VP8 parameter tweaker: New structure

This structure should be easier to maintain, encapsulate the
codec-specific issues better, and allows unit testing.
It is also in a subdirectory, so it does not clutter up the
main directory.

The reporting scripts are still missing.

Change-Id: Icdb01fae763ba51aa399b069778b14d14079d61a
diff --git a/tweaker/encoder.py b/tweaker/encoder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f5e090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweaker/encoder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+"""Encoder and related classes.
+This file contains classes that generically define the idea of a codec,
+an encoder, an option and so forth.
+A codec is a generic mechanism for processing an .yuv file and returning
+a score. Given a set of options, a file and a rate, it can produce an encoder.
+The codec has a set of options that can have varying values.
+An encoder is a codec with a given set of options.
+An encoding is an encoder applied to a given filename and target bitrate. 
+A variant is an encoder with at least one option changed.
+import ast
+import glob
+import md5
+import os
+import random
+import re
+import sys
+class Error(Exception):
+  pass
+class Option(object):
+  """This class represents an option given to an encoder.
+  Typically the command line representation is "--name=value".
+  This class provides functions to modify an option in a command line string.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, name, values):
+    assert(len(values) > 1)
+    self.name = name
+    self.values = frozenset(values)
+  def PickAnother(self, not_this):
+    """Find a new value for the option, different from not_this.
+    not_this doesn't have to be a member of the values list, but can be.
+    """
+    rest = list(self.values - set([not_this]))
+    return rest[random.randint(0, len(rest) - 1)]
+  def OptionString(self, value):
+    return '--%s=%s' % (self.name, value)
+  def _ChangedOption(self, matchobj):
+    return self.OptionString(self.PickAnother(matchobj.group(1)))
+  def RandomlyPatchConfig(self, config):
+    """ Modify a configuration by changing the value of this parameter."""
+    newconfig = re.sub(r'--%s=(\S+)' % self.name,  self._ChangedOption,
+                       config)
+    assert(config != newconfig)
+    return newconfig
+class ChoiceOption(Option):
+  """This class represents a set of exclusive options (without values).
+  One example is the --good, --best option to vpxenc.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, flags):
+     self.values = frozenset(flags)
+  def OptionString(self, value):
+    return '--%s' % value
+  def RandomlyPatchConfig(self, config):
+    """ Modify a configuration by replacing the instance of this option."""
+    current_flags = set([flag[2:] for flag in config.split()
+                         if flag.startswith('--')])
+    these_flags = current_flags & self.values
+    if len(these_flags) == 0:
+      raise Error('No choice option alternative given')
+    if len(these_flags) > 1:
+      raise Error('Mutually exclusive option alternatives given')
+    current_flag = these_flags.pop()
+    next_flag = self.PickAnother(current_flag)
+    newconfig = re.sub(r'--%s\b' % current_flag,
+                       '--%s' % next_flag, config)
+    assert(config != newconfig)
+    return newconfig
+class Videofile(object):
+  def __init__(self, filename):
+    """ Parse the file name to find width, height and framerate. """
+    self.filename = filename
+    m = re.search(r'_(\d+)x(\d+)_(\d+)', filename)
+    if m:
+      self.width = int(m.group(1))
+      self.height = int(m.group(2))
+      self.framerate = int(m.group(3))
+    else:
+      m = re.search(r'_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+).yuv$', filename)
+      if m:
+        self.width = int(m.group(1))
+        self.height = int(m.group(2))
+        self.framerate = int(m.group(3))
+      else:
+        raise Error("Unable to parse filename " + filename)
+    self.basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
+class Codec(object):
+  """Abstract class representing a codec.
+  Subclasses must define the name, options and start_encoder variables
+  """
+  def __init__(self, cache=None):
+    if cache:
+      self.cache = cache
+    else:
+      self.cache = EncodingDiskCache(self)
+  def AllScoredEncodings(self, bitrate, videofile):
+    return self.cache.AllScoredEncodings(bitrate, videofile)
+  def BestEncoding(self, bitrate, videofile):
+    encodings = self.AllScoredEncodings(bitrate, videofile)
+    if not encodings.Empty():
+      return encodings.BestEncoding()
+    else:
+      return self.start_encoder.Encoding(bitrate, videofile)
+  def Execute(self, parameters, bitrate, videofile, workdir):
+    raise Error("The base codec class can't execute anything")
+  def RandomlyChangeConfig(self, parameters):
+    option_to_change = self.options[random.randint(0, len(self.options)-1)]
+    return option_to_change.RandomlyPatchConfig(parameters)
+  def ScoreResult(self, bitrate, result):
+    raise NotImplementedError
+class Encoder(object):
+  """This class represents a codec with a specific set of parameters.
+  It makes sense to talk about "this encoder produces quality X".
+  """
+  def __init__(self, codec, parameters=None, filename=None):
+    """Parameters:
+    codec - a Codec object
+    parameters - a string
+    filename - a string, passed to the cache for fetching the parameters
+    It makes sense to give either the parameters or the filename.
+    """
+    self.codec = codec
+    self.parameters = parameters
+    self.stored = False
+    if parameters is None:
+      if filename is None:
+        raise Error("Encoder with neither parameters nor filename")
+      else:
+        self.parameters = self.codec.cache.ReadEncoderParameters(filename)
+        if self.Hashname() != filename:
+          raise Error("Filename contains wrong arguments")
+  def Encoding(self, bitrate, videofile):
+    return Encoding(self, bitrate, videofile)
+  def Execute(self, bitrate, videofile, workdir):
+    return self.codec.Execute(self.parameters, bitrate, videofile, workdir)
+  def Store(self):
+    self.codec.cache.StoreEncoder(self)
+  def Hashname(self):
+    m = md5.new()
+    m.update(self.parameters)
+    hashname = m.hexdigest()[:12]
+    return hashname
+class Encoding(object):
+  """The encoding represents the result of applying a specific encoder
+  to a specific videofile with a specific target bitrate.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, encoder, bitrate, videofile):
+    """Arguments:
+    encoder - an Encoder
+    bitrate - a number
+    videofile - a Videofile
+    """
+    self.encoder = encoder
+    self.bitrate = bitrate
+    self.videofile = videofile
+    self.result = None
+  def SomeUntriedVariants(self):
+    """Returns some variant encodings that have not been tried.
+    If no such variant can be found, returns an empty EncodingSet.
+    """
+    result = EncodingSet(())
+    variant_encoder = Encoder(
+      self.encoder.codec,
+      self.encoder.codec.RandomlyChangeConfig(self.encoder.parameters))
+    variant_encoding = Encoding(variant_encoder, self.bitrate, self.videofile)
+    variant_encoding.Recover()
+    if variant_encoding.Score():
+      return EncodingSet([])
+    else:
+      return EncodingSet([variant_encoding])
+  def Workdir(self):
+    workdir = (self.encoder.codec.name + '/' + self.encoder.Hashname()
+               + '/' + str(self.bitrate))
+    # TODO(hta): Make this storage subsys dependent.
+    if not os.path.isdir(workdir):
+      os.makedirs(workdir)
+    return workdir
+  def Execute(self):
+    self.result = self.encoder.Execute(self.bitrate, self.videofile,
+                                       self.Workdir())
+    return self
+  def Score(self):
+    return self.encoder.codec.ScoreResult(self.bitrate, self.result)
+  def Store(self):
+    self.encoder.Store()
+    self.encoder.codec.cache.StoreEncoding(self)
+  def Recover(self):
+    self.encoder.codec.cache.ReadEncodingResult(self)
+  @staticmethod
+  def FromFile(self, encoder, bitrate, videofile, filename):
+    encoding = Encoding(encoder, bitrate, videofile)
+    encoding.Recover()
+    return encoding
+class EncodingSet(object):
+  def __init__(self, encodings):
+    self.encodings = encodings
+  def Empty(self):
+    return len(self.encodings) == 0
+  def BestEncoding(self):
+    if self.encodings:
+      return max(self.encodings, key=lambda e: e.Score())
+    return None
+  def BestGuess(self):
+    for encoding in self.encodings:
+      if not encoding.Score():
+        return encoding
+class EncodingDiskCache(object):
+  """Encoder and encoding information, saved to disk."""
+  def __init__(self, codec):
+    self.codec = codec
+    if not os.path.isdir(codec.name):
+      os.mkdir(codec.name)
+  def AllScoredEncodings(self, bitrate, videofile):
+    candidates = []
+    videofilename = videofile.filename
+    basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(videofilename))[0]
+    pattern = (self.codec.name + '/*/' + bitrate +
+                      '/' + basename + '.result')
+    files = glob.glob(pattern)
+    for file in files:
+      filename = os.path.dirname(file)  # Cut off resultfile
+      filename = os.path.dirname(filename)  # Cut off bitrate dir
+      filename = os.path.basename(filename)  # Cut off leading codec name
+      encoder = Encoder(self.codec, filename=filename)
+      candidate = Encoding(encoder, bitrate, videofile)
+      candidate.Recover()
+      candidates.append(candidate)
+    return EncodingSet(candidates)
+  def StoreEncoder(self, encoder):
+    """Stores an encoder object on disk.
+    An encoder object consists of a parameter set.
+    Its name is the first 12 bytes of the SHA-1 of its string
+    representation."""
+    if encoder.stored:
+      return
+    dirname = self.codec.name + '/' + encoder.Hashname()
+    if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
+      os.mkdir(dirname)
+    with open(dirname + '/parameters', 'w') as parameterfile:
+      parameterfile.write(encoder.parameters)
+    encoder.stored = True
+  def ReadEncoderParameters(self, hashname):
+    dirname = self.codec.name + '/' + hashname
+    with open(dirname + '/parameters', 'r') as parameterfile:
+      return parameterfile.read()
+  def StoreEncoding(self, encoding):
+    """Stores an encoding object on disk.
+    An encoding object consists of its result (if executed).
+    The bitrate is encoded as a directory, the videofilename
+    is encoded as part of the output filename.
+    """
+    dirname = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.codec.name, encoding.encoder.Hashname(),
+                            str(encoding.bitrate))
+    if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
+      os.mkdir(dirname)
+    if not encoding.result:
+      return
+    videoname = encoding.videofile.basename
+    with open('%s/%s.result' % (dirname, videoname), 'w') as resultfile:
+      resultfile.write(str(encoding.result))
+  def ReadEncodingResult(self, encoding):
+    """Reads an encoding result back from storage, if present.
+    Encoder is unchanged if file does not exist."""
+    dirname = ('%s/%s/%s' % (self.codec.name, encoding.encoder.Hashname(),
+                             str(encoding.bitrate)))
+    filename = '%s/%s.result' % (dirname, encoding.videofile.basename)
+    if os.path.isfile(filename):
+      with open(filename, 'r') as resultfile:
+        stringbuffer = resultfile.read()
+        encoding.result = ast.literal_eval(stringbuffer)
+class EncodingMemoryCache(object):
+  """Encoder and encoding information, in-memory only. For testing."""
+  def __init__(self, codec):
+    self.codec = codec
+    self.encoders = {}
+    self.encodings = []
+  def AllScoredEncodings(self, bitrate, videofile):
+    result = []
+    for encoding in self.encodings:
+      if (bitrate == encoding.bitrate and
+          videofile == encoding.videofile and
+          encoding.Score()):
+        result.append(encoding)
+    return EncodingSet(result)
+  def StoreEncoder(self, encoder):
+    self.encoders[encoder.Hashname()] = encoder
+  def ReadEncoderParameters(self, filename):
+    if filename in self.encoders:
+      return self.encoders[filename].parameters
+    return None
+  def StoreEncoding(self, encoding):
+    self.encodings.append(encoding)
diff --git a/tweaker/encoder_unittest.py b/tweaker/encoder_unittest.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a56165f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweaker/encoder_unittest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+"""Unit tests for encoder module."""
+import unittest
+import re
+import encoder
+class DummyCodec(encoder.Codec):
+  def __init__(self):
+    super(DummyCodec, self).__init__(encoder.EncodingMemoryCache(self))
+    self.name = 'dummy'
+    self.extension = 'fake'
+    self.options = [
+      encoder.Option('score',  ['0', '5', '10']),
+      ]
+    self.start_encoder = encoder.Encoder(self, "echo --score=5")
+  def Execute(self, parameters, rate, videofile, workdir):
+    m = re.search(r'--score=(\d+)', parameters)
+    if m:
+      return int(m.group(1))
+    else:
+      return -100
+  def ScoreResult(self, target_bitrate, result):
+    return result
+class NameOnlyCodec(object):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.name = 'unittest'
+class TestConfig(unittest.TestCase):
+  def test_PatchConfig(self):
+    config = '--foo=foo'
+    option = encoder.Option('foo', ['foo', 'bar'])
+    newconfig = option.RandomlyPatchConfig(config)
+    # There is only one possible change. It should be chosen.
+    self.assertEqual(newconfig, '--foo=bar')
+  def test_ChoiceOption(self):
+    option = encoder.ChoiceOption(['foo', 'bar'])
+    # Option occurs in the middle of the config.
+    config = '--foo '
+    newconfig = option.RandomlyPatchConfig(config)
+    self.assertEqual(newconfig, '--bar ')
+    # Option occurs at the end of the config.
+    config = '--foo'
+    newconfig = option.RandomlyPatchConfig(config)
+    self.assertEqual(newconfig, '--bar')
+    # Verify that prefixes are not matched.
+    config = '--foobar --foo'
+    newconfig = option.RandomlyPatchConfig(config)
+    self.assertEqual(newconfig, '--foobar --bar')
+class TestCodec(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.videofile = encoder.Videofile('foofile_640_480_30.yuv')
+  def test_FirstBestEncodingNoScore(self):
+    codec = DummyCodec()
+    encoding = codec.BestEncoding(100, self.videofile)
+    self.assertIsNone(encoding.Score())
+  def test_BestEncodingOneAlternative(self):
+    codec = DummyCodec()
+    codec.BestEncoding(100, self.videofile).Store()
+    encoding = codec.BestEncoding(100, self.videofile)
+    self.assertEqual(encoding.videofile, self.videofile)
+  def test_BestEncodingExecuteGivesScore(self):
+    codec = DummyCodec()
+    codec.BestEncoding(100, self.videofile).Execute().Store()
+    self.assertEqual(5, codec.BestEncoding(100, self.videofile).Score())
+  def test_BestEncodingOtherSpeedNoScore(self):
+    codec = DummyCodec()
+    codec.BestEncoding(100, self.videofile).Execute().Store()
+    self.assertIsNone(codec.BestEncoding(200, self.videofile).Score())
+class TestEncoder(unittest.TestCase):
+  def test_CreateStoreFetch(self):
+    codec = DummyCodec()
+    my_encoder = encoder.Encoder(codec, "parameters")
+    my_encoder.Store()
+    filename = my_encoder.Hashname()
+    next_encoder = encoder.Encoder(codec, filename=filename)
+    self.assertEqual(my_encoder.parameters, next_encoder.parameters)
+class TestEncoding(unittest.TestCase):
+  pass
+class TestEncodingSet(unittest.TestCase):
+  pass
+class TestVideofile(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testMpegFormatName(self):
+    videofile = encoder.Videofile('test_640x480_20.yuv')
+    self.assertEqual(640, videofile.width)
+    self.assertEqual(480, videofile.height)
+    self.assertEqual(20, videofile.framerate)
+  def testMpegFormatWithTrailer(self):
+    videofile = encoder.Videofile('test_640x480_20_part.yuv')
+    self.assertEqual(640, videofile.width)
+    self.assertEqual(480, videofile.height)
+    self.assertEqual(20, videofile.framerate)
+  def testGoogleFormatName(self):
+    videofile = encoder.Videofile('test_640_480_20.yuv')
+    self.assertEqual(640, videofile.width)
+    self.assertEqual(480, videofile.height)
+    self.assertEqual(20, videofile.framerate)
+  def testBrokenName(self):
+    with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+      encoder.Videofile('no_numbers_here.yuv')
+class TestEncodingDiskCache(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testInit(self):
+    cache = encoder.EncodingDiskCache(NameOnlyCodec())
+  def testStoreFetchEncoder(self):
+    codec = NameOnlyCodec()
+    cache = encoder.EncodingDiskCache(codec)
+    my_encoder = encoder.Encoder(codec, "parameters")
+    cache.StoreEncoder(my_encoder)
+    new_encoder_data = cache.ReadEncoderParameters(my_encoder.Hashname())
+    self.assertEquals(new_encoder_data, my_encoder.parameters)
+  def testStoreFetchEncoding(self):
+    codec = NameOnlyCodec()
+    cache = encoder.EncodingDiskCache(codec)
+    my_encoder = encoder.Encoder(codec, "parameters")
+    cache.StoreEncoder(my_encoder)
+    my_encoding = encoder.Encoding(my_encoder, 123,
+                                   encoder.Videofile('x/foo_640_480_20.yuv'))
+    testresult = {'foo': 'bar'}
+    my_encoding.result = testresult
+    cache.StoreEncoding(my_encoding)
+    my_encoding.result = None
+    cache.ReadEncodingResult(my_encoding)
+    self.assertEquals(my_encoding.result, testresult)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tweaker/vp8.py b/tweaker/vp8.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cfd0c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweaker/vp8.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+"""VP8 codec definitions.
+This is an instance of a codec definition.
+It tells the generic codec the following:
+- Name of codec = directory of codec database
+- File extension
+- Options table
+import os
+import subprocess
+from encoder import Codec
+from encoder import Encoder
+from encoder import Option
+from encoder import ChoiceOption
+class Vp8Codec(Codec):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.name = 'vp8'
+    super(Vp8Codec, self).__init__()
+    self.extension = 'webm'
+    self.options = [
+      Option('overshoot-pct', ['0', '15', '30', '45']),
+      Option('undershoot-pct', ['0', '25', '50', '75', '100']),
+      # CQ mode is not considered for end-usage at the moment.
+      Option('end-usage', ['cbr', 'vbr']),
+      # End-usage cq doesn't really make sense unless we also set q to something
+      # between min and max. This is being checked.
+      # Option('end-usage', ['cbr', 'vbr', 'cq']),
+      Option('end-usage', ['cbr', 'vbr']),
+      Option('min-q', ['0', '2', '4', '8', '16', '24']),
+      Option('max-q', ['32', '56', '63']),
+      Option('buf-sz', ['200', '500', '1000', '2000', '4000', '8000', '16000']),
+      Option('buf-initial-sz', ['200', '400', '800', '1000', '2000', '4000', '8000', '16000']),
+      Option('max-intra-rate', ['100', '200', '400', '600', '800', '1200']),
+      ChoiceOption(['good', 'best', 'rt']),
+      ]
+    self.start_encoder = Encoder(self, """ --lag-in-frames=0 \
+      --kf-min-dist=3000 \
+      --kf-max-dist=3000 --cpu-used=0 --static-thresh=0 \
+      --token-parts=1 --drop-frame=0 --end-usage=cbr --min-q=2 --max-q=56 \
+      --undershoot-pct=100 --overshoot-pct=15 --buf-sz=1000 \
+      --buf-initial-sz=800 --buf-optimal-sz=1000 --max-intra-rate=1200 \
+      --resize-allowed=0 --drop-frame=0 --passes=1 --good --noise-sensitivity=0 """)
+  def Execute(self, parameters, bitrate, videofile, workdir):
+    commandline = ("../bin/vpxenc " + parameters
+                   + ' --target-bitrate=' + str(bitrate)
+                   + ' --fps=' + str(videofile.framerate) + '/1'
+                   + ' -w ' + str(videofile.width)
+                   + ' -h ' + str(videofile.height)
+                   + ' ' + videofile.filename
+                   + ' --codec=vp8 '
+                   + ' -o ' + workdir + '/' + videofile.basename + '.webm')
+    print commandline
+    subprocess.call(commandline, shell=True)
+    result = {}
+    tempyuvfile = "%s/%stempyuvfile.yuv" % (workdir, videofile.basename)
+    if os.path.isfile(tempyuvfile):
+      print "Removing tempfile before decode:", tempyuvfile
+      os.unlink(tempyuvfile)
+    commandline = "../bin/ffmpeg -i %s/%s.webm %s 2>&1 | awk '/bitrate:/ { print $6 }'" % (workdir, videofile.basename,
+                         tempyuvfile)
+    print commandline
+    bitrate = subprocess.check_output(commandline, shell=True)
+    commandline = "../bin/psnr %s %s %d %d 9999" % (
+                         videofile.filename, tempyuvfile, videofile.width,
+                         videofile.height)
+    print commandline
+    psnr = subprocess.check_output(commandline, shell=True)
+    print "Bitrate", bitrate, "PSNR", psnr
+    result['bitrate'] = int(bitrate)
+    result['psnr'] = float(psnr)
+    os.unlink(tempyuvfile)
+    return result
+  def ScoreResult(self, target_bitrate, result):
+    if not result:
+      return None
+    score = result['psnr']
+    if result['bitrate'] > target_bitrate:
+      score += (result['bitrate'] - target_bitrate) * 0.1
+    return score
diff --git a/tweaker/vp8tweaker b/tweaker/vp8tweaker
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7b99415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweaker/vp8tweaker
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+"""Tweaker for the VP8 codec.
+Usage: vp8tweaker [--loop] <rate> <videofile>
+This script consults the run database for the VP8 codec,
+picks the best encoding so far, generates the tweak set for it,
+finds the encoding with the highest likely score that hasn't been
+encoded, executes the encoding, and reports whether or not there
+was improvement.
+import argparse
+import sys
+import vp8
+import encoder
+def main():
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+  parser.add_argument('rate')
+  parser.add_argument('videofile')
+  parser.add_argument("--loop", action="store_true", dest="loop")
+  args = parser.parse_args()
+  print "Loop is", args.loop
+  videofile = encoder.Videofile(args.videofile)
+  codec = vp8.Vp8Codec()
+  while True:
+    bestsofar = codec.BestEncoding(args.rate, videofile)
+    bestsofar.Recover()
+    print "Starting from", bestsofar.encoder.Hashname(), \
+           "score", bestsofar.Score()
+    if bestsofar.Score():
+      variants = bestsofar.SomeUntriedVariants()
+      next_encoding = variants.BestGuess()
+      if not next_encoding:
+        print "Ran out of variants to try"
+        return 1
+    else:
+      print "Best so far is unscored, trying it"
+      next_encoding = bestsofar
+    print "Trying encoder", next_encoding.encoder.Hashname()
+    next_encoding.Execute()
+    print "Score is", next_encoding.Score()
+    next_encoding.Store()
+    if not args.loop:
+      return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  sys.exit(main())