blob: 4cfd0c3cc3178fbbc225c57561e395cceb555211 [file] [log] [blame]
"""VP8 codec definitions.
This is an instance of a codec definition.
It tells the generic codec the following:
- Name of codec = directory of codec database
- File extension
- Options table
import os
import subprocess
from encoder import Codec
from encoder import Encoder
from encoder import Option
from encoder import ChoiceOption
class Vp8Codec(Codec):
def __init__(self): = 'vp8'
super(Vp8Codec, self).__init__()
self.extension = 'webm'
self.options = [
Option('overshoot-pct', ['0', '15', '30', '45']),
Option('undershoot-pct', ['0', '25', '50', '75', '100']),
# CQ mode is not considered for end-usage at the moment.
Option('end-usage', ['cbr', 'vbr']),
# End-usage cq doesn't really make sense unless we also set q to something
# between min and max. This is being checked.
# Option('end-usage', ['cbr', 'vbr', 'cq']),
Option('end-usage', ['cbr', 'vbr']),
Option('min-q', ['0', '2', '4', '8', '16', '24']),
Option('max-q', ['32', '56', '63']),
Option('buf-sz', ['200', '500', '1000', '2000', '4000', '8000', '16000']),
Option('buf-initial-sz', ['200', '400', '800', '1000', '2000', '4000', '8000', '16000']),
Option('max-intra-rate', ['100', '200', '400', '600', '800', '1200']),
ChoiceOption(['good', 'best', 'rt']),
self.start_encoder = Encoder(self, """ --lag-in-frames=0 \
--kf-min-dist=3000 \
--kf-max-dist=3000 --cpu-used=0 --static-thresh=0 \
--token-parts=1 --drop-frame=0 --end-usage=cbr --min-q=2 --max-q=56 \
--undershoot-pct=100 --overshoot-pct=15 --buf-sz=1000 \
--buf-initial-sz=800 --buf-optimal-sz=1000 --max-intra-rate=1200 \
--resize-allowed=0 --drop-frame=0 --passes=1 --good --noise-sensitivity=0 """)
def Execute(self, parameters, bitrate, videofile, workdir):
commandline = ("../bin/vpxenc " + parameters
+ ' --target-bitrate=' + str(bitrate)
+ ' --fps=' + str(videofile.framerate) + '/1'
+ ' -w ' + str(videofile.width)
+ ' -h ' + str(videofile.height)
+ ' ' + videofile.filename
+ ' --codec=vp8 '
+ ' -o ' + workdir + '/' + videofile.basename + '.webm')
print commandline, shell=True)
result = {}
tempyuvfile = "%s/%stempyuvfile.yuv" % (workdir, videofile.basename)
if os.path.isfile(tempyuvfile):
print "Removing tempfile before decode:", tempyuvfile
commandline = "../bin/ffmpeg -i %s/%s.webm %s 2>&1 | awk '/bitrate:/ { print $6 }'" % (workdir, videofile.basename,
print commandline
bitrate = subprocess.check_output(commandline, shell=True)
commandline = "../bin/psnr %s %s %d %d 9999" % (
videofile.filename, tempyuvfile, videofile.width,
print commandline
psnr = subprocess.check_output(commandline, shell=True)
print "Bitrate", bitrate, "PSNR", psnr
result['bitrate'] = int(bitrate)
result['psnr'] = float(psnr)
return result
def ScoreResult(self, target_bitrate, result):
if not result:
return None
score = result['psnr']
if result['bitrate'] > target_bitrate:
score += (result['bitrate'] - target_bitrate) * 0.1
return score