blob: b09147046b9a09ce4cac808e093365845f0eb020 [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright 2007-2009 Andrew Sutton
// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0 (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or
#include <boost/graph/detail/index.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
namespace boost
// This is an adapter built over the iterator property map with
// more useful uniform construction semantics. Specifically, this
// requires the container rather than the iterator and the graph
// rather than the optional index map.
template <typename Graph, typename Key, typename Container>
struct container_property_map
: public boost::put_get_helper<
typename iterator_property_map<
typename Container::iterator,
typename property_map<
typename detail::choose_indexer<Graph, Key>::index_type
container_property_map<Graph, Key, Container>
typedef typename detail::choose_indexer<Graph, Key>::indexer_type indexer_type;
typedef typename indexer_type::index_type index_type;
typedef iterator_property_map<
typename Container::iterator,
typename property_map<Graph, index_type>::type
> map_type;
typedef typename map_type::key_type key_type;
typedef typename map_type::value_type value_type;
typedef typename map_type::reference reference;
typedef typename map_type::category category;
// The default constructor will *probably* crash if its actually
// used for referencing vertices since the underlying iterator
// map points past the end of an unknown container.
inline container_property_map()
: m_map()
{ }
// This is the preferred constructor. It is invoked over the container
// and the graph explicitly. This requires that the underlying iterator
// map use the indices of the vertices in g rather than the default
// identity map.
// Note the const-cast this ensures the reference type of the
// vertex index map is non-const, which happens to be an
// artifact of passing const graph references.
inline container_property_map(Container& c, const Graph& g)
: m_map(c.begin(), indexer_type::index_map(const_cast<Graph&>(g)))
{ }
// Typical copy constructor.
inline container_property_map(const container_property_map& x)
: m_map(x.m_map)
{ }
// The [] operator delegates to the underlying map/
inline reference operator [](const key_type& k) const
{ return m_map[k]; }
map_type m_map;