blob: 111b79b93888a99268a476746d86d97e67e77253 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joel de Guzman
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/spirit/home/phoenix/core/composite.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/phoenix/core/compose.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/phoenix/core/nothing.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/phoenix/statement/detail/switch_eval.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/phoenix/statement/detail/switch.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/not.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace phoenix
template <typename Derived, typename Actor>
struct switch_case_base
typedef Derived derived_t;
typedef Actor actor_t;
typedef typename Actor::no_nullary no_nullary;
template <typename Env>
struct result
typedef typename Actor::eval_type::template result<Env>::type type;
switch_case_base(Actor const& actor)
: actor(actor) {}
template <typename Env>
typename result<Env>::type
eval(Env const& env) const
return actor.eval(env);
Actor actor;
template <typename Actor, typename K, K Value>
struct switch_case : switch_case_base<switch_case<Actor, K, Value>, Actor>
typedef switch_case_base<switch_case<Actor, K, Value>, Actor> base_t;
static K const value = Value;
static bool const is_default = false;
switch_case(Actor const& actor)
: base_t(actor) {}
template <typename Actor>
struct default_case : switch_case_base<default_case<Actor>, Actor>
typedef switch_case_base<default_case<Actor>, Actor> base_t;
static bool const is_default = true;
default_case(Actor const& actor)
: base_t(actor) {}
template <typename Cond>
struct switch_gen
switch_gen(Cond const& cond)
: cond(cond) {}
template <typename Cases>
typename lazy_enable_if<
, detail::switch_composite_actor<Cond, Cases>
operator[](Cases const& cases) const
typedef typename
detail::switch_composite<Cond, Cases>
return switch_composite::eval(cond, cases);
template <typename D, typename A>
actor<typename detail::
switch_composite<Cond, fusion::vector<actor<D> > >::type>
operator[](switch_case_base<D, A> const& case_) const
typedef typename
detail::switch_composite<Cond, fusion::vector<actor<D> > >
return switch_composite::eval(cond,
fusion::vector<actor<D> >(static_cast<D const&>(case_)));
Cond cond;
template <typename Cond>
inline switch_gen<typename as_actor<Cond>::type>
switch_(Cond const& cond)
return switch_gen<typename as_actor<Cond>::type>(
template <int N, typename A0>
switch_case<typename as_actor<A0>::type, int, N>
case_(A0 const& _0)
return switch_case<typename as_actor<A0>::type, int, N>
template <typename A0>
default_case<typename as_actor<A0>::type>
default_(A0 const& _0)
return default_case<typename as_actor<A0>::type>
template <typename D0, typename A0, typename D1, typename A1>
inline typename detail::compose_case_a<D0, D1>::type
switch_case_base<D0, A0> const& _0
, switch_case_base<D1, A1> const& _1
return detail::compose_case_a<D0, D1>::eval(
static_cast<D0 const&>(_0)
, static_cast<D1 const&>(_1)
template <typename Seq, typename D, typename A>
inline typename
, detail::compose_case_b<Seq, D>
operator,(Seq const& seq, switch_case_base<D, A> const& case_)
return detail::compose_case_b<Seq, D>::eval(
seq, static_cast<D const&>(case_));
// Implementation of routines in detail/switch.hpp that depend on
// the completeness of default_case.
namespace detail {
template <typename Cases>
typename ensure_default<Cases>::type
ensure_default<Cases>::eval(Cases const& cases, mpl::false_)
actor<default_case<actor<null_actor> > > default_
= default_case<actor<null_actor> >(nothing);
return fusion::push_front(cases, default_);