| #!/bin/bash |
| # |
| # This script generates 'WebP.xcframework', 'WebPDecoder.xcframework', |
| # 'WebPDemux.xcframework' and 'WebPMux.xcframework'. |
| # An iOS, Mac or Mac Catalyst app can decode WebP images by including |
| # 'WebPDecoder.xcframework' and both encode and decode WebP images by including |
| # 'WebP.xcframework'. |
| # |
| # Run ./xcframeworkbuild.sh to generate the frameworks under the current |
| # directory (the previous build will be erased if it exists). |
| # |
| |
| set -e |
| |
| # Set these variables based on the desired minimum deployment target. |
| readonly IOS_MIN_VERSION=6.0 |
| readonly MACOSX_MIN_VERSION=10.15 |
| |
| # Extract Xcode version. |
| readonly XCODE=$(xcodebuild -version | grep Xcode | cut -d " " -f2) |
| if [[ -z "${XCODE}" ]] || [[ "${XCODE%%.*}" -lt 11 ]]; then |
| echo "Xcode 11.0 or higher is required!" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| # Extract the latest SDK version from the final field of the form: iphoneosX.Y |
| # / macosxX.Y |
| readonly SDK=($( |
| xcodebuild -showsdks \ |
| | grep iphoneos | sort | tail -n 1 | awk '{print substr($NF, 9)}' |
| xcodebuild -showsdks \ |
| | grep macosx | sort | tail -n 1 | awk '{print substr($NF, 7)}' |
| )) |
| readonly IOS=0 |
| readonly MACOS=1 |
| readonly IOS_SIMULATOR=2 |
| readonly MACOS_CATALYST=3 |
| readonly NUM_PLATFORMS=4 |
| |
| readonly OLDPATH=${PATH} |
| |
| # Names should be of the form '<platform>-[<variant>-]<architecture>'. |
| PLATFORMS[$IOS]="iPhoneOS-armv7 iPhoneOS-armv7s iPhoneOS-arm64" |
| PLATFORMS[$IOS_SIMULATOR]="iPhoneSimulator-i386 iPhoneSimulator-x86_64" |
| PLATFORMS[$MACOS]="MacOSX-x86_64" |
| PLATFORMS[$MACOS_CATALYST]="MacOSX-Catalyst-x86_64" |
| if [[ "${XCODE%%.*}" -ge 12 ]]; then |
| PLATFORMS[$MACOS]+=" MacOSX-arm64" |
| PLATFORMS[$MACOS_CATALYST]+=" MacOSX-Catalyst-arm64" |
| PLATFORMS[$IOS_SIMULATOR]+=" iPhoneSimulator-arm64" |
| elif [[ "${XCODE%%.*}" -eq 11 ]]; then |
| cat << EOF |
| WARNING: Xcode 12.0 or higher is required to build targets for |
| WARNING: Apple Silicon (arm64). The XCFrameworks generated with Xcode 11 will |
| WARNING: contain libraries for MacOS & Catalyst supporting x86_64 only. |
| WARNING: The build will continue in 5 seconds... |
| EOF |
| sleep 5 |
| else |
| echo "Xcode 11.0 or higher is required!" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| readonly PLATFORMS |
| readonly SRCDIR=$(dirname $0) |
| readonly TOPDIR=$(pwd) |
| readonly BUILDDIR="${TOPDIR}/xcframeworkbuild" |
| readonly TARGETDIR="${TOPDIR}/WebP.xcframework" |
| readonly DECTARGETDIR="${TOPDIR}/WebPDecoder.xcframework" |
| readonly MUXTARGETDIR="${TOPDIR}/WebPMux.xcframework" |
| readonly DEMUXTARGETDIR="${TOPDIR}/WebPDemux.xcframework" |
| readonly SHARPYUVTARGETDIR="${TOPDIR}/SharpYuv.xcframework" |
| readonly DEVELOPER=$(xcode-select --print-path) |
| readonly DEVROOT="${DEVELOPER}/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain" |
| readonly PLATFORMSROOT="${DEVELOPER}/Platforms" |
| readonly LIPO=$(xcrun -sdk iphoneos${SDK[$IOS]} -find lipo) |
| |
| if [[ -z "${SDK[$IOS]}" ]] || [[ ${SDK[$IOS]%%.*} -lt 8 ]]; then |
| echo "iOS SDK version 8.0 or higher is required!" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # Moves Headers/*.h to Headers/<framework>/ |
| # |
| # Places framework headers in a subdirectory to avoid Xcode errors when using |
| # multiple frameworks: |
| # error: Multiple commands produce |
| # '.../Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/include/types.h' |
| # Arguments: |
| # $1 - path to framework |
| ####################################### |
| update_headers_path() { |
| local framework_name="$(basename ${1%.xcframework})" |
| local subdir |
| for d in $(find "$1" -path "*/Headers"); do |
| subdir="$d/$framework_name" |
| if [[ -d "$subdir" ]]; then |
| # SharpYuv will have a sharpyuv subdirectory. macOS is case insensitive, |
| # but for consistency with the other frameworks, rename the directory to |
| # match the case of the framework name. |
| mv "$(echo ${subdir} | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')" "$subdir" |
| else |
| mkdir "$subdir" |
| mv "$d/"*.h "$subdir" |
| fi |
| done |
| } |
| |
| echo "Xcode Version: ${XCODE}" |
| echo "iOS SDK Version: ${SDK[$IOS]}" |
| echo "MacOS SDK Version: ${SDK[$MACOS]}" |
| |
| if [[ -e "${BUILDDIR}" || -e "${TARGETDIR}" || -e "${DECTARGETDIR}" \ |
| || -e "${MUXTARGETDIR}" || -e "${DEMUXTARGETDIR}" \ |
| || -e "${SHARPYUVTARGETDIR}" ]]; then |
| cat << EOF |
| WARNING: The following directories will be deleted: |
| WARNING: The build will continue in 5 seconds... |
| EOF |
| sleep 5 |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ ! -e ${SRCDIR}/configure ]]; then |
| if ! (cd ${SRCDIR} && sh autogen.sh); then |
| cat << EOF |
| Error creating configure script! |
| This script requires the autoconf/automake and libtool to build. MacPorts or |
| Homebrew can be used to obtain these: |
| https://www.macports.org/install.php |
| https://brew.sh/ |
| EOF |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| for (( i = 0; i < $NUM_PLATFORMS; ++i )); do |
| LIBLIST=() |
| |
| for PLATFORM in ${PLATFORMS[$i]}; do |
| mkdir -p "${ROOTDIR}" |
| |
| ARCH="${PLATFORM##*-}" |
| case "${PLATFORM}" in |
| iPhone*) |
| sdk="${SDK[$IOS]}" |
| ;; |
| MacOS*) |
| sdk="${SDK[$MACOS]}" |
| ;; |
| *) |
| echo "Unrecognized platform: ${PLATFORM}!" |
| exit 1 |
| ;; |
| esac |
| |
| SDKROOT="${PLATFORMSROOT}/${PLATFORM%%-*}.platform/" |
| SDKROOT+="Developer/SDKs/${PLATFORM%%-*}${sdk}.sdk/" |
| CFLAGS="-pipe -isysroot ${SDKROOT} -O3 -DNDEBUG" |
| case "${PLATFORM}" in |
| iPhone*) |
| if [[ "${XCODE%%.*}" -lt 16 ]]; then |
| CFLAGS+=" -fembed-bitcode" |
| fi |
| CFLAGS+=" -target ${ARCH}-apple-ios${IOS_MIN_VERSION}" |
| [[ "${PLATFORM}" == *Simulator* ]] && CFLAGS+="-simulator" |
| ;; |
| MacOSX-Catalyst*) |
| CFLAGS+=" -target" |
| CFLAGS+=" ${ARCH}-apple-ios${MACOSX_CATALYST_MIN_VERSION}-macabi" |
| ;; |
| MacOSX*) |
| CFLAGS+=" -mmacosx-version-min=${MACOSX_MIN_VERSION}" |
| ;; |
| esac |
| |
| set -x |
| export PATH="${DEVROOT}/usr/bin:${OLDPATH}" |
| ${SRCDIR}/configure --host=${ARCH/arm64/aarch64}-apple-darwin \ |
| --build=$(${SRCDIR}/config.guess) \ |
| --prefix=${ROOTDIR} \ |
| --disable-shared --enable-static \ |
| --enable-libwebpdecoder --enable-swap-16bit-csp \ |
| --enable-libwebpmux \ |
| CC="clang -arch ${ARCH}" \ |
| set +x |
| |
| # Build only the libraries, skip the examples. |
| make V=0 -C sharpyuv install |
| make V=0 -C src install |
| |
| LIBLIST+=("${ROOTDIR}/lib/libwebp.a") |
| DECLIBLIST+=("${ROOTDIR}/lib/libwebpdecoder.a") |
| MUXLIBLIST+=("${ROOTDIR}/lib/libwebpmux.a") |
| DEMUXLIBLIST+=("${ROOTDIR}/lib/libwebpdemux.a") |
| SHARPYUVLIBLIST+=("${ROOTDIR}/lib/libsharpyuv.a") |
| # xcodebuild requires a directory for the -headers option, these will match |
| # for all builds. |
| make -C src install-data DESTDIR="${ROOTDIR}/lib-headers" |
| make -C src install-commonHEADERS DESTDIR="${ROOTDIR}/dec-headers" |
| make -C src/demux install-data DESTDIR="${ROOTDIR}/demux-headers" |
| make -C src/mux install-data DESTDIR="${ROOTDIR}/mux-headers" |
| make -C sharpyuv install-data DESTDIR="${ROOTDIR}/sharpyuv-headers" |
| LIB_HEADERS="${ROOTDIR}/lib-headers/${ROOTDIR}/include/webp" |
| DEC_HEADERS="${ROOTDIR}/dec-headers/${ROOTDIR}/include/webp" |
| DEMUX_HEADERS="${ROOTDIR}/demux-headers/${ROOTDIR}/include/webp" |
| MUX_HEADERS="${ROOTDIR}/mux-headers/${ROOTDIR}/include/webp" |
| SHARPYUV_HEADERS="${ROOTDIR}/sharpyuv-headers/${ROOTDIR}/include/webp" |
| |
| make distclean |
| |
| export PATH=${OLDPATH} |
| done |
| |
| [[ -z "${LIBLIST[@]}" ]] && continue |
| |
| # Create a temporary target directory for each <platform>[-<variant>]. |
| target_dir="${BUILDDIR}/${PLATFORMS[$i]}" |
| target_dir="${target_dir%% *}" |
| target_dir="${target_dir%-*}" |
| target_lib="${target_dir}/$(basename ${LIBLIST[0]})" |
| target_declib="${target_dir}/$(basename ${DECLIBLIST[0]})" |
| target_demuxlib="${target_dir}/$(basename ${DEMUXLIBLIST[0]})" |
| target_muxlib="${target_dir}/$(basename ${MUXLIBLIST[0]})" |
| target_sharpyuvlib="${target_dir}/$(basename ${SHARPYUVLIBLIST[0]})" |
| |
| mkdir -p "${target_dir}" |
| ${LIPO} -create ${LIBLIST[@]} -output "${target_lib}" |
| ${LIPO} -create ${DECLIBLIST[@]} -output "${target_declib}" |
| ${LIPO} -create ${DEMUXLIBLIST[@]} -output "${target_demuxlib}" |
| ${LIPO} -create ${MUXLIBLIST[@]} -output "${target_muxlib}" |
| ${LIPO} -create ${SHARPYUVLIBLIST[@]} -output "${target_sharpyuvlib}" |
| FAT_LIBLIST+=(-library "${target_lib}" -headers "${LIB_HEADERS}") |
| FAT_DECLIBLIST+=(-library "${target_declib}" -headers "${DEC_HEADERS}") |
| FAT_DEMUXLIBLIST+=(-library "${target_demuxlib}" -headers "${DEMUX_HEADERS}") |
| FAT_MUXLIBLIST+=(-library "${target_muxlib}" -headers "${MUX_HEADERS}") |
| FAT_SHARPYUVLIBLIST+=(-library "${target_sharpyuvlib}") |
| done |
| |
| # lipo will not put archives with the same architecture (e.g., x86_64 |
| # iPhoneSimulator & MacOS) in the same fat output file. xcodebuild |
| # -create-xcframework requires universal archives to avoid e.g.: |
| # Both ios-x86_64-maccatalyst and ios-arm64-maccatalyst represent two |
| # equivalent library definitions |
| set -x |
| xcodebuild -create-xcframework "${FAT_LIBLIST[@]}" \ |
| -output ${TARGETDIR} |
| xcodebuild -create-xcframework "${FAT_DECLIBLIST[@]}" \ |
| -output ${DECTARGETDIR} |
| xcodebuild -create-xcframework "${FAT_DEMUXLIBLIST[@]}" \ |
| -output ${DEMUXTARGETDIR} |
| xcodebuild -create-xcframework "${FAT_MUXLIBLIST[@]}" \ |
| -output ${MUXTARGETDIR} |
| xcodebuild -create-xcframework "${FAT_SHARPYUVLIBLIST[@]}" \ |
| update_headers_path "${TARGETDIR}" |
| update_headers_path "${DECTARGETDIR}" |
| update_headers_path "${DEMUXTARGETDIR}" |
| update_headers_path "${MUXTARGETDIR}" |
| update_headers_path "${SHARPYUVTARGETDIR}" |
| set +x |
| |
| echo "SUCCESS" |