blob: 4b0c7e95c39d4a8ab9dc8f4cdc65dfc665a34b3d [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
See for most recent version including documentation.
/// \file
/// \brief Support for reading and writing PNG files
/// Requires libpng and zlib!
/// \author Hailin Jin and Lubomir Bourdev \n
/// Adobe Systems Incorporated
/// \date 2005-2007 \n Last updated June 10, 2006
// We are currently providing the following functions:
// template <typename Images> void png_read_image(const char*,any_image<Images>&)
// template <typename Images> void png_read_image(FILE*,any_image<Images>&,std::size_t)
// template <typename Views> void png_write_view(const char*,const any_image_view<View>&)
// template <typename Views> void png_write_view(FILE*,const any_image_view<View>&)
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include "../dynamic_image/dynamic_image_all.hpp"
#include "io_error.hpp"
#include "png_io.hpp"
#include "png_io_private.hpp"
#include "dynamic_io.hpp"
namespace boost { namespace gil {
namespace detail {
struct png_write_is_supported {
template<typename View> struct apply
: public mpl::bool_<png_write_support<View>::is_supported> {};
class png_writer_dynamic : public png_writer {
png_writer_dynamic(FILE* file ) : png_writer(file) {}
png_writer_dynamic(const char* filename) : png_writer(filename){}
template <typename Views>
void write_view(const any_image_view<Views>& runtime_view) {
dynamic_io_fnobj<png_write_is_supported, png_writer> op(this);
class png_type_format_checker {
int _bit_depth;
int _color_type;
png_type_format_checker(int bit_depth_in,int color_type_in) :
_bit_depth(bit_depth_in),_color_type(color_type_in) {}
template <typename Image>
bool apply() {
return png_read_support<typename Image::view_t>::bit_depth==_bit_depth &&
png_read_support<typename Image::view_t>::color_type==_color_type;
struct png_read_is_supported {
template<typename View> struct apply
: public mpl::bool_<png_read_support<View>::is_supported> {};
class png_reader_dynamic : public png_reader {
png_reader_dynamic(FILE* file) : png_reader(file) {}
png_reader_dynamic(const char* filename) : png_reader(filename){}
template <typename Images>
void read_image(any_image<Images>& im) {
png_uint_32 width, height;
int bit_depth, color_type, interlace_type;
png_get_IHDR(_png_ptr, _info_ptr,
&width, &height,&bit_depth,&color_type,&interlace_type,
if (!construct_matched(im,png_type_format_checker(bit_depth,color_type))) {
io_error("png_reader_dynamic::read_image(): no matching image type between those of the given any_image and that of the file");
} else {
dynamic_io_fnobj<png_read_is_supported, png_reader> op(this);
} // namespace detail
/// \ingroup PNG_IO
/// \brief reads a PNG image into a run-time instantiated image
/// Opens the given png file name, selects the first type in Images whose color space and channel are compatible to those of the image file
/// and creates a new image of that type with the dimensions specified by the image file.
/// Throws std::ios_base::failure if none of the types in Images are compatible with the type on disk.
template <typename Images>
inline void png_read_image(const char* filename,any_image<Images>& im) {
detail::png_reader_dynamic m(filename);
/// \ingroup PNG_IO
/// \brief reads a PNG image into a run-time instantiated image
template <typename Images>
inline void png_read_image(const std::string& filename,any_image<Images>& im) {
/// \ingroup PNG_IO
/// \brief Saves the currently instantiated view to a png file specified by the given png image file name.
/// Throws std::ios_base::failure if the currently instantiated view type is not supported for writing by the I/O extension
/// or if it fails to create the file.
template <typename Views>
inline void png_write_view(const char* filename,const any_image_view<Views>& runtime_view) {
detail::png_writer_dynamic m(filename);
/// \ingroup PNG_IO
/// \brief Saves the currently instantiated view to a png file specified by the given png image file name.
template <typename Views>
inline void png_write_view(const std::string& filename,const any_image_view<Views>& runtime_view) {
} } // namespace boost::gil