blob: 16de8309fb13b1220e1a5a1fe86ffd105f9a7a5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
* @fileoverview HTTP adaptive video player similar in concept to the video tag.
* Playback is only for WebM files. The parsing of the level 1 elements is
* done in javascript and the media data is sent to the video tag through the
* Media Source API. The streams must consist of separate audio and video.
'use strict';
* Class representing an adaptive WebM file used by the adaptive player. This
* class includes an instance of a Representation object from the DashParser
* and a WebM file object to download and parse the data. This class will
* utilize values from the Representation object to optimize downloading the
* WebM headers.
* @constructor
function AdaptiveWebMFile() {
this.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.HEADERS_NEEDED;
* Headers needed player state.
* @const
* @type {number}
AdaptiveWebMFile.HEADERS_NEEDED = 0;
* Parsing headers player state.
* @const
* @type {number}
AdaptiveWebMFile.PARSING_HEADERS = 1;
* Headers loaded player state.
* @const
* @type {number}
AdaptiveWebMFile.HEADERS_LOADED = 2;
* General error player state.
* @const
* @type {number}
AdaptiveWebMFile.ERROR = 6;
* Object to be set if the downloads should emulate a network download speed.
* This must be set before the file headers are loaded.
* @private
* @type {BandwidthManager}
AdaptiveWebMFile.prototype.bandwidthManager_ = null;
* An instance of a Representation object from the DashParser.
* @type {Representation}
AdaptiveWebMFile.prototype.representation = null;
* A WebM file object.
* @type {WebMFileParser}
AdaptiveWebMFile.prototype.parser = null;
* AdaptiveWebMFile state.
* @type {number}
AdaptiveWebMFile.prototype.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.HEADERS_NEEDED;
* Logging function to be set by the application.
* @param {string} str The input string to be logged.
AdaptiveWebMFile.prototype.log = function(str) {};
* Checks if the file is ready to seek.
* @return {boolean} Returns true if the file is ready to seek.
AdaptiveWebMFile.prototype.canSeek = function() {
return this.parser && this.parser.canSeek();
* Loads the header level 1 elements and the Cues element in sequence with
* offsets from the Representation object. |callback| will return the
* status upon the successful parsing of both the level 1 header elements and
* Cues element or an error. The format for callback(object) is
* obj.status {number} The returned status and
* [obj.reason] {string} Extra information on the status.
* @param {function} callback Callback function.
AdaptiveWebMFile.prototype.loadHeader = function(callback) {
if (!this.representation.url_) {
var errorStr = 'Rep[' + + '] url is null.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
// TODO(fgalligan): Handle Dash manifests without header ranges.
var header = this.representation.headerRange();
if (!header) {
var errorStr = 'Rep[' + + '] header is not set.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
this.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.PARSING_HEADERS;
if (!this.parser) {
this.parser = new WebMFileParser(this.representation.url_);
if (!this.parser) {
this.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.ERROR;
var errorStr = 'Rep[' + +
'] Could not create the WebM file parser.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
this.parser.file.setBandwidthEstimator(new Bandwidth());
// Check global bandwidth manager.
if (this.bandwidthManager_)
this.parser.log = this.log;
var offset = header[0];
var size = header[1] - offset;
var t = this;
this.parser.parseFirstHeaders(offset, size, function(success) {
if (success) {
var index = t.representation.indexRange();
if (!index) {
t.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.ERROR;
var errorStr = 'Rep[' + +
'] Error parseFirstHeaders() index is not set.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
offset = index[0];
size = index[1] - offset;
// TODO(fgalligan): Think about adding support to the manifest tool to
// check that all segments in an AdaptationSet have the same offset.
// Then the player could save the segment offset for use by other vp8
// files and could skip downloading the header.
t.parser.fetchCues(offset, size, -1,
function(success) {t.onLoadHeader(success, callback);});
} else {
t.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.ERROR;
var errorStr =
'Rep[' + + '] Error parseFirstHeaders().';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
* Callback function for loading the WebM header and Cues elements. The format
* for callback(object) is obj.status {number} The returned status and
* [obj.reason] {string} Extra information on the status.
* @param {boolean} success True if loading the data was successful.
* @param {function} callback Callback function.
AdaptiveWebMFile.prototype.onLoadHeader = function(success, callback) {
if (success) {
this.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.HEADERS_LOADED;
} else {
this.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.ERROR;
// Media Source API will generate an error if the cluster time is less than
// the time already appended for the same stream.
var res = this.parser.squishCues();
if (res.status != WebMParser.STATUS_OK) {
callback(new ErrorStatus(res.reason));
callback(new OKStatus());
* Loads the Cues element with offsets from the Representation object.
* |callback| will return the status upon the successful parsing of the
* Cues element or an error. The format for callback(object) is
* obj.status {number} The returned status and
* [obj.reason] {string} Extra information on the status.
* @param {function} callback Callback function.
AdaptiveWebMFile.prototype.loadIndex = function(callback) {
if (!this.representation.url_) {
var errorStr = 'Rep[' + + '] url is null.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
//TODO(fgalligan): Handle Dash manifests without index ranges.
var index = this.representation.indexRange();
if (!index) {
var errorStr = 'Rep[' + + '] index is not set.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
this.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.PARSING_HEADERS;
if (!this.parser) {
this.parser = new WebMFileParser(this.representation.url_);
if (!this.parser) {
this.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.ERROR;
var errorStr = 'Rep[' + +
'] Could not create the WebM file parser.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
this.parser.file.setBandwidthEstimator(new Bandwidth());
// Check global bandwidth manager.
if (this.bandwidthManager_)
this.parser.log = this.log;
var duration = this.representation.getDuration();
if (duration == 0) {
callback(new ErrorStatus('Error duration == 0'));
var offset = index[0];
var size = index[1] - offset;
var t = this;
this.parser.fetchCues(offset, size, -1, function(success) {
t.onLoadHeader(success, callback);
* Asynchronous function to load the header level 1 elements and the Cues
* element in parallel with offsets from the Representation object. |callback|
* will return the status upon the successful parsing of both the level 1 header
* elements and Cues element or an error. The format for callback(object) is
* obj.status {number} The returned status and
* [obj.reason] {string} Extra information on the status.
* @param {function} callback Callback function.
AdaptiveWebMFile.prototype.loadExtraDataParallel = function(callback) {
if (!this.representation.url_) {
var errorStr = 'Rep[' + + '] url is not set.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
//TODO(fgalligan): Handle Dash manifests without header ranges.
var header = this.representation.headerRange();
if (!header) {
var errorStr = 'Rep[' + + '] header is not set.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
//TODO(fgalligan): Handle Dash manifests without index ranges.
var index = this.representation.indexRange();
if (!index) {
var errorStr = 'Rep[' + + '] index is not set.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
this.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.PARSING_HEADERS;
if (!this.parser) {
this.parser = new WebMFileParser(this.representation.url_);
if (!this.parser) {
this.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.ERROR;
var errorStr =
'Rep[' + + '] could not create parser.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
this.parser.file.setBandwidthEstimator(new Bandwidth());
// Check global bandwidth manager.
if (this.bandwidthManager_)
this.parser.log = this.log;
// Load the header elements and Cues element in parallel.
var t = this;
var headersParsed = false;
var cuesParsed = false;
var offset = header[0];
var size = header[1] - offset;
this.parser.parseFirstHeadersUnbuffered(offset, size, function(success) {
if (success) {
if (cuesParsed) {
t.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.HEADERS_LOADED;
// Media Source API will generate an error if the cluster time is
// less than the time already appended for the same stream.
// Switching in the middle of cluster is waste of bandwidth.
var res = t.parser.squishCues();
if (res.status != WebMParser.STATUS_OK) {
t.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.ERROR;
var errorStr =
'Rep[' + + '] could not squish cues.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
callback(new OKStatus());
headersParsed = true;
} else {
t.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.ERROR;
var errorStr =
'Rep[' + + '] could not parse headers.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
offset = index[0];
size = index[1] - offset;
this.parser.fetchCues(offset, size, -1, function(success) {
if (success) {
if (headersParsed) {
t.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.HEADERS_LOADED;
var res = t.parser.squishCues();
if (res.status != WebMParser.STATUS_OK) {
callback(new OKStatus());
cuesParsed = true;
} else {
t.state = AdaptiveWebMFile.ERROR;
var errorStr = 'Rep[' + + '] could not parse Cues.';
callback(new ErrorStatus(errorStr));
* Sets the bandwidth manager.
* @param {BandwidthManager} manager Global bandwidth manager.
AdaptiveWebMFile.prototype.setBandwidthManager = function(manager) {
this.bandwidthManager_ = manager;
* A WebM stream used by the adaptive player. The player should only have one
* AdaptiveWebMStream per stream type. e.g. One for video and one for audio. The
* AdaptiveWebMStream has a list AdaptiveWebMFiles that are used to switch
* between seamlessly.
* @constructor
function AdaptiveWebMStream() {
* Flag telling if this stream can switch seamlessly.
* @private
* @type {boolean}
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.checkSwitching_ = false;
* List of cue chunk description objects.
* @type {object}
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.cueDescQueue = null;
* List of data buffers.
* @type {object}
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.clusterQueue = null;
* Max number of elements in the |clusterQueue| and |cueDescQueue| lists.
* @type {number}
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.clusterQueueThreshold = 30;
* Number of bytes downloaded for the current Cue chunk.
* @private
* @type {number}
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.cueBytesDownloaded_ = 0;
* Flag telling if this stream currently fetching data.
* @private
* @type {boolean}
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.fetchingClusters_ = false;
* Flag telling if this stream has no more cluster data to fetch.
* @private
* @type {boolean}
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.endOfClusters_ = false;
* Start time of the cue chunk for the data last sent to the video tag.
* @private
* @type {number}
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.lastTimeSent_ = 0;
* Current WebM file associated with the stream.
* @type {AdaptiveWebMFile}
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.source = null;
* Resets all properties to the default state.
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.reset = function() {
this.source = null;
* Resets all properties to the default state, except for the source.
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.resetStreamData = function() {
this.checkSwitching_ = false;
this.cueDescQueue = [];
this.clusterQueue = [];
this.clusterQueueThreshold = 30;
this.cueBytesDownloaded_ = 0;
this.fetchingClusters_ = false;
this.endOfClusters_ = false;
this.lastTimeSent_ = 0;
* Returns the first cluster in the queue.
* @return {Uint8Array} The first cluster in the queue or null if there are
* no clusters.
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.front = function() {
var data = null;
if (this.clusterQueue.length > 0) {
this.lastTimeSent_ = this.cueDescQueue[0].endTime;
data = this.clusterQueue.shift();
return data;
* Returns the first cluster in the queue if the start time is <= |time|.
* @param {number} time Time in seconds to check against.
* @return {Uint8Array} The first cluster in the queue or null if there are
* no clusters or they are later than |time|.
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.checkFront = function(time) {
var data = null;
if (this.clusterQueue.length > 0) {
var cue = this.cueDescQueue[0];
if (cue.time <= time) {
data = this.clusterQueue.shift();
this.lastTimeSent_ = cue.endTime;
return data;
* Checks if the cluster queue is empty.
* @return {boolean} Returns true if the cluster queue is empty.
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.empty = function() {
return this.clusterQueue.length == 0;
* Check if a new cluster may be added.
* @return {boolean} Returns true if a new cluster may be added to the stream.
AdaptiveWebMStream.prototype.addNewCluster = function() {
return (!this.endOfClusters_ && !this.fetchingClusters_ &&
this.clusterQueue.length < this.clusterQueueThreshold);
* An HTML5 adaptive player for WebM which uses the Media Source API. The
* manifest format follows the WebM Dash guidelines.
* @param {string} url Link to the manifest file.
* @param {Element} videoElement The <video> element.
* @param {BandwidthManager} opt_manager Optional bandwidth manager.
* @param {function} opt_log Optional logging function.
* @constructor
function DashPlayer(url, videoElement, opt_manager, opt_log) {
this.url_ = url;
this.videoElement = videoElement;
this.bandwidthManager_ = opt_manager;
if (opt_log)
this.log = opt_log;
this.adaptiveStreams_ = {};
this.webMFilesMap_ = {};
this.eventCallbacks_ = {};
var t = this;
this.videoElement.addEventListener('webkitsourceopen', function() {
t.doOpen(function() {
this.videoElement.addEventListener('webkitsourceended', function() {
this.videoElement.addEventListener('webkitsourceclose', function() {
this.videoElement.addEventListener('webkitneedkey', function(e) {
this.videoElement.addEventListener('webkitkeyadded', function() {
this.videoElement.addEventListener('seeking', function() {
* Stopped player state.
* @const
* @type {number}
DashPlayer.STOPPED = 0;
* Parsing headers player state.
* @const
* @type {number}
* Loading player state.
* @const
* @type {number}
DashPlayer.LOADING = 2;
* Seeking player state.
* @const
* @type {number}
DashPlayer.SEEKING = 3;
* General error player state.
* @const
* @type {number}
DashPlayer.ERROR = 6;
* Static function to return version string.
* @return {string} version.
DashPlayer.version = function() {
return '';
* Static function to return version strings from DashPlayer, DashParser, and
* WebMParser.
* @return {string} version strings.
DashPlayer.versionStringsHTML = function() {
var str = 'DashPlayer:' + DashPlayer.version() + '<br/>' +
' DashParser:' + DashParser.version() + '<br/>' +
' WebMParser:' + WebMParser.version();
return str;
* Static function convert DashPlayer state to string.
* @param {number} state DashPlayer state.
* @return {string} String representation of DashPlayer state.
DashPlayer.stateToString = function(state) {
var retStr = 'UNKNOWN';
switch (state) {
case DashPlayer.STOPPED:
retStr = 'STOPPED';
case DashPlayer.PARSING_HEADERS:
case DashPlayer.LOADING:
retStr = 'LOADING';
case DashPlayer.SEEKING:
retStr = 'SEEKING';
case DashPlayer.ERROR:
retStr = 'ERROR';
return retStr;
* Checks if the AdaptationSet is valid for this player.
* @param {AdaptationSet} as AdaptationSet to validate.
* @return {Object} Status object.
DashPlayer.validateAdaptationSet = function(as) {
if (!as)
return new ErrorStatus('AdaptationSet is null');
// TODO(fgalligan): Add support for manifests that do not have AdaptationSet
// ids.
if (!
return new ErrorStatus('AdaptationSet has no id');
if (as.representationList.length > 1 && !as.getSubsegmentAlignment())
return new ErrorStatus('SubsegmentAlignment is false');
if (as.getSubsegmentStartsWithSAP() != 1)
return new ErrorStatus('SubsegmentStartsWithSAP != 1');
// TODO(fgalligan): Add support for AdaptationSets with bitstreamSwitching
// set to false.
if (as.representationList.length > 1 && !as.getBitstreamSwitching())
return new ErrorStatus('bitstreamSwitching is false');
return new OKStatus();
* Checks if the Representation is valid for this player.
* @param {Representation} representation Representation to validate.
* @return {Object} Status object.
DashPlayer.validateRepresentation = function(representation) {
if (!representation)
return new ErrorStatus('Representation is null');
if (!representation.getFullURL())
return new ErrorStatus('Representation URL is null');
if (!representation.headerRange())
return new ErrorStatus('Representation headerRange is null');
if (!representation.indexRange())
return new ErrorStatus('Representation indexRange is null');
if (representation.getMimetype().search(/webm/i) == -1)
return new ErrorStatus('Mimetype is not WebM.');
if (representation.getCodecs().search(/vp8/i) == -1 &&
representation.getCodecs().search(/vorbis/i) == -1)
return new ErrorStatus('Codecs does not contain VP8 or Vobis.');
return new OKStatus();
* Object to be set if the downloads should emulate a network download speed.
* @private
* @type {BandwidthManager}
DashPlayer.prototype.bandwidthManager_ = null;
* Current state of the player.
* @type {number}
DashPlayer.prototype.state = DashPlayer.STOPPED;
* Video tag the player is using.
* @type {Element}
DashPlayer.prototype.videoElement = null;
* The mpd describing the manifest.
* @type {MPD}
DashPlayer.prototype.mpd = null;
* The current time in seconds the player should seek too.
* @type {number}
DashPlayer.prototype.seekTime = 0;
* Incrementing counter of seek requests.
* @type {number}
DashPlayer.prototype.seekSequenceNum = 0;
* Adaptive streams used by the player. The player will only have one
* AdaptiveWebMStream per stream type. E.g. One for video and one for audio.
* @private
* @type {Object.<AdaptiveWebMStream>}
DashPlayer.prototype.adaptiveStreams_ = null;
* Time in seconds that one stream is allowed to get ahead in append data.
* @type {number}
DashPlayer.prototype.audioVideoBufferThreshold = 30;
* Object containing named callbacks. Below is the list of the current named
* events and their parameters.
* [chunk_download] parameters({Object})
* Object.type {string} Stream type. (e.g. 'audio | 'video')
* {string} Representation id.
* Object.time {number} Chunk start time in seconds.
* Object.endTime {number} Chunk end time in seconds.
* @private
* @type {Object}
DashPlayer.prototype.eventCallbacks_ = null;
* Current Period from the presentation.
* @type {Period}
DashPlayer.prototype.period = null;
* List of all the WebM files from the presentation inserted by their
* AdaptationSet and representation ids from the manifest. The key is of the
* form '<AdaptationSet>-<representation id>'.
* @private
* @type {Representation}
DashPlayer.prototype.webMFilesMap_ = null;
* Logging function to be set by the application.
* @param {string} str The input string to be logged.
DashPlayer.prototype.log = function(str) {};
* Sets a callback to a named event for the player. Only one callback is allowed
* per named event. Below is the list of the current named events.
* [chunk_download]
* @param {string} name Name of the event to set the callback for.
* @param {function} callback Function to call for named event.
DashPlayer.prototype.setEventListener = function(name, callback) {
this.eventCallbacks_[name] = callback;
* Removes a callback to a named event. Only one callback is allowed
* per named event. If the named event has been set it will be set to null.
* @param {string} name Name of the event to remove the callback for.
DashPlayer.prototype.removeEventListener = function(name) {
if (this.eventCallbacks_[name])
this.eventCallbacks_[name] = null;
* Handle Media Source webkitsourceopen event. Parses the Dash manifest if it
* has not been parsed yet. Sets up the media streams.
* @param {function} setupStreamsFunction Function used to setup the adaptive
* media streams.
* @return {Object} Status object.
DashPlayer.prototype.doOpen = function(setupStreamsFunction) {
this.log('doOpen() : ');
if (this.state != DashPlayer.STOPPED) {
var errorStr = 'ERROR doOpen() STOPPED != state:' +
return new ErrorStatus(errorStr);
if (this.dashParser == null) {
var res = this.parseManifest(function() {
if (res.status != ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK)
return res;
} else {
return new OKStatus();
* Handle Media Source webkitsourceended event.
DashPlayer.prototype.doEnded = function() {
this.log('doEnded() : ');
* Handle Media Source webkitsourceclose event.
DashPlayer.prototype.doClose = function() {
this.log('doClose() : ');
if (this.state == DashPlayer.STOPPED) {
* Handle video tag seeking event. Setup the player to seek to the time
* specified in the video tag.
DashPlayer.prototype.doSeeking = function() {
this.seekSequenceNum += 1;
this.seekTime = this.videoElement.currentTime;
this.log('doSeeking ' + this.seekTime);
if (this.state == DashPlayer.SEEKING) {
this.log('Already seeking...');
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
if (vid.fetchingClusters_) {
// We have to wait until we finish fetching clusters
// before we can do the seek
this.log('doSeeking() Waiting for videoFetchingClusters to finish.');
var aud = this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'];
if (aud && aud.fetchingClusters_) {
this.log('doSeeking() Waiting for audioFetchingClusters to finish.');
* Add the specified key to the Media Element.
* @param {Uint8Array} key The key.
* @param {Uint8Array} initData initData corresponding to the key.
DashPlayer.prototype.addKey = function(key, initData) {
var keyId = initData;
this.log('Adding key for the following ID: ');
this.videoElement.webkitAddKey('webkit-org.w3.clearkey', key, initData);
* Handles responses to license request XHR.
* @this {XMLHttpRequest}
function handleLicenseResponse() {
if (this.status == 200 && this.response != null) {
var key = new Uint8Array(this.response);
this.playerPrototype.addKey(key, this.initData);
alert('Error obtaining key!');
* Sends a request for a license to the server.
* @param {Uint8Array} initData initData corresponding to the requested key.
* @param {DashPlayer.prototype} playerPrototype requesting the key.
function requestLicense(initData, playerPrototype) {
var licenseUrl = 'key.bin';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.initData = initData; // Store so can associate with key in response.
xhr.playerPrototype = playerPrototype; // Store for reference in callback.
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; // Can easily convert to a Uint8Array.
xhr.onload = handleLicenseResponse;
//Because the demo runs on a simple web sever, we must use GET.
//A more realistic solution is:
//var licenseUrl = '';
//var licenseRequest = initData;
//'POST', licenseUrl, true);
//xhr.send(licenseRequest);'GET', licenseUrl);
* Handle Media Element needkey event.
* @param {MediaKeyEvent} e Need key event.
DashPlayer.prototype.doNeedKey = function(e) {
this.log('doNeedKey() : ');
var keyId = e.initData;
this.log('Need key for the following ID: ');
requestLicense(e.initData, this);
* Handle Media Element keyadded event.
DashPlayer.prototype.doKeyAdded = function() {
this.log('doKeyAdded() : ');
// TODO(xhwang): Remove and restore original call point when Chrome is capable
// of resuming playback when key is added. See
* Tells the video tag there was a parsing error on the stream.
DashPlayer.prototype.reportParseError = function() {
* Appends WebM data to the video tag.
* @param {Uint8Array} data WebM data.
DashPlayer.prototype.appendData = function(data) {
if (this.state != DashPlayer.LOADING)
this.log('Error appendData() state != LOADING state:' + this.state +
' data.length:' + data.length);
if (this.state == DashPlayer.LOADING)
* Tells the video tag there is no more data for all streams.
DashPlayer.prototype.endOfStream = function() {
* Creates WebM files and inserts them into the player's map. Checks if the
* AdaptationSets and Representations are valid for this player.
* @return {Object} Status object.
DashPlayer.prototype.mapWebMFiles = function() {
if (this.mpd.getProfiles() != 'urn:webm:dash:profile:webm-on-demand:2012')
return new ErrorStatus('WebM On-Demand != profile:' + profile);
var period = this.period;
for (var i = 0; i < period.adaptationSetList.length; ++i) {
var as = period.adaptationSetList[i];
if (as) {
var res = DashPlayer.validateAdaptationSet(as);
if (res.status == ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK) {
for (var j = 0; j < as.representationList.length; ++j) {
var representation = as.representationList[j];
if (representation) {
var res = DashPlayer.validateRepresentation(representation);
if (res.status == ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK) {
var webm = new AdaptiveWebMFile();
webm.log = this.log;
webm.representation = representation;
var key = + '-' +;
this.webMFilesMap_[key] = webm;
return new OKStatus();
* Callback for the Manifest load function. Sets the presentation and creates
* the WebM files mapped to the presentation.
* @param {Object} res Status object.
* @return {Object} Status object.
DashPlayer.prototype.parseManifestCallback = function(res) {
if (res.status != ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK) {
var errorStr = 'Could not parse manifest. reason:' + res.reason;
return new ErrorStatus(errorStr);
this.mpd = this.dashParser.mpd;
if (!this.mpd) {
var errorStr = 'MPD is null.';
return new ErrorStatus(errorStr);
// TODO(fgalligan): Think about checking if the video tag's width and height
// have been set in the page and not including video streams that have a
// much higher resolution.
// Pick the first Period.
// TODO(fgalligan): Add support for manifests that have more than one Period.
this.period = this.mpd.periodList[0];
if (!this.period) {
var errorStr = 'Period is null.';
return new ErrorStatus(errorStr);
var res = this.mapWebMFiles();
if (res.status != ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK)
this.log('Error setting up WebM files. :' + res.reason);
// Check if the video tag's width and height have not been set. If not set
// the width and height to the maximum height and the width that corresponds
// with the maximum height. This is done for presentations that change
// resolution.
if (this.videoElement.width == 0 && this.videoElement.height == 0) {
var webmVideo = this.findVideoMaxHeight();
if (webmVideo) {
this.videoElement.width = webmVideo.representation.getWidth();
this.videoElement.height = webmVideo.representation.getHeight();
return res;
* Parses the manifest file. If this.url_ is null return an error.
* @param {function} openCallback Callback function.
* @return {Object} Status object.
DashPlayer.prototype.parseManifest = function(openCallback) {
this.log('parseManifest url' + this.url_);
if (!this.url_)
return new ErrorStatus('parseManifest DashPlayer url_ == null.');
this.dashParser = new DashParser(this.url_);
this.dashParser.log = this.log;
var t = this;
this.dashParser.load(function(res) {
var localRes = t.parseManifestCallback(res);
if (localRes.status != ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK) {
} else {
return new OKStatus();
* Return the current AdaptationSet associated with video. Return null if the
* AdaptationSet is not ready.
* @return {AdaptationSet} current video AdaptationSet.
DashPlayer.prototype.getVideoAdaptationSet = function() {
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
if (!vid || !vid.source || !vid.source.representation)
return null;
return vid.source.representation.parent;
* Picks the first audio and video stream to start playback with.
* @return {Object} Status object.
* @private
DashPlayer.prototype.initializeFirstStreams_ = function() {
var webmAudio = this.findFirstAudioStream();
// Decide which video stream to play first.
var webmVideo = this.findVideoLowsetBandwidth();
if (!webmVideo) {
return new ErrorStatus('Could not find video from presentation');
var vid = new AdaptiveWebMStream();
vid.source = webmVideo;
vid.checkSwitching_ = true;
this.adaptiveStreams_['video'] = vid;
if (webmAudio) {
var aud = new AdaptiveWebMStream();
aud.source = webmAudio;
this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'] = aud;
return new OKStatus();
* Loads the headers for the WebM files the player is starting playback with
* in sequence.
* @return {Object} Status object.
* @private
DashPlayer.prototype.loadFirstHeaders_ = function() {
var res = this.initializeFirstStreams_();
if (res.status != ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK)
return res;
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
var aud = this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'];
var t = this;
if (aud) {
aud.source.loadHeader(function(res) {
if (res.status != ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK) {
} else {
vid.source.loadHeader(function(res) {
t.onParseHeadersDone(res.status == ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK);
} else {
vid.source.loadHeader(function(res) {
t.onParseHeadersDone(res.status == ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK);
return new OKStatus();
* Loads the headers for the WebM files the player is starting playback with in
* parallel to reduce start-up latency.
* @return {Object} Status object.
* @private
DashPlayer.prototype.loadFirstHeadersParallel_ = function() {
var res = this.initializeFirstStreams_();
if (res.status != ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK)
return res;
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
var aud = this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'];
var t = this;
if (aud) {
var audioDownloaded = false;
var videoDownloaded = false;
aud.source.loadExtraDataParallel(function(res) {
if (res.status != ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK) {
} else {
if (videoDownloaded) {
audioDownloaded = true;
vid.source.loadExtraDataParallel(function(res) {
if (res.status != ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK) {
} else {
if (audioDownloaded) {
videoDownloaded = true;
} else {
vid.source.loadExtraDataParallel(function(res) {
t.onParseHeadersDone(res.status == ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK);
return new OKStatus();
* Callback when the headers of all streams have been parsed. Synthesize and
* sends the header data to the Media Source as the first data blob. Starts
* loading the WebM clusters.
* @param {boolean} success False if there was an error.
DashPlayer.prototype.onParseHeadersDone = function(success) {
this.log('onParseHeadersDone() returned ' + success);
if (!success) {
this.log('Failed to parse the headers');
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
var aud = this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'];
var info = vid.source.parser.getInfo();
if (!info) {
this.log('Info is null!');
var tracks = null;
if (aud) {
var res = this.createTracksElement();
if (res.status != ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK) {
this.log('Failed to create Tracks element. :' + res.reason);
tracks = res.value;
} else {
tracks = vid.source.parser.getTracks();
if (!tracks) {
this.log('Tracks is null!');
var infoTracks = new Uint8Array(info.length + tracks.length);
infoTracks.set(info, 0);
infoTracks.set(tracks, info.length);
// TODO(xhwang): Until Chrome is capable of resuming playback when a key is
// added, we must not load the clusters. See
// For now, only do this if EME is not enabled.
if (!this.videoElement.webkitAddKey)
* Starts asynchronously loading the WebM clusters for the current streams.
* Then it will download the header and seek index of the other streams
* asynchronously.
DashPlayer.prototype.loadFirstClusters = function() {
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
var aud = this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'];
var res = vid.source.parser.getFirstCueDesc();
if (res.status != WebMParser.STATUS_OK) {
this.log('Could not get video first cueDesc! reason:' + res.reason);
vid.cueDesc = res.value;
if (aud) {
res = aud.source.parser.getFirstCueDesc();
if (res.status != WebMParser.STATUS_OK) {
this.log('Could not get audio first cueDesc! reason:' + res.reason);
aud.cueDesc = res.value;
var t = this;
// Download the headers and seek indices for the rest of the media files.
window.setTimeout(function() { t.downloadAllMediaInfo(); });
* Sends one cluster if queued for each of the current streams. Checks to see
* if all of the current streams are out of data. Then gets more WebM clusters.
DashPlayer.prototype.sendClusters = function() {
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
var aud = this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'];
if (aud) {
var data = aud.checkFront(vid.lastTimeSent_);
if (data) {
//this.log('sendClusters() Rep[' + +
// '] data.length:' + data.length);
data = vid.front();
if (data) {
//this.log('sendClusters() Rep[' + +
// '] data.length:' + data.length);
// Check if the streams are finished.
if (vid.endOfClusters_) {
if (aud) {
if (aud.endOfClusters_)
} else {
// Fetch more clusters from the network to fill the queue back up.
* Checks and downloads more WebM data for each stream.
DashPlayer.prototype.fetchMoreClusters = function() {
// Check to make sure video stream does not get to far ahead of the audio
// stream.
var delta = 0;
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
var aud = this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'];
if (aud)
delta = vid.cueDesc.time - aud.cueDesc.time;
if (vid.addNewCluster() && delta < this.audioVideoBufferThreshold) {
vid.fetchingClusters_ = true;
var seqNumVid = this.seekSequenceNum;
//this.logCue('fetchMoreClusters getClusterFromCueDesc ',,
// seqNumVid, vid.cueDesc, -1, vid.cueBytesDownloaded_, null);
var t = this;
vid.source.parser.getClusterFromCueDesc(vid.cueDesc, 0,
function(nextCueDesc, buf) {
t.onClusterDownloadedDesc(vid, nextCueDesc, seqNumVid, buf);
//Check to make sure audio stream does not get to far ahead of the video
// stream.
if (aud) {
delta = aud.cueDesc.time - vid.cueDesc.time;
if (aud.addNewCluster() && delta < this.audioVideoBufferThreshold) {
aud.fetchingClusters_ = true;
var seqNumAud = this.seekSequenceNum;
//this.logCue('fetchMoreClusters getClusterFromCueDesc ',,
// seqNumAud, aud.cueDesc, -1, aud.cueBytesDownloaded_, null);
var t = this;
aud.source.parser.getClusterFromCueDesc(aud.cueDesc, 0,
function(nextCueDesc, buf) {
t.onClusterDownloadedDesc(aud, nextCueDesc, seqNumAud, buf);
* Callback function for parser.GetCluster. This function will add the cluster
* to the stream cluster queue and send a notification to check if the player
* should send a cluster to the video tag.
* @param {AdaptiveWebMStream} webmStream The stream the data is from.
* @param {Object} nextCueDesc The next Cue description object. If null
* then the current Cue is the last Cue.
* @param {number} seqNum Seek sequence number.
* @param {Uint8Array} buf Cluster data.
DashPlayer.prototype.onClusterDownloadedDesc = function(webmStream,
buf) {
var stream = webmStream;
var t = this;
if (this.state == DashPlayer.SEEKING) {
this.logCue('onCluster() state == SEEKING',,
seqNum, stream.cueDesc, buf.length, stream.cueBytesDownloaded_,
stream.fetchingClusters_ = false;
window.setTimeout(function() { t.startSeek();});
if (this.state == DashPlayer.STOPPED) {
this.logCue('onCluster() state == STOPPED',,
seqNum, stream.cueDesc, buf.length, stream.cueBytesDownloaded_,
stream.fetchingClusters_ = false;
if (this.state != DashPlayer.LOADING) {
this.log('onCluster() : unexpected state ' + this.state);
stream.fetchingClusters_ = false;
//Check to see if a seek happened while we were getting the cluster.
if (seqNum != this.seekSequenceNum) {
this.logCue('onCluster() != this.seekSequenceNum' + this.seekSequenceNum,, seqNum, stream.cueDesc,
buf.length, stream.cueBytesDownloaded_, nextCueDesc);
stream.fetchingClusters_ = false;
if (!buf) {
this.log('onCluster() id:' + +
' Error !buf');
stream.fetchingClusters_ = false;
stream.endOfClusters_ = true;
stream.cueBytesDownloaded_ += buf.length;
//this.logCue('onCluster() ',, seqNum,
// stream.cueDesc, buf.length, stream.cueBytesDownloaded_,
// nextCueDesc);
// If |stream.cueDesc.size| is -1 then the cluster is in the last CUE
// element. Keep reading clusters until |buf| == null.
if (stream.cueBytesDownloaded_ == stream.cueDesc.size) {
// The player has downloaded all of the clusters within the current CUE
// element.
stream.fetchingClusters_ = false;
if (this.eventCallbacks_['chunk_download']) {
var streamType = 'audio';
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
if (vid.source == stream.source)
streamType = 'video';
var data = {
type: streamType,
time: stream.cueDesc.time,
endTime: stream.cueDesc.endTime
stream.cueBytesDownloaded_ = 0;
if (nextCueDesc == null) {
stream.endOfClusters_ = true;
this.log('onCluster() id:' + +
' Last Cue. endOfClusters_ = true.');
} else {
stream.cueDesc = nextCueDesc;
if (stream.checkSwitching_)
window.setTimeout(function() { t.sendClusters();});
} else {
window.setTimeout(function() { t.sendClusters();});
if (!stream.endOfClusters_ &&
stream.clusterQueue.length < stream.clusterQueueThreshold) {
var seqNum = this.seekSequenceNum;
//this.logCue('onCluster() getClusterFromCueDesc ',
//, seqNum, stream.cueDesc,
// -1, stream.cueBytesDownloaded_, null);
function(nextCueDesc, buf) {
t.onClusterDownloadedDesc(stream, nextCueDesc, seqNum, buf);
* Tells the player to transition into seeking mode. The seek time must be set
* in |this.seekTime|. The player will check if it is okay to transition into
* seeking mode and afterwards will start downloading WebM data from the seek
* time.
DashPlayer.prototype.startSeek = function() {
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
if (vid.fetchingClusters_) {
this.log('startSeek() Waiting for videoFetchingClusters to finish.');
var aud = this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'];
if (aud && aud.fetchingClusters_) {
this.log('startSeek() Waiting for audioFetchingClusters to finish.');
vid.checkSwitching_ = true;
if (aud)
var seekTime = this.seekTime;
this.log('Seeking to ' + seekTime);
var res = vid.source.parser.getCueDescFromTime(seekTime);
if (res.status != WebMParser.STATUS_OK) {
this.log('startSeek() getCueDescFromTime on video failed. seekTime:' +
seekTime + ' :' + res.reason);
vid.cueDesc = res.value;
if (aud) {
var res = aud.source.parser.getCueDescFromTime(seekTime);
if (res.status != WebMParser.STATUS_OK) {
this.log('startSeek() getCueDescFromTime on audio failed. seekTime:' +
seekTime + ' :' + res.reason);
aud.cueDesc = res.value;
// These two functions perform the same action. sendClusters() will download
// complete clusters before sending the data to AppendStream.
// fetchPartialClusters() may download partial clusters and send the data to
// AppendStream to reduce latency.
* Changes the player state.
* @param {number} newState State to change the player too.
DashPlayer.prototype.changeState = function(newState) {
this.log('changeState() : ' + this.state + ' -> ' + newState);
this.state = newState;
* Returns the amount of time in seconds buffered in the video tag from the
* current play back time.
* @return {number} Seconds the video tag is buffered.
DashPlayer.prototype.getSecondsBufferedAhead = function() {
var now = this.videoElement.currentTime;
var ranges = this.videoElement.buffered;
var l = ranges.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
if ((ranges.start(i) <= now) &&
(ranges.end(i) >= now)) {
return (ranges.end(i) - now);
return 0;
* Searches all of the representation objects within the first video
* AdaptationSet that has the lowest bandwidth and returns the WebM file
* associated with that representation object.
* @return {AdaptiveWebMFile} A WebM file or null if there were no files.
DashPlayer.prototype.findVideoLowsetBandwidth = function() {
if (!this.period)
return null;
var representation = null;
// Use vp8 string as a search parameter for a video stream.
var as = this.period.findFirstAdaptationSet(/vp8/i);
if (as) {
var mediaBandwidth = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var l = as.representationList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
var bandwidth = as.representationList[i].bandwidth;
if (bandwidth < mediaBandwidth) {
representation = as.representationList[i];
var key = + '-' +;
if (this.webMFilesMap_[key] != null) {
mediaBandwidth = bandwidth;
var webMFile = null;
if (as && representation) {
var key = + '-' +;
webMFile = this.webMFilesMap_[key];
return webMFile;
* Returns the next media file from the current presentation according to
* their bandwidth from the manifest.
* @param {Object} webm The WebM file to start from.
* @param {number} direction Greater than 0 will get the next file with a
* higher bandwidth. Less than or equal to 0 will get the next file with
* a lower bandwidth.
* @return {AdaptiveWebMFile} A WebM file or null if there were no more files.
DashPlayer.prototype.findVideoNextBandwidth = function(webm, direction) {
var newWebM = null;
if (direction > 0) {
newWebM = this.findNextHighestBandwidth(webm);
} else {
newWebM = this.findNextLowestBandwidth(webm);
return newWebM;
* Returns the next media file from the current presentation with a lower
* bandwidth from the manifest.
* @param {Object} webm The WebM file to start from.
* @return {AdaptiveWebMFile} A WebM file or null if there were no more files
* with a lower bandwidth.
DashPlayer.prototype.findNextLowestBandwidth = function(webm) {
if (!this.period)
return null;
var as = webm.representation.parent;
var bandwidth = webm.representation.bandwidth;
var nextWebM = null;
var l = as.representationList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
var mediaCheck = as.representationList[i];
if (mediaCheck.bandwidth < bandwidth &&
(!nextWebM || mediaCheck.bandwidth > nextWebM.bandwidth)) {
var key = + '-' +;
if (this.webMFilesMap_[key] != null) {
nextWebM = mediaCheck;
var webMFile = null;
if (as && nextWebM) {
var key = + '-' +;
webMFile = this.webMFilesMap_[key];
return webMFile;
* Returns the next media file from the current presentation with a higher
* bandwidth from the manifest.
* @param {Object} webm The WebM file to start from.
* @return {AdaptiveWebMFile} A WebM file or null if there were no more files
* with a higher bandwidth.
DashPlayer.prototype.findNextHighestBandwidth = function(webm) {
if (!this.period)
return null;
var as = webm.representation.parent;
var bandwidth = webm.representation.bandwidth;
var nextWebM = null;
var l = as.representationList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
var mediaCheck = as.representationList[i];
if (mediaCheck.bandwidth > bandwidth &&
(!nextWebM || mediaCheck.bandwidth < nextWebM.bandwidth)) {
var key = + '-' +;
if (this.webMFilesMap_[key] != null) {
nextWebM = mediaCheck;
var webMFile = null;
if (as && nextWebM) {
var key = + '-' +;
webMFile = this.webMFilesMap_[key];
return webMFile;
* Searches all of the representation objects within the first video
* AdaptationSet that has the largest height and returns that representation
* object.
* @return {AdaptiveWebMFile} A WebM file or null if there were no
* representation objects.
DashPlayer.prototype.findVideoMaxHeight = function() {
if (!this.period)
return null;
//Use vp8 string as a search parameter for a video stream.
var as = this.period.findFirstAdaptationSet(/vp8/i);
if (!as)
return null;
var maxHeight = 0;
var index = -1;
// find starting index
var l = as.representationList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
var representation = as.representationList[i];
var height = representation.getHeight();
if (height > maxHeight) {
var key = + '-' +;
if (this.webMFilesMap_[key] != null) {
maxHeight = height;
index = i;
if (index == -1)
return null;
var key = + '-' + as.representationList[index].id;
return this.webMFilesMap_[key];
* Returns the first WebM file within the first audio AdaptationSet.
* @return {AdaptiveWebMFile} A WebM file or null if there were no WebM files.
DashPlayer.prototype.findFirstAudioStream = function() {
if (!this.period)
return null;
// Use vorbis string as a search parameter for an audio stream.
var as = this.period.findFirstAdaptationSet(/vorbis/i);
if (!as)
return null;
var key = + '-' + as.representationList[0].id;
return this.webMFilesMap_[key];
* Searches all of the WebM files within the current AdaptationSet that
* have not downloaded their headers. If a WebM file is found that does not
* have the header downloaded, it will make a call to download the WebM
* file's header. The loadHeader call will also download the byte-to-offset
* mapping.
DashPlayer.prototype.downloadAllMediaInfo = function() {
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
var as = vid.source.representation.parent;
if (as) {
var l = as.representationList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
var representation = as.representationList[i];
// Check to see if the headers have not been downloaded.
var key = + '-' +;
var webMFile = this.webMFilesMap_[key];
if (!webMFile || webMFile.state != AdaptiveWebMFile.HEADERS_NEEDED) {
var t = this;
// TODO(fgalligan): VP8 does not need any initialization data for the
// stream to decode. But without parsing the WebM Segment element there
// is no way to get the segment offset, which is needed for the Cues
// element. Figure out a way to get the segment offset without parsing
// the header. For reference the old manifest format included the
// segment offset.
var vp8CodecPattern = /nothing/i; // /vp8/i;
if ( != -1) {
webMFile.loadIndex(function(res) {
t.onDownloadHeadersDone(res.status == ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK);
} else {
webMFile.loadHeader(function(res) {
t.onDownloadHeadersDone(res.status == ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK);
* Callback when stream headers have been parsed.
* @param {boolean} success False if there was an error.
DashPlayer.prototype.onDownloadHeadersDone = function(success) {
//this.log('onDownloadHeadersDone() returned ' + success);
var t = this;
window.setTimeout(function() { t.downloadAllMediaInfo();});
* The algorithm will switch to the next file in the current AdaptationSet.
* This is a very basic example of how to switch files.
DashPlayer.prototype.rotateVideoStream = function() {
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
if (!vid.source)
var switchWebM = this.findVideoNextBandwidth(vid.source, 1);
if (!switchWebM)
switchWebM = this.findVideoLowsetBandwidth();
if (switchWebM)
* Checks whether the player should switch video streams based on current
* bandwidth. The function checks buffer level 120 seconds into the
* future and then will decide if it should switch up or down. The function
* will check to see if the video buffer time will drop below 5 seconds. If it
* does it will try and switch down to a stream that will keep the buffer
* level above 5 seconds. If the first check has buffer level above 15 seconds
* after 120 seconds then the function will perform the same test on
* the next stream up and if the buffer level is over 15 seconds
* again it will switch up only one stream.
DashPlayer.prototype.checkVideoStreamFutureTime = function() {
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
if (!this.period)
var as = vid.source.representation.parent;
if (as) {
var l = as.representationList.length;
if (l == 0)
var bandwidth = vid.source.parser.file.bandwidth.lastKbpsAvgTime(5);
var now = this.videoElement.currentTime;
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
// The problem with using buffered is that with two separate streams one
// of them will most likely be ahead of the other.
var buffered = this.getSecondsBufferedAhead();
var debugStr = '' + now.toFixed(3) +
' vTag.buffer:' + buffered.toFixed(3) +
' vLastTS:' + vid.lastTimeSent_.toFixed(3);
var aud = this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'];
if (aud) {
debugStr += ' aLastTS:' + aud.lastTimeSent_.toFixed(3);
debugStr += ' kbps:' + bandwidth.toFixed();
var buffer = vid.lastTimeSent_ - now;
var timeList = [120];
var buffers = this.calculateBuffer(vid.cueDesc.time,
var buffer120sec = buffers[0].buffer;
var debugStr = 'rep=' + +
' buf=' + buffer.toFixed() + ' band=' + bandwidth.toFixed() +
' sec:' + buffers[0].seconds.toFixed(3) +
' fbuf:' + buffer120sec.toFixed(3);
var switchWebM = null;
var switching = 0;
if (buffer120sec < 5) {
// The player should switch down. Check to see if it should switch down
// more than one stream.
var currentVideo = vid.source;
for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
var nextWebM = this.findVideoNextBandwidth(currentVideo, -1);
if (!nextWebM) {
// Assume there were no more representation elements to try.
// |switchWebM| will be on the lowest bitrate stream.
var buffers = this.calculateBuffer(vid.cueDesc.time,
buffer120sec = buffers[0].buffer;
debugStr = 'DOWN rep=' + +
' buf=' + buffer.toFixed() + ' band=' + bandwidth.toFixed() +
' sec:' + buffers[0].seconds.toFixed(3) +
' fbuf:' + buffer120sec.toFixed(3);
switchWebM = nextWebM;
if (buffer120sec < 5) {
// Move down another stream and try again.
currentVideo = nextWebM;
} else {
} else if (buffer120sec > 15) {
// Switch up.
var nextWebM = this.findVideoNextBandwidth(vid.source, 1);
if (nextWebM) {
var buffers = this.calculateBuffer(vid.cueDesc.time,
buffer120sec = buffers[0].buffer;
debugStr = 'UP rep=' + +
' buf=' + buffer.toFixed() + ' band=' + bandwidth.toFixed() +
' sec:' + buffers[0].seconds.toFixed(3) +
' fbuf:' + buffer120sec.toFixed(3);
if (buffer120sec > 15) {
// Move up another stream.
switchWebM = nextWebM;
if (switchWebM) {
var res = this.switchVideoStream(switchWebM);
if (res.status != ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK) {
this.log('Could not switch stream. :' + res.reason);
* Checks whether the player should switch video streams based on current
* bandwidth. The function checks if the current video stream will have a
* buffer under-run at the current bandwidth. If it thinks it will have an
* under-run it will check the lower streams until it finds a stream that it
* thinks will play through the entire presentation without an under-run. If it
* doesn't find a stream it will pick the lowest bitrate stream. If the first
* check does not think it will have a buffer under-run it will check to see if
* the next stream higher will have an under-run. If not it will switch up one
* higher stream.
DashPlayer.prototype.checkVideoStreamDuration = function() {
if (!this.period)
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
var as = vid.source.representation.parent;
if (as) {
var l = as.representationList.length;
if (l == 0)
var bandwidth = vid.source.parser.file.bandwidth.lastKbpsAvgTime(5);
var now = this.videoElement.currentTime;
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
// The problem with using buffered is that with two separate streams one
// of them will most likely be ahead of the other.
var buffered = this.getSecondsBufferedAhead();
var debugStr = '' + now.toFixed(3) +
' vTag.buffer:' + buffered.toFixed(3) +
' vLastTS:' + vid.lastTimeSent_.toFixed(3);
var aud = this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'];
if (aud) {
debugStr += ' aLastTS:' + aud.lastTimeSent_.toFixed(3);
debugStr += ' kbps:' + bandwidth.toFixed();
var buffer = vid.lastTimeSent_ - now;
var node = vid.source.parser.bufferSizeAfterTimeDownloaded(
if (node.status != WebMParser.STATUS_OK) {
this.log('Error calculating download time for representation id:' + + ' :' + node.reason);
this.log('node id:' + +
' underrun:' + node.underrun +
' downloadTime:' + node.downloadTime.toFixed(3) +
' buffer:' + node.buffer.toFixed(3));
if (node.status == WebMParser.STATUS_OK) {
var switchWebM = null;
if (node.underrun == true) {
// Move down streams until the player finds a stream that it can play
// or it gets to the lowest stream.
var nextWebM = this.findVideoNextBandwidth(vid.source, -1);
while (nextWebM) {
switchWebM = nextWebM;
node = switchWebM.parser.bufferSizeAfterTimeDownloaded(
if (node.status == WebMParser.STATUS_OK)
this.log('node DOWN id:' + +
' underrun:' + node.underrun +
' downloadTime:' + node.downloadTime.toFixed(3) +
' buffer:' + node.buffer.toFixed(3));
if (node.status == WebMParser.STATUS_OK && node.underrun != true) {
nextWebM = this.findVideoNextBandwidth(switchWebM, -1);
} else {
// Check to see if the player can move up one stream.
var nextWebM = this.findVideoNextBandwidth(vid.source, 1);
if (nextWebM && nextWebM.parser) {
node = nextWebM.parser.bufferSizeAfterTimeDownloaded(
vid.cueDesc.time, 1000000, bandwidth, 0, buffer);
if (node.status == WebMParser.STATUS_OK)
this.log('node UP id:' + +
' underrun:' + node.underrun +
' downloadTime:' + node.downloadTime.toFixed(3) +
' buffer:' + node.buffer.toFixed(3));
if (node.status == WebMParser.STATUS_OK && node.underrun != true) {
switchWebM = nextWebM;
if (switchWebM) {
var res = this.switchVideoStream(switchWebM);
if (res.status != ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK) {
this.log('Could not switch stream. :' + res.reason);
* Calculates buffer levels for the array of times passed in.
* @param {number} startTime The starting time of the stream.
* @param {Array.<number>} timeList List of times to be processed.
* @param {Object} webMFile The file to perform the calculations on.
* @param {number} bandwidth The download rate in kilobits per second.
* @param {number} buffer The current amount of time in the buffer in seconds.
* @return {Array.<Object>} The list of return objects from bufferSizeAfterTime.
DashPlayer.prototype.calculateBuffer = function(startTime,
buffer) {
var rv = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < timeList.length; ++i) {
var node = webMFile.parser.bufferSizeAfterTime(startTime,
return rv;
* Switches the current video playback stream within the AdaptationSet.
* @param {Object} switchWebM The WebM file object to set as the video stream.
* @return {Object} The status object.
DashPlayer.prototype.switchVideoStream = function(switchWebM) {
if (!this.period)
return new ErrorStatus('switchVideoStream period is null.');
if (!switchWebM)
return new ErrorStatus('switchWebM is null.');
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
if (vid.source != switchWebM) {
if (!switchWebM.canSeek())
return new ErrorStatus('switchWebM id:' + +
' cannot seek.');
this.log('Switching... curr_id:' + +
' new_id:' +;
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
var res = switchWebM.parser.getCueDescFromTime(vid.cueDesc.time);
if (res.status != WebMParser.STATUS_OK) {
this.log('switchVideoStream() getCueDescFromTime failed. seekTime:' +
seekTime + ' :' + res.reason);
return res;
var cue = res.value;
if (cue) {
// Check to see if the next cluster for the switch stream is not
// less then next cluster of the current stream. This is to guard
// against AdaptationSets that are not aligned.
if (cue.time >= vid.cueDesc.time) {
vid.source = switchWebM;
vid.cueDesc = cue;
return new OKStatus();
* Creates a WebM Tracks element from an audio and a video Track element. This
* is needed for the Media Source API because it assumes the the data is muxed
* in one WebM segment.
* @return {Uint8Array} The Tracks element.
* @return {Object} The status object. {Object}.value returns the Tracks
* element.
DashPlayer.prototype.createTracksElement = function() {
// Only create a tracks element if there is separate audio and video.
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
var aud = this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'];
if (!vid.source || !aud)
return new ErrorStatus('Video or audio file is null.');
if (aud.source.parser.getTrackObjectLength() != 1)
return new ErrorStatus('Could not get audio track length.');
if (vid.source.parser.getTrackObjectLength() != 1)
return new ErrorStatus('Could not get video track length.');
var audioTrackObject = aud.source.parser.getTrackObject(0);
var videoTrackObject = vid.source.parser.getTrackObject(0);
var tracksElementHeader = new Uint8Array([0x16, 0x54, 0xAE, 0x6B,
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]);
var headerSize = tracksElementHeader.length;
var dataSize = audioTrackObject.buf.length + videoTrackObject.buf.length;
var tracksElement = new Uint8Array(headerSize + dataSize);
tracksElement.set(tracksElementHeader, 0);
tracksElement.set(videoTrackObject.buf, headerSize);
headerSize + videoTrackObject.buf.length);
var tmp = dataSize;
for (var i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
tracksElement[11 - i] = tmp & 0xff;
tmp >>= 8;
return {status: ErrorStatus.STATUS_OK, value: tracksElement};
* Helper logging function for cueDesc objects.
* @param {string} str Text to prepend to the log message.
* @param {string} id The representation object's id.
* @param {number} seqNum The seeking context.
* @param {Object} currentCueDesc The current cueDesc object.
* @param {number} bufSize The size of the buffer downloaded.
* @param {number} readOffset The stream's read offset in bytes.
* @param {Object} nextCueDesc The next cueDesc object.
DashPlayer.prototype.logCue = function(str,
nextCueDesc) {
var output = str + ' m:' + id + ' seqNum:' + seqNum;
if (currentCueDesc) {
output += ' off:' + currentCueDesc.offset +
' time:' + currentCueDesc.time.toFixed(3) +
' endTime:' + currentCueDesc.endTime.toFixed(3) +
' size:' + currentCueDesc.size;
output += ' bufSize:' + bufSize + ' bufRead:' + readOffset;
if (nextCueDesc) {
output += ' nextOff:' + nextCueDesc.offset +
' nextTime:' + nextCueDesc.time.toFixed(3) +
' nextEndTime:' + nextCueDesc.endTime.toFixed(3) +
' nextSize:' + nextCueDesc.size;
* Downloads WebM data for all streams. Checks to make sure player can accept
* more data and that one stream is not too far ahead in time of the other
* streams. Player must be able to handle more than one call back with data.
DashPlayer.prototype.fetchPartialClusters = function() {
// Check to make sure video stream does not get to far ahead of the audio
// stream.
var delta = 0;
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
var aud = this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'];
if (aud)
delta = vid.cueDesc.time - aud.cueDesc.time;
//this.log('fetchPartialClusters video addNewCluster():' +
// vid.addNewCluster() + ' delta:' + delta);
if (vid.addNewCluster() && delta < this.audioVideoBufferThreshold) {
vid.fetchingClusters_ = true;
var seqNumVid = this.seekSequenceNum;
//this.logCue('fetchPartialClusters get cluster ',
//, seqNumVid, vid.cueDesc, -1,
// vid.cueBytesDownloaded_, null);
var t = this;
vid.source.parser.fetchCueData(vid.cueDesc, function(nextCueDesc, buf) {
t.onPartialCueDescDownload(vid, nextCueDesc, seqNumVid, buf);
// Check to make sure audio stream does not get to far ahead of the video
// stream.
if (aud) {
delta = aud.cueDesc.time - vid.cueDesc.time;
//this.log('fetchPartialClusters audio addNewCluster():' +
// aud.addNewCluster() + ' delta:' + delta);
if (aud.addNewCluster() && delta < this.audioVideoBufferThreshold) {
aud.fetchingClusters_ = true;
var seqNumAud = this.seekSequenceNum;
//this.logCue('fetchPartialClusters get cluster ',
//, seqNumAud, aud.cueDesc, -1,
// aud.cueBytesDownloaded_, null);
var t = this;
aud.source.parser.fetchCueData(aud.cueDesc, function(nextCueDesc, buf) {
t.onPartialCueDescDownload(aud, nextCueDesc, seqNumAud, buf);
* Callback function for parser.fetchCueData. This function will add the
* data from the current cue chunk to the stream clusterQueue and send a
* notification to check if the player should send the data to the video tag.
* If |nextCueDesc| is the same as the current cue chunk then |buf| is part
* of the current Cue. This function will keep being called until all of the
* data in the Cue chunk has been downloaded or there was an error. Once all
* of the data in the cluster has been downloaded fetchPartialClusters will be
* called to download the next cluster. If the next cluster is null that
* signals the end of the stream.
* @param {Object} webmStream Stream that has downloaded data.
* @param {Object} nextCueDesc The next Cue description object. If null
* then the current Cue is the last Cue.
* @param {number} seqNum Seek sequence number.
* @param {Uint8Array} buf Cluster data.
* @return {boolean} If true tells the calling function to request more data
* for the current Cue chunk.
DashPlayer.prototype.onPartialCueDescDownload = function(webmStream,
buf) {
var stream = webmStream;
var cueFinished = (nextCueDesc) ?
stream.cueDesc.offset != nextCueDesc.offset :
var t = this;
if (this.state == DashPlayer.SEEKING) {
this.logCue('onPartialCluster() state == SEEKING',, seqNum, stream.cueDesc,
buf.length, stream.cueBytesDownloaded_, nextCueDesc);
if (cueFinished) {
stream.fetchingClusters_ = false;
window.setTimeout(function() { t.startSeek();});
return stream.fetchingClusters_;
if (this.state == DashPlayer.STOPPED) {
this.logCue('onPartialCluster() state == STOPPED',, seqNum, stream.cueDesc,
buf.length, stream.cueBytesDownloaded_, nextCueDesc);
stream.fetchingClusters_ = false;
return stream.fetchingClusters_;
if (this.state != DashPlayer.LOADING) {
this.log('onPartialCluster() : unexpected state ' + this.state);
stream.fetchingClusters_ = false;
return stream.fetchingClusters_;
//Check to see if a seek happened while we were getting the cluster.
if (seqNum != this.seekSequenceNum) {
this.logCue('onPartialCluster() != this.seekSequenceNum' +
this.seekSequenceNum,, seqNum,
stream.cueDesc, buf.length, stream.cueBytesDownloaded_,
// Wait for the current cluster to finish completely.
if (cueFinished)
stream.fetchingClusters_ = false;
return stream.fetchingClusters_;
if (!buf) {
this.log('onPartialCluster() id:' + +
' Error !buf');
stream.fetchingClusters_ = false;
stream.endOfClusters_ = true;
return stream.fetchingClusters_;
stream.cueBytesDownloaded_ += buf.length;
//this.logCue('onPartialCluster() ',, seqNum,
// stream.cueDesc, buf.length, stream.cueBytesDownloaded_,
// nextCueDesc);
if (cueFinished) {
// The player has downloaded all of the clusters within the current CUE
// element.
stream.fetchingClusters_ = false;
if (this.eventCallbacks_['chunk_download']) {
var streamType = 'audio';
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
if (vid.source == stream.source)
streamType = 'video';
var data = {
type: streamType,
time: stream.cueDesc.time,
endTime: stream.cueDesc.endTime
stream.cueBytesDownloaded_ = 0;
if (nextCueDesc == null) {
// Last cluster.
this.log('onPartialCluster() id:' + +
' End of clusters. endTime:' + stream.cueDesc.endTime);
stream.endOfClusters_ = true;
} else {
stream.cueDesc = nextCueDesc;
if (stream.checkSwitching_)
window.setTimeout(function() { t.sendPartialClusters();});
return stream.fetchingClusters_;
* Sends partial cluster if queued for each of the current streams. Checks to
* see if all of the current streams are out of data and end of stream.
DashPlayer.prototype.sendPartialClusters = function() {
var vid = this.adaptiveStreams_['video'];
var aud = this.adaptiveStreams_['audio'];
var data = null;
if (aud) {
if (vid.endOfClusters_ && vid.empty()) {
// Check if the audio has one or more clusters with a start time later
// than the last video cluster and the video clusters have all been sent.
// This check is to make sure to send monotonically increasing clusters.
data = aud.front();
} else {
data = aud.checkFront(vid.lastTimeSent_);
if (data) {
//this.log('Send Audio length:' + data.length +
// ' time:' + aud.lastTimeSent_ +
// ' queue size:' + aud.clusterQueue.length);
data = vid.front();
if (data) {
//this.log('Send Video length:' + data.length +
// ' time:' + vid.lastTimeSent_ +
// ' queue size:' + vid.clusterQueue.length);
// Check if the streams are finished.
if (vid.endOfClusters_ && vid.empty()) {
if (aud) {
// Empty all of the audio data.
if (!aud.empty()) {
var t = this;
window.setTimeout(function() { t.sendPartialClusters();});
else if (aud.endOfClusters_) {
} else {