blob: 6da8a661fc336f6692a644e15237e3cadc76c9ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/heap/base/worklist.h"
#include "src/objects/heap-object.h"
#include "src/objects/js-weak-refs.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
struct Ephemeron {
HeapObject key;
HeapObject value;
using HeapObjectAndSlot = std::pair<HeapObject, HeapObjectSlot>;
using HeapObjectAndCode = std::pair<HeapObject, Code>;
class EphemeronHashTable;
class JSFunction;
class SharedFunctionInfo;
class TransitionArray;
// Weak objects and weak references discovered during incremental/concurrent
// marking. They are processed in ClearNonLiveReferences after marking.
// Each entry in this list specifies:
// 1) Type of the worklist entry.
// 2) Lower-case name of the worklsit.
// 3) Capitalized name of the worklist.
// If you add a new entry, then you also need to implement the corresponding
// Update*() function in the cc file for updating pointers after Scavenge.
F(TransitionArray, transition_arrays, TransitionArrays) \
/* Keep track of all EphemeronHashTables in the heap to process \
them in the atomic pause. */ \
F(EphemeronHashTable, ephemeron_hash_tables, EphemeronHashTables) \
/* Keep track of all ephemerons for concurrent marking tasks. Only store \
ephemerons in these worklists if both (key, value) are unreachable at \
the moment. \
MarkCompactCollector::ProcessEphemeronsUntilFixpoint drains/fills \
these worklists. current_ephemerons is used as draining worklist in \
the current fixpoint iteration. */ \
F(Ephemeron, current_ephemerons, CurrentEphemerons) \
/* Stores ephemerons to visit in the next fixpoint iteration. */ \
F(Ephemeron, next_ephemerons, NextEphemerons) \
/* When draining the marking worklist new discovered ephemerons are pushed \
into this worklist. */ \
F(Ephemeron, discovered_ephemerons, DiscoveredEphemerons) \
/* TODO(marja): For old space, we only need the slot, not the host object. \
Optimize this by adding a different storage for old space. */ \
F(HeapObjectAndSlot, weak_references, WeakReferences) \
F(HeapObjectAndCode, weak_objects_in_code, WeakObjectsInCode) \
F(JSWeakRef, js_weak_refs, JSWeakRefs) \
F(WeakCell, weak_cells, WeakCells) \
F(SharedFunctionInfo, code_flushing_candidates, CodeFlushingCandidates) \
F(JSFunction, baseline_flushing_candidates, BaselineFlushingCandidates) \
F(JSFunction, flushed_js_functions, FlushedJSFunctions)
class WeakObjects final {
class UnusedBase {}; // Base class to allow using macro in initializer list.
template <typename Type>
using WeakObjectWorklist = ::heap::base::Worklist<Type, 64>;
class Local final : public UnusedBase {
explicit Local(WeakObjects* weak_objects);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void Publish();
#define DECLARE_WORKLIST(Type, name, _) \
WeakObjectWorklist<Type>::Local name##_local;
#define DECLARE_WORKLIST(Type, name, _) WeakObjectWorklist<Type> name;
void UpdateAfterScavenge();
void Clear();
#define DECLARE_UPDATE_METHODS(Type, _, Name) \
static void Update##Name(WeakObjectWorklist<Type>&);
#ifdef DEBUG
template <typename Type>
static bool ContainsYoungObjects(WeakObjectWorklist<Type>& worklist);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8