blob: 668a31f5aecb044e4688033bd021fa9a8ca64a96 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Hartmut Kaiser
Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/mpl/int.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace spirit {
#if defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (BOOST_MSVC <= 1300)
#endif // defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (BOOST_MSVC <= 1300)
namespace impl
// Helper template for counting the number of nodes contained in a
// given parser type.
// All parser_category type parsers are counted as nodes.
template <typename CategoryT>
struct nodes;
template <>
struct nodes<plain_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
// __BORLANDC__ == 0x0561 isn't happy with BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT
enum { value = (LeafCountT::value + 1) };
#if defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (BOOST_MSVC <= 1300)
template <>
struct nodes<unary_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
typedef typename ParserT::subject_t subject_t;
typedef typename subject_t::parser_category_t subject_category_t;
typedef nodes<subject_category_t> nodes_t;
typedef typename count_wrapper<nodes_t>
::template result_<subject_t, LeafCountT> count_t;
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value = count_t::value + 1);
template <>
struct nodes<action_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
typedef typename ParserT::subject_t subject_t;
typedef typename subject_t::parser_category_t subject_category_t;
typedef nodes<subject_category_t> nodes_t;
typedef typename count_wrapper<nodes_t>
::template result_<subject_t, LeafCountT> count_t;
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value = count_t::value + 1);
template <>
struct nodes<binary_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
typedef typename ParserT::left_t left_t;
typedef typename ParserT::right_t right_t;
typedef typename left_t::parser_category_t left_category_t;
typedef typename right_t::parser_category_t right_category_t;
typedef nodes<left_category_t> left_nodes_t;
typedef typename count_wrapper<left_nodes_t>
::template result_<left_t, LeafCountT> left_count_t;
typedef nodes<right_category_t> right_nodes_t;
typedef typename count_wrapper<right_nodes_t>
::template result_<right_t, LeafCountT> right_count_t;
value = (left_count_t::value + right_count_t::value + 1));
template <>
struct nodes<unary_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
typedef typename ParserT::subject_t subject_t;
typedef typename subject_t::parser_category_t subject_category_t;
// __BORLANDC__ == 0x0561 isn't happy with BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT
enum { value = (nodes<subject_category_t>
::template count<subject_t, LeafCountT>::value + 1) };
template <>
struct nodes<action_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
typedef typename ParserT::subject_t subject_t;
typedef typename subject_t::parser_category_t subject_category_t;
// __BORLANDC__ == 0x0561 isn't happy with BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT
enum { value = (nodes<subject_category_t>
::template count<subject_t, LeafCountT>::value + 1) };
template <>
struct nodes<binary_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
typedef typename ParserT::left_t left_t;
typedef typename ParserT::right_t right_t;
typedef typename left_t::parser_category_t left_category_t;
typedef typename right_t::parser_category_t right_category_t;
typedef count self_t;
// __BORLANDC__ == 0x0561 isn't happy with BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT
enum {
leftcount = (nodes<left_category_t>
::template count<left_t, LeafCountT>::value),
rightcount = (nodes<right_category_t>
::template count<right_t, LeafCountT>::value),
value = ((self_t::leftcount) + (self_t::rightcount) + 1)
// Helper template for counting the number of leaf nodes contained in a
// given parser type.
// Only plain_parser_category type parsers are counted as leaf nodes.
template <typename CategoryT>
struct leafs;
template <>
struct leafs<plain_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
// __BORLANDC__ == 0x0561 isn't happy with BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT
enum { value = (LeafCountT::value + 1) };
#if defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (BOOST_MSVC <= 1300)
template <>
struct leafs<unary_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
typedef typename ParserT::subject_t subject_t;
typedef typename subject_t::parser_category_t subject_category_t;
typedef leafs<subject_category_t> nodes_t;
typedef typename count_wrapper<nodes_t>
::template result_<subject_t, LeafCountT> count_t;
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value = count_t::value);
template <>
struct leafs<action_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
typedef typename ParserT::subject_t subject_t;
typedef typename subject_t::parser_category_t subject_category_t;
typedef leafs<subject_category_t> nodes_t;
typedef typename count_wrapper<nodes_t>
::template result_<subject_t, LeafCountT> count_t;
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value = count_t::value);
template <>
struct leafs<binary_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
typedef typename ParserT::left_t left_t;
typedef typename ParserT::right_t right_t;
typedef typename left_t::parser_category_t left_category_t;
typedef typename right_t::parser_category_t right_category_t;
typedef leafs<left_category_t> left_nodes_t;
typedef typename count_wrapper<left_nodes_t>
::template result_<left_t, LeafCountT> left_count_t;
typedef leafs<right_category_t> right_nodes_t;
typedef typename count_wrapper<right_nodes_t>
::template result_<right_t, LeafCountT> right_count_t;
value = (left_count_t::value + right_count_t::value));
template <>
struct leafs<unary_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
typedef typename ParserT::subject_t subject_t;
typedef typename subject_t::parser_category_t subject_category_t;
// __BORLANDC__ == 0x0561 isn't happy with BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT
enum { value = (leafs<subject_category_t>
::template count<subject_t, LeafCountT>::value) };
template <>
struct leafs<action_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
typedef typename ParserT::subject_t subject_t;
typedef typename subject_t::parser_category_t subject_category_t;
// __BORLANDC__ == 0x0561 isn't happy with BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT
enum { value = (leafs<subject_category_t>
::template count<subject_t, LeafCountT>::value) };
template <>
struct leafs<binary_parser_category> {
template <typename ParserT, typename LeafCountT>
struct count {
typedef typename ParserT::left_t left_t;
typedef typename ParserT::right_t right_t;
typedef typename left_t::parser_category_t left_category_t;
typedef typename right_t::parser_category_t right_category_t;
typedef count self_t;
// __BORLANDC__ == 0x0561 isn't happy with BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT
enum {
leftcount = (leafs<left_category_t>
::template count<left_t, LeafCountT>::value),
rightcount = (leafs<right_category_t>
::template count<right_t, LeafCountT>::value),
value = (self_t::leftcount + self_t::rightcount)
} // namespace impl
}} // namespace boost::spirit