not reflect extensibility of " \ |
| "proxy target (which is '%')") \ |
| T(ProxyNonObject, \ |
| "Cannot create proxy with a non-object as target or handler") \ |
| T(ProxyOwnKeysMissing, \ |
| "'ownKeys' on proxy: trap result did not include '%'") \ |
| T(ProxyOwnKeysNonExtensible, \ |
| "'ownKeys' on proxy: trap returned extra keys but proxy target is " \ |
| "non-extensible") \ |
| T(ProxyOwnKeysDuplicateEntries, \ |
| "'ownKeys' on proxy: trap returned duplicate entries") \ |
| T(ProxyPreventExtensionsExtensible, \ |
| "'preventExtensions' on proxy: trap returned truish but the proxy target " \ |
| "is extensible") \ |
| T(ProxyPrivate, "Cannot pass private property name to proxy trap") \ |
| T(ProxyRevoked, "Cannot perform '%' on a proxy that has been revoked") \ |
| T(ProxySetFrozenData, \ |
| "'set' on proxy: trap returned truish for property '%' which exists in " \ |
| "the proxy target as a non-configurable and non-writable data property " \ |
| "with a different value") \ |
| T(ProxySetFrozenAccessor, \ |
| "'set' on proxy: trap returned truish for property '%' which exists in " \ |
| "the proxy target as a non-configurable and non-writable accessor " \ |
| "property without a setter") \ |
| T(ProxySetPrototypeOfNonExtensible, \ |
| "'setPrototypeOf' on proxy: trap returned truish for setting a new " \ |
| "prototype on the non-extensible proxy target") \ |
| T(ProxyTrapReturnedFalsish, "'%' on proxy: trap returned falsish") \ |
| T(ProxyTrapReturnedFalsishFor, \ |
| "'%' on proxy: trap returned falsish for property '%'") \ |
| T(RedefineDisallowed, "Cannot redefine property: %") \ |
| T(RedefineExternalArray, \ |
| "Cannot redefine a property of an object with external array elements") \ |
| T(ReduceNoInitial, "Reduce of empty array with no initial value") \ |
| T(RegExpFlags, \ |
| "Cannot supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another") \ |
| T(RegExpNonObject, "% getter called on non-object %") \ |
| T(RegExpNonRegExp, "% getter called on non-RegExp object") \ |
| T(RegExpGlobalInvokedOnNonGlobal, \ |
| "% called with a non-global RegExp argument") \ |
| T(RelativeDateTimeFormatterBadParameters, \ |
| "Incorrect RelativeDateTimeFormatter provided") \ |
| T(ResolverNotAFunction, "Promise resolver % is not a function") \ |
| T(ReturnMethodNotCallable, "The iterator's 'return' method is not callable") \ |
| T(SharedArrayBufferTooShort, \ |
| "Derived SharedArrayBuffer constructor created a buffer which was too " \ |
| "small") \ |
| T(SharedArrayBufferSpeciesThis, \ |
| "SharedArrayBuffer subclass returned this from species constructor") \ |
| T(StaticPrototype, \ |
| "Classes may not have a static property named 'prototype'") \ |
| T(StrictDeleteProperty, "Cannot delete property '%' of %") \ |
| T(StrictPoisonPill, \ |
| "'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on " \ |
| "strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them") \ |
| T(StrictReadOnlyProperty, \ |
| "Cannot assign to read only property '%' of % '%'") \ |
| T(StrictCannotCreateProperty, "Cannot create property '%' on % '%'") \ |
| T(StringMatchAllNullOrUndefinedFlags, \ |
| "The .flags property of the argument to String.prototype.matchAll cannot " \ |
| "be null or undefined") \ |
| T(SymbolIteratorInvalid, \ |
| "Result of the Symbol.iterator method is not an object") \ |
| T(SymbolAsyncIteratorInvalid, \ |
| "Result of the Symbol.asyncIterator method is not an object") \ |
| T(SymbolKeyFor, "% is not a symbol") \ |
| T(SymbolToNumber, "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number") \ |
| T(SymbolToString, "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string") \ |
| T(ThrowMethodMissing, "The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.") \ |
| T(UndefinedOrNullToObject, "Cannot convert undefined or null to object") \ |
| T(ValueAndAccessor, \ |
| "Invalid property descriptor. Cannot both specify accessors and a value " \ |
| "or writable attribute, %") \ |
| T(VarRedeclaration, "Identifier '%' has already been declared") \ |
| T(VarNotAllowedInEvalScope, \ |
| "Identifier '%' cannot be declared with 'var' in current evaluation " \ |
| "scope, consider trying 'let' instead") \ |
| T(WrongArgs, "%: Arguments list has wrong type") \ |
| /* ReferenceError */ \ |
| T(NotDefined, "% is not defined") \ |
| T(SuperAlreadyCalled, "Super constructor may only be called once") \ |
| T(AccessedUninitializedVariable, "Cannot access '%' before initialization") \ |
| T(UnsupportedSuper, "Unsupported reference to 'super'") \ |
| /* RangeError */ \ |
| T(BigIntDivZero, "Division by zero") \ |
| T(BigIntNegativeExponent, "Exponent must be positive") \ |
| T(BigIntTooBig, "Maximum BigInt size exceeded") \ |
| T(CantSetOptionXWhenYIsUsed, "Can't set option % when % is used") \ |
| T(DateRange, "Provided date is not in valid range.") \ |
| T(ExpectedLocation, \ |
| "Expected letters optionally connected with underscores or hyphens for " \ |
| "a location, got %") \ |
| T(InvalidArrayBufferLength, "Invalid array buffer length") \ |
| T(InvalidArrayBufferMaxLength, "Invalid array buffer max length") \ |
| T(InvalidArrayBufferResizeLength, "%: Invalid length parameter") \ |
| T(ArrayBufferAllocationFailed, "Array buffer allocation failed") \ |
| T(Invalid, "Invalid % : %") \ |
| T(InvalidArrayLength, "Invalid array length") \ |
| T(InvalidAtomicAccessIndex, "Invalid atomic access index") \ |
| T(InvalidCalendar, "Invalid calendar specified: %") \ |
| T(InvalidCodePoint, "Invalid code point %") \ |
| T(InvalidCountValue, "Invalid count value") \ |
| T(InvalidDataViewAccessorOffset, \ |
| "Offset is outside the bounds of the DataView") \ |
| T(InvalidDataViewLength, "Invalid DataView length %") \ |
| T(InvalidOffset, "Start offset % is outside the bounds of the buffer") \ |
| T(InvalidHint, "Invalid hint: %") \ |
| T(InvalidIndex, "Invalid value: not (convertible to) a safe integer") \ |
| T(InvalidLanguageTag, "Invalid language tag: %") \ |
| T(InvalidWeakMapKey, "Invalid value used as weak map key") \ |
| T(InvalidWeakSetValue, "Invalid value used in weak set") \ |
| T(InvalidShadowRealmEvaluateSourceText, "Invalid value used as source text") \ |
| T(InvalidStringLength, "Invalid string length") \ |
| T(InvalidTimeValue, "Invalid time value") \ |
| T(InvalidTimeValueForTemporal, "Invalid time value for Temporal %") \ |
| T(InvalidTimeZone, "Invalid time zone specified: %") \ |
| T(InvalidTypedArrayAlignment, "% of % should be a multiple of %") \ |
| T(InvalidTypedArrayIndex, "Invalid typed array index") \ |
| T(InvalidTypedArrayLength, "Invalid typed array length: %") \ |
| T(LetInLexicalBinding, "let is disallowed as a lexically bound name") \ |
| T(LocaleMatcher, "Illegal value for localeMatcher:%") \ |
| T(NormalizationForm, "The normalization form should be one of %.") \ |
| T(OutOfMemory, "%: Out of memory") \ |
| T(ParameterOfFunctionOutOfRange, \ |
| "Paramenter % of function %() is % and out of range") \ |
| T(ZeroDigitNumericSeparator, \ |
| "Numeric separator can not be used after leading 0.") \ |
| T(NumberFormatRange, "% argument must be between 0 and 100") \ |
| T(TrailingNumericSeparator, \ |
| "Numeric separators are not allowed at the end of numeric literals") \ |
| T(ContinuousNumericSeparator, \ |
| "Only one underscore is allowed as numeric separator") \ |
| T(PropertyValueOutOfRange, "% value is out of range.") \ |
| T(StackOverflow, "Maximum call stack size exceeded") \ |
| T(ToPrecisionFormatRange, \ |
| "toPrecision() argument must be between 1 and 100") \ |
| T(ToRadixFormatRange, "toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36") \ |
| T(StructFieldCountOutOfRange, \ |
| "Struct field count out of range (maximum of 999 allowed)") \ |
| T(TypedArraySetOffsetOutOfBounds, "offset is out of bounds") \ |
| T(TypedArraySetSourceTooLarge, "Source is too large") \ |
| T(TypedArrayTooLargeToSort, \ |
| "Custom comparefn not supported for huge TypedArrays") \ |
| T(ValueOutOfRange, "Value % out of range for % options property %") \ |
| T(CollectionGrowFailed, "% maximum size exceeded") \ |
| /* SyntaxError */ \ |
| T(AmbiguousExport, \ |
| "The requested module '%' contains conflicting star exports for name '%'") \ |
| T(BadGetterArity, "Getter must not have any formal parameters.") \ |
| T(BadSetterArity, "Setter must have exactly one formal parameter.") \ |
| T(BigIntInvalidString, "Invalid BigInt string") \ |
| T(ConstructorIsAccessor, "Class constructor may not be an accessor") \ |
| T(ConstructorIsGenerator, "Class constructor may not be a generator") \ |
| T(ConstructorIsAsync, "Class constructor may not be an async method") \ |
| T(ConstructorIsPrivate, "Class constructor may not be a private method") \ |
| T(DerivedConstructorReturnedNonObject, \ |
| "Derived constructors may only return object or undefined") \ |
| T(DuplicateConstructor, "A class may only have one constructor") \ |
| T(DuplicateExport, "Duplicate export of '%'") \ |
| T(DuplicateProto, \ |
| "Duplicate __proto__ fields are not allowed in object literals") \ |
| T(ForInOfLoopInitializer, \ |
| "% loop variable declaration may not have an initializer.") \ |
| T(ForOfLet, "The left-hand side of a for-of loop may not start with 'let'.") \ |
| T(ForOfAsync, "The left-hand side of a for-of loop may not be 'async'.") \ |
| T(ForInOfLoopMultiBindings, \ |
| "Invalid left-hand side in % loop: Must have a single binding.") \ |
| T(GeneratorInSingleStatementContext, \ |
| "Generators can only be declared at the top level or inside a block.") \ |
| T(AsyncFunctionInSingleStatementContext, \ |
| "Async functions can only be declared at the top level or inside a " \ |
| "block.") \ |
| T(IllegalBreak, "Illegal break statement") \ |
| T(ModuleExportNameWithoutFromClause, \ |
| "String literal module export names must be followed by a 'from' clause") \ |
| T(NoIterationStatement, \ |
| "Illegal continue statement: no surrounding iteration statement") \ |
| T(IllegalContinue, \ |
| "Illegal continue statement: '%' does not denote an iteration statement") \ |
| T(IllegalLanguageModeDirective, \ |
| "Illegal '%' directive in function with non-simple parameter list") \ |
| T(IllegalReturn, "Illegal return statement") \ |
| T(IntrinsicWithSpread, "Intrinsic calls do not support spread arguments") \ |
| T(InvalidRestBindingPattern, \ |
| "`...` must be followed by an identifier in declaration contexts") \ |
| T(InvalidPropertyBindingPattern, "Illegal property in declaration context") \ |
| T(InvalidRestAssignmentPattern, \ |
| "`...` must be followed by an assignable reference in assignment " \ |
| "contexts") \ |
| T(InvalidEscapedReservedWord, "Keyword must not contain escaped characters") \ |
| T(InvalidEscapedMetaProperty, "'%' must not contain escaped characters") \ |
| T(InvalidLhsInAssignment, "Invalid left-hand side in assignment") \ |
| T(InvalidCoverInitializedName, "Invalid shorthand property initializer") \ |
| T(InvalidDestructuringTarget, "Invalid destructuring assignment target") \ |
| T(InvalidLhsInFor, "Invalid left-hand side in for-loop") \ |
| T(InvalidLhsInPostfixOp, \ |
| "Invalid left-hand side expression in postfix operation") \ |
| T(InvalidLhsInPrefixOp, \ |
| "Invalid left-hand side expression in prefix operation") \ |
| T(InvalidModuleExportName, \ |
| "Invalid module export name: contains unpaired surrogate") \ |
| T(InvalidRegExpFlags, "Invalid flags supplied to RegExp constructor '%'") \ |
| T(InvalidOrUnexpectedToken, "Invalid or unexpected token") \ |
| T(InvalidPrivateBrandInstance, "Receiver must be an instance of class %") \ |
| T(InvalidPrivateBrandStatic, "Receiver must be class %") \ |
| T(InvalidPrivateBrandReinitialization, \ |
| "Cannot initialize private methods of class % twice on the same object") \ |
| T(InvalidPrivateFieldReinitialization, \ |
| "Cannot initialize % twice on the same object") \ |
| T(InvalidPrivateFieldResolution, \ |
| "Private field '%' must be declared in an enclosing class") \ |
| T(InvalidPrivateMemberRead, \ |
| "Cannot read private member % from an object whose class did not declare " \ |
| "it") \ |
| T(InvalidPrivateMemberWrite, \ |
| "Cannot write private member % to an object whose class did not declare " \ |
| "it") \ |
| T(InvalidPrivateMethodWrite, "Private method '%' is not writable") \ |
| T(InvalidPrivateGetterAccess, "'%' was defined without a getter") \ |
| T(InvalidPrivateSetterAccess, "'%' was defined without a setter") \ |
| T(InvalidUnusedPrivateStaticMethodAccessedByDebugger, \ |
| "Unused static private method '%' cannot be accessed at debug time") \ |
| T(JsonParseUnexpectedEOS, "Unexpected end of JSON input") \ |
| T(JsonParseUnexpectedToken, "Unexpected token % in JSON at position %") \ |
| T(JsonParseUnexpectedTokenNumber, "Unexpected number in JSON at position %") \ |
| T(JsonParseUnexpectedTokenString, "Unexpected string in JSON at position %") \ |
| T(LabelRedeclaration, "Label '%' has already been declared") \ |
| T(LabelledFunctionDeclaration, \ |
| "Labelled function declaration not allowed as the body of a control flow " \ |
| "structure") \ |
| T(MalformedArrowFunParamList, "Malformed arrow function parameter list") \ |
| T(MalformedRegExp, "Invalid regular expression: /%/: %") \ |
| T(MalformedRegExpFlags, "Invalid regular expression flags") \ |
| T(ModuleExportUndefined, "Export '%' is not defined in module") \ |
| T(MissingFunctionName, "Function statements require a function name") \ |
| T(HtmlCommentInModule, "HTML comments are not allowed in modules") \ |
| T(MultipleDefaultsInSwitch, \ |
| "More than one default clause in switch statement") \ |
| T(NewlineAfterThrow, "Illegal newline after throw") \ |
| T(NoCatchOrFinally, "Missing catch or finally after try") \ |
| T(ParamAfterRest, "Rest parameter must be last formal parameter") \ |
| T(FlattenPastSafeLength, \ |
| "Flattening % elements on an array-like of length % " \ |
| "is disallowed, as the total surpasses 2**53-1") \ |
| T(PushPastSafeLength, \ |
| "Pushing % elements on an array-like of length % " \ |
| "is disallowed, as the total surpasses 2**53-1") \ |
| T(ElementAfterRest, "Rest element must be last element") \ |
| T(BadSetterRestParameter, \ |
| "Setter function argument must not be a rest parameter") \ |
| T(ParamDupe, "Duplicate parameter name not allowed in this context") \ |
| T(ArgStringTerminatesParametersEarly, \ |
| "Arg string terminates parameters early") \ |
| T(UnexpectedEndOfArgString, "Unexpected end of arg string") \ |
| T(RestDefaultInitializer, \ |
| "Rest parameter may not have a default initializer") \ |
| T(RuntimeWrongNumArgs, "Runtime function given wrong number of arguments") \ |
| T(SuperNotCalled, \ |
| "Must call super constructor in derived class before accessing 'this' or " \ |
| "returning from derived constructor") \ |
| T(SingleFunctionLiteral, "Single function literal required") \ |
| T(SloppyFunction, \ |
| "In non-strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level, " \ |
| "inside a block, or as the body of an if statement.") \ |
| T(SpeciesNotConstructor, \ |
| "object.constructor[Symbol.species] is not a constructor") \ |
| T(StrictDelete, "Delete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode.") \ |
| T(StrictEvalArguments, "Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode") \ |
| T(StrictFunction, \ |
| "In strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level or " \ |
| "inside a block.") \ |
| T(StrictOctalLiteral, "Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode.") \ |
| T(StrictDecimalWithLeadingZero, \ |
| "Decimals with leading zeros are not allowed in strict mode.") \ |
| T(StrictOctalEscape, \ |
| "Octal escape sequences are not allowed in strict mode.") \ |
| T(Strict8Or9Escape, "\\8 and \\9 are not allowed in strict mode.") \ |
| T(StrictWith, "Strict mode code may not include a with statement") \ |
| T(TemplateOctalLiteral, \ |
| "Octal escape sequences are not allowed in template strings.") \ |
| T(Template8Or9Escape, "\\8 and \\9 are not allowed in template strings.") \ |
| T(ThisFormalParameter, "'this' is not a valid formal parameter name") \ |
| T(AwaitBindingIdentifier, \ |
| "'await' is not a valid identifier name in an async function") \ |
| T(AwaitExpressionFormalParameter, \ |
| "Illegal await-expression in formal parameters of async function") \ |
| T(TooManyArguments, \ |
| "Too many arguments in function call (only 65535 allowed)") \ |
| T(TooManyParameters, \ |
| "Too many parameters in function definition (only 65534 allowed)") \ |
| T(TooManyProperties, "Too many properties to enumerate") \ |
| T(TooManySpreads, \ |
| "Literal containing too many nested spreads (up to 65534 allowed)") \ |
| T(TooManyVariables, "Too many variables declared (only 4194303 allowed)") \ |
| T(TooManyElementsInPromiseCombinator, \ |
| "Too many elements passed to Promise.%") \ |
| T(TypedArrayTooShort, \ |
| "Derived TypedArray constructor created an array which was too small") \ |
| T(UnexpectedEOS, "Unexpected end of input") \ |
| T(UnexpectedPrivateField, "Unexpected private field") \ |
| T(UnexpectedReserved, "Unexpected reserved word") \ |
| T(UnexpectedStrictReserved, "Unexpected strict mode reserved word") \ |
| T(UnexpectedSuper, "'super' keyword unexpected here") \ |
| T(UnexpectedNewTarget, "new.target expression is not allowed here") \ |
| T(UnexpectedTemplateString, "Unexpected template string") \ |
| T(UnexpectedToken, "Unexpected token '%'") \ |
| T(UnexpectedTokenUnaryExponentiation, \ |
| "Unary operator used immediately before exponentiation expression. " \ |
| "Parenthesis must be used to disambiguate operator precedence") \ |
| T(UnexpectedTokenIdentifier, "Unexpected identifier") \ |
| T(UnexpectedTokenNumber, "Unexpected number") \ |
| T(UnexpectedTokenString, "Unexpected string") \ |
| T(UnexpectedTokenRegExp, "Unexpected regular expression") \ |
| T(UnexpectedLexicalDeclaration, \ |
| "Lexical declaration cannot appear in a single-statement context") \ |
| T(UnknownLabel, "Undefined label '%'") \ |
| T(UnresolvableExport, \ |
| "The requested module '%' does not provide an export named '%'") \ |
| T(UnterminatedArgList, "missing ) after argument list") \ |
| T(UnterminatedRegExp, "Invalid regular expression: missing /") \ |
| T(UnterminatedTemplate, "Unterminated template literal") \ |
| T(UnterminatedTemplateExpr, "Missing } in template expression") \ |
| T(FoundNonCallableHasInstance, "Found non-callable @@hasInstance") \ |
| T(InvalidHexEscapeSequence, "Invalid hexadecimal escape sequence") \ |
| T(InvalidUnicodeEscapeSequence, "Invalid Unicode escape sequence") \ |
| T(UndefinedUnicodeCodePoint, "Undefined Unicode code-point") \ |
| T(YieldInParameter, "Yield expression not allowed in formal parameter") \ |
| /* EvalError */ \ |
| T(CodeGenFromStrings, "%") \ |
| T(NoSideEffectDebugEvaluate, "Possible side-effect in debug-evaluate") \ |
| /* URIError */ \ |
| T(URIMalformed, "URI malformed") \ |
| /* Wasm errors (currently Error) */ \ |
| T(WasmTrapUnreachable, "unreachable") \ |
| T(WasmTrapMemOutOfBounds, "memory access out of bounds") \ |
| T(WasmTrapUnalignedAccess, "operation does not support unaligned accesses") \ |
| T(WasmTrapDivByZero, "divide by zero") \ |
| T(WasmTrapDivUnrepresentable, "divide result unrepresentable") \ |
| T(WasmTrapRemByZero, "remainder by zero") \ |
| T(WasmTrapFloatUnrepresentable, "float unrepresentable in integer range") \ |
| T(WasmTrapTableOutOfBounds, "table index is out of bounds") \ |
| T(WasmTrapFuncSigMismatch, "null function or function signature mismatch") \ |
| T(WasmTrapMultiReturnLengthMismatch, "multi-return length mismatch") \ |
| T(WasmTrapJSTypeError, "type incompatibility when transforming from/to JS") \ |
| T(WasmTrapDataSegmentOutOfBounds, "data segment out of bounds") \ |
| T(WasmTrapElemSegmentDropped, "element segment has been dropped") \ |
| T(WasmTrapRethrowNull, "rethrowing null value") \ |
| T(WasmTrapNullDereference, "dereferencing a null pointer") \ |
| T(WasmTrapIllegalCast, "illegal cast") \ |
| T(WasmTrapArrayOutOfBounds, "array element access out of bounds") \ |
| T(WasmTrapArrayTooLarge, "requested new array is too large") \ |
| T(WasmExceptionError, "wasm exception") \ |
| /* Asm.js validation related */ \ |
| T(AsmJsInvalid, "Invalid asm.js: %") \ |
| T(AsmJsCompiled, "Converted asm.js to WebAssembly: %") \ |
| T(AsmJsInstantiated, "Instantiated asm.js: %") \ |
| T(AsmJsLinkingFailed, "Linking failure in asm.js: %") \ |
| /* DataCloneError messages */ \ |
| T(DataCloneError, "% could not be cloned.") \ |
| T(DataCloneErrorOutOfMemory, "Data cannot be cloned, out of memory.") \ |
| T(DataCloneErrorDetachedArrayBuffer, \ |
| "An ArrayBuffer is detached and could not be cloned.") \ |
| T(DataCloneErrorNonDetachableArrayBuffer, \ |
| "ArrayBuffer is not detachable and could not be cloned.") \ |
| T(DataCloneErrorSharedArrayBufferTransferred, \ |
| "A SharedArrayBuffer could not be cloned. SharedArrayBuffer must not be " \ |
| "transferred.") \ |
| T(DataCloneDeserializationError, "Unable to deserialize cloned data.") \ |
| T(DataCloneDeserializationVersionError, \ |
| "Unable to deserialize cloned data due to invalid or unsupported " \ |
| "version.") \ |
| /* Builtins-Trace Errors */ \ |
| T(TraceEventCategoryError, "Trace event category must be a string.") \ |
| T(TraceEventNameError, "Trace event name must be a string.") \ |
| T(TraceEventNameLengthError, \ |
| "Trace event name must not be an empty string.") \ |
| T(TraceEventPhaseError, "Trace event phase must be a number.") \ |
| T(TraceEventIDError, "Trace event id must be a number.") \ |
| /* Weak refs */ \ |
| T(WeakRefsUnregisterTokenMustBeObject, \ |
| "unregisterToken ('%') must be an object") \ |
| T(WeakRefsCleanupMustBeCallable, \ |
| "FinalizationRegistry: cleanup must be callable") \ |
| T(WeakRefsRegisterTargetMustBeObject, \ |
| "FinalizationRegistry.prototype.register: target must be an object") \ |
| T(WeakRefsRegisterTargetAndHoldingsMustNotBeSame, \ |
| "FinalizationRegistry.prototype.register: target and holdings must not " \ |
| "be same") \ |
| T(WeakRefsWeakRefConstructorTargetMustBeObject, \ |
| "WeakRef: target must be an object") \ |
| T(OptionalChainingNoNew, "Invalid optional chain from new expression") \ |
| T(OptionalChainingNoSuper, "Invalid optional chain from super property") \ |
| T(OptionalChainingNoTemplate, "Invalid tagged template on optional chain") \ |
| /* AggregateError */ \ |
| T(AllPromisesRejected, "All promises were rejected") \ |
| /* Web snapshots */ \ |
| T(WebSnapshotError, "Web snapshot failed: %") |
| |
| enum class MessageTemplate { |
| #undef TEMPLATE |
| kMessageCount |
| }; |
| |
| inline MessageTemplate MessageTemplateFromInt(int message_id) { |
| DCHECK_LT(static_cast<unsigned>(message_id), |
| static_cast<unsigned>(MessageTemplate::kMessageCount)); |
| return static_cast<MessageTemplate>(message_id); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace internal |
| } // namespace v8 |
| |