blob: cb002acbb96585bf13213125809e9e62c24f4444 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <type_traits>
#include "src/base/functional.h"
#include "src/handles/handles.h"
#include "src/objects/heap-object.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Forward declarations.
class Heap;
class StrongRootsEntry;
template <typename T>
struct IdentityMapFindResult {
T* entry;
bool already_exists;
// Base class of identity maps contains shared code for all template
// instantions.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE IdentityMapBase {
IdentityMapBase(const IdentityMapBase&) = delete;
IdentityMapBase& operator=(const IdentityMapBase&) = delete;
bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
int size() const { return size_; }
int capacity() const { return capacity_; }
bool is_iterable() const { return is_iterable_; }
// Allow Tester to access internals, including changing the address of objects
// within the {keys_} array in order to simulate a moving GC.
friend class IdentityMapTester;
using RawEntry = uintptr_t*;
explicit IdentityMapBase(Heap* heap)
: heap_(heap),
is_iterable_(false) {}
virtual ~IdentityMapBase();
IdentityMapFindResult<uintptr_t> FindOrInsertEntry(Address key);
RawEntry FindEntry(Address key) const;
RawEntry InsertEntry(Address key);
bool DeleteEntry(Address key, uintptr_t* deleted_value);
void Clear();
Address KeyAtIndex(int index) const;
RawEntry EntryAtIndex(int index) const;
int NextIndex(int index) const;
void EnableIteration();
void DisableIteration();
virtual uintptr_t* NewPointerArray(size_t length) = 0;
virtual void DeletePointerArray(uintptr_t* array, size_t length) = 0;
// Internal implementation should not be called directly by subclasses.
int ScanKeysFor(Address address, uint32_t hash) const;
std::pair<int, bool> InsertKey(Address address, uint32_t hash);
int Lookup(Address key) const;
std::pair<int, bool> LookupOrInsert(Address key);
bool DeleteIndex(int index, uintptr_t* deleted_value);
void Rehash();
void Resize(int new_capacity);
uint32_t Hash(Address address) const;
base::hash<uintptr_t> hasher_;
Heap* heap_;
int gc_counter_;
int size_;
int capacity_;
int mask_;
Address* keys_;
StrongRootsEntry* strong_roots_entry_;
uintptr_t* values_;
bool is_iterable_;
// Implements an identity map from object addresses to a given value type {V}.
// The map is robust w.r.t. garbage collection by synchronization with the
// supplied {heap}.
// * Keys are treated as strong roots.
// * The value type {V} must be reinterpret_cast'able to {uintptr_t}
// * The value type {V} must not be a heap type.
template <typename V, class AllocationPolicy>
class IdentityMap : public IdentityMapBase {
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(V) <= sizeof(uintptr_t));
explicit IdentityMap(Heap* heap,
AllocationPolicy allocator = AllocationPolicy())
: IdentityMapBase(heap), allocator_(allocator) {}
IdentityMap(const IdentityMap&) = delete;
IdentityMap& operator=(const IdentityMap&) = delete;
~IdentityMap() override { Clear(); }
// Searches this map for the given key using the object's address
// as the identity, returning:
// found => a pointer to the storage location for the value, true
// not found => a pointer to a new storage location for the value, false
IdentityMapFindResult<V> FindOrInsert(Handle<Object> key) {
return FindOrInsert(*key);
IdentityMapFindResult<V> FindOrInsert(Object key) {
auto raw = FindOrInsertEntry(key.ptr());
return {reinterpret_cast<V*>(raw.entry), raw.already_exists};
// Searches this map for the given key using the object's address
// as the identity, returning:
// found => a pointer to the storage location for the value
// not found => {nullptr}
V* Find(Handle<Object> key) const { return Find(*key); }
V* Find(Object key) const {
return reinterpret_cast<V*>(FindEntry(key.ptr()));
// Insert the value for the given key. The key must not have previously
// existed.
void Insert(Handle<Object> key, V v) { Insert(*key, v); }
void Insert(Object key, V v) {
*reinterpret_cast<V*>(InsertEntry(key.ptr())) = v;
bool Delete(Handle<Object> key, V* deleted_value) {
return Delete(*key, deleted_value);
bool Delete(Object key, V* deleted_value) {
uintptr_t v;
bool deleted_something = DeleteEntry(key.ptr(), &v);
if (deleted_value != nullptr && deleted_something) {
*deleted_value = *reinterpret_cast<V*>(&v);
return deleted_something;
// Removes all elements from the map.
void Clear() { IdentityMapBase::Clear(); }
// Iterator over IdentityMap. The IteratableScope used to create this Iterator
// must be live for the duration of the iteration.
class Iterator {
Iterator& operator++() {
index_ = map_->NextIndex(index_);
return *this;
Object key() const { return Object(map_->KeyAtIndex(index_)); }
V* entry() const {
return reinterpret_cast<V*>(map_->EntryAtIndex(index_));
V* operator*() { return entry(); }
V* operator->() { return entry(); }
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) { return index_ != other.index_; }
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) { return index_ == other.index_; }
Iterator(IdentityMap* map, int index) : map_(map), index_(index) {}
IdentityMap* map_;
int index_;
friend class IdentityMap;
class V8_NODISCARD IteratableScope {
explicit IteratableScope(IdentityMap* map) : map_(map) {
IteratableScope(const IteratableScope&) = delete;
IteratableScope& operator=(const IteratableScope&) = delete;
~IteratableScope() {
Iterator begin() { return Iterator(map_, map_->NextIndex(-1)); }
Iterator end() { return Iterator(map_, map_->capacity()); }
IdentityMap* map_;
// This struct is just a type tag for Zone::NewArray<T>(size_t) call.
struct Buffer {};
// TODO(ishell): consider removing virtual methods in favor of combining
// IdentityMapBase and IdentityMap into one class. This would also save
// space when sizeof(V) is less than sizeof(uintptr_t).
uintptr_t* NewPointerArray(size_t length) override {
return allocator_.template NewArray<uintptr_t, Buffer>(length);
void DeletePointerArray(uintptr_t* array, size_t length) override {
allocator_.template DeleteArray<uintptr_t, Buffer>(array, length);
AllocationPolicy allocator_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8