blob: f28e277a5be8aadda35679057485704bc33a2605 [file] [log] [blame]
#### A.2 Frame Header {#h-0a-02}
| ---------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| Frame Header | Type |
| ---------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| if (key_frame) { | |
| color_space | L(1) |
| clamping_type | L(1) |
| } | |
| segmentation_enabled | L(1) |
| if (segmentation_enabled) | |
| update_segmentation() | |
| filter_type | L(1) |
| loop_filter_level | L(6) |
| sharpness_level | L(3) |
| mb_lf_adjustments() | |
| log2_nbr_of_dct_partitions | L(2) |
| quant_indices() | |
| if (key_frame) | |
| refresh_entropy_probs | L(1) |
| else { | |
| refresh_golden_frame | L(1) |
| refresh_alternate_frame | L(1) |
| if (!refresh_golden_frame) | |
| copy_buffer_to_golden | L(2) |
| if (!refresh_alternate_frame) | |
| copy_buffer_to_alternate | L(2) |
| sign_bias_golden | L(1) |
| sign_bias_alternate | L(1) |
| refresh_entropy_probs | L(1) |
| refresh_last | L(1) |
| } | |
| token_prob_update() | |
| mb_no_skip_coeff | L(1) |
| if (mb_no_skip_coeff) | |
| prob_skip_false | L(8) |
| if (!key_frame) { | |
| prob_intra | L(8) |
| prob_last | L(8) |
| prob_gf | L(8) |
| intra_16x16_prob_update_flag | L(1) |
| if (intra_16x16_prob_update_flag) { | |
| for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) | |
| intra_16x16_prob | L(8) |
| } | |
| intra_chroma prob_update_flag | L(1) |
| if (intra_chroma_prob_update_flag) { | |
| for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) | |
| intra_chroma_prob | L(8) |
| } | |
| mv_prob_update() | |
| } | |
* `color_space` defines the YUV color space of the sequence
([Section 9.2](#h-09-02))
* `clamping_type` specifies if the decoder is required to clamp the
reconstructed pixel values ([Section 9.2](#h-09-02))
* `segmentation_enabled` enables the segmentation feature for the
current frame ([Section 9.3](#h-09-03))
* `filter_type` determines whether the normal or the simple loop
filter is used ([Sections 9.4](#h-09-04), [15](#h-15-00))
* `loop_filter_level` controls the deblocking filter
([Sections 9.4](#h-09-04), [15](#h-15-00))
* `sharpness_level` controls the deblocking filter
([Sections 9.4](#h-09-04), [15](#h-15-00))
* `log2_nbr_of_dct_partitions` determines the number of separate
partitions containing the DCT coefficients of the macroblocks
([Section 9.5](#h-09-05))
* `refresh_entropy_probs` determines whether updated token
probabilities are used only for this frame or until further update
* `refresh_golden_frame` determines if the current decoded frame
refreshes the golden frame ([Section 9.7](#h-09-07))
* `refresh_alternate_frame` determines if the current decoded frame
refreshes the alternate reference frame ([Section 9.7](#h-09-07))
* `copy_buffer_to_golden` determines if the golden reference is
replaced by another reference ([Section 9.7](#h-09-07))
* `copy_buffer_to_alternate` determines if the alternate reference is
replaced by another reference ([Section 9.7](#h-09-07))
* `sign_bias_golden` controls the sign of motion vectors when the
golden frame is referenced ([Section 9.7](#h-09-07))
* `sign_bias_alternate` controls the sign of motion vectors when the
alternate frame is referenced ([Section 9.7](#h-09-07))
* `refresh_last` determines if the current decoded frame refreshes the
last frame reference buffer ([Section 9.8](#h-09-08))
* `mb_no_skip_coeff` enables or disables the skipping of macroblocks
containing no non-zero coefficients ([Section 9.10](#h-09-10))
* `prob_skip_false` indicates the probability that the macroblock is
not skipped (flag indicating skipped macroblock is false)
([Section 9.10](#h-09-10))
* `prob_intra` indicates the probability of an intra macroblock
([Section 9.10](#h-09-10))
* `prob_last` indicates the probability that the last reference frame
is used for inter-prediction ([Section 9.10](#h-09-10))
* `prob_gf` indicates the probability that the golden reference frame
is used for inter-prediction ([Section 9.10](#h-09-10))
* `intra_16x16_prob_update_flag` indicates if the branch probabilities
used in the decoding of the luma intra-prediction mode are updated
([Section 9.10](#h-09-10))
* `intra_16x16_prob` indicates the branch probabilities of the luma
intra-prediction mode decoding tree
* `intra_chroma_prob_update_flag` indicates if the branch
probabilities used in the decoding of the chroma intra-prediction
mode are updated ([Section 9.10](#h-09-10))
* `intra_chroma_prob` indicates the branch probabilities of the chroma
intra-prediction mode decoding tree
| ---------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| update_segmentation() | Type |
| ---------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| update_mb_segmentation_map | L(1) |
| update_segment_feature_data | L(1) |
| if (update_segment_feature_data) { | |
| segment_feature_mode | L(1) |
| for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { | |
| quantizer_update | L(1) |
| if (quantizer_update) { | |
| quantizer_update_value | L(7) |
| quantizer_update_sign | L(1) |
| } | |
| } | |
| for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { | |
| loop_filter_update | L(1) |
| if (loop_filter_update) { | |
| lf_update_value | L(6) |
| lf_update_sign | L(1) |
| } | |
| } | |
| } | |
| if (update_mb_segmentation_map) { | |
| for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { | |
| segment_prob_update | L(1) |
| if (segment_prob_update) | |
| segment_prob | L(8) |
| } | |
| } | |
* `update_mb_segmentation_map` determines if the MB segmentation map
is updated in the current frame ([Section 9.3](#h-09-03))
* `update_segment_feature_data` indicates if the segment feature data
is updated in the current frame ([Section 9.3](#h-09-03))
* `segment_feature_mode` indicates the feature data update mode, 0
for delta and 1 for the absolute value ([Section 9.3](#h-09-03))
* `quantizer_update` indicates if the quantizer value is updated for
the i^(th) segment ([Section 9.3](#h-09-03))
* `quantizer_update_value` indicates the update value for the segment
quantizer ([Section 9.3](#h-09-03))
* `quantizer_update_sign` indicates the update sign for the segment
quantizer ([Section 9.3](#h-09-03))
* `loop_filter_update` indicates if the loop filter level value is
updated for the i^(th) segment ([Section 9.3](#h-09-03))
* `lf_update_value` indicates the update value for the loop filter
level ([Section 9.3](#h-09-03))
* `lf_update_sign` indicates the update sign for the loop filter level
([Section 9.3](#h-09-03))
* `segment_prob_update` indicates whether the branch probabilities
used to decode the `segment_id` in the MB header are decoded from
the stream or use the default value of 255 ([Section 9.3](#h-09-03))
* `segment_prob` indicates the branch probabilities of the `segment_id`
decoding tree ([Section 9.3](#h-09-03))
| ---------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| mb_lf_adjustments() | Type |
| ---------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| loop_filter_adj_enable | L(1) |
| if (loop_filter_adj_enable) { | |
| mode_ref_lf_delta_update | L(1) |
| if (mode_ref_lf_delta_update) { | |
| for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { | |
| ref_frame_delta_update_flag | L(1) |
| if (ref_frame_delta_update_flag) { | |
| delta_magnitude | L(6) |
| delta_sign | L(1) |
| } | |
| } | |
| for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { | |
| mb_mode_delta_update_flag | L(1) |
| if (mb_mode_delta_update_flag) { | |
| delta_magnitude | L(6) |
| delta_sign | L(1) |
| } | |
| } | |
| } | |
| } | |
* `loop_filter_adj_enable` indicates if the MB-level loop filter
adjustment (based on the used reference frame and coding mode) is
on for the current frame ([Section 9.4](#h-09-04))
* `mode_ref_lf_delta_update` indicates if the delta values used in an
adjustment are updated in the current frame ([Section 9.4](#h-09-04))
* `ref_frame_delta_update_flag` indicates if the adjustment delta
value corresponding to a certain used reference frame is updated
([Section 9.4](#h-09-04))
* `delta_magnitude` is the absolute value of the delta value
* `delta_sign` is the sign of the delta value
* `mb_mode_delta_update_flag` indicates if the adjustment delta value
corresponding to a certain MB prediction mode is updated
([Section 9.4](#h-09-04))
| ---------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| quant_indices() | Type |
| ---------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| y_ac_qi | L(7) |
| y_dc_delta_present | L(1) |
| if (y_dc_delta_present) { | |
| y_dc_delta_magnitude | L(4) |
| y_dc_delta_sign | L(1) |
| } | |
| y2_dc_delta_present | L(1) |
| if (y2_dc_delta_present) { | |
| y2_dc_delta_magnitude | L(4) |
| y2_dc_delta_sign | L(1) |
| } | |
| y2_ac_delta_present | L(1) |
| if (y2_ac_delta_present) { | |
| y2_ac_delta_magnitude | L(4) |
| y2_ac_delta_sign | L(1) |
| } | |
| uv_dc_delta_present | L(1) |
| if (uv_dc_delta_present) { | |
| uv_dc_delta_magnitude | L(4) |
| uv_dc_delta_sign | L(1) |
| } | |
| uv_ac_delta_present | L(1) |
| if (uv_ac_delta_present) { | |
| uv_ac_delta_magnitude | L(4) |
| uv_ac_delta_sign | L(1) |
| } | |
* `y_ac_qi` is the dequantization table index used for the luma AC
coefficients (and other coefficient groups if no delta value is
present) ([Section 9.6](#h-09-06))
* `y_dc_delta_present` indicates if the stream contains a delta value
that is added to the baseline index to obtain the luma DC
coefficient dequantization index ([Section 9.6](#h-09-06))
* `y_dc_delta_magnitude` is the magnitude of the delta value
([Section 9.6](#h-09-06))
* `y_dc_delta_sign` is the sign of the delta value ([Section 9.6](#h-09-06))
* `y2_dc_delta_present` indicates if the stream contains a delta value
that is added to the baseline index to obtain the Y2 block DC
coefficient dequantization index ([Section 9.6](#h-09-06))
* `y2_ac_delta_present` indicates if the stream contains a delta value
that is added to the baseline index to obtain the Y2 block AC
coefficient dequantization index ([Section 9.6](#h-09-06))
* `uv_dc_delta_present` indicates if the stream contains a delta value
that is added to the baseline index to obtain the chroma DC
coefficient dequantization index ([Section 9.6](#h-09-06))
* `uv_ac_delta_present` indicates if the stream contains a delta value
that is added to the baseline index to obtain the chroma AC
coefficient dequantization index ([Section 9.6](#h-09-06))
| ---------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| token_prob_update() | Type |
| ---------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { | |
| for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { | |
| for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { | |
| for (l = 0; l < 11; l++) { | |
| coeff_prob_update_flag | L(1) |
| if (coeff_prob_update_flag) | |
| coeff_prob | L(8) |
| } | |
| } | |
| } | |
| } | |
* `coeff_prob_update_flag` indicates if the corresponding branch
probability is updated in the current frame ([Section 13.4](#h-13-04))
* `coeff_prob` is the new branch probability ([13.4](#h-13-04))
| ---------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| mv_prob_update() | Type |
| ---------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { | |
| for (j = 0; j < 19; j++) { | |
| mv_prob_update_flag | L(1) |
| if (mv_prob_update_flag) | |
| prob | L(7) |
| } | |
| } | |
* `mv_prob_update_flag` indicates if the corresponding MV decoding
probability is updated in the current frame ([Section 17.2](#h-17-02))
* `prob` is the updated probability ([Section 17.2](#h-17-02))