blob: 0f1cde5804f299e13de2096072f4ffbefce298d1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* libSoX dcshift.c
* (c) 2000.04.15 Chris Ausbrooks <>
* based on vol.c which is
* (c) 20/03/2000 Fabien COELHO <> for sox.
* DC shift a sound file, with basic linear amplitude formula.
* Beware of saturations! clipping is checked and reported.
* Cannot handle different number of channels.
* Cannot handle rate change.
#include "third_party/sox/src/src/sox_i.h"
typedef struct {
double dcshift; /* DC shift. */
int uselimiter; /* boolean: are we using the limiter? */
double limiterthreshhold;
double limitergain; /* limiter gain. */
uint64_t limited; /* number of limited values to report. */
uint64_t totalprocessed;
} priv_t;
* Process options: dcshift (double) type (amplitude, power, dB)
static int sox_dcshift_getopts(sox_effect_t * effp, int argc, char **argv)
priv_t * dcs = (priv_t *) effp->priv;
dcs->dcshift = 1.0; /* default is no change */
dcs->uselimiter = 0; /* default is no limiter */
--argc, ++argv;
if (argc < 1)
return lsx_usage(effp);
if (argc && (!sscanf(argv[0], "%lf", &dcs->dcshift)))
return lsx_usage(effp);
if (argc>1)
if (!sscanf(argv[1], "%lf", &dcs->limitergain))
return lsx_usage(effp);
dcs->uselimiter = 1; /* ok, we'll use it */
/* The following equation is derived so that there is no
* discontinuity in output amplitudes */
/* and a SOX_SAMPLE_MAX input always maps to a SOX_SAMPLE_MAX output
* when the limiter is activated. */
/* (NOTE: There **WILL** be a discontinuity in the slope of the
* output amplitudes when using the limiter.) */
dcs->limiterthreshhold = SOX_SAMPLE_MAX * (1.0 - (fabs(dcs->dcshift) - dcs->limitergain));
* Start processing
static int sox_dcshift_start(sox_effect_t * effp)
priv_t * dcs = (priv_t *) effp->priv;
if (dcs->dcshift == 0)
return SOX_EFF_NULL;
dcs->limited = 0;
dcs->totalprocessed = 0;
* Process data.
static int sox_dcshift_flow(sox_effect_t * effp, const sox_sample_t *ibuf, sox_sample_t *obuf,
size_t *isamp, size_t *osamp)
priv_t * dcs = (priv_t *) effp->priv;
double dcshift = dcs->dcshift;
double limitergain = dcs->limitergain;
double limiterthreshhold = dcs->limiterthreshhold;
double sample;
size_t len;
len = min(*osamp, *isamp);
/* report back dealt with amount. */
*isamp = len; *osamp = len;
if (dcs->uselimiter)
dcs->totalprocessed += len;
for (;len>0; len--)
sample = *ibuf++;
if (sample > limiterthreshhold && dcshift > 0)
sample = (sample - limiterthreshhold) * limitergain / (SOX_SAMPLE_MAX - limiterthreshhold) + limiterthreshhold + dcshift;
else if (sample < -limiterthreshhold && dcshift < 0)
/* Note this should really be SOX_SAMPLE_MIN but
* the clip() below will take care of the overflow.
sample = (sample + limiterthreshhold) * limitergain / (SOX_SAMPLE_MAX - limiterthreshhold) - limiterthreshhold + dcshift;
/* Note this should consider SOX_SAMPLE_MIN but
* the clip() below will take care of the overflow.
sample = dcshift * SOX_SAMPLE_MAX + sample;
SOX_SAMPLE_CLIP_COUNT(sample, effp->clips);
*obuf++ = sample;
else for (; len > 0; --len) { /* quite basic, with clipping */
double d = dcshift * (SOX_SAMPLE_MAX + 1.) + *ibuf++;
*obuf++ = SOX_ROUND_CLIP_COUNT(d, effp->clips);
* Do anything required when you stop reading samples.
* Don't close input file!
static int sox_dcshift_stop(sox_effect_t * effp)
priv_t * dcs = (priv_t *) effp->priv;
if (dcs->limited)
lsx_warn("DCSHIFT limited %" PRIu64 " values (%d percent).",
dcs->limited, (int) (dcs->limited * 100.0 / dcs->totalprocessed));
static sox_effect_handler_t sox_dcshift_effect = {
"shift [ limitergain ]\n"
"\tThe peak limiter has a gain much less than 1.0 (ie 0.05 or 0.02) which\n"
"\tis only used on peaks to prevent clipping. (default is no limiter)",
NULL, sizeof(priv_t)
const sox_effect_handler_t *lsx_dcshift_effect_fn(void)
return &sox_dcshift_effect;