blob: 6f37c5c0f00be8545ed5ac9d592c7f3eb8b7e755 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Encoder and related classes.
This file contains classes that generically define the idea of a codec,
an encoder, an option and so forth.
A codec is a generic mechanism for processing an .yuv file and returning
a score. Given a set of options, a file and a rate, it can produce an encoder.
The codec has a set of options that can have varying values.
An encoder is a codec with a given set of options.
An encoding is an encoder applied to a given filename and target bitrate.
A variant is an encoder with at least one option changed.
import ast
import glob
import md5
import os
import random
import re
import sys
class Error(Exception):
class Option(object):
"""This class represents an option given to an encoder.
Typically the command line representation is "--name=value".
This class provides functions to modify an option in a command line string.
def __init__(self, name, values=[]): = name
self.values = frozenset(values)
def PickAnother(self, not_this):
"""Find a new value for the option, different from not_this.
not_this doesn't have to be a member of the values list, but can be.
assert(len(self.values) > 1)
rest = list(self.values - set([not_this]))
return rest[random.randint(0, len(rest) - 1)]
def OptionString(self, value):
return '--%s=%s' % (, value)
def _OptionSearchExpression(self):
return r'--%s=(\S+)' %
def GetValue(self, config):
m =, config)
if not m:
raise Error('No value for option %s' %
def SetValue(self, config, new_value):
return re.sub(self._OptionSearchExpression(),
self.OptionString(new_value), config)
def RandomlyPatchConfig(self, config):
""" Modify a configuration by changing the value of this parameter."""
newconfig = self.SetValue(config, self.PickAnother(self.GetValue(config)))
assert(config != newconfig)
return newconfig
class ChoiceOption(Option):
"""This class represents a set of exclusive options (without values).
One example is the --good, --best option to vpxenc.
def __init__(self, flags):
self.values = frozenset(flags)
def OptionString(self, value):
return '--%s' % value
def GetValue(self, config):
current_flags = set([flag[2:] for flag in config.split()
if flag.startswith('--')])
these_flags = current_flags & self.values
if len(these_flags) == 0:
raise Error('No choice option alternative given')
if len(these_flags) > 1:
raise Error('Mutually exclusive option alternatives given')
return these_flags.pop()
def RandomlyPatchConfig(self, config):
""" Modify a configuration by replacing the instance of this option."""
current_flag = self.GetValue(config)
next_flag = self.PickAnother(current_flag)
newconfig = re.sub(r'--%s\b' % current_flag,
'--%s' % next_flag, config)
assert(config != newconfig)
return newconfig
class IntegerOption(Option):
"""This class represents an option with a range of values.
def __init__(self, name, min, max):
"""Note that the value of the max parameter is included in the set.""" = name
self.values = frozenset([str(s) for s in xrange(min, max+1)])
self.min = min
self.max = max
class Videofile(object):
def __init__(self, filename):
""" Parse the file name to find width, height and framerate. """
self.filename = filename
m ='_(\d+)x(\d+)_(\d+)', filename)
if m:
self.width = int(
self.height = int(
self.framerate = int(
m ='_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+).yuv$', filename)
if m:
self.width = int(
self.height = int(
self.framerate = int(
raise Error("Unable to parse filename " + filename)
self.basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
def MeasuredBitrate(self, encodedsize):
"""Returns bitrate of an encoded file in kilobits per second.
Argument: Encoded file size in bytes.
# YUV is 8 bits per pixel for Y, 1/4 that for each of U and V.
framesize = self.width * self.height * 3 / 2
framecount = os.path.getsize(self.filename) / framesize
encodedframesize = encodedsize / framecount
return encodedframesize * self.framerate * 8 / 1000
class Codec(object):
"""Abstract class representing a codec.
Subclasses must define the name, options and start_encoder variables
def __init__(self, name, cache=None): = name
if cache:
self.cache = cache
self.cache = EncodingDiskCache(self)
def AllScoredEncodings(self, bitrate, videofile):
return self.cache.AllScoredEncodings(bitrate, videofile)
def BestEncoding(self, bitrate, videofile):
encodings = self.AllScoredEncodings(bitrate, videofile)
if not encodings.Empty():
return encodings.BestEncoding()
return self.start_encoder.Encoding(bitrate, videofile)
def Execute(self, parameters, bitrate, videofile, workdir):
raise Error("The base codec class can't execute anything")
def ConfigurationFixups(self, config):
"""Hook for applying inter-parameter tweaks."""
return config
def RandomlyChangeConfig(self, parameters):
assert(len(self.options) >= 1)
option_to_change = self.options[random.randint(0, len(self.options)-1)]
config = option_to_change.RandomlyPatchConfig(parameters)
return self.ConfigurationFixups(config)
def ScoreResult(self, bitrate, result):
raise NotImplementedError
def SpeedGroup(self, bitrate):
"""Return the speed group of a bitrate.
Intended for making subdirectories to search in when finding
reasonable encoders to try.
The default is to have one directory per target bitrate, since
encodings with different target bitrates will be different."""
return str(bitrate)
def SuggestTweak(self, encoding):
"""Suggest a tweaked encoder based on an encoding result."""
return None
class Encoder(object):
"""This class represents a codec with a specific set of parameters.
It makes sense to talk about "this encoder produces quality X".
def __init__(self, codec, parameters=None, filename=None):
codec - a Codec object
parameters - a string
filename - a string, passed to the cache for fetching the parameters
It makes sense to give either the parameters or the filename.
self.codec = codec
self.parameters = parameters
self.stored = False
if parameters is None:
if filename is None:
raise Error("Encoder with neither parameters nor filename")
self.parameters = self.codec.cache.ReadEncoderParameters(filename)
if self.Hashname() != filename:
raise Error("Filename contains wrong arguments")
def Encoding(self, bitrate, videofile):
return Encoding(self, bitrate, videofile)
def Execute(self, bitrate, videofile, workdir):
return self.codec.Execute(self.parameters, bitrate, videofile, workdir)
def Store(self):
def Hashname(self):
m =
hashname = m.hexdigest()[:12]
return hashname
def OptionValue(self, option_name):
"""Returns the value of an option, or '?' if option has no value."""
return Option(option_name).GetValue(self.parameters)
except Error:
return '?'
def ChoiceValue(self, option_name_list):
"""Returns the value of an option, or '?' if option has no value."""
return ChoiceOption(option_name_list).GetValue(self.parameters)
except Error:
return '?'
class Encoding(object):
"""The encoding represents the result of applying a specific encoder
to a specific videofile with a specific target bitrate.
def __init__(self, encoder, bitrate, videofile):
encoder - an Encoder
bitrate - a number
videofile - a Videofile
self.encoder = encoder
assert(type(bitrate) == type(0))
self.bitrate = bitrate
self.videofile = videofile
self.result = None
def SomeUntriedVariants(self, num_tweaks=1):
"""Returns some variant encodings that have not been tried.
If no such variant can be found, returns an empty EncodingSet.
result = []
# Check for suggested variants.
suggested_tweak = self.encoder.codec.SuggestTweak(self)
if suggested_tweak:
if not suggested_tweak.Score():
# Generate up to 10 single-hop variants.
for i in range(10):
variant_encoder = Encoder(
variant_encoding = Encoding(variant_encoder, self.bitrate, self.videofile)
if not variant_encoding.Score():
# If none resulted, try to make 2 changes.
if not result:
for i in range(10):
variant_encoder = Encoder(
variant_encoding = Encoding(variant_encoder, self.bitrate, self.videofile)
if not variant_encoding.Score():
return EncodingSet(result)
def Workdir(self):
workdir = ( + '/' + self.encoder.Hashname()
+ '/' + self.encoder.codec.SpeedGroup(self.bitrate))
# TODO(hta): Make this storage subsys dependent.
if not os.path.isdir(workdir):
return workdir
def Execute(self):
self.result = self.encoder.Execute(self.bitrate, self.videofile,
return self
def Score(self):
return self.encoder.codec.ScoreResult(self.bitrate, self.result)
def Store(self):
def Recover(self):
def FromFile(self, encoder, bitrate, videofile, filename):
encoding = Encoding(encoder, bitrate, videofile)
return encoding
class EncodingSet(object):
def __init__(self, encodings):
self.encodings = encodings
def Empty(self):
return len(self.encodings) == 0
def BestEncoding(self):
if self.encodings:
return max(self.encodings, key=lambda e: e.Score())
return None
def BestGuess(self):
for encoding in self.encodings:
if not encoding.Score():
return encoding
class EncodingDiskCache(object):
"""Encoder and encoding information, saved to disk."""
def __init__(self, codec):
self.codec = codec
if not os.path.isdir(
def AllScoredEncodings(self, bitrate, videofile):
candidates = []
videofilename = videofile.filename
basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(videofilename))[0]
pattern = ( + '/*/' + self.codec.SpeedGroup(bitrate) +
'/' + basename + '.result')
files = glob.glob(pattern)
for file in files:
filename = os.path.dirname(file) # Cut off resultfile
filename = os.path.dirname(filename) # Cut off bitrate dir
filename = os.path.basename(filename) # Cut off leading codec name
encoder = Encoder(self.codec, filename=filename)
candidate = Encoding(encoder, bitrate, videofile)
return EncodingSet(candidates)
def StoreEncoder(self, encoder):
"""Stores an encoder object on disk.
An encoder object consists of a parameter set.
Its name is the first 12 bytes of the SHA-1 of its string
if encoder.stored:
dirname = + '/' + encoder.Hashname()
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
with open(dirname + '/parameters', 'w') as parameterfile:
encoder.stored = True
def ReadEncoderParameters(self, hashname):
dirname = + '/' + hashname
with open(dirname + '/parameters', 'r') as parameterfile:
def StoreEncoding(self, encoding):
"""Stores an encoding object on disk.
An encoding object consists of its result (if executed).
The bitrate is encoded as a directory, the videofilename
is encoded as part of the output filename.
dirname = '%s/%s/%s' % (, encoding.encoder.Hashname(),
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
if not encoding.result:
videoname = encoding.videofile.basename
with open('%s/%s.result' % (dirname, videoname), 'w') as resultfile:
def ReadEncodingResult(self, encoding):
"""Reads an encoding result back from storage, if present.
Encoder is unchanged if file does not exist."""
dirname = ('%s/%s/%s' % (, encoding.encoder.Hashname(),
filename = '%s/%s.result' % (dirname, encoding.videofile.basename)
if os.path.isfile(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as resultfile:
stringbuffer =
encoding.result = ast.literal_eval(stringbuffer)
class EncodingMemoryCache(object):
"""Encoder and encoding information, in-memory only. For testing."""
def __init__(self, codec):
self.codec = codec
self.encoders = {}
self.encodings = []
def AllScoredEncodings(self, bitrate, videofile):
result = []
for encoding in self.encodings:
if (bitrate == encoding.bitrate and
videofile == encoding.videofile and
return EncodingSet(result)
def StoreEncoder(self, encoder):
self.encoders[encoder.Hashname()] = encoder
def ReadEncoderParameters(self, filename):
if filename in self.encoders:
return self.encoders[filename].parameters
return None
def StoreEncoding(self, encoding):