blob: 543c7d5a6435fd9a26b9d9743a8c8404bebb8d5f [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2005 Joel de Guzman
Copyright (c) 2006 Tobias Schwinger
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#if !defined(FUSION_PAIR_07222005_1203)
#define FUSION_PAIR_07222005_1203
#include <boost/fusion/support/detail/access.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/support/detail/as_fusion_element.hpp>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#if defined (BOOST_MSVC)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning (disable: 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated.
namespace boost { namespace fusion
// A half runtime pair where the first type does not have data
template <typename First, typename Second>
struct pair
: second() {}
pair(typename detail::call_param<Second>::type val)
: second(val) {}
template <typename Second2>
pair(pair<First, Second2> const& rhs)
: second(rhs.second) {}
template <typename Second2>
pair& operator=(pair<First, Second2> const& rhs)
second = rhs.second;
return *this;
typedef First first_type;
typedef Second second_type;
Second second;
namespace result_of
template<typename First, typename Second>
struct make_pair
typedef fusion::pair<First,
typename detail::as_fusion_element<Second>::type> type;
template<class Pair>
struct first
typedef typename Pair::first_type type;
template<class Pair>
struct second
typedef typename Pair::second_type type;
template <typename First, typename Second>
inline typename result_of::make_pair<First,Second>::type
make_pair(Second const& val)
return pair<First, typename detail::as_fusion_element<Second>::type>(val);
template <typename OStream, typename First, typename Second>
inline OStream&
operator<<(OStream& os, pair<First, Second> const& p)
os << p.second;
return os;
template <typename IStream, typename First, typename Second>
inline IStream&
operator>>(IStream& is, pair<First, Second>& p)
is >> p.second;
return is;
template <typename First, typename SecondL, typename SecondR>
inline bool
operator==(pair<First, SecondL> const& l, pair<First, SecondR> const& r)
return l.second == r.second;
template <typename First, typename SecondL, typename SecondR>
inline bool
operator!=(pair<First, SecondL> const& l, pair<First, SecondR> const& r)
return l.second != r.second;
#if defined (BOOST_MSVC)
# pragma warning(pop)