blob: 8d160140b8b51774b8d466ad6c41aa6e8b3e3352 [file] [log] [blame]
Phoenix V1.2.1
Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Joel de Guzman
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <strstream>
#define PHOENIX_SSTREAM strstream
#include <sstream>
#define PHOENIX_SSTREAM stringstream
#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/phoenix/operators.hpp>
#include <iosfwd>
#if defined(_STLPORT_VERSION) && defined(__STL_USE_OWN_NAMESPACE)
#define PHOENIX_STD std
namespace PHOENIX_STD
template<typename T> class complex;
namespace phoenix
// The following specializations take into account the C++ standard
// library components. There are a couple of issues that have to be
// dealt with to enable lazy operator overloads for the standard
// library classes.
// *iostream (e.g. cout, cin, strstream/ stringstream) uses non-
// canonical shift operator overloads where the lhs is taken in
// by reference.
// *I/O manipulators overloads for the RHS of the << and >>
// operators.
// *STL iterators can be objects that conform to pointer semantics.
// Some operators need to be specialized for these.
// *std::complex is given a rank (see rank class in operators.hpp)
// specialization for rank<std::complex>
template <typename T> struct rank<PHOENIX_STD::complex<T> >
{ static int const value = 170 + rank<T>::value; };
// specializations for std::istream
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3)
#if defined(_STLPORT_VERSION)
#define PHOENIX_ISTREAM _IO_istream_withassign
#define PHOENIX_ISTREAM PHOENIX_STD::_IO_istream_withassign
// #if (defined(__ICL) && defined(_STLPORT_VERSION))
// #define PHOENIX_ISTREAM istream_withassign
// #else
// #endif
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3)
// || (defined(__ICL) && defined(_STLPORT_VERSION))
template <typename T1>
struct binary_operator<shift_r_op, PHOENIX_ISTREAM, T1>
typedef PHOENIX_STD::istream& result_type;
static result_type eval(PHOENIX_STD::istream& out, T1& rhs)
{ return out >> rhs; }
template <typename T1>
struct binary_operator<shift_r_op, PHOENIX_STD::istream, T1>
typedef PHOENIX_STD::istream& result_type;
static result_type eval(PHOENIX_STD::istream& out, T1& rhs)
{ return out >> rhs; }
template <typename BaseT>
inline typename impl::make_binary3
<shift_r_op, variable<PHOENIX_ISTREAM>, BaseT>::type
operator>>(PHOENIX_ISTREAM& _0, actor<BaseT> const& _1)
return impl::make_binary3
<shift_r_op, variable<PHOENIX_ISTREAM>, BaseT>
::construct(var(_0), _1);
// specializations for std::ostream
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3)
#if defined(_STLPORT_VERSION)
#define PHOENIX_OSTREAM _IO_ostream_withassign
#define PHOENIX_OSTREAM PHOENIX_STD::_IO_ostream_withassign
// #if (defined(__ICL) && defined(_STLPORT_VERSION))
// #define PHOENIX_OSTREAM ostream_withassign
// #else
// #endif
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3)
// || (defined(__ICL) && defined(_STLPORT_VERSION))
template <typename T1>
struct binary_operator<shift_l_op, PHOENIX_OSTREAM, T1>
typedef PHOENIX_STD::ostream& result_type;
static result_type eval(PHOENIX_STD::ostream& out, T1 const& rhs)
{ return out << rhs; }
template <typename T1>
struct binary_operator<shift_l_op, PHOENIX_STD::ostream, T1>
typedef PHOENIX_STD::ostream& result_type;
static result_type eval(PHOENIX_STD::ostream& out, T1 const& rhs)
{ return out << rhs; }
template <typename BaseT>
inline typename impl::make_binary3
<shift_l_op, variable<PHOENIX_OSTREAM>, BaseT>::type
operator<<(PHOENIX_OSTREAM& _0, actor<BaseT> const& _1)
return impl::make_binary3
<shift_l_op, variable<PHOENIX_OSTREAM>, BaseT>
::construct(var(_0), _1);
// specializations for std::strstream / stringstream
template <typename T1>
struct binary_operator<shift_r_op, PHOENIX_STD::PHOENIX_SSTREAM, T1>
typedef PHOENIX_STD::istream& result_type;
static result_type eval(PHOENIX_STD::istream& out, T1& rhs)
{ return out >> rhs; }
template <typename BaseT>
inline typename impl::make_binary3
<shift_r_op, variable<PHOENIX_STD::PHOENIX_SSTREAM>, BaseT>::type
operator>>(PHOENIX_STD::PHOENIX_SSTREAM& _0, actor<BaseT> const& _1)
return impl::make_binary3
<shift_r_op, variable<PHOENIX_STD::PHOENIX_SSTREAM>, BaseT>
::construct(var(_0), _1);
template <typename T1>
struct binary_operator<shift_l_op, PHOENIX_STD::PHOENIX_SSTREAM, T1>
typedef PHOENIX_STD::ostream& result_type;
static result_type eval(PHOENIX_STD::ostream& out, T1 const& rhs)
{ return out << rhs; }
template <typename BaseT>
inline typename impl::make_binary3
<shift_l_op, variable<PHOENIX_STD::PHOENIX_SSTREAM>, BaseT>::type
operator<<(PHOENIX_STD::PHOENIX_SSTREAM& _0, actor<BaseT> const& _1)
return impl::make_binary3
<shift_l_op, variable<PHOENIX_STD::PHOENIX_SSTREAM>, BaseT>
::construct(var(_0), _1);
// I/O manipulator specializations
#if (!defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ > 2))
// && !(defined(__ICL) && defined(_STLPORT_VERSION))
typedef PHOENIX_STD::ios_base& (*iomanip_t)(PHOENIX_STD::ios_base&);
typedef PHOENIX_STD::istream& (*imanip_t)(PHOENIX_STD::istream&);
typedef PHOENIX_STD::ostream& (*omanip_t)(PHOENIX_STD::ostream&);
#if defined(__BORLANDC__)
// Borland does not like i/o manipulators functions such as endl to
// be the rhs of a lazy << operator (Borland incorrectly reports
// ambiguity). To get around the problem, we provide function
// pointer versions of the same name with a single trailing
// underscore.
// You can use the same trick for other i/o manipulators.
// Alternatively, you can prefix the manipulator with a '&'
// operator. Example:
// cout << arg1 << &endl
imanip_t ws_ = &PHOENIX_STD::ws;
iomanip_t dec_ = &PHOENIX_STD::dec;
iomanip_t hex_ = &PHOENIX_STD::hex;
iomanip_t oct_ = &PHOENIX_STD::oct;
omanip_t endl_ = &PHOENIX_STD::endl;
omanip_t ends_ = &PHOENIX_STD::ends;
omanip_t flush_ = &PHOENIX_STD::flush;
#else // __BORLANDC__
// The following are overloads for I/O manipulators.
template <typename BaseT>
inline typename impl::make_binary1<shift_l_op, BaseT, imanip_t>::type
operator>>(actor<BaseT> const& _0, imanip_t _1)
return impl::make_binary1<shift_l_op, BaseT, imanip_t>::construct(_0, _1);
template <typename BaseT>
inline typename impl::make_binary1<shift_l_op, BaseT, iomanip_t>::type
operator>>(actor<BaseT> const& _0, iomanip_t _1)
return impl::make_binary1<shift_l_op, BaseT, iomanip_t>::construct(_0, _1);
template <typename BaseT>
inline typename impl::make_binary1<shift_l_op, BaseT, omanip_t>::type
operator<<(actor<BaseT> const& _0, omanip_t _1)
return impl::make_binary1<shift_l_op, BaseT, omanip_t>::construct(_0, _1);
template <typename BaseT>
inline typename impl::make_binary1<shift_l_op, BaseT, iomanip_t>::type
operator<<(actor<BaseT> const& _0, iomanip_t _1)
return impl::make_binary1<shift_l_op, BaseT, iomanip_t>::construct(_0, _1);
#endif // __BORLANDC__
#endif // !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ > 2)
// specializations for stl iterators and containers
template <typename T>
struct unary_operator<dereference_op, T>
typedef typename T::reference result_type;
static result_type eval(T const& iter)
{ return *iter; }
template <typename T0, typename T1>
struct binary_operator<index_op, T0, T1>
typedef typename T0::reference result_type;
static result_type eval(T0& container, T1 const& index)
{ return container[index]; }
template <typename T0, typename T1>
struct binary_operator<index_op, T0 const, T1>
typedef typename T0::const_reference result_type;
static result_type eval(T0 const& container, T1 const& index)
{ return container[index]; }
} // namespace phoenix