blob: 6eb1ab0711570e91b15f14d89256c868870cb143 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "encoder/basictypes.h"
#include "encoder/encoder_base.h"
namespace webmlive {
// Thread safe buffer queue. Allows unbounded growth of internal queue.
class BufferQueue {
struct Buffer {
std::string id;
std::vector<uint8> data;
BufferQueue() {}
~BufferQueue() {}
// Copies |data| into a new |Buffer| and assigns |id|. Blocks while waiting to
// obtain lock on |mutex_|. Returns true when |data| is successfully enqueued.
bool EnqueueBuffer(const std::string& id, const uint8* data, int length);
// Returns a buffer if one is available. Does not block waiting on |mutex_|;
// gives up and returns NULL when unable to obtain lock. Non-NULL |Buffer|
// pointer memory is owned by caller.
Buffer* DequeueBuffer();
// Returns number of buffers queued. Blocks on |mutex_| acquisition.
size_t GetNumBuffers();
bool locked_;
std::mutex mutex_;
std::queue<Buffer*> buffer_q_;
// Simple buffer object with locking facilities for passing data between
// threads. The general idea here is that one thread, A, calls |Init| to copy
// data into the buffer, and then |Lock| to lock the buffer. Then, another
// thread, B, calls |GetBuffer| to obtain A's data, and calls |Unlock| to
// unlock the buffer after finishing work on the data.
// Note: communication between threads A and B is not handled by the class.
class LockableBuffer {
enum {
// |GetBuffer| called while unlocked.
kNotLocked = -2,
// Invalid argument passed to method.
kInvalidArg = -1,
kSuccess = 0,
// Buffer is locked.
kLocked = 1,
LockableBuffer() : locked_(false) {}
~LockableBuffer() {}
// Returns true if the buffer is locked.
bool IsLocked();
// Copies data into the buffer. Does nothing and returns |kLocked| if the
// buffer is already locked.
int Init(const uint8* const ptr_data, int length);
// Returns pointer to internal buffer. Does nothing and returns |kNotLocked|
// if called with the buffer unlocked.
int GetBuffer(uint8** ptr_buffer, int* ptr_length);
// Lock the buffer. Returns |kLocked| if already locked.
int Lock();
// Unlock the buffer. Returns |kNotLocked| if buffer already unlocked.
int Unlock();
// Lock status.
bool locked_;
// Mutex protecting lock status.
std::mutex mutex_;
// Internal buffer.
std::vector<uint8> buffer_;
} // namespace webmlive