blob: f1f803a3400c763b61da7d32851ca7d3dcd268f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef V8_REGISTER_H_
#define V8_REGISTER_H_
#include "src/reglist.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Base type for CPU Registers.
// 1) We would prefer to use an enum for registers, but enum values are
// assignment-compatible with int, which has caused code-generation bugs.
// 2) By not using an enum, we are possibly preventing the compiler from
// doing certain constant folds, which may significantly reduce the
// code generated for some assembly instructions (because they boil down
// to a few constants). If this is a problem, we could change the code
// such that we use an enum in optimized mode, and the class in debug
// mode. This way we get the compile-time error checking in debug mode
// and best performance in optimized code.
template <typename SubType, int kAfterLastRegister>
class RegisterBase {
// Internal enum class; used for calling constexpr methods, where we need to
// pass an integral type as template parameter.
enum class RegisterCode : int { kFirst = 0, kAfterLast = kAfterLastRegister };
static constexpr int kCode_no_reg = -1;
static constexpr int kNumRegisters = kAfterLastRegister;
static constexpr SubType no_reg() { return SubType{kCode_no_reg}; }
template <int code>
static constexpr SubType from_code() {
static_assert(code >= 0 && code < kNumRegisters, "must be valid reg code");
return SubType{code};
constexpr operator RegisterCode() const {
return static_cast<RegisterCode>(reg_code_);
template <RegisterCode reg_code>
static constexpr int code() {
reg_code >= RegisterCode::kFirst && reg_code < RegisterCode::kAfterLast,
"must be valid reg");
return static_cast<int>(reg_code);
template <RegisterCode reg_code>
static constexpr int is_valid() {
return static_cast<int>(reg_code) != kCode_no_reg;
template <RegisterCode reg_code>
static constexpr RegList bit() {
return is_valid<reg_code>() ? RegList{1} << code<reg_code>() : RegList{};
static SubType from_code(int code) {
DCHECK_LE(0, code);
DCHECK_GT(kNumRegisters, code);
return SubType{code};
// Constexpr version (pass registers as template parameters).
template <RegisterCode... reg_codes>
static constexpr RegList ListOf() {
return CombineRegLists(RegisterBase::bit<reg_codes>()...);
// Non-constexpr version (pass registers as method parameters).
template <typename... Register>
static RegList ListOf(Register... regs) {
return CombineRegLists(regs.bit()...);
constexpr bool is_valid() const { return reg_code_ != kCode_no_reg; }
int code() const {
return reg_code_;
RegList bit() const { return is_valid() ? RegList{1} << code() : RegList{}; }
inline constexpr bool operator==(SubType other) const {
return reg_code_ == other.reg_code_;
inline constexpr bool operator!=(SubType other) const {
return reg_code_ != other.reg_code_;
// Used to print the name of some special registers.
static const char* GetSpecialRegisterName(int code) { return "UNKNOWN"; }
explicit constexpr RegisterBase(int code) : reg_code_(code) {}
int reg_code_;
template <typename RegType,
typename = decltype(RegisterName(std::declval<RegType>()))>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, RegType reg) {
return os << RegisterName(reg);
// Helper macros to define a {RegisterName} method based on a macro list
// containing all names.
#define DEFINE_REGISTER_NAMES_NAME(name) #name,
inline const char* RegisterName(RegType reg) { \
static constexpr const char* Names[] = {LIST(DEFINE_REGISTER_NAMES_NAME)}; \
STATIC_ASSERT(arraysize(Names) == RegType::kNumRegisters); \
return reg.is_valid() ? Names[reg.code()] : "invalid"; \
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_REGISTER_H_