blob: 6863e226b06f85688a19f6ad712280d0c89290d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright David Abrahams 2002.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#ifndef PYOBJECT_TYPE_DWA2002720_HPP
# define PYOBJECT_TYPE_DWA2002720_HPP
# include <boost/python/cast.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace python { namespace converter {
BOOST_PYTHON_DECL PyObject* checked_downcast_impl(PyObject*, PyTypeObject*);
// Used as a base class for specializations which need to provide
// Python type checking capability.
template <class Object, PyTypeObject* pytype>
struct pyobject_type
static bool check(PyObject* x)
return ::PyObject_IsInstance(x, (PyObject*)pytype);
static Object* checked_downcast(PyObject* x)
return python::downcast<Object>(
(checked_downcast_impl)(x, pytype)
static PyTypeObject const* get_pytype() { return pytype; }
}}} // namespace boost::python::converter
#endif // PYOBJECT_TYPE_DWA2002720_HPP