Moved libvpx_*.cc files into the vpx directory.

Added libvorbis_*.cc files in the vorbis directory.  Some
functions had to be changed slightly because Java arrays work
differently than C++ arrays.  See the comments in the
LibVorbisEncode/ files.

Added constants for the various error conditions.

Removed dependency on the special x64 directory in the Makefile.
It works if you install libvpx normally.  For some reason it
doesn't know to check /usr/local/lib for shared libraries, so I
had to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the Makefile.

Updated the README to reflect the new project setup.

I discovered a memory leak in the files.  You must call
Release regardless of the value of isCopy.  isCopy is only there
for you to check if you can safely modify the object you get

Change-Id: Ic41eb07f38ffc979654496760b31e617c7d1787a
15 files changed
tree: d18abf610be69fe28323ef2ba0f8eabe2572bb1f
  1. JNI/