blob: dae0530c2f22000b60b900fe2264608f0ef9805a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser
// Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#if !defined(SPIRIT_QI_DETAIL_ATTRIBUTES_APR_18_2010_0458PM)
#include <boost/spirit/home/qi/domain.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/support/attributes_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/support/attributes.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace qi
template <typename Exposed, typename Transformed>
struct default_transform_attribute
typedef Transformed type;
static Transformed pre(Exposed& val) { return Transformed(); }
static void post(Exposed& val, Transformed const& attr)
traits::assign_to(attr, val);
// fail() will be called by Qi rule's if the rhs failed parsing
static void fail(Exposed&) {}
// handle case where no transformation is required as the types are the same
template <typename Attribute>
struct default_transform_attribute<Attribute, Attribute>
typedef Attribute& type;
static Attribute& pre(Attribute& val) { return val; }
static void post(Attribute&, Attribute const&) {}
static void fail(Attribute&) {}
template <typename Exposed, typename Transformed>
struct proxy_transform_attribute
typedef Transformed type;
static Transformed pre(Exposed& val) { return Transformed(val); }
static void post(Exposed& val, Transformed const& attr) { /* no-op */ }
// fail() will be called by Qi rule's if the rhs failed parsing
static void fail(Exposed&) {}
// handle case where no transformation is required as the types are the same
template <typename Attribute>
struct proxy_transform_attribute<Attribute, Attribute>
typedef Attribute& type;
static Attribute& pre(Attribute& val) { return val; }
static void post(Attribute&, Attribute const&) {}
static void fail(Attribute&) {}
// main specialization for Qi
template <typename Exposed, typename Transformed, typename Enable = void>
struct transform_attribute
: mpl::if_<
mpl::not_<is_const<Exposed> >
, mpl::not_<is_reference<Exposed> >
, traits::is_proxy<Transformed> >
, proxy_transform_attribute<Exposed, Transformed>
, default_transform_attribute<Exposed, Transformed>
template <typename Exposed, typename Transformed>
struct transform_attribute<optional<Exposed>, Transformed
, typename disable_if<is_same<optional<Exposed>, Transformed> >::type>
typedef Transformed& type;
static Transformed& pre(optional<Exposed>& val)
if (!val)
val = Transformed();
return boost::get<Transformed>(val);
static void post(optional<Exposed>&, Transformed const&) {}
static void fail(optional<Exposed>& val)
val = none_t(); // leave optional uninitialized if rhs failed
// reference types need special handling
template <typename Attribute>
struct transform_attribute<Attribute&, Attribute>
typedef Attribute& type;
static Attribute& pre(Attribute& val) { return val; }
static void post(Attribute&, Attribute const&) {}
static void fail(Attribute&) {}
// unused_type needs some special handling as well
template <>
struct transform_attribute<unused_type, unused_type>
typedef unused_type type;
static unused_type pre(unused_type) { return unused; }
static void post(unused_type, unused_type) {}
static void fail(unused_type) {}
template <>
struct transform_attribute<unused_type const, unused_type>
: transform_attribute<unused_type, unused_type>
template <typename Attribute>
struct transform_attribute<unused_type, Attribute>
: transform_attribute<unused_type, unused_type>
template <typename Attribute>
struct transform_attribute<unused_type const, Attribute>
: transform_attribute<unused_type, unused_type>
template <typename Attribute>
struct transform_attribute<Attribute, unused_type>
: transform_attribute<unused_type, unused_type>
template <typename Attribute>
struct transform_attribute<Attribute const, unused_type>
: transform_attribute<unused_type, unused_type>
namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace traits
template <typename Exposed, typename Transformed>
struct transform_attribute<Exposed, Transformed, qi::domain>
: qi::transform_attribute<Exposed, Transformed>
template <typename Exposed, typename Transformed>
struct transform_attribute<Exposed&, Transformed, qi::domain>
: transform_attribute<Exposed, Transformed, qi::domain>
template <typename Attribute>
struct transform_attribute<Attribute&, Attribute, qi::domain>
: qi::transform_attribute<Attribute&, Attribute>
template <typename Exposed, typename Transformed>
void post_transform(Exposed& dest, Transformed const& attr)
return transform_attribute<Exposed, Transformed, qi::domain>::post(dest, attr);
template <typename Exposed, typename Transformed>
void fail_transform(Exposed& dest, Transformed const&)
return transform_attribute<Exposed, Transformed, qi::domain>::fail(dest);