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#### 15.3 Normal Filter {#h-15-03}
The normal loop filter is a refinement of the simple loop filter; all of the general discussion above applies here as well. In particular, the functions `c`, `u2s`, `s2u`, `abs`, and `common_adjust` are used by both the normal and simple filters.
As mentioned above, the normal algorithms for inter-macroblock and inter-subblock edges differ. Nonetheless, they have a great deal in common: They use similar threshold algorithms to disable the filter and to detect high internal edge variance (which influences the filtering algorithm). Both algorithms also use, at least conditionally, the simple filter adjustment procedure described above.
The common thresholding algorithms are as follows.
/* All functions take (among other things) a segment (of length
at most 4 + 4 = 8) symmetrically straddling an edge.
The pixel values (or pointers) are always given in order,
from the "beforemost" to the "aftermost". So, for a
horizontal edge (written "|"), an 8-pixel segment would be
ordered p3 p2 p1 p0 | q0 q1 q2 q3. */
/* Filtering is disabled if the difference between any two
adjacent "interior" pixels in the 8-pixel segment exceeds
the relevant threshold (I). A more complex thresholding
calculation is done for the group of four pixels that
straddle the edge, in line with the calculation in
simple_segment() above. */
int filter_yes(
uint8 I, /* limit on interior differences */
uint8 E, /* limit at the edge */
cint8 p3, cint8 p2, cint8 p1, cint8 p0, /* pixels before
edge */
cint8 q0, cint8 q1, cint8 q2, cint8 q3 /* pixels after
edge */
) {
return (abs(p0 - q0)*2 + abs(p1-q1)/2) <= E
&& abs(p3 - p2) <= I && abs(p2 - p1) <= I &&
abs(p1 - p0) <= I
&& abs(q3 - q2) <= I && abs(q2 - q1) <= I &&
abs(q1 - q0) <= I;
/* Filtering is altered if (at least) one of the differences
on either side of the edge exceeds a threshold (we have
"high edge variance"). */
int hev(
uint8 threshold,
cint8 p1, cint8 p0, /* pixels before edge */
cint8 q0, cint8 q1 /* pixels after edge */
) {
return abs(p1 - p0) > threshold || abs(q1 - q0) > threshold;
The subblock filter is a variant of the simple filter. In fact, if we have high edge variance, the adjustment is exactly as for the simple filter. Otherwise, the simple adjustment (without outer taps) is applied and the two pixels one step in from the edge pixels are adjusted by roughly half the amount by which the two edge pixels are adjusted; since the edge adjustment here is essentially 3/8 the edge difference, the inner adjustment is approximately 3/16 the edge difference.
void subblock_filter(
uint8 hev_threshold, /* detect high edge variance */
uint8 interior_limit, /* possibly disable filter */
uint8 edge_limit,
cint8 *P3, cint8 *P2, int8 *P1, int8 *P0, /* pixels before
edge */
int8 *Q0, int8 *Q1, cint8 *Q2, cint8 *Q3 /* pixels after
edge */
) {
cint8 p3 = u2s(*P3), p2 = u2s(*P2), p1 = u2s(*P1),
p0 = u2s(*P0);
cint8 q0 = u2s(*Q0), q1 = u2s(*Q1), q2 = u2s(*Q2),
q3 = u2s(*Q3);
if( filter_yes( interior_limit, edge_limit, q3, q2, q1, q0,
p0, p1, p2, p3))
const int hv = hev( hev_threshold, p1, p0, q0, q1);
cint8 a = ( common_adjust( hv, P1, P0, Q0, Q1) + 1) >> 1;
if( !hv) {
*Q1 = s2u( q1 - a);
*P1 = s2u( p1 + a);
The inter-macroblock filter has potentially wider scope. If the edge variance is high, it performs the simple adjustment (using the outer taps, just like the simple filter and the corresponding case of the normal subblock filter). If the edge variance is low, we begin with the same basic filter calculation and apply multiples of it to pixel pairs symmetric about the edge; the magnitude of adjustment decays as we move away from the edge and six of the pixels in the segment are affected.
void MBfilter(
uint8 hev_threshold, /* detect high edge variance */
uint8 interior_limit, /* possibly disable filter */
uint8 edge_limit,
cint8 *P3, int8 *P2, int8 *P1, int8 *P0, /* pixels before
edge */
int8 *Q0, int8 *Q1, int8 *Q2, cint8 *Q3 /* pixels after
edge */
) {
cint8 p3 = u2s(*P3), p2 = u2s(*P2), p1 = u2s(*P1),
p0 = u2s(*P0);
cint8 q0 = u2s(*Q0), q1 = u2s(*Q1), q2 = u2s(*Q2),
q3 = u2s(*Q3);
if( filter_yes( interior_limit, edge_limit, q3, q2, q1, q0,
p0, p1, p2, p3))
if( !hev( hev_threshold, p1, p0, q0, q1))
/* Same as the initial calculation in "common_adjust",
w is something like twice the edge difference */
const int8 w = c( c(p1 - q1) + 3*(q0 - p0) );
/* 9/64 is approximately 9/63 = 1/7 and 1<<7 = 128 =
2*64. So this a, used to adjust the pixels adjacent
to the edge, is something like 3/7 the edge
difference. */
int8 a = c( (27*w + 63) >> 7);
*Q0 = s2u( q0 - a); *P0 = s2u( p0 + a);
/* Next two are adjusted by 2/7 the edge difference */
a = c( (18*w + 63) >> 7);
*Q1 = s2u( q1 - a); *P1 = s2u( p1 + a);
/* Last two are adjusted by 1/7 the edge difference */
a = c( (9*w + 63) >> 7);
*Q2 = s2u( q2 - a); *P2 = s2u( p2 + a);
} else /* if hev, do simple filter */
common_adjust( 1, P1, P0, Q0, Q1); /* using outer
taps */