blob: 92ae9dc2aaabf3ba91c11ff2f611dfb09099165e [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser
Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#include <cwctype>
#include <string>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/support/assert_msg.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace traits
template <std::size_t N>
struct wchar_t_size
BOOST_SPIRIT_ASSERT_MSG(N == 1 || N == 2 || N == 4,
not_supported_size_of_wchar_t, ());
template <> struct wchar_t_size<1> { enum { mask = 0xff }; };
template <> struct wchar_t_size<2> { enum { mask = 0xffff }; };
template <> struct wchar_t_size<4> { enum { mask = 0xffffffff }; };
namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace char_encoding
// Test characters for specified conditions (using std wchar_t functions)
struct standard_wide
typedef wchar_t char_type;
template <typename Char>
static typename std::char_traits<Char>::int_type
to_int_type(Char ch)
return std::char_traits<Char>::to_int_type(ch);
template <typename Char>
static Char
to_char_type(typename std::char_traits<Char>::int_type ch)
return std::char_traits<Char>::to_char_type(ch);
static bool
ischar(int ch)
// we have to watch out for sign extensions (casting is there to
// silence certain compilers complaining about signed/unsigned
// mismatch)
return (
std::size_t(0) ==
std::size_t(ch & ~traits::wchar_t_size<sizeof(wchar_t)>::mask) ||
std::size_t(~0) ==
std::size_t(ch | traits::wchar_t_size<sizeof(wchar_t)>::mask)
) ? true : false; // any wchar_t, but no other bits set
static bool
isalnum(wchar_t ch)
using namespace std;
return iswalnum(to_int_type(ch)) ? true : false;
static bool
isalpha(wchar_t ch)
using namespace std;
return iswalpha(to_int_type(ch)) ? true : false;
static bool
iscntrl(wchar_t ch)
using namespace std;
return iswcntrl(to_int_type(ch)) ? true : false;
static bool
isdigit(wchar_t ch)
using namespace std;
return iswdigit(to_int_type(ch)) ? true : false;
static bool
isgraph(wchar_t ch)
using namespace std;
return iswgraph(to_int_type(ch)) ? true : false;
static bool
islower(wchar_t ch)
using namespace std;
return iswlower(to_int_type(ch)) ? true : false;
static bool
isprint(wchar_t ch)
using namespace std;
return iswprint(to_int_type(ch)) ? true : false;
static bool
ispunct(wchar_t ch)
using namespace std;
return iswpunct(to_int_type(ch)) ? true : false;
static bool
isspace(wchar_t ch)
using namespace std;
return iswspace(to_int_type(ch)) ? true : false;
static bool
isupper(wchar_t ch)
using namespace std;
return iswupper(to_int_type(ch)) ? true : false;
static bool
isxdigit(wchar_t ch)
using namespace std;
return iswxdigit(to_int_type(ch)) ? true : false;
static bool
return (ch == L' ' || ch == L'\t');
static wchar_t
tolower(wchar_t ch)
using namespace std;
return isupper(ch) ?
to_char_type<wchar_t>(towlower(to_int_type(ch))) : ch;
static wchar_t
toupper(wchar_t ch)
using namespace std;
return islower(ch) ?
to_char_type<wchar_t>(towupper(to_int_type(ch))) : ch;
static ::boost::uint32_t
toucs4(int ch)
return ch;