Motion compensated reference refinement

This commit applies one-step refinement search to the resulting
motion vector of the integral projectiion based motion estimation,
per 64x64 block. It improves the coding performance of speed -6.

pedestrian 1080p 500 kbps
51735 b/f, 36.794 dB, 16044 ms ->
51382 b/f, 36.793 dB, 16282 ms

cloud 1080p 500 kbps
24081 b/f, 37.988 dB, 14016 ms ->
23597 b/f, 38.076 dB, 12774 ms

vidyo1 720p 1000 kbps
16552 b/f, 40.514 dB, 8279 ms ->
16553 b/f, 40.543 dB, 8510 ms

The rtc set compression performance is improved by 0.5%.

Change-Id: I3d09bea2caf58b2a4f3b38aa26fffafcbe9a2c17
1 file changed