blob: 3dd719b8ce41b12f8e7fb11d5ff6cefb6eee69b6 [file] [log] [blame]
/* libSoX Echo effect August 24, 1998
* Copyright (C) 1998 Juergen Mueller And Sundry Contributors
* This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
* any purpose. This copyright notice must be maintained.
* Juergen Mueller And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for
* the consequences of using this software.
* Flow diagram scheme for n delays ( 1 <= n <= MAX_ECHOS ):
* * gain-in ___
* ibuff -----------+------------------------------------------>| |
* | _________ | |
* | | | * decay 1 | |
* +----->| delay 1 |------------------------->| |
* | |_________| | |
* | _________ | + |
* | | | * decay 2 | |
* +---------->| delay 2 |-------------------->| |
* | |_________| | |
* : _________ | |
* | | | * decay n | |
* +--------------->| delay n |--------------->|___|
* |_________| |
* | * gain-out
* |
* +----->obuff
* Usage:
* echo gain-in gain-out delay-1 decay-1 [delay-2 decay-2 ... delay-n decay-n]
* Where:
* gain-in, decay-1 ... decay-n : 0.0 ... 1.0 volume
* gain-out : 0.0 ... volume
* delay-1 ... delay-n : > 0.0 msec
* Note:
* when decay is close to 1.0, the samples can begin clipping and the output
* can saturate!
* Hint:
* 1 / out-gain > gain-in ( 1 + decay-1 + ... + decay-n )
#include "third_party/sox/src/src/sox_i.h"
#include <stdlib.h> /* Harmless, and prototypes atof() etc. --dgc */
#define DELAY_BUFSIZ ( 50 * 50U * 1024 )
#define MAX_ECHOS 7 /* 24 bit x ( 1 + MAX_ECHOS ) = */
/* 24 bit x 8 = 32 bit !!! */
/* Private data for SKEL file */
typedef struct {
int counter;
int num_delays;
double *delay_buf;
float in_gain, out_gain;
float delay[MAX_ECHOS], decay[MAX_ECHOS];
ptrdiff_t samples[MAX_ECHOS], maxsamples;
size_t fade_out;
} priv_t;
/* Private data for SKEL file */
* Process options
static int sox_echo_getopts(sox_effect_t * effp, int argc, char **argv)
priv_t * echo = (priv_t *) effp->priv;
int i;
--argc, ++argv;
echo->num_delays = 0;
if ((argc < 4) || (argc % 2))
return lsx_usage(effp);
i = 0;
sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &echo->in_gain);
sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &echo->out_gain);
while (i < argc) {
if ( echo->num_delays >= MAX_ECHOS )
lsx_fail("echo: to many delays, use less than %i delays",
/* Linux bug and it's cleaner. */
sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &echo->delay[echo->num_delays]);
sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &echo->decay[echo->num_delays]);
return (SOX_SUCCESS);
* Prepare for processing.
static int sox_echo_start(sox_effect_t * effp)
priv_t * echo = (priv_t *) effp->priv;
int i;
float sum_in_volume;
long j;
echo->maxsamples = 0;
if ( echo->in_gain < 0.0 )
lsx_fail("echo: gain-in must be positive!");
return (SOX_EOF);
if ( echo->in_gain > 1.0 )
lsx_fail("echo: gain-in must be less than 1.0!");
return (SOX_EOF);
if ( echo->out_gain < 0.0 )
lsx_fail("echo: gain-in must be positive!");
return (SOX_EOF);
for ( i = 0; i < echo->num_delays; i++ ) {
echo->samples[i] = echo->delay[i] * effp->in_signal.rate / 1000.0;
if ( echo->samples[i] < 1 )
lsx_fail("echo: delay must be positive!");
return (SOX_EOF);
if ( echo->samples[i] > (ptrdiff_t)DELAY_BUFSIZ )
lsx_fail("echo: delay must be less than %g seconds!",
DELAY_BUFSIZ / effp->in_signal.rate );
return (SOX_EOF);
if ( echo->decay[i] < 0.0 )
lsx_fail("echo: decay must be positive!" );
return (SOX_EOF);
if ( echo->decay[i] > 1.0 )
lsx_fail("echo: decay must be less than 1.0!" );
return (SOX_EOF);
if ( echo->samples[i] > echo->maxsamples )
echo->maxsamples = echo->samples[i];
echo->delay_buf = lsx_malloc(sizeof (double) * echo->maxsamples);
for ( j = 0; j < echo->maxsamples; ++j )
echo->delay_buf[j] = 0.0;
/* Be nice and check the hint with warning, if... */
sum_in_volume = 1.0;
for ( i = 0; i < echo->num_delays; i++ )
sum_in_volume += echo->decay[i];
if ( sum_in_volume * echo->in_gain > 1.0 / echo->out_gain )
lsx_warn("echo: warning >>> gain-out can cause saturation of output <<<");
echo->counter = 0;
echo->fade_out = echo->maxsamples;
effp->out_signal.length = SOX_UNKNOWN_LEN; /* TODO: calculate actual length */
return (SOX_SUCCESS);
* Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
* Return number of samples processed.
static int sox_echo_flow(sox_effect_t * effp, const sox_sample_t *ibuf, sox_sample_t *obuf,
size_t *isamp, size_t *osamp)
priv_t * echo = (priv_t *) effp->priv;
int j;
double d_in, d_out;
sox_sample_t out;
size_t len = min(*isamp, *osamp);
*isamp = *osamp = len;
while (len--) {
/* Store delays as 24-bit signed longs */
d_in = (double) *ibuf++ / 256;
/* Compute output first */
d_out = d_in * echo->in_gain;
for ( j = 0; j < echo->num_delays; j++ ) {
d_out += echo->delay_buf[
(echo->counter + echo->maxsamples - echo->samples[j]) % echo->maxsamples]
* echo->decay[j];
/* Adjust the output volume and size to 24 bit */
d_out = d_out * echo->out_gain;
out = SOX_24BIT_CLIP_COUNT((sox_sample_t) d_out, effp->clips);
*obuf++ = out * 256;
/* Store input in delay buffer */
echo->delay_buf[echo->counter] = d_in;
/* Adjust the counter */
echo->counter = ( echo->counter + 1 ) % echo->maxsamples;
/* processed all samples */
return (SOX_SUCCESS);
* Drain out reverb lines.
static int sox_echo_drain(sox_effect_t * effp, sox_sample_t *obuf, size_t *osamp)
priv_t * echo = (priv_t *) effp->priv;
double d_in, d_out;
sox_sample_t out;
int j;
size_t done;
done = 0;
/* drain out delay samples */
while ( ( done < *osamp ) && ( done < echo->fade_out ) ) {
d_in = 0;
d_out = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < echo->num_delays; j++ ) {
d_out += echo->delay_buf[
(echo->counter + echo->maxsamples - echo->samples[j]) % echo->maxsamples]
* echo->decay[j];
/* Adjust the output volume and size to 24 bit */
d_out = d_out * echo->out_gain;
out = SOX_24BIT_CLIP_COUNT((sox_sample_t) d_out, effp->clips);
*obuf++ = out * 256;
/* Store input in delay buffer */
echo->delay_buf[echo->counter] = d_in;
/* Adjust the counters */
echo->counter = ( echo->counter + 1 ) % echo->maxsamples;
/* samples played, it remains */
*osamp = done;
if (echo->fade_out == 0)
return SOX_EOF;
static int sox_echo_stop(sox_effect_t * effp)
priv_t * echo = (priv_t *) effp->priv;
echo->delay_buf = NULL;
return (SOX_SUCCESS);
static sox_effect_handler_t sox_echo_effect = {
"gain-in gain-out delay decay [ delay decay ... ]",
NULL, sizeof(priv_t)
const sox_effect_handler_t *lsx_echo_effect_fn(void)
return &sox_echo_effect;