blob: a4ee5da922164c420ab43350ddaee4e2482c5a49 [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright 2008 CodeRage, LLC (turkanis at coderage dot com)
// (C) Copyright 2003-2007 Jonathan Turkanis
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for documentation.
// NOTE: I hope to replace the current implementation with a much simpler
// one.
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
# pragma once
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdexcept> // logic_error.
#include <boost/config.hpp> // BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT.
#include <boost/iostreams/categories.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/detail/char_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/detail/ios.hpp> // BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FAILURE
#include <boost/iostreams/read.hpp> // get
#include <boost/iostreams/write.hpp> // put
#include <boost/iostreams/pipeline.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/putback.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>
// Must come last.
#include <boost/iostreams/detail/config/disable_warnings.hpp>
(BOOST_ASSERT("unreachable code" == 0), val) \
namespace boost { namespace iostreams {
namespace newline {
const char CR = 0x0D;
const char LF = 0x0A;
// Flags for configuring newline_filter.
// Exactly one of the following three flags must be present.
const int posix = 1; // Use CR as line separator.
const int mac = 2; // Use LF as line separator.
const int dos = 4; // Use CRLF as line separator.
const int mixed = 8; // Mixed line endings.
const int final_newline = 16;
const int platform_mask = posix | dos | mac;
} // End namespace newline.
namespace detail {
class newline_base {
bool is_posix() const
return !is_mixed() && (flags_ & newline::posix) != 0;
bool is_dos() const
return !is_mixed() && (flags_ & newline::dos) != 0;
bool is_mac() const
return !is_mixed() && (flags_ & newline::mac) != 0;
bool is_mixed_posix() const { return (flags_ & newline::posix) != 0; }
bool is_mixed_dos() const { return (flags_ & newline::dos) != 0; }
bool is_mixed_mac() const { return (flags_ & newline::mac) != 0; }
bool is_mixed() const
int platform =
(flags_ & newline::posix) != 0 ?
newline::posix :
(flags_ & newline::dos) != 0 ?
newline::dos :
(flags_ & newline::mac) != 0 ?
newline::mac :
return (flags_ & ~platform & newline::platform_mask) != 0;
bool has_final_newline() const
return (flags_ & newline::final_newline) != 0;
newline_base(int flags) : flags_(flags) { }
int flags_;
} // End namespace detail.
class newline_error
: public BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FAILURE, public detail::newline_base
friend class newline_checker;
newline_error(int flags)
: BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FAILURE("bad line endings"),
{ }
class newline_filter {
typedef char char_type;
struct category
: dual_use,
{ };
explicit newline_filter(int target) : flags_(target)
if ( target != iostreams::newline::posix &&
target != iostreams::newline::dos &&
target != iostreams::newline::mac )
boost::throw_exception(std::logic_error("bad flags"));
template<typename Source>
int get(Source& src)
using iostreams::newline::CR;
using iostreams::newline::LF;
BOOST_ASSERT((flags_ & f_write) == 0);
flags_ |= f_read;
if (flags_ & (f_has_LF | f_has_EOF)) {
if (flags_ & f_has_LF)
return newline();
return EOF;
int c =
(flags_ & f_has_CR) == 0 ?
iostreams::get(src) :
if (c == WOULD_BLOCK )
if (c == CR) {
flags_ |= f_has_CR;
int d;
if ((d = iostreams::get(src)) == WOULD_BLOCK)
if (d == LF) {
flags_ &= ~f_has_CR;
return newline();
if (d == EOF) {
flags_ |= f_has_EOF;
} else {
iostreams::putback(src, d);
flags_ &= ~f_has_CR;
return newline();
if (c == LF)
return newline();
return c;
template<typename Sink>
bool put(Sink& dest, char c)
using iostreams::newline::CR;
using iostreams::newline::LF;
BOOST_ASSERT((flags_ & f_read) == 0);
flags_ |= f_write;
if ((flags_ & f_has_LF) != 0)
return c == LF ?
newline(dest) :
newline(dest) && this->put(dest, c);
if (c == LF)
return newline(dest);
if ((flags_ & f_has_CR) != 0)
return newline(dest) ?
this->put(dest, c) :
if (c == CR) {
flags_ |= f_has_CR;
return true;
return iostreams::put(dest, c);
template<typename Sink>
void close(Sink& dest, BOOST_IOS::openmode)
typedef typename iostreams::category_of<Sink>::type category;
if ((flags_ & f_write) != 0 && (flags_ & f_has_CR) != 0)
flags_ &= ~f_has_LF; // Restore original flags.
// Returns the appropriate element of a newline sequence.
int newline()
using iostreams::newline::CR;
using iostreams::newline::LF;
switch (flags_ & iostreams::newline::platform_mask) {
case iostreams::newline::posix:
return LF;
case iostreams::newline::mac:
return CR;
case iostreams::newline::dos:
if (flags_ & f_has_LF) {
flags_ &= ~f_has_LF;
return LF;
} else {
flags_ |= f_has_LF;
return CR;
// Writes a newline sequence.
template<typename Sink>
bool newline(Sink& dest)
using iostreams::newline::CR;
using iostreams::newline::LF;
bool success = false;
switch (flags_ & iostreams::newline::platform_mask) {
case iostreams::newline::posix:
success = boost::iostreams::put(dest, LF);
case iostreams::newline::mac:
success = boost::iostreams::put(dest, CR);
case iostreams::newline::dos:
if ((flags_ & f_has_LF) != 0) {
if ((success = boost::iostreams::put(dest, LF)))
flags_ &= ~f_has_LF;
} else if (boost::iostreams::put(dest, CR)) {
if (!(success = boost::iostreams::put(dest, LF)))
flags_ |= f_has_LF;
if (success)
flags_ &= ~f_has_CR;
return success;
// Writes a newline sequence if the given device is a Sink.
template<typename Device>
void newline_if_sink(Device& dest)
typedef typename iostreams::category_of<Device>::type category;
newline_if_sink(dest, is_convertible<category, output>());
template<typename Sink>
void newline_if_sink(Sink& dest, mpl::true_) { newline(dest); }
template<typename Source>
void newline_if_sink(Source&, mpl::false_) { }
enum flags {
f_has_LF = 32768,
f_has_CR = f_has_LF << 1,
f_has_newline = f_has_CR << 1,
f_has_EOF = f_has_newline << 1,
f_read = f_has_EOF << 1,
f_write = f_read << 1
int flags_;
BOOST_IOSTREAMS_PIPABLE(newline_filter, 0)
class newline_checker : public detail::newline_base {
typedef char char_type;
struct category
: dual_use_filter_tag,
{ };
explicit newline_checker(int target = newline::mixed)
: detail::newline_base(0), target_(target), open_(false)
{ }
template<typename Source>
int get(Source& src)
using newline::CR;
using newline::LF;
if (!open_) {
open_ = true;
source() = 0;
int c;
if ((c = iostreams::get(src)) == WOULD_BLOCK)
// Update source flags.
if (c != EOF)
source() &= ~f_line_complete;
if ((source() & f_has_CR) != 0) {
if (c == LF) {
source() |= newline::dos;
source() |= f_line_complete;
} else {
source() |= newline::mac;
if (c == EOF)
source() |= f_line_complete;
} else if (c == LF) {
source() |= newline::posix;
source() |= f_line_complete;
source() = (source() & ~f_has_CR) | (c == CR ? f_has_CR : 0);
// Check for errors.
if ( c == EOF &&
(target_ & newline::final_newline) != 0 &&
(source() & f_line_complete) == 0 )
if ( (target_ & newline::platform_mask) != 0 &&
(source() & ~target_ & newline::platform_mask) != 0 )
return c;
template<typename Sink>
bool put(Sink& dest, int c)
using iostreams::newline::CR;
using iostreams::newline::LF;
if (!open_) {
open_ = true;
source() = 0;
if (!iostreams::put(dest, c))
return false;
// Update source flags.
source() &= ~f_line_complete;
if ((source() & f_has_CR) != 0) {
if (c == LF) {
source() |= newline::dos;
source() |= f_line_complete;
} else {
source() |= newline::mac;
} else if (c == LF) {
source() |= newline::posix;
source() |= f_line_complete;
source() = (source() & ~f_has_CR) | (c == CR ? f_has_CR : 0);
// Check for errors.
if ( (target_ & newline::platform_mask) != 0 &&
(source() & ~target_ & newline::platform_mask) != 0 )
return true;
template<typename Sink>
void close(Sink&, BOOST_IOS::openmode)
using iostreams::newline::final_newline;
// Update final_newline flag.
if ( (source() & f_has_CR) != 0 ||
(source() & f_line_complete) != 0 )
source() |= final_newline;
// Clear non-sticky flags.
source() &= ~(f_has_CR | f_line_complete);
// Check for errors.
if ( (target_ & final_newline) != 0 &&
(source() & final_newline) == 0 )
void fail() { boost::throw_exception(newline_error(source())); }
int& source() { return flags_; }
int source() const { return flags_; }
enum flags {
f_has_CR = 32768,
f_line_complete = f_has_CR << 1
int target_; // Represents expected input.
bool open_;
BOOST_IOSTREAMS_PIPABLE(newline_checker, 0)
} } // End namespaces iostreams, boost.
#include <boost/iostreams/detail/config/enable_warnings.hpp>