blob: 180fe5b2ad0a9cab61c3c377ca7b3f02f88cf350 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
const SIZE = 1024;
let input;
let output;
function CreateSetup(TAConstructor) {
return () => {
// Create an Typed Array with a sequence of number 0 to SIZE.
const values = Array.from({ length: SIZE }).map((_, i) =>
TAConstructor === BigUint64Array ? BigInt(i) : i
input = new TAConstructor(values);
// Creates a run function that is unpolluted by IC feedback.
function CreateRun() {
// Filters out every other (odd indexed) elements.
return new Function(`
output = input.filter((el, i) => el < SIZE && (i % 2) === 0);
function isOutputInvalid() {
if (output.length !== input.length / 2) return true;
// Verfies every other (odd indexed) element has been filtered out.
for (let i = 0; i < SIZE / 2; i++) {
if (output[i] !== input[i * 2]) return true;
function TearDown() {
if (isOutputInvalid()) throw new TypeError(`Unexpected result!\n${output}`);
input = void 0;
output = void 0;
'Uint8Array', 1000, CreateRun(), CreateSetup(Uint8Array), TearDown);
'Uint16Array', 1000, CreateRun(), CreateSetup(Uint16Array), TearDown);
'Uint32Array', 1000, CreateRun(), CreateSetup(Uint32Array), TearDown);
'Float32Array', 1000, CreateRun(), CreateSetup(Float32Array), TearDown);
'Float64Array', 1000, CreateRun(), CreateSetup(Float64Array), TearDown);
'BigUint64Array', 1000, CreateRun(), CreateSetup(BigUint64Array),