blob: 8b42763144849d3d59a3067cb7d2f1dc10ee30a6 [file] [log] [blame]
/* boost random/bernoulli_distribution.hpp header file
* Copyright Jens Maurer 2000-2001
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
* accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* See for most recent version including documentation.
* $Id: bernoulli_distribution.hpp 60755 2010-03-22 00:45:06Z steven_watanabe $
* Revision history
* 2001-02-18 moved to individual header files
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/random/detail/config.hpp>
namespace boost {
* Instantiations of class template \bernoulli_distribution model a
* \random_distribution. Such a random distribution produces bool values
* distributed with probabilities P(true) = p and P(false) = 1-p. p is
* the parameter of the distribution.
template<class RealType = double>
class bernoulli_distribution
// In principle, this could work with both integer and floating-point
// types. Generating floating-point random numbers in the first
// place is probably more expensive, so use integer as input.
typedef int input_type;
typedef bool result_type;
* Constructs a \bernoulli_distribution object.
* p is the parameter of the distribution.
* Requires: 0 <= p <= 1
explicit bernoulli_distribution(const RealType& p_arg = RealType(0.5))
: _p(p_arg)
assert(_p >= 0);
assert(_p <= 1);
// compiler-generated copy ctor and assignment operator are fine
* Returns: The "p" parameter of the distribution.
RealType p() const { return _p; }
* Effects: Subsequent uses of the distribution do not depend
* on values produced by any engine prior to invoking reset.
void reset() { }
* Returns: a random variate distributed according to the
* \bernoulli_distribution.
template<class Engine>
result_type operator()(Engine& eng)
if(_p == RealType(0))
return false;
return RealType(eng() - (eng.min)()) <= _p * RealType((eng.max)()-(eng.min)());
* Writes the parameters of the distribution to a @c std::ostream.
template<class CharT, class Traits>
friend std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>&
operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>& os, const bernoulli_distribution& bd)
os << bd._p;
return os;
* Reads the parameters of the distribution from a @c std::istream.
template<class CharT, class Traits>
friend std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>&
operator>>(std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>& is, bernoulli_distribution& bd)
is >> std::ws >> bd._p;
return is;
RealType _p;
} // namespace boost