blob: 339d8ee061b77e5e1cd49e976e0a005d021983f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* This project is an Android application example showing how to use WebM jni bindings to encode video.
* This app allows you choose video and audio source files, configure different video and audio encoding parameters.
* You could set up your eclipse project following the below steps.
# Add the JNI code.
1. cd to jni folder.
# Get JNI bindings
2. git clone
# Get libvpx
3. git clone
# Configure libvpx for Android
4. ./libvpx/configure --target=armv7-android-gcc --disable-examples --sdk-path=<full path to>/<NDK>/android-ndk-r8e/
5. cd bindings/JNI
# Get libwebm
6. git clone
# Get libogg
7. Download ogg code from
8. extract to bindings/JNI
# We need to run configure to generate config_types.h.
9. cd libogg-1.3.0 && ./configure && cd ..
# Get libvorbis
10. Download vorbis code from
11. extract to bindings/JNI
# Get libyuv
12. svn checkout libyuv-read-only
13. cd ../..
# Build the JNI code.
14. ndk-build
# Copy the java code.
15. cp -R bindings/JNI/com/google ../src/com/
16. Build the Android app now and run it on Android device.