blob: 6ab38489c17c277b87ef600c3b4d6ad0d3500cbc [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joel de Guzman
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/spirit/home/phoenix/core/compose.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params_with_a_default.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace phoenix
namespace detail
template <typename T>
struct new_eval
template <typename Env,
PHOENIX_COMPOSITE_LIMIT, typename T, fusion::void_)>
struct result
typedef T* type;
template <typename RT, typename Env>
static RT
eval(Env const& /*env*/)
return new T;
template <typename RT, typename Env, typename A0>
static RT
eval(Env const& env, A0& _0)
return new T(_0.eval(env));
template <typename RT, typename Env
, typename A0, typename A1>
static RT
eval(Env const& env, A0& _0, A1& _1)
return new T(_0.eval(env), _1.eval(env));
// Bring in the rest of the evals
#include <boost/spirit/home/phoenix/object/detail/new_eval.hpp>
template <typename T>
inline actor<typename as_composite<detail::new_eval<T> >::type>
return compose<detail::new_eval<T> >();
template <typename T, typename A0>
inline actor<typename as_composite<detail::new_eval<T>, A0>::type>
new_(A0 const& _0)
return compose<detail::new_eval<T> >(_0);
template <typename T, typename A0, typename A1>
inline actor<typename as_composite<detail::new_eval<T>, A0, A1>::type>
new_(A0 const& _0, A1 const& _1)
return compose<detail::new_eval<T> >(_0, _1);
// Bring in the rest of the new_ functions
#include <boost/spirit/home/phoenix/object/detail/new.hpp>