blob: d08493c58c2b7e8dd153277ea30ac9cae84b88ee [file] [log] [blame]
Comparing VP8 & H.264 Constrained Baseline Profile
8th March, 2013
To compare the typical performance of VP8 and H.264 in a real-time scenario.
We gathered a small set of test clips containing content that is
representative of that found in a typical video-conferencing application
scenario. We encoded each of these clips into both the VP8 and H.264
(Constrained Baseline Profile) formats over a range of data rates, using
the following versions of the vpxenc and x264 encoding applications,
vp8: Git Commit-Id: c129203f7e5e20f5d67f92c27c65f7d5e362aa7a
x264: Version: 0.128.2216 198a7ea
Directory Structure:
The script files can be downloaded using the following link:
and reflated with the command:
tar -x --xz -f vp8_vs_h264.tar.xz
Once unpacked the files are arranged in the following directory structure:
./ // Script files.
./bin // Executables.
./src // Source code for the PSNR application.
The test video files can be individually downloaded using the following links:
Each must be reflated using the command:
xz -d <filename>.xz
(The .xz file will be removed automatically)
The YUV format video files, once extracted, should be placed in the
./video directory (which must first be created).
The following directories are created during the execution of the scripts:
./logs // Output logs for:
./logs/vp8 // -VP8 runs,
./logs/h264 // -H264 runs.
./encoded_clips // Encoded output files for:
./encoded_clips/vp8 // -VP8 runs,
./encoded_clips/h264 // -H264 runs.
./stats // Data-rate, PSNR, decode and encode time values for:
./stats/vp8 // -VP8 runs,
./stats/h264 // -H264 runs.
These scripts assume that the following software is installed on the host
* ffmpeg (
* x264 (
* python (required to run
* vpxenc & vpxdec (built from source found at
The VP8 encoder (vpxenc) and decoder (vpxdec) must be built and copied to
the ./bin directory. The VP8 configuration command line should be:
In addition, the psnr utility needs to be built from ./src/psnr.c (requires
the math library "-lm") and copied into the ./bin directory.
gcc -o bin/psnr src/psnr.c -lm
Running the Quality Tests:
To run the VP8 tests:
$ sh video
For each test video, an output log is produced in the logs/vp8 directory
and the compressed clip is stored in encoded_clips/vp8. A file containing
the summarised (data-rate, psnr) values at each data-rate for each video
is stored in stats/vp8.
To run the H264 tests:
$ sh video
For each test video, an output log is produced in the logs/h264 directory
and the compressed clip is stored in encoded_clips/h264. A file containing
the summarised (data-rate, psnr) values at each data-rate for each video
is stored in stats/h264.
Running the Encode Speed Tests
To run the VP8 tests:
$ sh video
For each test video, an output log is produced in the logs/vp8 directory
and the compressed clip is stored in encoded_clips/vp8. A file containing
the summarised (time to encode , psnr) values at each data-rate for each
video is stored in stats/vp8.
To run the H264 tests:
$ sh video
For each test video, an output log is produced in the logs/vp8 directory
and the compressed clip is stored in encoded_clips/h264. A file containing
the summarised (time to encode, psnr) values at each data-rate for each
video is stored in stats/h264.
To produce the rate distortion curves as an HTML file:
(Assumes that the other scripts have already been run)
$ sh
This script employs a modified version of the “WebM Contributors Guide” to
create 2 files “vp8_vs_h264_quality.html” that presents the resulting RD-curves
in graphical form and "vp8_vs_h264_speed.html" that graphs time to encode versus
quality. Once loaded into a browser the user can examine the curves for each test
video and also see the difference between VP8 & H.264 expressed as a percentage.
For vp8_vs_h264_quality.html the figure represents the increased (+ve) or
decreased (-ve) number of bits required by H.264 Constrained Baseline Profile to
achieve the same quality as VP8, expressed as the percentage of the size of the
VP8 compressed file. Thus, +10% would mean that H.264 requires, on average, 10%
more bits than VP8 to achieve the same quality (measured in terms of
overall/global PSNR). For vp8_vs_h264_speed.html the figure represents the
amount of time needed for vp8 to match x264 quality.
Note: Source file psnr.c is provided in the bin directory for reference (this
is exactly the same PSNR algorithm implemented in VP8).
Running the Decode Speed Tests
This calculates the aggregate time to decode all of the files that have been
encoded in encoded_clips/vp8 and the aggregate time to decode all of the files
that have been encoded in encoded_clips/h264. The decodes are run with a thread
count set from 1 to 8 and the results are stored in the file