[wasm][anyref] Add support of call-indirect for multiple tables

With this CL it is possible to use any anyfunc table in call-indirect,
not just the first table.

The current implementation is based on runtime calls. This is just an
initial implementation which should be replaced by a
dispatch-table-based eventually. However, this implementation allows
us to move forward with the anyref proposal implementation.


Bug: v8:7581
Change-Id: I57d09b18add7f525555bf7c949aef17a64b0e7c5
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/v8/v8/+/1530801
Commit-Queue: Andreas Haas <ahaas@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Michael Starzinger <mstarzinger@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#60360}
12 files changed
tree: d9db1a9c82596218711e53fc00365b7d4ea1cc50
  1. benchmarks/
  2. build_overrides/
  3. custom_deps/
  4. docs/
  5. gni/
  6. include/
  7. infra/
  8. samples/
  9. src/
  10. test/
  11. testing/
  12. third_party/
  13. tools/
  14. .clang-format
  15. .clang-tidy
  16. .editorconfig
  17. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  18. .gitattributes
  19. .gitignore
  20. .gn
  21. .vpython
  22. .ycm_extra_conf.py
  24. BUILD.gn
  25. ChangeLog
  27. codereview.settings
  28. DEPS
  30. LICENSE.fdlibm
  31. LICENSE.strongtalk
  32. LICENSE.v8
  33. LICENSE.valgrind
  34. OWNERS
  35. PRESUBMIT.py
  36. README.md
  37. snapshot_toolchain.gni

V8 JavaScript Engine

V8 is Google's open source JavaScript engine.

V8 implements ECMAScript as specified in ECMA-262.

V8 is written in C++ and is used in Google Chrome, the open source browser from Google.

V8 can run standalone, or can be embedded into any C++ application.

V8 Project page: https://v8.dev/docs

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    fetch v8

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    git pull origin
    gclient sync

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    fetch = +refs/branch-heads/*:refs/remotes/branch-heads/*
    fetch = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*


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