blob: 98fad41cd19b009a524bf84d2e3b339a5b47572e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006 Xiaogang Zhang
// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma once
#include <boost/math/special_functions/round.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/sin_pi.hpp>
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
#include <boost/math/policies/error_handling.hpp>
#include <boost/math/tools/config.hpp>
// Modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind of fractional order
namespace boost { namespace math {
namespace detail {
// Calculate K(v, x) and K(v+1, x) by method analogous to
// Temme, Journal of Computational Physics, vol 21, 343 (1976)
template <typename T, typename Policy>
int temme_ik(T v, T x, T* K, T* K1, const Policy& pol)
T f, h, p, q, coef, sum, sum1, tolerance;
T a, b, c, d, sigma, gamma1, gamma2;
unsigned long k;
using namespace boost::math::tools;
using namespace boost::math::constants;
// |x| <= 2, Temme series converge rapidly
// |x| > 2, the larger the |x|, the slower the convergence
BOOST_ASSERT(abs(x) <= 2);
BOOST_ASSERT(abs(v) <= 0.5f);
T gp = boost::math::tgamma1pm1(v, pol);
T gm = boost::math::tgamma1pm1(-v, pol);
a = log(x / 2);
b = exp(v * a);
sigma = -a * v;
c = abs(v) < tools::epsilon<T>() ?
T(1) : T(boost::math::sin_pi(v) / (v * pi<T>()));
d = abs(sigma) < tools::epsilon<T>() ?
T(1) : T(sinh(sigma) / sigma);
gamma1 = abs(v) < tools::epsilon<T>() ?
T(-euler<T>()) : T((0.5f / v) * (gp - gm) * c);
gamma2 = (2 + gp + gm) * c / 2;
// initial values
p = (gp + 1) / (2 * b);
q = (1 + gm) * b / 2;
f = (cosh(sigma) * gamma1 + d * (-a) * gamma2) / c;
h = p;
coef = 1;
sum = coef * f;
sum1 = coef * h;
// series summation
tolerance = tools::epsilon<T>();
for (k = 1; k < policies::get_max_series_iterations<Policy>(); k++)
f = (k * f + p + q) / (k*k - v*v);
p /= k - v;
q /= k + v;
h = p - k * f;
coef *= x * x / (4 * k);
sum += coef * f;
sum1 += coef * h;
if (abs(coef * f) < abs(sum) * tolerance)
policies::check_series_iterations("boost::math::bessel_ik<%1%>(%1%,%1%) in temme_ik", k, pol);
*K = sum;
*K1 = 2 * sum1 / x;
return 0;
// Evaluate continued fraction fv = I_(v+1) / I_v, derived from
// Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, 1972, 9.1.73
template <typename T, typename Policy>
int CF1_ik(T v, T x, T* fv, const Policy& pol)
T C, D, f, a, b, delta, tiny, tolerance;
unsigned long k;
// |x| <= |v|, CF1_ik converges rapidly
// |x| > |v|, CF1_ik needs O(|x|) iterations to converge
// modified Lentz's method, see
// Lentz, Applied Optics, vol 15, 668 (1976)
tolerance = 2 * tools::epsilon<T>();
tiny = sqrt(tools::min_value<T>());
C = f = tiny; // b0 = 0, replace with tiny
D = 0;
for (k = 1; k < policies::get_max_series_iterations<Policy>(); k++)
a = 1;
b = 2 * (v + k) / x;
C = b + a / C;
D = b + a * D;
if (C == 0) { C = tiny; }
if (D == 0) { D = tiny; }
D = 1 / D;
delta = C * D;
f *= delta;
if (abs(delta - 1) <= tolerance)
policies::check_series_iterations("boost::math::bessel_ik<%1%>(%1%,%1%) in CF1_ik", k, pol);
*fv = f;
return 0;
// Calculate K(v, x) and K(v+1, x) by evaluating continued fraction
// z1 / z0 = U(v+1.5, 2v+1, 2x) / U(v+0.5, 2v+1, 2x), see
// Thompson and Barnett, Computer Physics Communications, vol 47, 245 (1987)
template <typename T, typename Policy>
int CF2_ik(T v, T x, T* Kv, T* Kv1, const Policy& pol)
using namespace boost::math::constants;
T S, C, Q, D, f, a, b, q, delta, tolerance, current, prev;
unsigned long k;
// |x| >= |v|, CF2_ik converges rapidly
// |x| -> 0, CF2_ik fails to converge
BOOST_ASSERT(abs(x) > 1);
// Steed's algorithm, see Thompson and Barnett,
// Journal of Computational Physics, vol 64, 490 (1986)
tolerance = tools::epsilon<T>();
a = v * v - 0.25f;
b = 2 * (x + 1); // b1
D = 1 / b; // D1 = 1 / b1
f = delta = D; // f1 = delta1 = D1, coincidence
prev = 0; // q0
current = 1; // q1
Q = C = -a; // Q1 = C1 because q1 = 1
S = 1 + Q * delta; // S1
for (k = 2; k < policies::get_max_series_iterations<Policy>(); k++) // starting from 2
// continued fraction f = z1 / z0
a -= 2 * (k - 1);
b += 2;
D = 1 / (b + a * D);
delta *= b * D - 1;
f += delta;
// series summation S = 1 + \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} C_n * z_n / z_0
q = (prev - (b - 2) * current) / a;
prev = current;
current = q; // forward recurrence for q
C *= -a / k;
Q += C * q;
S += Q * delta;
// S converges slower than f
if (abs(Q * delta) < abs(S) * tolerance)
policies::check_series_iterations("boost::math::bessel_ik<%1%>(%1%,%1%) in CF2_ik", k, pol);
*Kv = sqrt(pi<T>() / (2 * x)) * exp(-x) / S;
*Kv1 = *Kv * (0.5f + v + x + (v * v - 0.25f) * f) / x;
return 0;
need_i = 1,
need_k = 2
// Compute I(v, x) and K(v, x) simultaneously by Temme's method, see
// Temme, Journal of Computational Physics, vol 19, 324 (1975)
template <typename T, typename Policy>
int bessel_ik(T v, T x, T* I, T* K, int kind, const Policy& pol)
// Kv1 = K_(v+1), fv = I_(v+1) / I_v
// Ku1 = K_(u+1), fu = I_(u+1) / I_u
T u, Iv, Kv, Kv1, Ku, Ku1, fv;
T W, current, prev, next;
bool reflect = false;
unsigned n, k;
using namespace boost::math::tools;
using namespace boost::math::constants;
static const char* function = "boost::math::bessel_ik<%1%>(%1%,%1%)";
if (v < 0)
reflect = true;
v = -v; // v is non-negative from here
kind |= need_k;
n = iround(v, pol);
u = v - n; // -1/2 <= u < 1/2
if (x < 0)
*I = *K = policies::raise_domain_error<T>(function,
"Got x = %1% but real argument x must be non-negative, complex number result not supported.", x, pol);
return 1;
if (x == 0)
Iv = (v == 0) ? static_cast<T>(1) : static_cast<T>(0);
if(kind & need_k)
Kv = policies::raise_overflow_error<T>(function, 0, pol);
Kv = std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN(); // any value will do
if(reflect && (kind & need_i))
T z = (u + n % 2);
Iv = boost::math::sin_pi(z, pol) == 0 ?
Iv :
policies::raise_overflow_error<T>(function, 0, pol); // reflection formula
*I = Iv;
*K = Kv;
return 0;
// x is positive until reflection
W = 1 / x; // Wronskian
if (x <= 2) // x in (0, 2]
temme_ik(u, x, &Ku, &Ku1, pol); // Temme series
else // x in (2, \infty)
CF2_ik(u, x, &Ku, &Ku1, pol); // continued fraction CF2_ik
prev = Ku;
current = Ku1;
for (k = 1; k <= n; k++) // forward recurrence for K
next = 2 * (u + k) * current / x + prev;
prev = current;
current = next;
Kv = prev;
Kv1 = current;
if(kind & need_i)
T lim = (4 * v * v + 10) / (8 * x);
lim *= lim;
lim *= lim;
lim /= 24;
if((lim < tools::epsilon<T>() * 10) && (x > 100))
// x is huge compared to v, CF1 may be very slow
// to converge so use asymptotic expansion for large
// x case instead. Note that the asymptotic expansion
// isn't very accurate - so it's deliberately very hard
// to get here - probably we're going to overflow:
Iv = asymptotic_bessel_i_large_x(v, x, pol);
CF1_ik(v, x, &fv, pol); // continued fraction CF1_ik
Iv = W / (Kv * fv + Kv1); // Wronskian relation
Iv = std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN(); // any value will do
if (reflect)
T z = (u + n % 2);
*I = Iv + (2 / pi<T>()) * boost::math::sin_pi(z) * Kv; // reflection formula
*K = Kv;
*I = Iv;
*K = Kv;
return 0;
}}} // namespaces